19194342? ago

Lol. So he was supposed to call comey lol. And if comey wasn’t around then he would talk to McCabe. And if McCabe wasn’t around he could’ve ran it by Bruce Ohr. And if brucey wasn’t around maybe strzok would’ve taken the job? And if it was all so spooky then potus could give the cia a call and see if John O Brennan would help. Yeah, ok.

19194425? ago

exactly... by merely admitting he was approached, the FBI and CIA would twist the entire episode and attacked Trump with the information.

Trump using Norway as an example was GENIUS


19194477? ago

Agreed. I caught that too.

19185663? ago

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19185613? ago

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19182639? ago

I recently had a conversation online about the OK City bombing.

Live on TV the FBI was removing unexploded bombs from inside the building. There is no way Mcveigh planted bombs inside a Federal building. Only the feds could do this.

I of course was called a conspiracy nut for pointing this out. Yeah, the government is not your friend.

19181560? ago

FBI = Evil Cowards

19181328? ago

Don't forget the TWA flight 800 cover up.

19178461? ago

Yep...exactly my thoughts. I've reported things to them in the past but it usually just makes me feel less safe. I honestly don't know what to do these days. you see something suspicious and you want to do the right thing, but who can you trust?

19176490? ago

And the media and prolapsed assholes like Comey, Brennan and Clapper had the temerity to lambaste the President when he said he believed Putin when Putin told him that Russia was not involved in meddling in his election. The same FBI, CIA, DNI that actively worked to undermine and collapse POTUS' campaign and then Presidency he is supposed to listen to? Are you fucking kidding me? Why isn't the MSM making this point? Why isn't the media making the point that this is exactly what Clinton did - and in fact solicited it? Why isn't the media making the case that Schiff did that exact thing when he listened to those two Ukrainian DJs spoof him? It's just fucking unreal how disgustingly bias the MSM is and how they have no desire to see the intelligence and investigative agencies held accountable for illegal and treasonous activities.

19175602? ago

You mean the FBI that took the Steele dossier and knowingly lied to the FISA court to spy on Trump? You mean the FBI that said they would stop the duly elected President from taking office? You mean the FBI that said they had an insurance policy? You mean the FBI that cleared Hillary for her illegal server? We can go on and on and on.

19175487? ago

You forgot 9/11. The FBI confiscated Video Surveilence tapes from a Service a Station that was opposite where the plane/missile crashed into Pentagon on 9/11

19176471? ago

9/11 is first in the title

19175068? ago

our borough cops are driving around in black suvs with smoked out windows some with faint police lettering and some without. lurking behind stop signs reading licence plates trying to gin up a reason to engage. they have no knowledge of any 1st 4rth 14th amendment protections of privacy and civil liberties. protect and serve is not 2 things patently obvious. they are all failed jarhead types, easily agitated, ruining lives daily, asshole buddies with the magistrate. they all aspire to be 3 letter guys, they are your typical rank and file agents, 99.9% shawn? none of us believe any secret police force to be that just. i would put the overall estimate at about 4% just and rational in all police forces.

19176709? ago

Yes, some wit, and some without. They call them "Quiet Cars"...

19174914? ago

You forget Las Vegas shooting and single person carrying tons of guns and ammunition and then blowing up hurricane proof window all by himself while after 50 years old and not really good looking on photos

19174104? ago

Hannity is the #1 FBI butt-licker. Every DAMN day, EVERY DAMN TIME it's him singing the praise of the "rank and file" agents. These are the same assholes who despise our constitution and worship the 'bureau.' They'll return to kicking down doors and railroading the innocent as soon as the dust-up is over. Remember RUBY RIDGE!

19175039? ago

I’ve thought the same thing. The FBI has done nothing but cover shit up...investigations? No...they go in after the fact, complete a phony investigation, clear everyone who was “involved” and the patsy ALWAYS takes the fall and dies prior to any questioning. Case closed, the end...the FBI are the cleaners.

19173544? ago

Amen to this.

19173436? ago

Just another reminder how unpatriotic the Q movement is.

19173153? ago

FBI is a domestic terrorist organization operating against the American people

19174543? ago

All law enforcement is a domestic terrorist organization...many of the laws and policies followed by police and enforced each and every day are an infringement on all our constitutional rights...but when the cop is sued for following policies...it is the cop that takes the blame...and not those writing...or ordering police to follow them...so nothing is ever done or policies ever changed...that is why police are so well protected by the courts...don't want it coming out police follow policies that knowingly infringe on our rights...which would make those policies illegal...also why they are kept secret from the public

19178123? ago

"policy enforcers" says a lot!

