shewhomustbeobeyed ago

vg - translated

IShallNotFear ago

That page is still in Norwegian. Here is the translation into English.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thanks, still haven't quite figured out how to translate archives, working on it though.

Marku1 ago

This is why we used to kill these fuckers, not give them "rights"

Vindicator ago

@Anonj456, thanks for posting. Per Rule 2, you need to add the link to the news of the arrests, though, not just an imgr pic. I'll give you the 24 Hour Grace flair so you can edit. Thanks.

Anonj456 ago


EricKaliberhall ago

Thank you @Anonj456. I will remove the 24hr Grace flair.

I am Swedish so I understood the article from Världens Gång. Well done Norge!


albatrosv15 ago

Loli or something?

ArcAngel ago

and no arrests of shit-skins bcuz it islamophobic. good-bye

fusir ago

Congratulations implementing a copyright policy for child abuse imagery.

D = CV*min(1,FR/FV)-CR, in any media market. Increase FR, risk of a non-paying interaction, you increase the production rate.

This idea that it produces demand is like if walmart was selling snow shovels. But one bright employee figured out how to duplicate the shovels in stock for free. So walmart started selling more shovels, and then we pretended this would place a lot of demand on the original manufacturer. This theory of demand doesn't make any sense. But the theory of competing means to obtain a media is as proven as proven gets. People will select whatever they think gives them the most benefit for the cost. It takes a lot for Free with zero risk to be beat with not free and not zero risk. But you start applying risk to someone who doesn't pay and a minority of the distribution finds that a commercial interaction is worth while. This is how copyright works.

Anonj456 ago

I didn´t understand anything of this.

fusir ago

Yeah, it's a little dense.

So the idea is that in a media market people have a choice between downloading something for free or paying for it. They are going to weigh the cost vs benefit. People are comparing the value of having gotten it by torrent or paying vs the risk and money of using torrent or paying. This is true for all media markets.

So we say that someone pays if:

C means commercial, V means value (what they get out of it), P means price, R means risk, and F means non-commercial.

P+CR is what someone pays for a commercial interaction. If purchasing music obviously there is no risk, so P+CR=P. But in the case of something illicit then the CR is a part of the cost. So if you get more bang for the buck for a commercial interaction you will pursue a commercial interaction.

Well on the other side of the inequality we see FV/FR. That will have an infinite bang for buck in all cases if the FR is zero. That means no one will ever engage in a commercial interaction. Another way of saying this is the P necessary to satisfy the inequality would have to be less than zero. That P becomes the demand curve, because a demand curve is asking at what price would someone pay for something.

So that's the main point but I can derive that formula for you really quick if you want to read on.

So there is one more condition of there being a commercial interaction that we need to factor in.


That is if a commercial interaction has less value than its cost it obviously won't happen independent of what is going on with FV/FR.

So lets combine these two facts to solve for P.


So maximum P that anyone will pay is less than both of those figures on the right.

Pmax=min(CV-CR,CV*FR/FV-CR) which we will now call D because we have a demand curve.

So that min statement is kind of complicated but we can simplify it.

First off we have a -CR in both cases.

D = min(CV,CV*FR/FV)-CR

Now we have a CV in both

D = CV*min(1,FR/FV)-CR

So obviously different people see different value in each kind of interaction and different risk. So each variable is a distribution. But the important thing is that if the FR distribution is universally zero then the demand curve is universally zero. Also what is interesting is no amount of CR will offset the effect of even the tiniest amount of FR, because of the effect of subtracting a distribution form a distribution vs the multiplication of a distribution with anything beside zero.

Also what is interesting is that cap of 1 on FR/FV. Basically what this says is that a media market cannot exceed a conventional market. If FR/FV were infinite basically you would just have a conventional market. This is of course what most media companies would like to achieve. You can't download a toothbrush and if FR/FV were infinite people would have to buy music like it were a toothbrush. One purchase for every instance out there.

But oddly the anti-cp laws are trying to achieve the same FR/FV ratio.

Angelis_Solaris ago

You think they named this in the wake of Infinity War? I find it to be an interesting name. I'm grateful to these investigators, imagine how much safer Oslo will be after these people are made aware they are not safe.

Pedophilia is becoming a huge problem, not only because it always has been in human history, but because regular pornography is designed to desensitize the brain to the point where normal sexual stimulation is impossible, leading the drug of choice transformed into more extreme types of pornography. Although there are many pedophiles who are actually proud of what they do and/or actually want to harm children. I do not believe that the scourge of brainwashed-induced pedophilia among western civilizations leads to irreversible pedophilia. But I could be wrong on that point.

