19266707? ago

Dindus have taken over Masonry https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3195963 So the Babylonic Stone Cutters, Freeman, the Masonics all claim to have the original religion? (

19287819? ago

The royal families of europe are such a disappointment. https://www.voat.co/v/NiggersAnonymous/3228846/19273841 Dindu booonfriend of mentally reatrded mud shark Princess Martha Louise of Norway will lead a spiritual workshop in Londonistan next week

19261663? ago

82 Gun Salute - Coronation Day @ Buckingham Palace.


19260053? ago

I was pondering your post all day. Headspinning horrdmongers. I read this earlier and thought to send your way. Not the same but…


19266157? ago

TY. Very interesting reading. We have so much to learn about Admiralty Law. Pelosi is a descendent of the Black Nobility - The evil Venetians. The information is all coming to light slowly. I found it interesting that they used Martin Luther, the leader of the Protestant Reformation to create the opposition...the goal to divide and conquer through constant war between the Catholic and Protestant church. All religions are created for war and none is better than the other.

19256406? ago

She was an old teacher?? https://voat.co/v/anon/3198922 Masonic Francis Kalifat from Oran, Algeria?....He was 15 and she was 39 yrs?

19256359? ago

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19253892? ago

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19253860? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3081677 They burned down the House on St. Charles street (read: Cabal honeypot). Original #CDAN in the third pic, if you're just tuning in for the first time.

19253807? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/whateverAnon/3131826 Paradise Papers are a set of 13.4 million documents relating to offshore investment. Among those mentioned are Queen Elizabeth II and the last two US Secretaries of Commerce

19253800? ago

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19249387? ago


19249167? ago

If you all want a fascinating read, or two:

Pandora's Box by Alex Christopher

Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps Both are available online in pdf

19255119? ago

Yup. Really dense though. I've been slowly making my way through it

19253701? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3284587 Are these tone deaf coal burner mud sharks really the people at the Top!?

19248992? ago

I can debunk all this bull shite.

The Standard Oil Company now Exxon on the list is owned by the Rockefeller's. Not the Payseur family.

Who Owns the Railroads


Berkshire Hathaway 21.8%

Capital Research Global 5.6%

Barclays Global 3.3%

UBS Global 3.0%

Vanguard Group 2.8%

State Street Corp. 2.7%

Fidelity Mgt. 2.4%

Capital World Invest. 1.7%

JP Morgan Chase 1.2%

Barrow, Hanley 1.2%

Total 45.7%


Citigroup 5.4%

Barclays Global 4.7%

Children’s Invest. Fund 4.5%

3G Capital 4.4%

Deutsche Bank 4.2%

State Street Corp. 3.6%

Vanguard Group 3.2%

Tiger Global 1.9%

Bank of N.Y. 1.6%

JP Morgan Chase 1.3%

Total 34.8%


Neuberger Berman 6.2%

Wellington Mgt. 5.7%

Marathon Asset Mgt. 4.1%

Barclays Global 3.6%

Vanguard Group 3.0%

Keeley Asset Mgt. 2.8%

Bank of America 2.4%

Prudential 1.9%

Munder Capital Mgt. 1.9%

AXA 1.8%

Total 33.4%

Norfolk Southern

Capital Research Global 5.0%

Marsico Capital Mgt. 4.8%

JP Morgan Chase 4.7%

Barclays Global 4.5%

State Street Corp. 3.2%

Vanguard Group 3.1%

Fidelity Mgt. 2.7%

Pioneer Investment 1.3%

Dimensional Fund 1.3%

Capital World Invest. 1.1%

Total 31.7%

Union Pacific

Marsico Capital Mgt. 6.6%

Children’s Invest. Fund 4.7%

Barclays Global 4.4%

Capital World Invest. 3.4%

State Street Corp. 3.2%

Vanguard Group 3.0%

AXA 2.9%

Fidelity Mgt. 2.5%

Bank of America 1.9%

Berkshire Hathaway 1.8%

Total 34.4%

Yeah some people actually research Q-tist's FALSE CLAIMS

19258095? ago

A tip of the hat to you for following up.

