17755409? ago

How many patriotic Jews do you think are coming to Voat? Your message should be delivered on some liberal / socialist / communist site. It is wasted here on the very few your message would address.

17755388? ago

(((They))) want race wars, religious wars, class wars.

Pray tell us who (((they))), oh enlightened one.

Who are the Rothschilds? Who is Soros? Who is Schumer? Who is Feinstein? Who is Zuckerberg? Who is Sergi Bren? Who controls the corrupted MSM? Who holds 99% of the wealth in the world?

I have no problem with any Jew that works and honest job, and believes in the God given right to freedom for all men. I do have a problem with those that think they should rule the world and try to do so through manipulation, subterfuge, collusion, and collectivism. I do have a problem with those and their lackeys that are trying to disarm me so that I cannot resist their control.

17740880? ago

Jew have got to be kidding

17737524? ago

OP is a mossad nigger, I've seen him multiple times.

You will never stop whats coming, israel will fall and EVERYONE will know it was those fucking retards causing ALL of the middle eastern problems.

17737246? ago

Patriotic Jews = oxymoron

17736337? ago

Problem is, most of the people that come from Q land, do not have the ability to downvoat because you have to do many posts on the other cesspool threads where the only way you can get upvoated is to say something vile.

17736304? ago

Judge each person by their deeds.

17736283? ago

You're damn right. The racists on this site speak the loudest but they sure as hell aren't the majority.

17736173? ago

The jews need to be looked at.

Please shut the fuck up...

17735700? ago

Jews are NOT the Chosen People of God. Saying this is truth and not racism or antisemite. The jews aren't even Semitic peoples themselves, based on Y-DNA analyses. Even Jewish scholars admitted that the jews are not who they say they are. Turn off the Mainstream Media (who are all PAID to promote the jewish lie) and read a book for yourselves!

"The CHOICE to know will be yours" Q

17735096? ago

Shut the fuck up you degenerate. Sucking a baby's bloody penis is all you're good at.

17733524? ago

Yeah, most of the Muhjoos are either Synagogue of Satan Mossad boys or their useful idiot white supremacist fools that they manipulate so skillfully.

MAGA is for all Patriots!

17733200? ago

Mr Muhjoo's!!! "What's New, Mr Muhjoo"???

17733165? ago

My fellow white people,


17732819? ago

There are no jew patriots,jews are for jews controlling the western world(and they very clearly do)

17732660? ago

I upvoted this because I want people sitting on the fence of the Jewish issue to see how terribly OP fails to actually respond to the valid criticisms of what he said in the comments.

Congratulations OP. You've played yourself.

17732470? ago

Let's name some patriotic USA Jews. Seth Rich. Aaron Schwartz. Alan Sabrosky. Benjamin Freedman. Jack Bernstein. Let's name some Jews who were not connected to the USA, but who spoke out against Jewish injustice. Israel Shahak. Shlomo Sand. Spinoza.

17731976? ago

17731558? ago

https://voat.co/v/whatever/3129740 WHY? Why would they censor free speech?

17731551? ago

God bless America and God bless Israel!

17734576? ago

I pray to God every night to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

17731097? ago

Knowing what you know about 9/11, pedovores, deepstate do you not get this maddening sensation within yourself at those who can't see it? If only they would listen to you and withhold emotional judgment and to hear out the facts for what they are. If only they would ignore your character and what the authority told them and to think for themselves the presented evidence. I'm sure we can all relate to this no matter where we are on the ladder out, the important part of the journey is to which direction you are looking as we endure to the end.

The truth is that the truth is really hard to pin down. Its slippery and every time you think you've nailed it, it jettisons its merry away out of your reach once more. Every lie is a veil and at every chance to reveal the truth is another opportunity to tell another lie. That is why symbolism isn't just important, its requisite and often based on mathematical principles so that it can never be lost for history is always lost to the sheep and searched for by the Shepard while known only to the wolves. Just as one can only see so far across the land before convergence and atmospheric pollution limit his gaze (he could pierce this barrier with modern infrared viewing equipment to see far past what his eyes would show) so to is our understanding of the human historical timeline. We only know anything historical (reasonable objectivity) within a very small and ever shrinking contribution to the totality of human history. This means we are missing out on a lot of knowledge when we try to consider the human existence. ( https://voat.co/v/QRV/2876482/ Expanded explanation ) In short, be open minded and think for yourself. we've been lied to about everything.

Knowing that the holocaust was a fabrication by exaggeration of internment camps does not make one a nazi. You have been programmed by design to feel an emotional urge to either attack the messenger or refuse to view the evidence. Confidence is dangerous thing. How confident are your friends that won't listen to you that its not worth their time? If only they knew what they didn't know right? The road ahead regardless of the plan working or not is going to get much much stranger. There is pain coming and revelations to be fulfilled for surely as long as man stays in the dark he will never know if he is truly free. Do you want to be told you are free or do you want to honestly know it to be true?

