19185657? ago

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19185607? ago

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18549512? ago



I deleted my account because of the loli porn only to later realize no one else posts EOs. Here's the links. Can someone pick up the slack for me?

18549888? ago

There's loli porn on the federalregister.gov?

18549097? ago

The American people stand ready

18547739? ago

Not one of them will ever see a single day in jail. Prove me wrong...

18551369? ago

Ypu can't prove something that hasn't happened yet. I just know your new degree is in transgender studies.

18547250? ago

Trump doesn't have a hope in hell of getting re-elected in 2020 unless...

The swamp is fully drained with mass arrests

He implements mandatory voter ID laws in all states

He stops the censoring of conservatives by the MSM cabal

He fixes health care

18573564? ago

I wish...you're right about what he should do.

18547164? ago

Patience is a virtue. More is happening than we realize and I completely agree getting the right judges in place, making sure we have ironclad investigations etc is important. We don't want botched indictments.

18545027? ago

Years ago it wouldn't have been believed by 90% of liberals. Conservatives have known for quite some time that criminals were put in charge of the US Govt.

18545494? ago

Years ago, conservatives WERE the criminals in charge of the government.

All these spying apparatuses that are being abused now. Do you know when ground was broken, when the foundation was laid? It wasn't obama, it was George W Bush who ushered them in. Obama just used what they created. I'm certain they abused it too.

18549859? ago

So you have no idea what a conservative is.

18547984? ago

Dubya is a crook masquerading as a more conservative Republican than his father. Conservatism didn’t usher in this hellhole we’re digging out of, it is the 2 faces of the same corrupt UniParty. Think of it as different mafia families fighting for control of the drug trade in NYC. They’re all crooks.

18553747? ago

Thank you for that great explanation that I still find too many people not understanding.

18555587? ago

Thank you, WWG1WGA!

18545958? ago

No, Conservatives were not the criminals in charge of the US Govt. "Republicans" were. I wouldn't call those Republicans conservative by almost any measure.

18546732? ago

Agree - There's the UniParty that's NWO -based, then there's Constitutional Conservatives. I've always been a Constitutionalist. We had a great teacher in High School who took us through the whole thing. It makes sense to me, the Bill of Rights makes sense, and it's the only way we've enjoyed the level of freedoms we have. No other country has enjoyed this, no matter what they think. But the incremental creep of authoritarianism is terrifying. Incrementalism is taking away the Bill of Rights a little at a time. Thank GOD Hillary lost!

18546509? ago

no true x, got it.

18544709? ago

Fuck the 'delicate psyche'

I don't give a shit about pandering to the weak morons who allowed this to happen in the first place. "but they'll revolt" no they won't. They're too gutless to revolt against the shit that's being done to them now, they won't stand up when justice is done either.

18544132? ago

Amazing that so many can't grasp the need for the timing and preparation to be in place. The dems aren't just sitting there. Failure is not an option. The outcome is all that matters.

18545515? ago

Then it was a mistake to rally people, get them pumped up before it was time.

18546989? ago

I disagree. Letting us in on this was no mistake. As Galactic Red Pill points out, it kept the ones informed and hopeful who would have otherwise taken the liberal dumbasses on directly.

This is a great thread - https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1126886375930732545.html

18549852? ago

That's at least plausible. Now show me one piece of credible evidence that this all leads to the restoral of our White Christian homeland, and I'll take more interest.

Trump, and by extension, Q, have been acting pretty jewish the past couple years. I currently don't believe they have any intention of expelling the jews, or doing anything about the NP (nigger problem), the wetbacks flooding in by the thousands, and the mexicans already here. Change my mind.

18547910? ago

I loved this analysis. Really described what is going on so well! You should make it it’s own post, I’m glad I scrolled to the end of the comments. Thanks!

18543933? ago

Half the country still hates Trump. Hopefully, we can weather through that.

18546847? ago

Donald Trump won the 2016 election in an electoral landslide: 304-227 - which is why they want to do away with the electoral college.

