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18854203? ago

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17666199? ago

Voat is blocking up votes on this info item! Voat is not opinion neutral; They are very similar to other social media boards, like FB, twitter, etc. Are they CIA controlled, too?

17640770? ago

You're speaking to your echo chamber. Spread this to the normies, who are actually having issues right now that the president is being vindicated. They're deathly silent in a lot of corners of social media, trying to regroup their forces for the next attempted takedown.

17631041? ago

Q had a reading list.. You all need to read and then RE-read the Devil's chessboard.. It tells you how long ago the deep state started their evil doings..

17630907? ago

Think of it as a chess game...the DS has had to sacrifice a lot of important pieces. Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Yates...these people, however, are only pawns in the game.

17629749? ago

No different than Trump being the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION

It is a GAME. It has always been a GAME to keep the people in chaos and divided so the REAL RULERS keep their POWER.

17628498? ago

Obama is puppet, like most every other powerful politician. Remember politicians are not leaders, they are puppets.

17626978? ago

sissy44 is working his ass off producing netfix shows and writing books while you posters are living in the past. he helped paved the way of acceptance that a first lady can be hung like a mule and smart too. yes he did!

17626637? ago

Good transition to reveal the puppet masters, research Operation Gladio. Understand how big this is.

17626880? ago

Correct. This is one of the best videos on how Gladio ops are targeting Western Nations.


17629744? ago

Check out Paul, wrote a good red pill book


17626162? ago

Very important.

17625917? ago

Agree. Good analysis. This swamp is very deep.

17625914? ago

Obama is gay and NOT an true American. Michelle is a man and their kids belong to someone else. The whole thing is one big Op

17625871? ago

The organized crime family known today only as the deep state will make the mafia look like a juvenile organization. The deceiving, racketeering, extortion by various groups of people embedded in our federal government and media is shocking. Just look at how many people's lives have been destroyed by this group. Look at General Flynn having his children threaten to make a plea deal. The take over of our healthcare system and then limiting care to some groups while expanding care to other groups. The manipulation of the immigration system to extort cheap labor for legal and illegal businesses in exchange for the hope of freedom. Not since the Dixiecrats in the sixties has such a large group had your civil liberties completely trampled. Wake up America our country is under attack from within.

17625988? ago

The day after taking the Oath of Office, Trump's first visit was CIA headquarters where he told them the game was ON.


17625194? ago

Hussein is quite literally the Manchurian Candidate.





Feinstein has massive chinese connections: her minder was outed.

Clinton leaked information which cost the lives of CIA agents in china.

Hang the guilty and their enablers.

17624485? ago

You have to wonder how much control the DS really had. The DS used the IRS to attack conservative political groups. They used the media to spread propaganda. They used the FBI/DOJ to attack the president. They used election fraud / vote tampering to try to steal the election. They have committed false flag attacks. They have hired shills and actors to divide us. They have used Hollywood to brainwash us. They have utilized every available asset to try to retain power and they lost. The American people said fuck you and they lost. It is game over for them. This will serve as a perfect example to future traitors who try to subvert the will of the people You can try but you will feel the pain bitches.

17626961? ago

Well, they lost us, but perhaps not the whole lot yet. There are still many rabidly oblivious people who can't/won't look.

17624460? ago

Everyone said Obama was a Manchurian candidate who was paying attention. I thought everyone was insane. This makes perfect sense and clears up a lot of things for me. Thanks for posting.

17624449? ago

Yes, but he still needs to go to jail.

17624220? ago

Thats why we call them puppets, someone else or entity is pulling the strings of these actors/ clowns. We the Q army will not rest until the top is pulled down to its roots and exposed for the world to see.

17623376? ago


17620234? ago

We want the puppet masters. We want them tried for treason, crimes against children and humanity, and a televised execution. We want to see those bastards fry in the electric chair. No lethal injections for these assholes. Give them the chair

17620096? ago

Nah- He still signed his name. He is on the hook. He can swing first.

