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18543933? ago

Half the country still hates Trump. Hopefully, we can weather through that.

18546847? ago

Donald Trump won the 2016 election in an electoral landslide: 304-227 - which is why they want to do away with the electoral college.

But perhaps more stunning than looking at it that way or comparing the bogus so-called "Popular Vote" (which we know was riddled with voter fraud and dead people voting in several precincts...) Here's a number that should just shut people up and help them realize without the Electoral College, the entire country would be ruled by a few large states and the rest of us are fucked no matter how we feel:

Donald Trump won 2,626 Counties nationwide to Hillary Clinton's 487 Counties!

Read that last line over a few times and memorize it. Whenever anyone starts grousing about the Electoral College, I rattle those numbers off and ask them if they think this is exactly why the Founding Fathers set up the Electoral College.

18548123? ago

What a fucking traitor. One man, one vote, MAJORITY OF VOTES WINS motherfucker. Yoou want a fascist dictatorship. Who give a FUCK how many counties voted for who? You are an asshole traitor, you deserve death, YOU ARE THE FUCKING CRIMINAL. You, Trump, McConnell, Barr are criminals. THEY WILL BE VOTED OUT!

18558513? ago

You are ignorant or must not be an American. Or you would know Our Presidential Election is Not decided on the majority of votes.

18546971? ago

You're a narrative pushing idiot. A land slide is not winning by such a small margin in the electoral race.

Highlighting the amount of counties is not a genuine thought - you're painting a narrative that is entirely false. The narrative makes the assumption that people are evenly distributed among all counties - which is not even remotely true.

18547152? ago

Actually no. I'm a Constitutional Scholar. I suggest you get a copy and read it. Perhaps you do better with pictures. Here you go...

18547224? ago

Ah yes, an anonymous name claiming something with no proof.

None of this is a proper rebuttal to what I wrote. Again, people are not evenly distributed among all of the counties. If you were a constitutional scholar, this much should be obvious to you. Claiming land mass for popularity is a false.

18552471? ago

It's not a popularity contest, Again, read the constitution. The entire country gets to be represented. THE US IS NOT A DEMOCRACY. IT'S A DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. IT IS NOT A MAJORITY RULES COUNTRY. YOU OBVIOUSLY NEVER TOOK A CIVICS CLASS. IT IS NOT LIKE THE DEMOCRATS CLAIM.

It's so odd that a party like the Democratic party who are all so invested in being fair to minorities don't realize that using simple popularity numbers for a Presidential election is UNFAIR TO MINORITIES. Majority rule is mob rule. And that is Un-American.

Here you go, since you are stuck on your broken record....

The Electoral College was devised at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. It was a compromise between those who wanted popular elections for president and those who wanted no public input. The Electoral College has 538 members, with the number allocated to each state based on how many representatives it has in the House plus one for each senator. The District of Columbia gets three, despite the fact that the home to Congress has no vote in Congress. To be elected president, the winner must get at least half plus one -- or 270 electoral votes. Most states give all their electoral votes to whichever candidate wins that state's popular vote. Maine and Nebraska award them by congressional district. After a joint session of Congress certifies the results on Jan. 6, the next president will be sworn in on Jan. 20. Trump already is nearly done naming his Cabinet appointees, as he prepares for confirmation hearings and the inauguration ceremonies, in addition to his first 100 days agenda. Despite the transition process being well underway, Republican electors said they were deluged with emails, phone calls and letters urging them not to support the billionaire businessman in the days and weeks leading up to Monday’s proceedings. Many of the emails were part of coordinated campaigns. "The letters are actually quite sad," said Lee Green, a Republican elector from North Carolina. "They honestly believe the propaganda. They believe our nation is being taken over by a dark and malevolent force." Wirt A. Yerger Jr., a Republican elector in Mississippi, said, "I have gotten several thousand emails asking me not to vote for Trump. I threw them all away." Arizona elector Robert Graham told Fox News on Saturday that the state’s 11 electors received hundreds of thousands of emails telling them not to vote for Trump and that he’s received information that some of the other 10 have been followed or have received a death threat. “It’s out of hand when you have such … a small group of people that is pushing so hard against millions if not hundreds of millions of people who still appreciate this whole system,” said Graham, chairman of the Arizona Republican Party. “The Electoral College is part of the Constitution.”

18560015? ago

My god, how fucking stupid are you? Were you dropped on your head when you were young and thusly, are incapable of understanding the initial argument? Someone stated that half the country still hates Trump.

So retards like you go on non-sequiturs about voting the territory that was covered by said voting. I point out that you're being disingenuous in you bullshit fuck face counter arguments by claiming territory means the majority of the populace due to the unequal population distribution.

Your birth was a mistake. Your life was a mistake. I hope you neck yourself after reading this. If you don't do it, I hope your pet niggers do.

18544115? ago

Not true at all. Trump won 83% of the precincts in the 2016 election. Most of the country loves him, but the people who control the news, PedoWood, radio, and TV are telling the world that no one likes Trump.

As with everything these liars put out, it is a lie.

18546950? ago

Not true at all. That only means 83% of the represented land mass. There is not an even dispersion of people across the country. This is why "popular vote" statistics can be an eye opener when you compare the two. You're being wholly disingenuous and are probably a narrative pushing shill.