But perhaps more stunning than looking at it that way or comparing the bogus so-called "Popular Vote" (which we know was riddled with voter fraud and dead people voting in several precincts...) Here's a number that should just shut people up and help them realize without the Electoral College, the entire country would be ruled by a few large states and the rest of us are fucked no matter how we feel:

Donald Trump won 2,626 Counties nationwide to Hillary Clinton's 487 Counties!

Read that last line over a few times and memorize it. Whenever anyone starts grousing about the Electoral College, I rattle those numbers off and ask them if they think this is exactly why the Founding Fathers set up the Electoral College.

18548123? ago

What a fucking traitor. One man, one vote, MAJORITY OF VOTES WINS motherfucker. Yoou want a fascist dictatorship. Who give a FUCK how many counties voted for who? You are an asshole traitor, you deserve death, YOU ARE THE FUCKING CRIMINAL. You, Trump, McConnell, Barr are criminals. THEY WILL BE VOTED OUT!

18558513? ago

You are ignorant or must not be an American. Or you would know Our Presidential Election is Not decided on the majority of votes.


18546971? ago

You're a narrative pushing idiot. A land slide is not winning by such a small margin in the electoral race.

Highlighting the amount of counties is not a genuine thought - you're painting a narrative that is entirely false. The narrative makes the assumption that people are evenly distributed among all counties - which is not even remotely true.

18547152? ago

Actually no. I'm a Constitutional Scholar. I suggest you get a copy and read it. Perhaps you do better with pictures. Here you go... https://files.catbox.moe/9gasr7.png

18547224? ago

Ah yes, an anonymous name claiming something with no proof.

None of this is a proper rebuttal to what I wrote. Again, people are not evenly distributed among all of the counties. If you were a constitutional scholar, this much should be obvious to you. Claiming land mass for popularity is a false.

18552471? ago

It's not a popularity contest, Again, read the constitution. The entire country gets to be represented. THE US IS NOT A DEMOCRACY. IT'S A DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. IT IS NOT A MAJORITY RULES COUNTRY. YOU OBVIOUSLY NEVER TOOK A CIVICS CLASS. IT IS NOT LIKE THE DEMOCRATS CLAIM.

It's so odd that a party like the Democratic party who are all so invested in being fair to minorities don't realize that using simple popularity numbers for a Presidential election is UNFAIR TO MINORITIES. Majority rule is mob rule. And that is Un-American.

Here you go, since you are stuck on your broken record....

The Electoral College was devised at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. It was a compromise between those who wanted popular elections for president and those who wanted no public input. The Electoral College has 538 members, with the number allocated to each state based on how many representatives it has in the House plus one for each senator. The District of Columbia gets three, despite the fact that the home to Congress has no vote in Congress. To be elected president, the winner must get at least half plus one -- or 270 electoral votes. Most states give all their electoral votes to whichever candidate wins that state's popular vote. Maine and Nebraska award them by congressional district. After a joint session of Congress certifies the results on Jan. 6, the next president will be sworn in on Jan. 20. Trump already is nearly done naming his Cabinet appointees, as he prepares for confirmation hearings and the inauguration ceremonies, in addition to his first 100 days agenda. Despite the transition process being well underway, Republican electors said they were deluged with emails, phone calls and letters urging them not to support the billionaire businessman in the days and weeks leading up to Monday’s proceedings. Many of the emails were part of coordinated campaigns. "The letters are actually quite sad," said Lee Green, a Republican elector from North Carolina. "They honestly believe the propaganda. They believe our nation is being taken over by a dark and malevolent force." Wirt A. Yerger Jr., a Republican elector in Mississippi, said, "I have gotten several thousand emails asking me not to vote for Trump. I threw them all away." Arizona elector Robert Graham told Fox News on Saturday that the state’s 11 electors received hundreds of thousands of emails telling them not to vote for Trump and that he’s received information that some of the other 10 have been followed or have received a death threat. “It’s out of hand when you have such … a small group of people that is pushing so hard against millions if not hundreds of millions of people who still appreciate this whole system,” said Graham, chairman of the Arizona Republican Party. “The Electoral College is part of the Constitution.”