19253743? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3092008 French Kings? What happened in New Orleans stayed in New Orleans? Beverly Hills-based talent agency, Endeavor, returned a $400m investment to Saudi Arabia and cancelled its contract with the Kingdom?

19246249? ago



19249390? ago


19250857? ago

How do we know you're not a Jew posting FAKE FAKE FAKE "Jew hate" narrative on QRV?

19251020? ago


19251236? ago

(((you))) dodged the question

19252450? ago

You named the Jew ,,, kindof ...

19252495? ago

No names were used in the making of this burn

19252805? ago

I know that guy just got burned

19247358? ago

Payseur isn't jewish, but he's been paying 20% of tax revenues to the jews in england for 190 years. good goy! shaloms and praise israel.

19251179? ago


Got to link it to the jooooooooos!

Tell us, are you a Jew, posting fake anti-Jew narrative on QRV?

19249398? ago


19245950? ago

Well then seize it all back from them. Time to use asset forfiture laws on the super rich. Why the fuck would we still pay the queen? This is rediculous.

19249652? ago

Anna Von Reitz has a lot to say about our relationship to the British crown. Check her out on annavonreitz.com. She is an expert on our REAL history and constitutional law.

19250816? ago

All laws and treties are smoke and mirrors. Only natural law is real, if someone is extorting us and a bomb falls on them then we don't have to pay their corpse. More than likely that person would rather give up their extortion scheme rather than be blown to bits.

19245763? ago

From the link: https://wearethene.ws/notable/53792 "It appears the Payseur fortune is now contained in a Corporation called GAALT industries"

When I read that, Atlas Shrugged came to mind and the question that everyone was asking... *"Who is John Galt." *

19249626? ago

I had the very same thought right away. I have read Ayn Rand's books a few times and have been a great fan but recently I started doing some research on her. Not sure what to believe of any of it but some say she was a pawn of one of the Rothschilds, even going so far as saying she was his mistress. Also, I believe it was the Rothschild's publishing company that agreed to publish her books. Rand was a Russian Jew and came from an aristocratic jewish family. She immigrated to the US in her early 20's.

19250039? ago

And as I remember, the businessman in the books and also the movies was someone who was forced by corrupt politicians to sell every other business he had and kept only his steel company for building railroads. And if the story above is correct, the Payseur's own every railroad in the US. Another coincidence?

19251655? ago

Another thing- in Atlas Shrugged, their secret community was in the Rocky mountains.... So many things in movies, tv, etc point to there being something in the Rocky mountains.

Hunger games- the Capitol is in the Rockies.
The stand- they all need to go to Boulder.
The Denver international airport is freaky as hell.

19245097? ago

Then that would make SB2's most recent decode of POTUS visit to England all the more relevant. The 3 cities, DC = Military, London = Finance, Vatican = , (brain fart)...

19310092? ago

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19249300? ago

Bingo. Q has talked about the "P" family and asked us to do research on it. Go to the very early Q posts and see for yourself. The ones posting here bashing this story are obvious shills who don't like us getting to the truth.

19249721? ago

Roger that! Thanks.

19245274? ago

Why isn’t New York the Finance Town?

19245904? ago

Because the 3 "cities" mentioned above are chartered city states within a city. They are sovereign unto themselves. DC=Military, London=Finance, Vatican=Religion.

19245467? ago

SB2 explains that in his decode. 3 city empire, We had the peace treaty and Article 1, with England, King George, in 1783. After the revolution. Then, afterwards, they met again to "negotiate" the specifics with their "Esquires". Used legal lingo which secured the Kings "investment" in the new world. The royals have been getting their cut ever since. He discusses the "holy and undivided Trinity". The "3 city empire". There is much more, but suffice to say, in the decode he explains how President Trump ended all that during his visit. Can't give you a specific answer to your question, right now. Because it is complicated to explain but, if you read his last decode, it is somewhat simple to understand. Hope that helps.