When you look into the official record of the collective holocaust "trials", in the official primary evidence itself you will find inherent inconsistencies designed to be hidden by emotional response. Honestly its an exhaustive effort to compile the sure amount of red pills available to conclusively demonstrate to you that mathematically it was impossible. Swimming pool. Theater. Maternal wards. Rabbit farms. Normal sized crematories. No bone fragmentation. Typhus and starvation. Internment camps.

Yet there is still a way that my proposal can be easily summarized for the average person who is willing to hear it out and by the end of which you will be conclusively convinced the truth has been a lie. Dean irrebod's One third, 4 hours long of primary documentation delivered on screen at time of relevance. You don't have the time to drop out of your masters program like me because your autism wouldn't let you stay asleep? Can't spend hundred of hours every week at peak mental disorder levels of attention for years on end? I'll save you the time.

4 hours and you'll be completely convinced, this is not for entertainment purposes this is highly compact educational lecture and you will want to take notes. It doesn't talk about the jewish question and if you noticed i didn't here either. You don't need to swallow that to realize the holocaust is fake but when you do, you might want to keep climbing the ladder.


  • http://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/imt.asp

  • Acknowledging the differences in the races is not racism.

  • Acknowledging that mixed race communities are divided is not racism.

  • Acknowledging that ethnostate nations are unified is not racism.

  • Letting other races live in peace amongst themselves united is not racism.

  • Seeking to preserve your own race and future is not racism.

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

17731084? ago

OP is a retarded nigger. Q brought you to the most antisemetic place online for a reason. Think for yourself or stay as retarded as this faggot.

They want to rule the world and believe it is their right.

The Jew will always tell you what happened to them but they will never tell you why. The first thing you have to acknowledge is how incredibly wrong and misinformed you are and that you suffer from severe cognitive dissonance and mass social mind control. This is a journey you have to take for yourself as it is an exhaustive effort to deal with the masses of low IQ normies who are here just for the ride.

ALL world cabals and deep state cults serve the masters in israel. They are the synagogue of satan. Their scripture teaches that pedophilia, murder and lying is okay to do to a gentile and that we are human cattle "goyium" meant only to serve them for eternity. Wherever you are on the jew spectrum this is the foundation from which they all stem from, mass human sacrifice and slave trading for thousands of years. Saying "not all jews" is correct, they have been brainwashed and turned into a human shield for the rabbis and those playing the game but all line members are sympathetic to this synagogue of satan and greater judea even if they don't directly realize it. The jewish faith is the most racist dogma to ever be created, they believe that all gentiles are non human and that they are the "chosen ones". When Christ sacrificed himself to end their sacrifice of children they rejected him because he included the gentiles in his atonement.

learn your history:

The rothschild family and 13 bloodlines are all jews. They have complete control of the world banking system and have enslaved all of mankind. Each nation must purchase its currency from the rothschilds at INTEREST which can never be repaid. Your government, wherever that may be, does not print its own currency. The world wars were created by design to restore israel and everything you have been watching is just a show. They divide the world by lowering our moral standards and mixing the hominids to cause unavoidable division while they remain united.

85%+ of the communist leaders where in fact jews. They murdered 35 Million and committed the holodomor genocide before world war two ever started, which they started. Communism was founded by jews for the direct purpose of subjecting populations to their control.

Bolshevik Revolution








Communism / German Revolution











Sanhedrin 55b

A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his.



Sanhedrin 54b

Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that.



Ketubot 11b

When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye








We learned in the mishna that one sucks blood from the wound after the circumcision was performed on Shabbat. Rav Pappa said: A craftsman who does not suck the blood after every circumcision is a danger to the child undergoing circumcision, and we remove him from his position as circumcisor.



The ancient method of performing metzitzah—metzitzah b'peh, or oral suction—has become controversial. The process has the mohel place his mouth directly on the circumcision wound to draw blood away from the cut.


Under Jewish law, a mohel must draw blood from the circumcision wound. Most mohels do it by hand with a suction device, but some Orthodox groups use their mouth to draw blood after cutting the foreskin.



Full Talmud PDFs for even more translations




MSM / Corporate Control









17731079? ago

Muhjoova witnesses

17731067? ago

The way I see it, Rothschild knew that the Jews would be a powerful ally to the cabal, so they gave them Israel as a gift. They are a powerful ally. Hitler lost to them. Stalin lost to them. They created the atomic bomb, etc. Fighting them is a fools errand and you will keep losing as long as you unconditionally force them all over to the cabal's side as a race. The cabal will encourage nationalists to hate Jews because the Jews haven't been wiped out over more than 3000 years of attempts to do so.

Trump is smart by not making enemies with all Jews. He knows that if he can get them on the side of righteousness because he won't hate them as a race regardless of their actual INDIVIDUAL behavior, that they are safe in supporting him.

