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19160525? ago

Not just faggots. Pedos!

19164704? ago

This guy was the Elites Great White Hope of the Luciferian's who think they are all connected to the Annunaki through Enki's bloodline . Read Zachariah Sitchen's "The Twelfth Planet" in it you will find what is written in stone from the very first writings known to man, The Epic of Creation , The Creation of Man , Gillgamesh and the Flood so much more . All these Secret Societies think they are the Royal Bloodline from the Creators of Man Was he a Jester, KnightsMalta? did he pray with Shriners to Lucifer? They have a Funeral Mass seems normal, 'Satan' they believe a fallen Angel....Broadmoor Ripper Who is the guy Mike Tyson boxed?