18560015? ago

My god, how fucking stupid are you? Were you dropped on your head when you were young and thusly, are incapable of understanding the initial argument? Someone stated that half the country still hates Trump.

So retards like you go on non-sequiturs about voting the territory that was covered by said voting. I point out that you're being disingenuous in you bullshit fuck face counter arguments by claiming territory means the majority of the populace due to the unequal population distribution.

Your birth was a mistake. Your life was a mistake. I hope you neck yourself after reading this. If you don't do it, I hope your pet niggers do.

18544115? ago

Not true at all. Trump won 83% of the precincts in the 2016 election. Most of the country loves him, but the people who control the news, PedoWood, radio, and TV are telling the world that no one likes Trump.

As with everything these liars put out, it is a lie.

18546950? ago

Not true at all. That only means 83% of the represented land mass. There is not an even dispersion of people across the country. This is why "popular vote" statistics can be an eye opener when you compare the two. You're being wholly disingenuous and are probably a narrative pushing shill.

18543850? ago

Good post OP. Sounds like you've been in the know for a long time.

Question; what do you think about all the actors in the previous administrations - 9/11, anthrax, PNAC, Afghanistan, WMD hoax (flimsier than the Steele Dossier), Iraq, Bosnia, depleted uranium munitions, Dyncorp, mortgage fraud, financial collapse, bankrupting the world (Glass Steagall - using our money as leverage) , etc.?

At the pace we're currently at, do you think all of this is just going to be forgiven/forgotten?

Thank you.

18546951? ago

I don't think it will be forgiven or forgotten. I also think the Bush family may go down first as a way to show the asleep Liberals that this is not partisan. And, if you think about it, all those things you mention come back to the same people: to Comey, Podesta, Clinton Cartel, Bush Dynasty, Obama Mafia. it's all the same players. All the same "Committee of 300." It's also going to bite the Australian and UK leadership in the ass. I wouldn't be surprised if, at the end of the day, we will see the end of the British Monarchy. Reason? Their desperate attempt at "diversity" and being "woke" by allowing Meghan into the fold. That would NOT have happened 20 years ago. Not just that she's mixed race, but also and especially given her soft-porn background.

We are truly seeing the end of an era and don't even realize we're living through it. This is HISTORY Folks - writ large and we're in the freaking middle of it! Take notes! Copy things, make backup files of memes and articles. Stash them away in paper form and keep them for posterity so this story is written accurately for all generations who follow.

18548574? ago

Thanks for your response. That is my primary concern; that at the moment, it looks like an entirely partisan/democrat take-down, which is just more divide and conquer from the controllers.

18547607? ago

remember the parody of 24 done by South park. isn't it funny how south park got it right that the real conspirators behind the government coup is the Queen of England.

18543811? ago

Court tv is coming back. I exspect to see an all news lineup from the Trump brand with, hannity, ingrahm, etc.

18544072? ago

Might be time to invest in them. They will have wall to wall coverage of the biggest cases.


18547337? ago

Me and mine can’t wait for the tribunals to start. Get the popcorn Q Patriots

18547581? ago

Shill porn alert. Click at your own risk.

18543769? ago

People have to realize that criminals have occuipied the highest offices in this land for a long time. Treason has been Standard Operating Procedure. We were defeated, and occupied. This is an insurrection, from the inside out. It is a rebirth of a once proud nation. For those frustrated that it isn't being fixed fast enough, I ask what are you doing to help ? When the shit hits the fan, it's going to take everybody to hold it all togaether. If you're not up to the task, GTFO is probably your best option.

18547319? ago

These are the named criminals. We need to wake people up.

18550923? ago

Make yourself useful and go mow the lawn Jr. GTFO in the mean time you sic pedo porn freak.

18550944? ago

I live in high rise you poor fuck

18551409? ago

Right.. Go outside and experience life. Condense and Control. Why do you think apartment complexes are booming in Liberal cities?

18551429? ago

Sorry faggot. I can post from anywhere.

18558905? ago

So I'm the faggot...and you're the one posting tranny pork? Wow you freaks are stupid.

