18391165? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.

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18316689? ago

Why can't more mods be added to delete the porn in this subverse? There's a report button.

18316003? ago

Agreed...they got me several times yesterday. And "they" are trying to sound harmless and agreeable so you will click on their links. But IMHO the bigger problem is that this WILL harm QRV. I cannot send a newbie here now. If they clicked on one of those links, not only would I lose my credibility but this will delegitimize the whole movement. So, poof, there goes our forward momentum.

Not to mention I don't come here to see that crap. This is not 8 chan and sposed to be a place to red pill the normies.

WTH? Ya, free speech and all that but what does porn, tranny dick pics, giant boners and very graphic bloody dead people have to do with "free speech"?

I can't believe this is being allowed.

18311147? ago

Thank you for this post. I clicked on 2 links yesterday and then I realized when there's a link without much more information than "this will explain it all" , it's usually a setup.

18310630? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.

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18310096? ago

Report them as spam.

18309935? ago

Yup, I just got one...

18308950? ago

Suggestion: there really isn't a good way to report something like this (off topic and not Q related) for violating the sub rules. You can report it, but not for these reasons. There should be another button to report this stuff directly to the mods for quick removal and IP blocking of the poster.

This is going to continue and it is going to get worse. It's an attempt, once again, to derail discussion and distract from the Q research goal of this subverse.

18316742? ago

Agree with this comment 1000%. @penSHITLORD @badg0y1m @FastJack @msdia80_dll

18308788? ago

I patriotically rub one out every day. It's the champagne of victory.

18308756? ago

Thank you OP

18304948? ago

All for a LARP? Sad isnt it? They got me once today. Thanks for the info.

18304515? ago

I recommend MAGAimg. Here's the link: https://magaimg.net I got it from the_Donald. It is extremely simple, no bells & whistles and it always, ALWAYS produces a link even if I'm uploading a truth bomb meme. All the others lock me out. It's free.

18306232? ago

Thanks Patriot. How can I convert my existing porn links into MAGAimg?

18313545? ago

I legit don't understand how people didn't see this coming.

18304903? ago

I give you....The Sexiest Woman I’ve Ever Seen http://magaimg.net/img/7usc.jpg

18304305? ago

Welcome to using the internet. Common practice

18303954? ago

It is an attack on imurgur. They're hosting a lot of sensitive gov content.

It is a two-pronged attacked with an inevitable outcome based on "think of the children" responses.

18303916? ago

Thank you anon for the tips. These "people" are really sick and stupid. I cannot imagine they can survive much longer with this kind of desperation. At any rate, we have nothing to worry, we have nothing to fear. These porns are just trash to us.

18303907? ago

Got a revolting depiction of JC fornicating earlier today from Imgur deleting the app now

18304403? ago

Holy shit the second cumming!? You saw that?

18303768? ago

thank you

18303143? ago

Great info , thanks Patriot.

18303114? ago

Those faggots got me twice yesterday with those imgur links. The images were fucking disgusting.

18311108? ago

Not just imgur, apparently.

18311077? ago

If you really are interested in an image link, scroll it all the way to the bottom of the screen before clicking it, then you can scroll up only enough to reveal "the face" and know you can click the link again to hide it before scrolling further.

18323879? ago

I see what you’re saying. Thanks.

18303083? ago

They are on the Great Awakening as well

18302968? ago

What's preventing these same people from doing the same thing with the alternative hosts?

18311571? ago


18302738? ago

Thanks for taking the time to post this. The information is helpful. Definitely not worth clicking on anything if the source isn’t recognizable. The effort that’s been made to discourage discussion and information sharing is amazing. What the satanists will do to keep normal people in the dark and misinformed indicates how important it is to keep the spotlight on their activities and keep getting the information out there despite the obstacles.

18311026? ago

Yesterday, I "developed" the habit of, for a link I wasn't certain of, scrolling the page such that the link was at the very bottom of the screen, and then clicking it. That way I can scroll up only as much as I need to identify a face which is generally enough. Oh great, I just told them to turn the pictures upside down. Well, whatever, we will win this war, whatever it takes.

18313202? ago

Thanks for the tip! Stupid porn isn’t going to stop me also. Preparing now for the “gore” which I guess is next. I’m with you on winning this war. WWG1WGA

18302551? ago

Thank you for the heads up. Good info!