19172823? ago


Fucking Bunch of Idiots.

19178496? ago

kek simple but good

19172778? ago

Oh no they are the good guys now. Q told me.

19176741? ago

you are a dog cunt

19177683? ago

Fuck you, scumbag.

19172747? ago

The FBI with the insurance plan to take down Trump?

19172579? ago

Waco was ATF actually although the fbi was involved

19172526? ago

All our secret ops have been corrupted by globalist secret societies.

I can't wait for the swift military tribunals.

19171839? ago

What if I told you that the FBI is working closely with Soros' Open Society Foundation.

For real.

19173186? ago


19171812? ago

The FBI is IS IS the enemy of the people.

19171439? ago

When you learn A I runs voat how you gonna feel? The entire thing is a fckn shame

19171430? ago

The FBI is just the American branch of Mossad.

19176762? ago

The CIA is mossad. Leadership of FBI is also.

19171249? ago

Reminder: The FBI gave the explosives to the dude that were used in the 1993 WTC bombing.
The co-conspirators involved in the OKC bombing were never apprehended. Likely the FBI provided McVeigh with the supplies too.

19174478? ago


Among other records being held at the OKC building that was bombed, Cody Snodgres has some pretty damning testimony to add.

Apparently records of depleted uranium use during the Gulf War, having caused much illness for Veterans, were kept there, and were going to be subject to scrutiny. So they blew the whole building up. That's how The Cabal rolls.



Have a great day! Peace Anon.


19171074? ago


19171016? ago

Huckabee quits the day after Trump admits to collusion. She can't deal with that loser anymore and where is Q? It's over!

19171427? ago

TDS. Take an aspirin and go to bed.

19172840? ago

Lmao I didn’t even think about this. There is no way she could have handled any more press questions. I won’t be surprised if trump just stops talking to everyone but the most friendliest outlets because of his fragile ego.

19171001? ago

Spot fucking on. And I’ll add that most of the “agents” are fucking faggot pussies. No one can convince me that these fuckers don’t know about or even participated in treasonous crimes. Fucking faggots are more concerned with collecting their 30 pieces of silver than serving justice. FTFBI!

19194421? ago

They act like these movie stars act when playing these superstar fbi hero shows.

19174441? ago

Agree. In any company, if management/ owners suck, it trickles down and the whole place is dysfunctional.

19176702? ago

The fish rots from the head down...

19179353? ago


19172802? ago

I know they do. I knew a couple guys that were FBI in our shithole southern area. Former big dog sheriff got popped for incest and rape and pedo shit the other day.

FBI were friends or family of his and knew about shit that was going down with kids. Also knew of his kick back schemes and tax evasion. Nothing was done till other criminal politicians starting ratting on each other.

19171730? ago

Yeah, like most institutions in America, over the last 10-20 years they have been infiltrated with those who share the same ideology; anti-America, pro-communist, pro-globalist, anti-white, yada yada yada. Basically, our institutions have become infested with a disease that causes our country to rot from within.

19194432? ago

Ancient Babylonian cult.

19172875? ago

Basically, our institutions have become infested with a disease that causes our country to rot from within.

And rot from within we are on a grand scale! It's going to be quite the spectral to watch the US go down in a ball of flames thanks to the traitor globalists and (((congress))).

19170982? ago

But all those pedophiles they're rounding up. Surely they're pedophiles and not political dissidents? Also I believe in Santa.

19176735? ago

Fuck off you Satanic Faggot. Scum you are. Forgot those kids did you? We WILL destroy you. Bring it on mother fucker.

19180762? ago

So this is what retarded schizophrenia looks like.

19171468? ago

You think pedophiles voted for restoring the rule of law? So, yeah, they're dissidents - criminal dissidents.

19170906? ago

FBI IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It exists only under the broad Interpretation of the commerce clause...