18549043? ago

Report Spam Porn Comment How-to At https://voat.co/v/QRV/3191597/

18549965? ago

Waste of time

18547526? ago

Shill porn alert. Click at your own risk.

We're over the target on this one OP.

18543262? ago

New day same fucking bullshit.

Americans are so fucking stupid we have to continually keep playing daily mind fuck games to wake up dumb ass American normies. And to date not a single swamp rat has been arrested and prosecuted.

What a load of fucking bullshit this has all become.

18543743? ago

If you have a plan, go ahead and execute it. I authorize you. Otherwise, stop monday-morning quarterbacking and support your team.

18552437? ago

support your team.

My team? I'm White and I'm not a jew or satanist, so my team has not yet started playing.

18544282? ago

Yea, what he said.

18546727? ago


18543233? ago

  2. GTFO

Don't talk about it.... do it.

18549293? ago

You are a busy little pecker.

18543766? ago

Go ahead. Do it yourself. No one's stopping you. Oh wait...you don't have the authority. Ok then, support the ones who do.

18549955? ago

Support the ones avoiding arrests at all costs?

18543807? ago

As soon as they start making arrests, I'll support them. Until then, it's all just shit talking on the Internet and TV. Arrests are the ONLY thing that will prove this whole thing is legit. I don't believe in promises of future arrests. I believe in ACTUAL arrests.

18545018? ago

I guess your only option is to STFU and wait for the arrests.

18545091? ago

The arrests that are NEVER coming?

18545260? ago

We'll just have to see, won't we?

18547230? ago

Nope. It will be too late. It doesn't matter anyway. In another 40 years whites will be a minority in America and it will become a communist country.

18543231? ago

The slow walk has been difficult to wait out, but the Q team plan employs complex game theory and extensive knowledge of the laws of our constitutional republic. The unexpected election of POTUS' administration has allowed Q team to turn the tables on the corrupt deep state methodically, and they manuever the enemy into having only bad choices at every opportunity. The noose is tightening on all traitors. As a patriot I want to see them all prosecuted publicly to the fullest extent of the law. Everyone must recognize these dangers, even the most brainwashed of the sleeping sheep. No mercy, no deals. We can clearly see the malicious insanity the enemy has been instituting to undermine all aspects of our society. They have actively commited crimes of treason, and undoubtedly far worse. Q team, show the enemies crimes to the whole world in ways that cannot be denied.

18555871? ago

Like Chinese handcuffs . . .

18550479? ago

They have actively commited crimes of treason, and undoubtedly far worse

The opioid epidemic alone devastated the country. I hope the (((Sackler))) family gets what it deserves.

18549676? ago

Hijacking top comment to remind real anons of the following.



18552507? ago

Your time is coming you DS cunt, all this crap post will catch up with you when all is said and done.

18549761? ago

676 = vtusr = schmuck links to crap

18546226? ago

Military simulation

18544519? ago

Is Q the freemasons?

18548036? ago

Freemasons are a secret society designed by the papacy to infiltrate protestants without their knowing. Today a majority of Protestants spew the Jesuit line about the antichrist. Another job well done by the Jesuits.

James Parton (American historian)

“If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Superior General of the Jesuit Order] are one and the same person.”

18552164? ago

Not sure what this really even means or how it affects us on a daioy basis. I think this thing called civilization is too big and to out of control for any of us or any group to really control. The next big thing will be ai

18551952? ago

Ummm, just the opposite. Freemasons are the mortal enemy of the Catholic Church. Freemasons have tried very hard, and unfortunately have had very good success, in infiltrating the Catholic Church.

18555013? ago

You've got it backwards.

18559221? ago

18549753? ago

Interdasting haven't heard of Parton before, link?

18545101? ago

No. Freemasons are the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE

18545320? ago

Leave the absolutes for the weak. What if Icarus' twin had a pet pterodactyl?

18557022? ago

Get your head out of the sand.

18696078? ago

ok, but I'll need my cousin T-rex. 150# flightless bird coming into the sunshine needs protection

18696284? ago


18697107? ago

Who guards the Guardian Angels?