18304907? ago

It doesn't help anything. They just switched to imgtc. They're not actually uploading the images, they're copying the URLs from Voat porn subverses run by SRS (/v/SoapBoxBanHammer). They're originally from reddit (/r/SoapBoxBanHammer), so a lot of the images are imgur because they're reposted from Reddit.

Here's proof "incellivision" (the mod of most of these porn subs) is a shill who attacks anyone who exposes SRS:




More proof SRS is responsible for flooding Voat with porn:



Proof many SRS posters are Indian Muslims paid off by Muslim oil billionaires:


Proof SRS are the ones shilling against QRV:






18303508? ago

My kid saw one of those fucking tranny posts on my phone, when I clicked on it. Hopefully this ends soon.

18308570? ago

That would make me want to hurt somebody.

18303864? ago

Better than letting him watch CNN.

18304422? ago

https://i.imgtc.com/oZYKO4L.gif Check out this one

18311116? ago

Very low class...

18304737? ago


18304715? ago

Pretty hot tbh

18302197? ago

Brave browser as a built in tor tab

18302152? ago

Yeah, I've noticed the shills posting a shit ton of gay porn images crying about how they're trying to turn us all into that. Fuck em. I just use an VPN and don't care.

18302144? ago

Thanks for the warning

18302068? ago

Archive fo is always blocked. I do not know why.

18302066? ago

Same with YT.

18301960? ago

Does this work for you guys? https://i.imgtc.com/fFlbURO.jpg

18304927? ago

18302170? ago

Hmmm anal. Is that how your wife's bull fucks you?

18302178? ago

18301865? ago

uBlock Origin, HTTPS Everywhere, Brave Browser, Analytics Blocker,and VPN/Proxy. Or I2P/Tor and use whatever you want.

18303181? ago

If anyone else uses uBlock, add this rule for convenience:


18310942? ago

Thank you, just added, with a comment indicating why I did it, and a link back to your comment. Just in case I forget and try to debug "why isn't this link working now" a week in the future... :)

18301838? ago

Lol, the image link police are back. Another butthurt goat being a nigger again.

18304949? ago

And you’re welcome! http://magaimg.net/img/7usc.jpg

18304945? ago

You’re an idiot. Learn their tactics faggot! Lurk more. Please. 🙏🏻

18302629? ago

Nope. Someone is just trying to keep people from coming here. A bullshit tactic. Calling people niggers, kikes and boomers didn’t work. When the porn doesn’t it moves onto gore. It’s an old obvious tactic to scare away normies

18301769? ago

Ritualists don't have access to enough blood this season, they're trying to put porn images in your mind to get you to masturbate and feed their master with orgone. This proves how desperate they are.

Just don't click on images until after May 1, you're not missing anything and they're just proving how desperate they are because they're losing.

18428983? ago

Right on. Seems many don't know about Orgone. They need to check out the research of another great man destroyed by the DS, Wilhelm Reich.

18307883? ago

to get you to masturbate and feed their master with orgone

wait, what?

18304872? ago

Never knew it, I am going to restrict my self from fapping for the next 12 hours !!!!!!!! I SWEARRRR!

18307940? ago

Why bother? If you're already jerkin' this post isn't to you, you're already feeding it with orgone, just not enough apparently.

18304837? ago

Have you visited 8ch QResearch? They reward breadbakers with pics of nude chicks. You guys are fucking weird

18308195? ago

No one's shocked that the autists aren't getting any and need to rely on porn. Jerkers should at least try thinking up your own fantasies, esp. considering we're anti-human trafficking and most porn stars got there through some sort of trafficking.

18307935? ago

Not addressing people already jerkin' - addressing the Christians being targeted. You guys are already feeding it with Orgone, which apparently isn't enough or they wouldn't be targeting all the boards known for having lots of Christians to try to put "cohencidental" images in their minds and corrupt them.

18311314? ago

WTF is the Orgone? This is some not so subtle shilling.

18304809? ago

Wtf are you talking about

18302858? ago

I buy it.

18302802? ago

They're also attacking the SR sub on reddit with outright propaganda trying to convince people that it's ok to continue feeding the addiction. No coincidences. The NoFap sub was bought out and monetised long ago for the same reasons.

Important reminder: This is a spiritual war. (((Porn))) is how they initially corrupted the majority of people and why they're so complacent and docile these days. Especially men. Women fell alongside with them because that's just how nature works.

