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17917912? ago

Sick fucks. They need to be removed from existence!

17918022? ago

and Savile? 'This guy was the Elites Great White Hope of the Luciferian's who think they are all connected to the Annunaki through Enki's bloodline . Read Zachariah Sitchen's "The Twelfth Planet" in it you will find what is written in stone from the very first writings known to man, The Epic of Creation , The Creation of Man , Gillgamesh and the Flood so much more . All these Secret Societies think they are the Royal Bloodline from the Creators of Man'

17918222? ago

Sitchen was "nudged" in a certain direction. We don't know the half of it. Word around the camp fire is that enki will come back and usher us in to a new age of transhumanism... With a grain of salt but these elites think that this is their world that enki will give them once the singularity is complete.

17919203? ago

you need to do more research on Sitchen, the problem was no one had any schooling or understanding of ancient languages to dispute him until Dr. Michale Heiser called his bluff.