19249297? ago

D.C. IS The incorporated USA that was created with the Act of 1871.

It is the fascist democracy that we all live under.

19245095? ago

Hey matrixxx? Don’t u have a cult conference to go to?

19245061? ago

What about our government “agencies”, like the patent office?

19258149? ago

Did you type "our" agencies? Humour intended.

19256368? ago

.. ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3277533 The cross still stands. So what really happened?? It was declared a random accident before the Fires were even put out?

19244717? ago

Red Shoe? It symbolises being trodden on the blood of the Innocent. It's a mocking ritual they do and the more that see the shoes the more powerful the magic becomes. https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3050959 Red Shoe Wearing - Hyper-Anti-Trump - AU Based Globalist - Resigns Parliament Red Shoe Club? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3004947 Ruby Slippers LSD blotter paper, Kamala Harris, Planned Parenthood selling baby parts and Bay area pedo priests coverups https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3280565 ? The Red Shoe Club - From Tony Podesta to Hampstead to Las Vegas https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2980391 In the XVII and XVIII centuries, under Louis XIV, only aristocratic men had the right to wear red heels. At the time, red ink came from grinding a red insect imported from Mexico, which made it extremely expensive. This clearly separated the haves and the have-nots. Naturally, red heels went out of fashion with the arrival of the French Revolution.

Two hundred years later, Hans Christian Andersen wrote “The Red Shoes.” This story talked about Karen, a poor girl who, after her mother’s death, is adopted by an elderly, blind woman. One day Karen discovers a pair of red shoes peaking from under the dress of a princess and she’s overcome by the desire to own a pair. Unable to resist her vanity, she gets her adoptive mother (who can’t see the color) to buy her red shoes. Against the orders of the clergy in her church, Karen wears them for her Confirmation and her Communion eliciting negative feelings in the community.

Those red shoes become her obsession and her demise. Once she puts them on, Karen starts dancing frenetically and is unable stop. With a life of their own, the shoes take her into the woods and end up getting her all scratched and hurt. Eventually, exhausted and bloody, Karen ends up in front of the door of the town’s executioner. As punishment for her sins, Karen asks the executioner to cut off her feet and shoes rather than her head. So he does and the feet with the red shoes fly away. The story continues for a bit but the moral seems to be that the red shoes symbolize some obscure desire, the vain nature of Karen, which at the time was considered a big sin. Red shoes were the prerogative first of Roman senators, and later solely of the emperor. Popes have worn red since the thirteenth century, while both Edward IV and Henry VIII were buried in red shoes as emblems of the imonarchical power. In the seventeenth century, Louis XIV wore red heels on his shoes as a sym-bol of the divine right of the king. As argued by Elizabeth Semmelhack in this volume, this style filtered down, through imitation, to the aristocracy of both sexes and by the eighteenth century it had become a sign of aspirational fashionability. The cost and quality of shoes made of fine,red morocco leather meant that they were status symbols. By the late eighteenth century, roman-tic Orientalism transmuted this material into Turkish-style slippers, favored as informal wear for gentlemen of means into the twentieth century.

19320885? ago

Melania wearing black stelletos with the bottoms (underneath) red could have been symbolic of trampling those who wear red shoes that symbolize evil. https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2018/11/12/fashion-notes-in-paris-melania-trump-is-one-style-step-ahead-until-the-end/

19319145? ago

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19251775? ago

This was great, thank you

19244618? ago

I don't know

19253774? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3058557 Bunch of people take their 'Occult' serious, Genesis P-Orridge, Pierre L'enfant, Aleister Crowley, Order of Jesters, Black Cube, Supermoons, Saturn, lots of symbolism Triangles, Orbs, All-Seeing-eye?