19187752? ago

I agree isn't the best place to send normies. Try sending them to Twitter to get started. Pick a handful of good threads to start them off with some good sources. Make for they know that good sources sometimes people in and then turn (controlled opposition). They were surely see some of the censorship which will help open their eyes

19186736? ago






19187060? ago

Yep QRV has taken over all of VOAT and the shills are PANACKING!!!!!!!

19186416? ago

QMAP is fine. The first 200 posts is enough for anyone to ingest the outline. Everything else is just filling in the blanks and operational information.

19186288? ago

OP is glowing and QRV is growing.

19186236? ago

It's because nothing has fucking happened. Save all the excuses. This is supposed to be about truth. Instead if anything does happen it's a secret. Secret this secret that. Pretty lame.

19186138? ago

My next target date is 17-18 Based on the full moon and post-1415 NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

With traders abound whats the point might as well plan for the coming apocalypse.

19185846? ago

STFU CONCERNFAG, momentum has not "reversed", it's going EVEN FASTER.

The shill attacks are correlated with patriots winning.

So yes I will call you a shill.

19185913? ago

No.. momentum on the sub has reversed. Traffic is declining rapidly and over post quality is poor. Read those links I provided. I fill the voids better than any other anon here.

If you consider someone like me a shill, you are probably retarded.

19186234? ago

Care to explain how qrv's continued growth fits into your fake news narrative?

19186322? ago

v/QRV is not growing.. That is what this post is about.

I agree, the overall awareness of Q is growing.

Many of the people I have red-pilled are beginning to waver, though, and have voiced concerns about the legitimacy of this sub.

People are easily distracted and the extended timeline is taking a toll.

Notice how I started this post with the word 'objectively'. I'm objective at all times and nothing about this is set in stone. You should be aware of that.

19186490? ago

'objective' sounds like Zyklon saying everything is 'satire'

So you put 'objective' at the front of your post and then proceed to try to deflate the movement and discourage people and then tell us not to call you a shill.

I don't give a fuck if you are a top poster or not, you made this post with the intent to destroy not build up QRV.

You are a glowfag nigger and yes you are a shill and a troll. If you don't like the direction that you "objectively' perceive that qrv is going in then fucking leave, you don't need to make this shit post to try and bring everyone else down.

19186574? ago

You have so little belief in Q and the President. sad

QRV is not Q and the President, fucktard.

19186740? ago

This morning the number of qrv subscribers was 16,127 right now it is 16,146 that's 19 new accounts so take your concernfag trolling bullshit elsewhere you fuckhead

19186855? ago

nope... traffic is way down... Just like v/pizzagate, which would have +1300 viewing in late 2016 - early 2017.

There is 72 people viewing, right now.

19186933? ago

16146 subscribers
~830 user(s) here now

19186982? ago

2 months ago on any given day >> ~1500 user(s) here now

trending down significantly

19187020? ago

Wonder if that has anything to do with the lack of Q posts lately?

Things are a bit slow now it will pick up again.

19188864? ago

Today, the President announced a major announcement is coming in 2 weeks.

Said to the effect 'Everybody will be surprised'.

He loves to employ the 2 week vector when speaking about policy decision like the Border, but he's not specifically identifying what the announcement is regarding.

19186557? ago

lol what a hostile piece of shit

what the movement doesn't need is self appointed shitbags like you, you smelly cunt

19186766? ago

Fuck off you triggered nigger if you are so upset with the direction of qrv then step off Fucker.

19186803? ago

triggered LoL

that you are, shitbag

I bet you're reeeeal good at explaining the Great Awakening to real people. lol

19186897? ago

REEEE some for us triggered nigger you seem to have a lot of practice at that.

Yeah I explain the Great Awakening to people and you try to run them off.

19185802? ago

So? The fair weather friends are not here right now. Reminds me of the 40 days that Moses left his flock to go up into the mountain. Simple human nature.

19186006? ago

Good one!

19185881? ago

Interesting because neither Moses nor Q ever existed.

19185774? ago

Too many people here rely too heavily on Q and their posts. Follow all their hints and clues. It's plenty enough to keep everyone busy here.

19186069? ago

How about actually seeing arrests rather than talking about them? That would bring a lot more positivity around here wouldn't you say? Hell, some would be happy to just see trump take the zionist cock out of his mouth for a single day. Why are trying to pick a fight with iran again?

19185589? ago

Shills usually have high post counts, many that rise to top page.

19186001? ago

lol that is patently ridiculous

One of the things anon's here do quite well is DV the shillposting.

19186269? ago

One of the things some trolls do quite well is upvote their posts with all their alts and PM their friends to do the same.

19186361? ago

lol at nearly 600 upvoats, my post about Obama and the Deep State is the highest upvoated post on this sub, minus the stickies.

You don't brigade posts into the hundreds on Voat.

19186508? ago

Prove that was your post faggot.

19186611? ago

to whom? lol You?

I speak the truth, faggot. Don't really care if over reactionary cunt sores like yourself believe what I say or not.

19186983? ago

You wouldn't know the truth if it crawled up your ass and ate a can of beans.

19185485? ago

Assange is the key. You just wait and see when the Qteam and Trump pardon him!

19186257? ago

What the fuck is taking so long? Assange is probably dead.

19186248? ago

I’d bet he wasn’t in embassy whole time and already provided testimony.

19187325? ago

That's my guess too.

19185862? ago

His hearing on extradition isnt even until 2020. If Assange is the keystone, trumos not going to win reelection.

19188120? ago

Anyone can be interviewed while they're in prison.

19185732? ago

Nice shilling for Trump. He will let him rot in prison.

19185531? ago

Actually, the just announced delay in Assange's extradition until after he serves his time in the UK, is another concerning development.

19185634? ago

Deepstate clearly wants him dead.

19185871? ago

Something something, Patriots in control.

In control of getting raped by the long dick of the DS that is.

19186268? ago

Long John Silver!!!

19185363? ago

Just quit being a pussy.

19185359? ago

Fake news. Despite the fact that voat has been made invite only qrv has been steadily growing. OP here is just a panicking troll.

19185381? ago

nahhh… I'm a top contributor here. In fact, my posts consistently are at the top of the sub.

19185588? ago

Something incredibly impossible to prove and yet easy to state that immediately "Gives you credence".

19185648? ago

easy to prove, actually.. ( observe the identical writing style )




19185422? ago

More fake news

19185692? ago

More fake news.

I can drop links of posts too, doesn't prove that I posted them.

19185724? ago

You're clearly not a reasonable person.

19185839? ago

You post fake news. I put forth the truth and you say I am the one being unreasonable.

Care to explain how qrv's continued growth fits into your fake news narrative?

19185357? ago

the users stats are bogus. 926 users in the sub and only get an 1/8th of that in votes on a good topic.

19185397? ago

"the users stats are bogus"----Prove it or stfu.

19185332? ago

who cares

19185406? ago

you don't

19185695? ago