18307928? ago

In addition to all the evil shit, it's also about ending reproduction for pesky Whites who continue to stand in the way of their one world socialist dystopia. Porn addicts can't get it up with a real woman.

18305575? ago

They're linking porn pics and trannys cuz they know how u idiots are. You'll rage and go on tirades like this about some semen spiritual war and in the meantime some 14 year old is laughing his ass off at you and your insecurities. If u legit dont realize it's just u being trolled for lolz and rage then clearly you havrnt hung around the chans for very long or iirc before that.

You nutbag fundamentalist types are like fish in a barrel for trolls.

18307967? ago

You nutbag fundamentalist types are like fish in a barrel for trolls.

No one cares what jerkers think, this post wasn't to people already feeding their master with orgone, it was to the Christians being targeted. One doesn't need to be a fundamentalist to understand that we're not the highest on the food chain here and that something feeds of the orgone created from masturbation, but not of actual sex.

Porn is another way for the Joo to hijack the Western Mind but you porn addicts just keep telling us we're crazy and we're the free ones as you give up your ability to ever get it up with a real woman or make a kid, the one thing we need whites to be doing in spades right now.

18315059? ago

Yeah because I must be addicted to porn because I masturbated, and masturbating has to be done with porn only lmao

You know how many good men were jerkin their dicks to pictures of the gal they had back home while they're camped out in the jungle? It must have been satan's plot to steal their orgone (lmfao) cuz it fueled the vietnamese to be super humans..... or some other contrived ridiculous unbased fantasies you have

18315224? ago

That's a long word salad to proudly state that you don't possess the cognitive architecture to understand the rituals necessary to keep that "master" fed. No one's talking to the jerkers who are already producing orgone but ... as a test for yourself - can you make up your own fantasies and still get off? Or do you always revert to the porn you've seen or emulated?

18306172? ago

^^This guy gets it. Btw check out this infographic https://gfycat.com/hideousklutzydogwoodclubgall

18304612? ago

Is this rooted in some weird uber religious fundamentalist obsession of controlling sexuality, or like just rooted from like people who were told to be ashamed of orgasms and sexual thoughts or just simply people who hate others having pleasure because they struggle to do so themselves? I'm all kinds of mind fucked that people like you exist. One of the reasons I support trump is simply because you can tell he fucks. And I bet he beats off when he cant get Melania or other hottie hes aroind to take care of him. Grow the fuck up. Use that tool between your legs before gone.

18312110? ago

Do you actually think it's good that a lot of young men get addicted to porn and consequently never marry? Porn addiction also saps motivation and ambition. That's why so many end up like yourself, living in your mom's basement, jerking off to creepy internet porn, and living without meaningful employment. Time for you to wake up and grow up.

18315179? ago

Show me one study linking porn addiction to never being able to marry.

Well I'm sure if you cant it will.be becaus the joo rigged the system so.no studies can be released that prove it wrong or right, right? Lmao

Got a solid 3ksqft brickhouse on .5acre, quit a 70+hr a week as a chef recently to get a good IT job, and on my 7th year with the lady I love.

Maybe I'm an exception or maybe the situation you are talking about is the exception. Regardless your statements dont add up to common sense and how u imagine my life arent close at any point in my life.

18317657? ago

Why don't you try again and try to make an intelligent point without the anti-jew nonsense.

I didn't say "never being able to marry." You should read more carefully.

Congratulations on your success. If you were ever porn addicted, as you seem to imply, you are an example of someone who managed to escape it, or at least the worst consequences of it, and that would reinforce my argument. Or are you saying that, despite having a wife you are still addicted to porn and it's all OK somehow?

18328544? ago

Your exact words "..men get addicted to porn and consequently never marry"

And no, no porn addiction, although I do enjoy it.

Point being, as with all extremists and sensationalist, you're wrong and blowing shit out of proportion... where your brain comes up with the jew orgone satan part though is dumbfounding and also scary as it's an example of how real extremists can be. Fundamentally little difference between radical muslims strapping a bomb to their chest or jim jone, charles Manson, David Korean, etc etc type manipulative nonsense.

18331500? ago

where your brain comes up with the jew orgone satan part

That wasn't me. I thought it was you ranting about jews and orgone.

18336764? ago

Lol nope, and as long as neither of us are THAT kind of crazy we can agree to disagree if need be I'm guessing, cheers anon

18308173? ago

One of the reasons I support trump is simply because you can tell he fucks. And I bet he beats off when he cant get Melania or other hottie hes aroind to take care of him. Grow the fuck up. Use that tool between your legs before gone.