18545206? ago

Low level Masons aren't a threat to anyone.

18557024? ago

Useful idiots

18547955? ago

I agree that the low-level Masons aren't necessarily evil. But the organization itself is quite evil...especially those at the top. They've unwittingly helped stage the NWO plans and hyper dimensional demons from Orion enslave us.

FWIW my Old Man was a Mason. He did it for social reasons and was basically a pancake turner at fundraisers. The Big Wigs from his lodge were corrupt assholes according to him. Told me and my siblings not to join.

18767326? ago

The Big Wigs from his lodge were corrupt assholes according to him. Told me and my siblings not to join.

I found out at my grandfather's funeral (where there was a huge line out the door and down the street from the church, we literally couldn't fit everyone) that he was a high ranking Mason. He was a county judge for decades, know to be a fair man of integrity. Told my dad not to join when he was invited but never said why.

18770397? ago

Interesting that they might have known something was amiss and told their loved ones not to join.

Not as many Masons today like there was 50 - 75 years ago.

18543161? ago

the slow dripping faucet of information/truth is now constant and measured. mid-level arrests, ukraine, tariffs, subpoenas, obama, all mentioned in general terms until people can connect the dots themselves.

like the berlin wall or soviet union there won't be a single event that triggers the collapse but instead a silent implosion ...

18545449? ago

Better turn up the burner slowly, or the frogs will jump out of the pot.

18546785? ago

perfection is the burner has already been turned up and the swamp frogs just figured out there's no way out ...

18543707? ago

That could very well be the case. While everyone looks for a main one thing, they may miss all the little ones adding up in the background. Likely, it will remain hidden for those still in denial. What you said reminds me of Jesus coming along. Very few actually recognized it at the time. Took a couple hundred years to really look back on it and see the trail more plainly.

18549671? ago

If you look at the trail from an unbiased POV, you'll notice a lot of jewish spoor.

18543022? ago

Yeah. When i watch it on #fakenews CNN i believe it. Until then - its wishfull thinking.

18543570? ago

You'll never see it there.

18542866? ago

Spot on OP. Notice how quickly the narrative came out that Trump was Hitler and those who support him are Nazis? Can you imagine if President Trump had of started arresting people as soon as he took office? He would have been labeled a dictator and fitted their narrative. Timing is everything.

18549020? ago

Thankfully Trump is working for the jews, so he can't be a nazi, and he isn't going to arrest anyone.

Thanks, Qultists. It's great that he's so skillfully avoiding their narrative.

18550898? ago

So much thought put in to your comment...its almost like you're...um...projecting..lol

If you're not contributing, you're just wastfully using up oxygen.

18552679? ago

Your comment doesn't even make sense. Why are you using up valuable oxygen?

18546319? ago

Out of all the comments I’ve read on this thread, yours made a lightbulb go off in my head because this is exactly why God didn’t just wipe out the first human family and start over . His son and all the angels were watching. This would have made him a cruel and unloving God. He has given us all the chance to prove to ourselves that his way is the best . (Not comparing Trump to God)

18548676? ago

God set the example to follow. . .

18548088? ago

Good point. This war between good and evil is a trial of God by Satan. Was Lucifer kicked out of heaven unjustly? If you don't like to live out God's will on earth you are unlikely to like living it out in heaven.

18545226? ago

They were all saying Trump is going to put everyone in concentration camps and DS no doubt had plans for much worse civil unrest than played out, at which time they'd have created the need for a self fulfilling prophecy to deal with Pantifa, etc.

18558659? ago

Remember the riots under Obama? Scandal free president?!?

How many times have thousands of people taken to the streets of major cities to loot and pillage since 2017?