19173919? ago

Had a based history teacher in high school who told me the loose interpretation of the commerce clause was he number one downfall of America. Didn't appreciate it fully until years later

19173980? ago

Did we go to the same school? That is where I heard it as well. Senior government class... Dude labored over that and made us all go find 3 letter agencies and prove that they were unconstitutional. He said the more obscure the more extra credit you get. Pretty funny shit actually. I wrote a sarcastic paper on how The Department of Education's job is to regulate the trade of grain between my state and a neighboring state. Totally bullshit but that is what they would have to be doing to be legal... Its funny because he said originally he was going to fail me because I didn't follow the lesson but I proved I knew the material so the sarcasm only gave me an A- ha ha. Good stuff.

19183092? ago

That sounds like you had an actual teacher. He cared that you "learned the material". Teachers today preach the propaganda. They don't care or are boxed in to the system. They don't teach kids HOW TO THINK anymore.

19170802? ago




19171731? ago

lmao. Fuck this plan. I no longer trust it.

19178831? ago

Yet you're still here, attacking Q anons, which means you do in fact trust its validity, your programmers are just panicking and trying to divide the Q movement because they and you are terrified of us

19170997? ago

Yeah, ok. Literally ONLY those Q pointed out were corrupt. McCabe, Comey, Priestap, Strzok, Page etc. as a singular group created every Human Trafficking, Drug Running, Gun Running, and Money Laundering scheme out there... it's been 100% cleaned up... yep. No worries at all. We've been saved. Christ has come and saved us. Hallelujiah...all is well in Zion, Goyim, All is well.

Jesus, we're fucked.

19178843? ago

^ Found the anti-Q panicbot.

No, 'we' are not fucked, just you puppets and your Bolshevik masters

19171057? ago

That's what they want you to believe. You know ,Trust the plan.

19170829? ago

LOL sure it is...

This FBI is the FBI of Comey and McCabe and Strzok

19178865? ago

They're fired dumbass.

The FBI today doesn't employ either Comey or McCabe.

I called the FBI after Q provided the link, and I'm unharmed, doing great, and still laughing at you panicking anti-Q shills who couldn't get a real job.

19170798? ago

FBI is Should be like the CIA scattered to the wind.

19194387? ago

I believe that the fbi was infiltrated by the cia just as the cia has infiltrated everything in the world from our presidents, to foreign govts, to billion dollar corporations. It’s what the cia does.

19177102? ago

CIA is mossad.

19171792? ago

All you need to do is read about what the FBI did to Patrick Knowlton, who was a witness in the Vince Foster investigation.
They ruined his life. Unforgivable.

19175744? ago

How about what they did to the anthrax guy after 911? JFK? We do not need a federal police force. We need a national database of crime data and better laws about jurisdiction and authorities of local law enforcement when crimes are interstate.

19170747? ago

Maybe patriots should be calling the FBI daily to report the 2016 Clinton campaign for its foreign entanglements.

Maybe they just missed the clues....

19170927? ago

How to get murdered in a traffic stop 2 weeks from now in 1 easy step!

19170574? ago

Never call any 3 letter agency.

19172830? ago

Ghost Busters was only a 2 letter agency.

Your comment checks out.

19174448? ago

Comment of the afternoon. :)

19169965? ago

So just how long has the FIB been corrupted?

19175794? ago

Since J. Edgar Hoover first put on his mom's panties and bra. (FTFY)

19170917? ago

It exists only under the broad Interpretation of the commerce clause... Therefore it is unconstitutional.

19170088? ago

Since J. Edgar Hoover. Which is to say, since the beginning.

19170004? ago

Ever since the Catholics took all the upper positions.

19170212? ago

you mean Jews

19171512? ago

Catholics, Khazarian Jews... what difference does it make?

19170809? ago

Attention all patriotic Jews: The Q movement welcomes you and loves you


Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


19169834? ago

The same fibbers that framed our president? That purposefully destroyed the lives of Flynn and others. The badges that protect the establishment.

19177359? ago

Why do people keep saying Flynn's "life" is destroyed. lol. This is all part of the plan. He is part of the chess board. He don't give a fuck he knows the inevitable turnout.

19177940? ago

Doesn't change the fact the FBI is corrupt.

FBI is the domestic CIA. And complete shit also.

19171942? ago

The FBI in FL assists human trafficking.

They even threatened me when I played a recording of a 4yo explaining being molested by a Court officer. Reported to the OIG and they handed it to the FBI to investigate themselves.

A sick elite joke on us.

19172822? ago

Gaetz was the sole vote against human trafficking legislation because all of the rub and tugs in his district. The rot goes all the way up

19172820? ago

I don't doubt this at all.

They also participate in drug trafficking. Especially in Florida.