Please, fuck as much as possible. And if you're going to masturbate, don't use porn think up your own fantasies. It's not rocket science, we're just asking not to let the joo hijack your Western mind and make it so you can't actually reproduce in the real world because porn has hijacked your mind to the point that you can't get or keep it up with an actual woman.

18315097? ago

So ED and low sperm count is caused by the Jews being behind porn and porn is intended to ..... hypnotised us to not be able to fuck women? Lmfao you realize how asinine this is except maybe when applied to a small fraction of people who probably have mental/social issues to begin with right?

18315185? ago

You allowed your sexual function to be hijacked to the point where you can't even think up your own fantasies and expect us to believe we're the crazy ones for recognizing it? Just another stupid know it all who's too dumb to know what you don't know. No one's talking to the jerkers who are already feeding the "master" with orgone.

18308027? ago

Is this rooted in some weird uber religious fundamentalist obsession of controlling sexuality, or like just rooted from like people who were told to be ashamed of orgasms and sexual thoughts or just simply people who hate others having pleasure because they struggle to do so themselves?

Or is porn a fundamental way the Joo hijacks the Western mind with the goal of ending human reproduction?

Please HAVE SEX if you can still get it up with a woman! It's masturbation that feeds the Gu's master.

18315078? ago

Lol you are cray cray I have sex, but I also masturbated. sometimes we masturbate together. Sometimes she just sucks me off... why dont I just have missionary sex and help the good side. what am I doin with my life with spreading all this evil and letting it control me lmao

18315175? ago

Do you make up your own fantasies? The key is not allowing porn to hijack something so fundamental as your sexual fantasies.

18315228? ago

It just depends, sometimes there is sometimes there isnt. Sometimes we both watch porn together and get heated up as well.

While there is a mental/social issue with people who get lost/obsessed with porn. It isnt like a guarantee or anything... I'd say those prone to that outcome are people who started with a deficit mentally/socially to begin with... just as everyone who drinks alcohol arent necessarily alcoholics.

Thx for being reasonable unlike some other comments here.

18315263? ago

It's (truly!) not intended to judge make anyone feel badly, just to get anyone who chooses to regain sovereignty over something so fundamental, because porn addiction is ruining marriages and contributing to the end of reproduction in the West since (unlike you) many who get addicted to porn can't have real sex, and targeting our vets with this shit as well as all the "broadcasts" to get them to commit suicide is an atrocity.

18328522? ago

Its "idiocracy" if you are familiar with that reference... that is the decline reason, not porn. People arent hving as many kids as possible as used to be, focus is more on quality of life for a couple kids vs quantity.

Best thing to do is raise kids who are free, critical and open minded thinkers. Trying to rationalize this as a spiritual war or Islamic takeover is fruitless, and if those were true there is no winning we are long since outnumbered. Entirely an irrational fear anyhow for a Christian, why be afraid of or delay the end if it means the rapture/judgement. ... just babbling that last part.

18329554? ago

You're welcome to live by your own choosing but from my perspective there's an undeniable spiritual aspect to saving Western Civilization or, as you say, it's already over because we're outnumbered.

It's obvious that the "enemy" is serving and feeding a force for evil that is greater than themselves, it only makes sense that there would be an equally powerful counterbalancing force for good.

It likely goes back to that story about the two wolves, which will you feed?

As far as being outnumbered:

Don't forget r / k selection theory, there will always be aspect of life that remain sovereign, that will never succumb mob rule of the largest number of dumb people.

18336855? ago

It's obvious? Oh that's rich. Watching too many movies perhaps?

18337513? ago

Or just following the drops on the fucking Q board that's supposed to be the foundational understanding for our conversations shill.

18340426? ago

Taking some liberties with Q to support your own crazed world view and agenda huh? I'm curious what you think Q has said that even remotely alludes to orgone, feeding energies to evil jew demons, etc etc

Next you're going to.tell me Q is working to prove the angel/giant bones vs lol

18343633? ago

Mike? Lmao well I'm a four letter name and from the bible but I'm not Mike, good try?

As for ur links, this to you is proof of all of that? A creepy occultic themed staged photo is evidence for you this is all real?

You're closer than you think.

The truth is many of these DS fucks in fact BELIEVE there is some evil 5th dimensions energy ooze that comes from sacrifices and sexual acts and they are harnessing forces of evil feeding beings in another dimension ala some HP lovecraft type occultism.