17619747? ago


17619725? ago


17619332? ago

Great point and so easy to lose focus, can't see the forest because of the trees. Thanks for reminding us that crooked Hillary & Co. are trees (that must be cut down) and we must burn down the Deep Stae Forest.

17619273? ago


17619022? ago

A truer statement there could not be. Wake up and hold on were in for a lengthy, heart stopping, mind altering, soul pealing ride to true freedom, thank God.

17619005? ago

Yes, I believe this is true.

17618946? ago

Yes, yes we do.

17618212? ago

Obama did weaponize the agencies. But he did it with the recommendations of the DS. He was in other words their conduit for action. Obama was a paid agent, he got everything his heart desired and more.

He was willing and is a vile creature from the deepest pits of hell!

17620252? ago

he is/was, but there are worse ones

17623185? ago

Hillary comes to mind

17626691? ago


17618203? ago

I've known that since 2009, when this gangly AIDs ridden black popped out of nowhere and defeated McCain and Clinton. Y'all are kind of slow, to be honest.

17634158? ago

"Ridden"!! Hah! Like a standing steer!

17619404? ago

“Gangly aids ridden black” HAHAHA

17618144? ago

Observant people have known this for a long time.

17625867? ago

Truth, but it so bears repeating.

17618086? ago

Can we get to the point here? Let's face the hard, difficult truth.

On November 22, 1963, the CIA executed a coup in the United States. Every president since then has been beholden to the cabal. Those who resisted (Ford, Reagan) got a reminder of their mortality.

We have not been a constitutional republic since 1963. We have been little more than a controlled banana republic. With 9/11, the stage was set for the end game - to divide and conquer the American people, and to finally subject them fully, as they are in Europe, tot he power of the Satanic, Molech worshipping cabal.

17618068? ago

Business - Entertainment - Arts - Pharma - Government - Education - Military - Intelligence - Finance are all complicit in the Deep State. The pedophiles exist at all levels.

17622765? ago

Wonder if ALL pedophiles are demons, or if some can be redeemed?🧐

17618001? ago

Here’s another way of stating what you said: If you aren’t thing intergenerationally, you have no chance of beating the cabal. They’ve been around, in one form or another, for 1000 years or more. Fixating on one of their puppets will lead to ruin. We must be aware of the families and how they work. In fact they often refer to themselves as The Brotherhood or The Family. Obama was indoctrinated from a very young age so why do we expect him to do anything other than what he was programmed to do? Focus on the system/network/family more so than individuals.

17617623? ago

Barry is a known CIA asset who worked in Afghanistan in the 80s. He's pure fucking evil and some of the things he did there are despicable. We shall find out.

17617514? ago


17617301? ago

I agree with you!!! It was already in existence and they were pawns.

17617130? ago

very true

17617112? ago

Yes. Exactly. Now if you could call my brother and convince him? I'm so tired of the "arrests or GTFO."

17616981? ago

I totally agree with you, OP. I feel that Normies need to take this information in stages. With the release of the Mueller report, I'm posting memes now about Obama being behind the corruption of the DOJ, FBI & FISA Court. Just doing my small part to chip away at that gross facade many people hold that Obama is amazing in preparation for what I hopefully understand is coming next. There are 6 Q-posts with the statement: "the choice to know will be yours" #s 749-854-866-1209-1854-1879.

17616908? ago


17616470? ago

This point is lost on most NPC normies.

17616329? ago

Rome is the Deep State


17616292? ago

Did anybody think anything different?

17616512? ago

Yes actually, possibly billions still do.

17616185? ago

Considering the deep state has been in existence for over 50+ years . It's not rocket science that Obama didn't create it.........Smh

17619302? ago

Not everyone here is as smat as you dude.

17621289? ago

I am

17622665? ago

I am to.

17617492? ago

Make that 2500+ years. The continuity of assassinations, blackmail, mind control, slavery, child rape, human sacrifice, blood drinking and cannibalism goes back to Babylon at least. One branch of fiends took over the Roman Catholic Church, the other branch took over Kazaria, then on to Eastern Europe. They met and reunified in the late Middle Ages in Northern Italy, then on to Germany, Amsterdam, London, the Americas, next stop China ...