Vindicator ago

Pedophilia is becoming a huge problem, not only because it always has been in human history, but because regular pornography is designed to desensitize the brain to the point where normal sexual stimulation is impossible, leading the drug of choice transformed into more extreme types of pornography.

Yes. We should have a really good research roundup thread on the stats that back up this phenomenon.

When I was journalist a couple of decades ago, I did a feature on a local private detective who had a contract with the state Dept. of Corrections to desensitize pedos by exposing them to porn along with noxious stimulous (as I recall something that made them puke) to recondition them. He was a polygraph expert who used that and a sexual arousal monitoring gadget. They couldn't graduate from the program until both measurement devices confirmed no response to CP. It was a new program back then. I do wonder if it had any impact on the recidivism rate. I'm sure it was probably scrapped as "cruel and unusual punishment" at some point.

truthdemon ago

It might of worked...but with the agenda of the deep state keep the debt system expanding , sexualisation is a necessity for them... The food that is hormone charged ...and carefully crafted media programs...programs humans to be androud bots chasing desires... An android would work for.pittance if he gets his fix of cheap sex drugs and rock and roll at the end of hia working hours or weekend.. Sex Drug ..Rock and Roll.. ie .SDR's for the consumption of the debt droids..that creates the account receivables forncompanies that r securitised at the investmnet banks backed by US treasury bills via a technique called collateral transformation ..The GDP creates SDRs for the country at the BIS country accounts in Geneva

..SDRs programmed at the local level drive SDRs at the Bank of International Settlements.

Collateralntransformation is when an investment bank loans trasury bills to hedge funds in exchange for high interest corpirate bonds These corporate bonds are driven by the amount of account receivables it can securitise and service these corporate bonds..

VeryOffended ago

Oh wow, I would love to read more about this. Since you said you're sure it was scrapped (I'm sure you're right), have you looked into whether any phase of this study has been documented online? I'm very interested in the polygraph aspects/results. The only thing cruel about this is the use of CP in the treatment, which is necessary for this study/treatment of an addict/offender. I hate how things can be turned around into "cruel and unusual punishment" in terms of the abuser or potential abuser.

Vindicator ago

"Sure" wasn't meant literally. I haven't researched it in the slightest. It was over two decades ago, and it wasn't a topic I cared to dig into too deeply back then pre-Internet (not that my editor would have allowed any such discussion in a family-oriented weekly anyway, LOL). You should dig into it and make a thread of your findings.

VeryOffended ago

I've just started looking into it tonight. There is quite a bit out there when it comes to "abnormal sexuality" and polygraph. I haven't delved into the pedophilia studies yet bc I've only just started 5 minutes ago and the shallow searches require downloads.

3 things:

-Thank you for encouraging me to do something on my own.

-When researching, do you often come across having to download pdfs and other formats in order to view content? I don't trust and I don't know when I should. I don't know how to research in a safe way, but maybe I'm too paranoid.

-You said, "When I was a journalist..." What changed your distance from journalism? No need to answer if that's too personal.

darkknight111 ago

Get a very good malware detector and only look into trusted sources. Malware can include spyware or shit that plants CP on your computer (classic DS tactic to ruin truthers).

Vindicator ago

Glad you're taking it on, VO!

I was not in the news business very long before it became abundantly clear it was completely corrupt. We had a high school girl murdered and left on the football field. The grandfather was speaking to the press. I was covering the story for the local small paper of the suburban town. The way the city journalists, both broadcast and print, treated that man made me never want to be part of such a thing again. The things you have to do to advance in that industry just to a living wage were not worth doing.

I did have the satisfaction a couple of months later, though, of beating several of them in a competition for a regional investigative journalism award. :-)

As for pdfs, I usually only download them from reputable sites...I've never gotten malware. Perhaps others have some advice? @darkknight111 @karenrussel63 any thoughts?

I know the safest way to research is to set up a separate laptop as a "sand box" that can be wiped clean after every session, encrypt it, and use a VPN. I've never set anything like that up, though, because I'm not digging on the dark web or anything. Some previous posts:

VeryOffended ago

Thank you so much for all of that.

I figured corruption and all risks had to do with you distancing yourself, but I've never had the chance to ask an individual person who lived it and didn't want to assume.

