20002997? ago

Neither of the Clintons will be arrested until more of their sick history is exposed to the general public IMO. If it happened before public sentiment had largely changed about them, there would be riots or worse.

19998874? ago

He would need to die publicly but of “natural” causes like mcnoname

19998258? ago

I hope he doesn't die until dark comes to light so we don't have to go through another shit show like no names funeral.

20002088? ago

Still have no clue what those envelopes were about.

19997311? ago

look at barrack o bummas tweets, he has been taken over by the white hats.

19999494? ago

I don't see any tweets from BO since January 20th.

19996444? ago

This is all hope porn and going to make you look stupid when it's wrong.

Just wait. There's no point in speculating about this at all other then to get people's hopes up.

19998011? ago

well, we have been taught to research, decode and open our minds. What I would say was a zero chance a year or so ago now doesn't seem so crazy.

19998409? ago

Yes do research. Yes decode. Yes open your mind.

But to sit there and start saying shit like "XYZ could be arrested" on the same day that reporters are coming here and writing shitty stories? Screams ABSOLUTE shill to me. Perfect comments to make Q people look retarded because they're easily proven wrong.

So go ahead and do another dig into Bill's financials showing he's in the pockets of the worst scumbags from China, Russia, and the Middle East. Show that he fucks children. Show that he kills people.

But to say he's arrested? No. That's cute speculation but only serves to make you look stupid if it's wrong, and if it's right so what? Take the Dan Bongino approach. Wait at least 2 days for verification before you say anything's true. Since you can't verify this as true, don't fucking say anything.

Again, more than enough horrible shit to dig on. And you do whatever you want. But this is just not a smart thing to do, in my opinion. Do whatever you want, but I'm going to wait.

19998583? ago

hey, i'm just saying it's plausible. You have to admit given the landscape, it doesn't sound so crazy. Maybe just dogear this theory.

19998735? ago

It's obviously plausible. But is it more or less plausible than the person being a shill considering we just got news that reporters were told to start writing negative stories about Q and anons, and the current reports already point out how obsessed Q people are with the Clintons and the fact that Q's first post said Hillary was arrested?

In my mind, less plausible. "HAHA They said Hillary was going to be arrested and that obviously wasn't true and now they're saying Bill was! Idiots!" is far more plausible than him being arrested. But yes it's obviously plausible that he was arrested.

Again. Dan Bongino. Just wait and watch.

19998813? ago

yeah, i'm with ya. I'm curious to see if all this Qanonsense from the media is going to get an uptick. But, as always, we wait. And wait... rinse, repeat.

19998549? ago

Absolutely! All the speculation, made up/fake 'news' stories, wishful thinking, etc. - rather than real facts - is why I can take Voat in only small doses. Way too much retardation here. So much made up crap, it becomes a retarded right wing version of CNN...on a good day.

19998695? ago

Clowns to the left of me.

Shills to the right.

Here I am, stuck in the middle with Jews.

kek. Stay safe anon! have a pepe.


19998755? ago


19996255? ago

Did someone say he is scheduled to appear somewhere tonight? Does anyone have info on that?

19996550? ago

Yes he was apparently supposed to appear somewhere.....it seems to me it was Chicago but not sure.

19998478? ago

Hillary's best friend died. A funeral is where your looking

19996445? ago

Someone suggested BC and HRC were supposed to attend together the funeral of Hillary's supposed best friend, Betsy Ebeling. But the article cited didn't say that and a quick search just now didn't say when that funeral would be...


19998157? ago

Betsy Ebeling

19996410? ago

Think it's Hillary's best friend Betsy's funeral, IIRC.

19998293? ago

She can no longer deny that her and Hillary were best friends. Hehe

20004838? ago


19998723? ago


19995834? ago

Very true. I am OP of that Borer Collie thread. Things are starting to make more sense.

19996828? ago

After seeing how many fell for the “RBG is dead” hoax, none of this surprises me.

19998842? ago

But a bunch of people on Twitter all said the same thing! It must be correct!