17619493? ago

Nephilim, bloodlines of the fallen ones/serpent seeds/children of Satan (Bible). Annunaki (Summerian tablets). Repitilian/Draco ET (ufology). They have different names from different culture/region/time, but they are the same bloodline/species. They are not earth human, only partly at best (hybrids). They carry Rh- blood and are engaged in heavy inbreeding and eugenics. But they look exactly like us, in all races and colors. The thing is they worship Satan/Lucifer, not God. They rape and eat our children and drink blood and sacrifice human to their god Moloch or Baal for more power over us. In a simple word, they are demons. The difficulty for us is how to identify them and eliminate them before they cull us (they put this on Georgia guidestone).

17622022? ago

Brain scan does the trick

17622743? ago

how are our brain's different?

17623483? ago

Psychopaths dont use the "empathy" part of their brain, super easy to tell

17617446? ago

how about 90 yrs? or 200 years ... or even 1000 years? Were they funding both sides in the US civil war? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3058915 Shriners, Freemasons, and Islam Connection...Have you ever wondered why there is so little resistance to the Muslim invasion into this country?

17616136? ago

^^This.^^ Spot on.

17616099? ago

During the first voting for Brexit in England a man at my work (Netherlands) asked me if I'd voted and of course I told him I was from the USA so we started talking about Obama...he said "well you know he's a made up guy"...exactly!!! This made me think of that conversation.

17616233? ago

AOC is currently the next made up "guy".

17626249? ago

"Beto" is the white Barry Soertoro. and AOC is the brown Elizabeth Warren. They are both Post Turtles, as was Barry. I agree they are all just front men. This post is exactly right. Well said. But who does the deep state work for? And what about the royal families of Europe. How do they fit in? Are they ronts or are they the real deep state?

17666368? ago

This is why there is GITMO and the waterboarding technique. They will tell ALL if we have the balls to carry it out! Waterboard until we reach toe top. Then mass executions. The Head Must Die!

17623230? ago

That's exactly what Mr. Reagan says in this video. https://youtu.be/1h5iv6sECGU The Young Turks held a contest and out of 10,000 contestants, AOC won. Now they hand her all her talking points. She's just playing a role in a movie.

17626288? ago

I feel like most of our politicians in Congress and maybe even in the Senate are essentially recruited and run the same way. Not in such a blatantly obvious way but, some of these people just have no business being there, like Mark Rubio or Maxine Waters? And this guy...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cesSRfXqS1Q Am I too cynical?

17632324? ago


Width and length!! Add mathematics, basic geometry, reading and writing.

17632247? ago

Maxine Waters!!! How did she ever get elected? (Other than dumb people electing dumb people.) I think to run for office a candidate needs to pass a basic quiz on American history, geography, and civics. (Maybe an IQ test as well.)

17666316? ago

Look at Maxine’s constituency! SLA! She is at least smart enough to get an $8.5 home out of there. ... and they still vote for her? Probably fake elections.

17666332? ago

A congress critter makes $174 per year. Resolve... it can’t add up!

17625135? ago

It seems to me it should be illegal.

17632494? ago

But it's what's been happening for a long time. Examples: Bill and Hillary and Obama.

17616240? ago

I can totally agree with that.

17623944? ago

Beto my meato

17617632? ago

Its 100% factual. She's an asset.

17616091? ago

He is ultimately a puppet of Israel Or Satan

17615908? ago

facilitators of the attempted destruction of the United States

What do you think that looks like? I mean, while you speak upfront and make sense in what you say, the part I quoted remains pretty open to interpretation and quite vague. Any further thoughts on this OP?

We should start a thread where people start calling shit, and then we can go back and see who nailed shit down.

17615890? ago

Exactly right

17615841? ago

When you have egos the size of Obama's and Hillary's, I think the weaponizing goes both ways; a symbiotic team relationship.

Nevertheless, it is good to point out that BHO and HRC are creations of the Deep State because when you say only that they weaponized the CIA & FBI, (and IRS, and Dept of Energy, and department of Education, ad finitum) you give them more power than they had; the truth is closer to "they greatly facilitated the weaponizing."