That is true. It is true that THEY actually BELIEVE it.

THEY believe it's TRUE, because they are fuckin insane. It's important to understand that aspect. They arent being fought or taken down through harnessing orgone or praying to God or some new age garbage like that, they are being taken down by men fighting for the good of man.

God put all of this in our hands 2k years ago, unless you dont follow christ then maybe you believe otherwise ... THEY believe otherwise, THEY believe these demon forces are still reachable - they're not. It's taken 2k years to get to a point of communication tech (notice how THEY want internet shut down?) advances enough we can ban together to take down these leftovers from B.C. era power.

This is THE truth .. but you wont believe it, cuz some schizophrenia or opioid dementia or some shit in your brain has you stuck.on believing things have to be the most ridiculous convoluted answer...The more hollywood fantasy the better.

Have fun being manipulated by shills and sticking ur hands into snake.boxes at church or whatev u nutjobs do, I've reached my.limit.however on tolerance for you at the moment. But I do have faith you may come.around as Qteam unravels all of this more and more. Ultimately you're on the good side and that is all that matters foe the big picture.

18350774? ago

have fun being manipulated by shills and sticking ur hands into snake.boxes at church or whatev u nutjobs do,

True Christians don't go to church asshole.

18310866? ago

interesting, one of those troll accounts on President Trump's twitter account is named "Dr. Eugene Gu"...

18304934? ago

You are one of those sick people that Q warns about... Our President would laugh in your face over this bullshit that you just said... You should grow the fuck up and perhaps look to the recent warrior post. You are a part of ther problem. ✌

18306650? ago

[same one who commented, just adding]

This was never about arrests. This was about providing the public an information entry point to wake up so that the collective consciousness can be boosted a notch. That's why we're in this hole in the first place, where seemingly 'nothing' ever happens; a lot of people are disconnected from themselves, continuously tearing the collective back into the materialistic void. Consider all the spam, as well as my comment, as evidence that we're entering the next phase. Sharing that felt right.

Draining your energy for anything but reproduction is degenerate and worthless. A sick trade of dysgenics for pleasure. Everyone wonders where autoimmune disorders and baldness (both mostly affecting only malers) come from... bingo. Mainstream science is on par with mainstream media.

The Q movement wasn't meant to be a crab bucket; blinded atheists should take note and stop believing trashy excuses. Porn is truly a weapon.

18307125? ago

Did you really just say that autoimmune disorders mostly affect only men?

Most autoimmune diseases affect more WOMEN than men.

I genuinely appreciate your message but please gtfo with the false information. 🙏

18307159? ago

I didn't mean all autoimmune disorders. I admit I haven't researched these things that much but I've seen enough anecdotal evidence to suggest that things like fribromyalgia are highly correlated.

18307230? ago

Fibromyalgia affects more women than men too....

As for as the porn/fap thing you're getting at, I definitely agree there is a loss of (sexual) energy for men

18307415? ago

Only correlated, yes. I didn't express my thoughts too clearly in that part. I made an edit. The falsities weren't intended, sorry about that.

18306564? ago

This was never about 'arrests'. This was about providing the public an information entry point to wake up so that the collective consciousness can be boosted a notch. That's why we're in this hole in the first place, where seemingly 'nothing' ever happens; a lot of people are disconnected from themselves, continuously tearing the collective back into a materialistic void. Consider all the spam, as well as my post evidence that we're entering the next phase; I posted because it felt right.

Draining your energy for anything but reproduction is degenerate and worthless. A sick trade of dysgenics for pleasure. You wonder where autoimmune disorders and male baldness come from? Bingo.

The Q movement wasn't meant to be a crab bucket; blinded atheists should take note and stop believing trashy excuses. Porn is truly a weapon.

18305528? ago

Yeah in sick, how dare I fuck. Nevermind POTUS, he can fuck and divorce all he wants cuz u cavemen type do that, u put things on pedestals.

Try to hijack Q to support anti semitic beliefs. Try to hijack Q to support racism. Try to hijack Q to support crazy fanatical fundamentalist garbage. Try to hijack Q to support anti sex/masturbation

You cavemen, dolts and rednecks will be the ruin of this movement and this country .. the shills and DS are trying but your ilk are two laps ahead, all they have to do is keep you alive and you'll do the job for them.