18546605? ago

Yes - we need a meme that says what mom always told us, "When one finger points out, the others point back at you." The projection is wild! I've slowly red pilled a lot of the Millennials and Gen Z with that. I try to find something like the recent arrest of the Disney VP for pedophilia. And I'll say, "See the Disney people are all Democrats and Liberals. That group keeps accusing conservatives of this crime, yet they keep getting arrested." (yes, I know R's have been arrested too, that's why I distinguish Rs from Conservatives...) Every single time something happens in the D world, I say, "hey isn't that what they were accusing us of?" Or I go, "It's amazing how much anti-Conservative, anti-American, Anti-Patriot stuff is out there. It just rolls off their tongues and I don't think they even realize it. See......? example example example." Oh then I send them to that wonderful site https://mediacrisis.info --- THAT needs an update with all the Mueller stuff!

We just have to keep slowly and gently pointing out the disconnects. Most of the sheeple aren't deliberately buying into it, they just don't have a lot of information for comparison. What's cool is Gen Z seems to be catching on better than those older than them.

18547271? ago

Great strategy, Patriot! You have a lot of patience which is needed for the long game!

18547228? ago

one of the older generation. 55 years old. there is a tendency as you get older to get trapped in your belief system. each year you age it gets harder to make profound changes. there is a reason why the left has infiltrated the area of educating the young that is lack of experience and being highly mailable to emotional appeals make it the easiest group to sway to your side of thinking but it also is the easiest group to break from there education. that's why the left employs extreme measures of social control over what its believers hear and see....it has taken a long time but my generation is waking up its just harder for my generation to admit we have been duped for years. the younger generation can adapt and change its mind a lot easier and see a lot better the hipcracy .

18552336? ago

Me too. Older than you. Was always a constitutionalist. It's a beautiful document. What has been hardest for me is the realization that so many in Washington don't seem to have ever read it. About 5 years ago whilst were were in panic mode about Obama's overreach, I went to FreedomFest in Vegas (great conference by the way!) I was there the last day and one of the exhibitors was cleaning up. He didn't want to ship everything home and had a whole box of pocket Constitutions. Asked me if I wanted them. I was ecstatic.

So - when i got home, I made labels for all 538 Congresspersons and the Supremes and MAILED THEM A COPY OF THE CONSTITUTION! kek. I'm sure the Supremes had a copy... (one would hope) but it made my point. I didn't bother to send it to Obama. I didn't have a copy in Arabic. /s

18545872? ago

Scary thing is, they project their own feelings and plans onto others. It is generally safe to say that they are what they accuse others of being. So if they are saying that Trump was going to put everyone in concentration camps, it is accurate to say that is what they themselves had in mind.

18548711? ago

All those empty fema camps ... What are they for. What about the fema prison style rail cars.? We were " (that) close to the UN comming here to off us.

18548779? ago

And FEMA barges. And near the Denver airport has a large area fenced off that is supposedly to be to keep people out, yet the barbed wire is pointed in the direction that you would use to keep people in

18548869? ago

And the Google barges on both coasts. What ever happened to that?

18548097? ago

Projection is the left's number 1 tactic. They have the MSM all over the world to help pull it off.

18542542? ago

Tfw you would have believed 15 years ago.

18542503? ago

You do get that feeling to be honest.

Still, I can fully understand the anger of the "Arrests or GTFO" crowd.

18550942? ago

Imitate gratification... The young pups, all they know.

18542693? ago

Those are shills, small thinkers or spoiled brats and indicative of the narcissistic and delicate psyche I referred to.

I knew HW Bush tried to kill Reagan within a week of the attempt and I knew 9/11 was an inside job, immediately. To me, the events over the last 2 years have been remarkable if not rapid, and I never thought it would ever be possible.

18550971? ago

Exactly Patriot. Awoke for decades here... Archiving as much as possible. The video game generation doesn't understand "work"!

18545832? ago

I only awoke to the evil of the bushes during the primary season. I was making the mistake for the longest time of treating politics like I would a sports team. I supported my team no mater what. it did no even occur to me to Question republicans because they were my team... today three years later I realize how stupid that was. to day no one is above questioning there motive including the current President. the reason being that it is unhealthy to just except what you are told and not Question....to day I support President Trump till he shows that my trust in him is wrong. I also fallow the Q post because they have been useful in helping me to understand what is going on but I am wary because I don't have an identity tied to the posts

18551118? ago

Great points anon. I think most were in the same mind set. Our Team against There Team. But now we understand how big this is, knowing "they" are on the samw Team Against Us! And now we can discern between dis -info and real info. The men's, not so much. Which is why they show up with their "My Team" verbal attacks. Well continue to call them Shills.