17615767? ago

I never thought Hussein was at the top of the food chain. He’s as much of a pawn as HRC but the lefty sheep love him so therefore they used him to push narative into sticking

17615612? ago


17615493? ago


17615367? ago

If you know their names, they aren't in charge of diddly!

17625835? ago

This might be the most quotable line of the whole operation.

17619674? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3098487/17404149 Qanon/DECLAS is why. 5eyes/NZ

17617511? ago


17622632? ago

is a homosexual luciferian pedo.

17623931? ago

Dollar dollar 3 dollar bill yall

17628777? ago

p.diddy and lil wayne have regular bumsex. Gross.

17617196? ago


17615153? ago

1,000,000 x this!!!

Every high profile person is just a fabricated cog of the sick machine.

17615082? ago

that and along with being Kenyan, that will be his defense I'm sure. Not that we will accept it of course.

17614980? ago

Thanks Patriot! I think i had that wrong indeed. Creations of DS i agreed. Still i thought they were somewhat "pullng the strings" for their own power. Early morning in my awakening, lets say.

17614731? ago

He was at the top, he is guilty.

17614772? ago

Daddy tried learning Russian but ran away to Africa and half the family mysteriously dies, she is around Indonesia during a period of violence and mass killings, money moving through Hawaii .... Breitbart dies and why did the leader of Philippines call him, the son of a whore? https://voat.co/v/UnpopularAnon/3093593 and that island?

17614668? ago


17614575? ago

Barry Soetoro works for the CIA.

Zbigniew Brzezinski

17622646? ago

Robert David Steele? Sounds like a fake name.

17614573? ago

Oh I get it... "stay patient and pacified" even though Trump has been exonerated, because this is EXACTLY how said cabal maintains control over outraged citizens who wish to rise up and get their rightly deserved vigilante justice. RIGHT? Deep State in a panic? Well, citizens, keep CALM and let others "look into it". Wouldn't want these evil fuckers going down for any crimes.......RIGHT? If we only remain civilized, our "betters" can "do their jobs,", or at the very least until they can get our weapons. We've seen just how THAT turns out.

17614750? ago

Just to play devil's advocate...and keep in mind I'm one of the ones ready to go for my last chance to die in battle instead of a diaper, but...

Where do we rally? What gear do we need to bring? What's the chain of command and mission statement? What are our ROEs?

The desire for action needs to be tempered with discipline until the call is given.

17616819? ago

Just to play devil's advocate, when you're looking back reflecting, wishing you did something when you still had the chance.....

17615461? ago

saw a great quote here yesterday, "patience is like reverse schooling -- first the test, then the learning."

17615684? ago

I'm just looking at it like a Soldier. I'm ready to fall in and do this thing, but I'm not in charge.

When they need us, they'll let us know. It IS a military operation, after all. I speak the language.

17614422? ago

^ I dig your perspective

17614296? ago

Exactly. Disappointing how few people seem to get this, about the puppetry.

They are the much needed celebrity faces (for easier public consumption) of the cabal.

17614235? ago

Finally someone understands the obvious, and why it's important to line up the dominoes precisely before toppling the first one. Otherwise we'll just have new puppets oppressing us on behalf of the same puppet masters within a matter of years.

17632111? ago

Operation Gladio + Operation Mockingbird = Current Treason

17623036? ago

Yes, and AOC and Beto and Booker and Harris and (less effectively) Gillibrand are also deepstate psyops as well.

17620370? ago

it's important to line up the dominoes precisely

Right, they learn from their exposed vulnerabilities. If they go free again, it will be impossible to bring them to justice.

17624516? ago

If we don't get the puppet masters it makes no difference.

17620174? ago

That and if you don’t get them all in one go there’s always a chance that one rogue Nut from the bunch might try and nuke a city or something that severe and try to kill a few hundred thousand people and spark WWIII

17619145? ago

Exactly! Now we see the ingeniousness of the PLAN. Hope those concernfags learn something today.

17616228? ago

Very well said

17615235? ago


Exactly correct patriot.