Remind me when did Q warn you of people who fuck and who masturbate? Lmao fuckin glad u morons are a tiny slice of Q's population or we would be Fubar by now

18306877? ago

Hahahaaa it's hilarious that you attempt to make a mockery of respect, honor, love, fidelity, and decency while attempting to paint those who oppose your shitposting as the shitposters. I feel sorry for you and the loveless bunch that you're a part of. Please, do continue to fuck yourself.

18314966? ago

So sex and masturbation makes a mockery of respect, honor, love, fidelity and decency how?

Sounds like you simply cant cope with sex and your own sexuality so assume no one can and that then makes it bad ... at least you arent dragging some opinionated take on religion/spirituality into it like others may be

18308141? ago

I feel sorry for you and the loveless bunch that you're a part of. Please, do continue to fuck yourself.

You mean you feel sorry for people who have actual sex using their bodies with their lovers, rather than jerker sex in their minds with strangers the joo puts in front of them to ensure they can never again get an erection with another human being because their mind's been hijacked by the Joo for the purpose of ending reproduction for Whites?

Jerkers can't get it up with humans.

18306738? ago

Imagine thinking something must be said by Q to be true.

18306670? ago

If you ever bothered doing your research you would realise it was never anti-sex. You're just deliberately taking everything out of context. Shameful.

18308149? ago

It's actually PRO SEX, anti-masturbation that hijacks the Western mind and makes it so most can't get an erection, or if they can they can't keep it up for more than 45 seconds before orgasm. Porn addicts are impotent as actual lovers.

18308250? ago

In fact, a bunch of guys in that sub practice non-ejaculatory sex with their partners. As for myself, I'm taking the long difficult path for spiritual benefit. It's indefinite mainly because most women around me don't meet my standards anyway.

All the more reason to spend my time with the Q thing and oversee/manage things in my own special way. Hundredth monkey and all that stuff.

18308255? ago

As for myself, I'm taking the long difficult path for spiritual benefit.

It's refreshing to interact with people who still care about things like virtue and spiritual integrity. Thanks, patriot.

18308362? ago

I recall reading a lot of things in that context regarding our ability to reproduce. I'm aware that there's a lot in the bible hidden via layers of [mis]translation. I'm not Christian (I can't really label myself anything) but I rather enjoy the religious posts I often see on here for that reason. Don't mistake me for a new-age type though, I dislike how a lot of disinfo hijacked the idea of ascension and pushed a bunch of bullshit along with it to poison the well and make a profit. Nonetheless, I believe Q has a lot to do with that very concept and plays a a big part in eventually leading up to it.

I was never drawn to qanon by the political aspects, as I merely sort of found myself back on Voat in the aftermath of a drug/masturbation addiction only to learn Jewish influence almost outright killed me. It was a rather intense wake-up call. I'm still dealing with some frustration over it.

18303068? ago

Dude WTF is Semen Retention is this a shill post too?

18303075? ago

Piss off if you can't take it seriously, you wanker.

18303091? ago

18303121? ago

All coming out of the woodwork, I see. It wont work on me.

18302396? ago

What happens May 1st? May day? Last time the stars seemed to be really aligning with March 19-21, and we were all duped... I get it though, they are trying to make the deep state expel ammunition.

18307924? ago

Fire ritual blood sacrifice season = mid-April to May 1.

18304817? ago

This some weird shit. Don’t jerk it till after May? Lol

18311941? ago

I’ll never make it

18307917? ago

oh no if you're a jerker, keep on jerkin' - you're already feeding the master, why stop now. I made the post to Christians, they're the ones "they're" master "cohencidentally" wants to degrade. No one cares about those already feeding it, this is about the desperation to draw in people who abstain.

18309334? ago

Your statement makes no sense at all.

18312784? ago

Can't keep up because all your energy's going go jerkin'?

18301850? ago

The entire month of May, actually.

18302691? ago

Check it out, one of them replied to your comment. It's clearly just a bot, they didn't even attempt to actually participate in the conversation. They really are looking for us to spill our seed. It makes us weak when we do.

18308167? ago

Unless you spill it into a woman, that doesn't feed their master. Please have real sex rather than masturbate is all anyone's actually saying here.

18302525? ago

This explains it in an easy to digest way. https://files.catbox.moe/souu4j.gif

18302708? ago

^ porn spam

18301739? ago

It’s likely Justice Dems https://i.imgtc.com/yZ8YqB7.jpg