18545177? ago

Totally agree.

18544728? ago

Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill or an idiot

Nice. You know who else can't tolerate dissent or differing opinions?

18551156? ago

What's your opinion?

18562490? ago

That Q's purported goals do not line up, one way or another, with anything I'm on board with. That I don't believe this country can be saved in the shadows, that I think that if we're ever going to see true justice done, that we are going to have to bring their crimes to light and the sooner we do so, the sooner those crimes end. Its naive to think that everything can be fixed quietly, that justice can be done without turmoil.

18544817? ago

See how weak your position has become?

You need to fabricate quotes and then pivot arbitrary conclusions. lol

18544850? ago

I paraphrased you. It's not a direct quote. Your position leaves no room for disagreement, you can only mock and discredit those who hold a different opinion than your own. This is the behavior of cults and leftists.

18544907? ago

And yet, my submission sits at the top of QRV right now and I also have the top rated comment.

That means my conclusions and observations are resonating with people who are non-leftist, non-cultists, because this is VOAT, not Reddit.

18549109? ago

And yet, my submission sits at the top of QRV right now and I also have the top rated comment.

That means my conclusions and observations are resonating with people who are non-leftist, non-cultists, because this is VOAT, not Reddit.

This is sad.

18547329? ago

that's because you are part of a group who actively brigade in here . with the voting system ….

18545343? ago

Good, you know what else is popular? McDonalds. Wal-Mart. Reality Television. Popularity is no guarantee of quality.

Just for a second, can you admit that there are genuinely frustrated people who have a different outlook on the topic, who aren't paid or stupid for thinking that way?

18563715? ago

All this reminds me of a very good movie called "The Emperors Club" with Kevin Kline (2002)(family safe) as a teacher at an elite all boys school. It's an excellent depiction of popularity over truth and logic and the grooming of tomorrows leaders. Another good movie showing the beginnings of their political power control which is also family safe viewing is called "The Education Of Little Tree" (1997)

18549192? ago

OP illustrates one of the main problems with the Q psyop, aside from it being run by the cabal it's supposedly attacking. The main target demographic is people who aren't very smart, so the bullshit appeals to them.

18551235? ago

Would the Cabal lower taxes?

18552648? ago

Of course. You do anything that furthers your goals, no matter how counter-intuitive.

18558896? ago


18544724? ago

Actually no, they're not shills, you dehumanizing fuck. They're jaded fuckers who've seen the depths of the evils their government did and feel completely powerless to stop them, under the thumb of communists and Qoyim saying exactly what the communists in the Soviet Union did with Operation Trust. Q is a FANTASTIC psyop to catch any actual anti-communist, round them all up while they're trusting government (lol) to persecute themselves for their own war crimes. You don't help.

18551297? ago

Have you followed any of the NIXYM trial so far?

18551578? ago

I've been trying not to look into any of it. I see the headlines of submissions on Voat, that's all. After I found out pizzagate was real a few years ago and seeing how far gone some of the people involved are I'm honestly just too fucked up. I started looking into it in the first place because I was molested as a kid, by a guy with the surname Kennedy of all things, so all this just hits too close to home for me. I'm fucking paralyzed.

18558883? ago

I'm sorry that happened to you Patriot anon. We're fighting everyday to bring Justice for all these horrible crimes against people like you. God bless you!

18544849? ago

For all your anger, we should expect to see you shooting up a Mosque soon?

You claim to be powerless but you want to lead the Revolution?

Sorry, Emo. Adults are in charge.

18549225? ago

Sorry, Emo. Adults are in charge.

Here we see the jew attempting to tard-wrangle the target demographic.

18545209? ago

Hillary still walks. Whites can't voice genuine concern without being equated to mass murderers. Your kids will be brown.

18543417? ago

Wish I had been hanging out with you all those years - kudos to you!