I've gone on binges of True Crime Daily on YouTube and sometimes things just seem off. For example, going to family member's houses or the houses of accused expecting them to talk to cameras in an ambush. If they they run away, they're even more guilty and they've already been portrayed as guilty in the episode before they show the ambush. Your reply about that poor grandfather reminded me of that. I'm sorry that this is pretty unrelated. I watch these things, and whenever I see some sort of ambush, I wonder what sort of job that reporter is seeking. Respect for you.

I have a VPN, but I know that's not enough. I've thought about a router to deflect. Never thought about a burner computer of sorts. I know virtual computers are a thing, but that's a bit above me at this point.

I'm afraid of it all and what I might see or uncover. I've asked another here privately, but how do you separate your private life from your research? How do you find the time without upsetting those most important to you? Do you speak about this in your every day life? I find it so hard not to and I find when I do, even when I try and show links and proof, they believe it, but they shut down and forget it and I'm afraid to mention it again if they don't mention it themselves. There is one other person in another state I can speak to about it.

No one wants to hear it. I don't know how to go all in. I have a full time job and when I get home, I have other responsibilities to the people there. I respect you all so much. How do you juggle it? I want to so much. It's always on my mind. I check in constantly. It comes out at the worst of times in social situations (when I'm drinking or someone says something about someone or some situation).

Vindicator ago

How do you find the time without upsetting those most important to you?

I am very fortunate in that my family is very supportive of the time I spend here -- they view it as their way of helping fight the cabal. I talk with them about everything on a daily basis, and they in turn share it with friends and coworkers. Many folks don't have this luxury, though.

Your family and RL are more important than this; if you have to choose, choose them. Our families and their futures, and future generations, are why we are here fighting in the first place. It makes no sense to sacrifice them when there are many hands to do the digging.

VeryOffended ago

Thank you :)

NoBS ago

Behavior Modification is a doubled edged sword. Pedophilia is as curable as any "successful" ritual abuse survivors.

Notice I mentioned "successful". If programed abuse is successful then only chemical enslavement is the cure. As soon as a young impressionable mind breaks, impulse control becomes permanently damaged and will NEVER return until rebirth.

Vindicator ago

Have we got any actual data supporting that?

From what I know about PTSD, brain plasticity is such that it can indeed be overcome. I don't think it's possible with an unwilling subject, though. And probably not one who doesn't keep himself out of harm's way by choice.

Angelis_Solaris ago

That's interesting, I do wonder if something like that could work. I remember reading an account of an alcoholic who underwent a similar treatment, where he was made to puke after ingesting alcohol. His was quite a severe case of addiction; he had lost his family, house, job, and everything else. Well, it turns out that the treatment worked at first for him, but because he already knew that drinking would not do that normally and because the itch for alcohol never actually left (it had only been one or two weeks of inpatient sobriety) he quickly entered back into the addiction.

Years later, after hitting "rock bottom" (not sure what that really means but he said it was key; some kind of place of humility maybe?) he was able to recover completely and has a new family and a new life. Through religion, twelve steps, hitting "rock bottom" and giving his life to God (somehow), he was able to make a return. So this was his account anyway


That sounds very A Clockwork Orange-y

auralsects ago

there are many who do not want to be addicted to any kind of pornography at all and who weren't always interested in child pornography

he said it not me.

this isn't controversial, they even guest lecture to our daughters at universities like it's totally fine:

Porn was illegal until Jewish lawyers and activists lobbied to make it "artistic expression" under the 1st amendment. One of them I even connected to pizzagate.

They're just laughing at you all and you don't even have the balls to Name your adversary.

We deserve this: the teen pregnancies, rise in girls needing surgery for prolapsed anuses, the porn addiction epidemic, the "grooming" cases, we deserve all of it.

3141592653 ago

Any links on that surgery topic?

Angelis_Solaris ago

I personally think it's the Jesuits and Vatican who are controlling world events, with a secret doctrine of Luciferianism overlayed by a false Christianity. But I could be wrong.

Also, I didn't know porn used to be illegal. Yes, I agree it should always have stayed that way.

SchlongKeyhote ago

Im not surprised to hear that, because you're a woman, and women are so naive and empathetic they don't want to single out an ethnic group for blame even in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Thats why you don't belong here. And how do you not know the Jesuits were started by crypto Marrano Jews? Lmao unreal