Unclefuzzydix ago


intothelightwego ago

This stick insect friend of the Pedovores is a creepy self entitled horror show - Hoping that the FISA scandal will reveal all of her ugly dealings.

The28th ago

Michael Smith News has been onto the corrupt parasitic stick insect for years...

Julie Bishop has potentially given the Clintons a piece of every single $3.8BN PA Australian aid contract Bill Clinton invited "closest supporter" Julie Bishop to a CF internal planning day Julie Bishop's deal with Frank Giustra/Clinton Foundation! In Indonesia! What could go wrong? ....... https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/.services/blog/6a0177444b0c2e970d017c316da33e970b/search?filter.q=julie+bishop+

The28th ago

Declas is coming. With the Clintons and the DeepState she was working for up in flames, she had no option but to flee. Too hot to handle in the kitchen. No more grifting to the Clintons and Frank Giustra and every multinational involved in the global pay to play.

What will become of Julie Bishop?


2730002 ago

Elsagate , Youtube allows soft pedo ring channels, even monetizes their channels with adds while demonetizing and censoring truthers and Q followers, spread the word:


MatildaQ ago

Finally. Great news and celebrations her. They call her stick insect and is known for taking expensive gifts off donors and not declaring them like a pr of $1500 Jimmy Choo shoes. She sickens me. I hope the US gov. throws the book at her. She and Malcolm Turnbull rolled a fine PM for nothing more than revenge. PM Abbott was aware she was sneaking overseas to call into the Clinton Foundation and hand over a check for $millions of taxpayer monies. Money we will never see again. With Downe, along with Turnbull and this jezabell, I hope they go away for years. And please, take bloody Julia Gillard with them. Another PM who siphoned off $millions of taxpayer funds and gave it to the CF as well. After she got kicked to the gutter, she got a job with the Clinton Foundation in NYC. Just sickening.


Hakencruze ago

She's been 'Q'd' i'd say - in it up to her neck with FVEY's and knowing the declas is about to drop, hope the bitch gets dragged over to DC to face a u.s grand jury.

Sudanon ago

A US grand jury would be nice.

A military tribunal of US and Australian veterans would however be sweet justice.