19179380? ago

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18832232? ago

@YouAreASlave @Nathingtwo @Mogumbo What are the Shiners about? Who do these Masons pray to?? @bushka @Ken_bingo2 and Shriners wear a hat that celebrates the massacre of Christians... https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3210952

18832060? ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3158636 The Shriners, Freemasons Royal Order of Jesters, the Lucis Trust, the United Nations Alliance for Civilizations and DynCorp

18036191? ago

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17906928? ago

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17838764? ago

they believe they are aliens, something about blood type or blood temperature or some pagan voodoo bullshit http://kinnikuking.blog81.fc2.com/blog-entry-972.html

17905474? ago

meet with the Ripper @Guy_Justsome @Zadim ? @1Sorry_SOB @Scotanon29 what kinds of people are getting Knighted, this Mudage and the Dictator of Italy and Kevin Spacey?

17889895? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3145210/17889476 'Freemasonry is a perversion of Hermetic Knowledge, like all these secret cults of gnosis.'

17905413? ago

and the 'Ripper'.... Strange its like a State Funeral, what are these 'Shriners' the York and Scottish Lodge? @roznak @Stonenchizel this guy was high up in British media, connected to the Queen?? @german_bro @CluelessInTheDark @TheAnonLady

17907377? ago

This guy was the Elites Great White Hope of the Luciferians who think they are all connected to the Annunaki through Enki's bloodline . Read Zachariah Sitchen's "The Twelfth Planet" in it you will find what is written in stone from the very first writings known to man, he Epic of Creation , The Creation of Man , Gillgamesh and the Flood ...pls so mch more . All these Secret Societie think they are the Royal Bloodline from the Creators of Man

19164708? ago

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18832085? ago

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17918024? ago

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17905557? ago

stranger than fiction? you can't make this shit up .... the Masons at a funeral, called himself 'jim will fix it' knew the Pope close to the Queen @Delacourt @tendiesonfloor .... @bluntripkin @LakotaPride and the Ripper

17906139? ago

I agree Patriot, there are times when truth is stranger then fiction, and this is one of them.

17836676? ago

Order commander of the British Empire title, Jimmy Savile or James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG was an English DJ, television and radio personality who hosted BBC shows Died‎: ‎29 October 2011 https://www.prisonplanet.com/jimmy-savile-was-part-of-satanic-child-abuse-ring.html

17840787? ago

How do they keep people quiet? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3112465/17562444 One member, Michael Paquette, said that when he was initiated into the group five years ago, two mouse traps were placed before him, and he was told that one worked, and one was broken, he said. Another member tested the broken trap, then told Mr. Paquette to touch the live one. He did, and discovered that it, too, was a dud. ''It was really harmless things,'' Mr. Paquette said. ''It was just for you to be there and realize you were in good hands, and you didn't have to fear anything.''

Just read that part and had to comment. Why would they have to fear anything in the first place???? Hmmm? Weird. What would cause you to have fear and not think you are in good hands when joining any other club? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3112465/17562444

17836786? ago

17836774? ago

who is the creep, seems a big deal @lollo9990 @salvia_d @JesusRules The Mass or Funeral looks regular until you see the people and hidden symbols ? @dayofthehope @Volksgemeinschaft

17836601? ago

Jack the Ripper? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3119904 Murders of Whitechapel and the surrounding areas? Surgeon to Queen Victoria and serial killer "Jack the Ripper," encounters his Masonic god Jahbulon in Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell's From Hell,

17837049? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hjw57H1iPY Frank Bruno 2000 he became the first boxer to be knighted

17836783? ago

... which came first the global Jew or Masonic?

18832151? ago

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18832029? ago

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18832020? ago

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18832011? ago

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17905828? ago

@Kattie @TH0UGHTP0LICE @Joe_McCarthy this conspiracy stuff gets more weird, why is he meeting the Ripper @ColonialCandle @7e62ce85 .... why did the Queen give him a Knighthood???

17882064? ago

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17880765? ago

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17836442? ago

Please, use more flavor words. You totally aren't obvious enough as is, more flavor words needed.

17836555? ago

Knighted jimmy savile kevin spacey mugabe mussolini @TheLastCrusader777 @slumbermachine @Adrianmc @Sheitstrom ??? what do the criminal scum believe, not sure on Frank Bruno a cheater and wife beater

17836617? ago

You realize you give yourself away every time you behave as seen above, right?

Every. time.

Silly A_____.

17839079? ago

...you're a bot.

17839180? ago

Quite the opposite, actually. But you know that.

17905735? ago

@zit @Russianbots I'm not really religious, maybe there is a God, maybe not who knows I tried to do good in my life.... but This guy 'Savile' I read this stuff and its like this a cold blooded creep and monster, like the devil worship or satanic stuff is real, what the fuck are these guys following? @karmatic @ardvarcus he's meeting the Ripper ??

17839307? ago

No, actually I don't, bot.

17839391? ago

Yeah you do, that's why you're trying to call me one in the first place.

Relatively unseen tactic, but just as boring as every other.

By all means, carry on shitting up the board with narrative-pushing bullshit. Slowly but surely, more people will start to notice the same patterns.

17839461? ago

LOL...ya, okay.