18543175? ago

I've been hoping for this or something like it for decades, and was thinking I wouldn't see it in my lifetime. This Timeline!!

I almost have to forcefully contain myself these days, I AM impatient...but in reality we are orders of magnitude closer to getting this done than I thought we'd ever be.

Pray for Humanity.

18543663? ago

I feel exactly the same

18543762? ago

God Bless you Brother or Sister.

Hanging on to the last of my departing patience is becoming a workout...

18543140? ago

This is a great comment and 100% true. Anyone who has been awake for the past 5-10-15-20 years should all be in amazement at what has transpired in 2 years time. These people are not stupid and they are dead set on bringing these traitors to justice. God bless our great military, our great President and the United States of America! Hang them high!!!

18545141? ago

It's crazy being aware of all this while everyone else is oblivious. They have no idea that the Clintons are criminals.

18544586? ago

Umm if the fucking uss liberty false flag didnt wake america up to the fucking jewish control nothing would. Then the nixon tapes he fucking openly complains about jews. It is the fucking jews end of story. Judiasm has absolutly nothing to do with the founding of america if anything it was against jews first from our inception up till 1913 the leadership has been fighting jewish bankers from my understanding they started really going for control with the civil war.

18543016? ago

The events over the last 2 years have been nothing but Republican and Israli cheerleading. They still stole the 2018 election. They're still trampling over freedom of speech and liberties. Brenton Tarrant was a sign that things aren't improving.

18543979? ago

They didn't steal the 2018 election. We won the Senate and we lost fewer seats in the House than any other midterm election in many years. The Senate was the important win, as that eliminates impeachments.

A lot of corrupt people have been removed from power so that they can't prevent coming justice.

18544034? ago

Seriously, dude, that is some wishful thinking. The Dems stole several seats, and they have a fucking majority in the house.
It's like saying you weren't robbed because the burglars stole more from other people they robbed, so you're really ok.

18551573? ago

Not wishful thinking, but facts. The party in power always loses seats in the House during midterms. We cut that inevitable loss back a lot.

18544121? ago

LOL 'The House'

The feckless, toothless, psychopathic, America hating House of Representatives?

Congress has been on auto-pilot for decades. They DO NOTHING except rubber stamp the Corporate agenda and lie through their teeth to their constituents.

They are not tested and without the Deep State propping them up, they are pathetically equipped for this Avalanche.

18551239? ago

Please please post pics of the scumbags faces as they are led away in cuffs, Q.

18544248? ago

So you're saying the house, which is supposed to represent America but doesn't continues to not. So nothing has changed and we're still controlled by the cabal. Got it.

18544281? ago

You're retarded.

I can not comprehend why you're shaking in your shoes in fear of Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Nadler. lol

It's pathetic.

18542750? ago

It's glorious, isn't it.

18547038? ago

Yes. Yes it is!

18542436? ago

Breadcrumbs everywhere. The noose is tighten around their necks.

We hear you.

We have the algorithm.

Thank you @ Snowden.

Learn chess.

Down she goes.

Nobody escapes this.


Q (959)

18549015? ago

Report Spam Porn Comment How-to At https://voat.co/v/QRV/3191597/


18547545? ago

Shill porn alert. Click at your own risk. We are over the target.

18548975? ago

We are over the target.

Saying any criticism means you're right is some of the lowest IQ bullshit available.

18547884? ago

^^^Pornshill is trying to create panic and distrust of ANY link posted here. Do not let false accusations keep you from the TRUTH Patriots

18555338? ago

why don't you give us a summary then?

18549031? ago

Report Spam Porn Comment How-to At https://voat.co/v/QRV/3191597/


18549952? ago

Does nothing.

18545227? ago


18545114? ago

What the hell is wrong with you? Nobody wants to see that shit. You people need jesus.

18545145? ago

Did you read the captions?

18545185? ago

No. I have no interest in the opinion of anyone who would make this shit.

18545222? ago

Sorry. Just trying to have a discussion. I want to promote harmony here.

18547490? ago

The only thing you're doing here is wasting your time.

18545229? ago


18545236? ago

Please upvoat