17730777? ago

The entire jewish media is under attack. What do JQ realists have to panic about? The Q movement has no skin color, but it is a Christian movement to be sure. You can hide from the evidence all you like, or focus on the Jew created world wars, but the truth exists in the hundreds of countries who expelled this satainc tribe for much worse crimes than usury. They are the historic source for child sacrifice and sex trafficking. "But because I speak the truth, you do not believe me." John 8:45

17730348? ago

"Panic mode" is thrown around almost as much as "racism", to the point where the term is just about meaningless. If you think upvoating or downvoating equates to "panic mode", you have no idea what's coming down the pike.

17730321? ago

So are you saying Jews aren't white?

17730218? ago

There needs to be a distinction draw between real Jews, and fake Jews, who are not Jews but of the synagog of satan.

And the BO needs to PIN a thread about this issue.

17729805? ago

The fresh made Nazi flags from China being waved by people all wearing khaki pants, ClA posting MAGA videos and the host is trying to hard and appears canned. The patterns are real, from the Boston Tea Party dressing up like Indians to the Nazi's dressing up like Polish soldiers and murdering their fellows. The only way to see them is to study their body language, patterns, and not what they say, but what they do. Who in the Fuck has time for all of that?

17729542? ago

I understand why anonymity is used here to keep egos at bay, but were we to use identity (obviously false), the shills would stand naked for all to see.

17734156? ago

The shills are already naked. Who are the ones making actual arguments and presenting mountains of facts and sourcing their claims, and who are the ones relying on fallacies like appeals to emotion and ad hominems?

17734755? ago

Good point for those paying attention, but we already know. It's the folks that the shills are for that could use easier tells.

17729491? ago

Your posting this on the wrong website buddy voat is further right than pol, you are just inviting trouble and asking for people to post this stuff.

The holocaust is a lie to extort money for example.

17729424? ago

If Q followers actually cared about Q, they would do their own research. Start here: https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

17729387? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @smokratez.

Posted automatically (#31592) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

17729363? ago

Op is pacagoat faggot. Who is shilling it up for the jews.

17729343? ago

Thanks OP, I have also noticed an increase of shill posts today. Wht I find interesting is, being based in the UK, the shills get busy in the morning so that by the time it is morning in the US, the board is flooded so that it looks like the majority of the Q community have been posting jew hate all day. This is just a nother trick so that the people of the US wake up to a board filled with hate and shill posts.

You can also tell that in this post, the hatefull shill comments have an unpoportional number of upvotes in relation to the comment content. Anons here know that comments that are well thought out, balanced and insightful get may upvoats. Brain dead anti-semitic comments like what this post is littered with receiving high upvotes is just further proof that the shills are here. It's obvious once you see, so any newcomers please don't be fooled. The Q movement is not about this.

17737523? ago

As another Brit, I advise you to wake up and learn about your true history. Escape the programming and research for yourself.

The fake Jews who run the Cabal are NOT semites. They are of Khazarian descent. They created the Talmud which mixed original Judaism from the Torah with their ancient Baal/Moloch worship to create the Luciferian doctrine which is still practiced by them today, hence all the trafficking, pedophilia, SRA, eating of children etc etc.

I don't blame you for being ignorant of all this. Most people are. I was too. We've all been misled as the truth has been hidden - about the true origins of the Talmudic "Jews" and their Satanic empire; the holocaust hoax (was really "Eisenhowers Holocaust"(look it up) and so on.

Do your own research rather than posting sound bite propaganda you've been programmed with. It's hard at first to break the cognitive dissonance. But if you truly want to learn the truth, keep persevering.

17729330? ago

If European ethnic cleansing isn't stopped war is coming.

Jewish supremacists are the primary drivers of it, so fucking stop if you want to live.

17729209? ago

This Message Has Been Brought To You By the JIDF.

17729174? ago

If you are a "good" Jew, you would give up the Torah and the Talmud and accept Christ as the Messiah. You would become a "good Christian" instead. There is no such thing as a "good Jew".

17729384? ago

Truer words have not been spoken. If they were good, they would accept truth, but they gleefully exchange truth for a shekel.

17729138? ago

Patriotic jews lol please Thats almost as non existant as actual racism amongst white people

17729351? ago

They are patriotic. It's just that their pater is a different man than ours.

17729073? ago

As Jews slowly see the possibility that they may NOT win, they come creeping out of the shadows to NOW become "one of us!" Where the fuck were they at before? Where are they when it comes to publicly protesting clown world? Where are they when it comes calling out their own people? Fuck the Kikes.

17729052? ago

Except jews can't answer the question.

"If Israel and the US went to war, whose side would you take?"

17729528? ago

Shit, goy boomers would have a hard time with that one too. They're so far gone they're basically collaborators at this point. They can't even entertain the possibility that what we say might have truth to it, they shut down and reject any information they've been trained to hate and denounce us as "shills".

It actually makes me sad.

17731332? ago

A lifetime of conditioning is too much to overcome at this point in their lives.

17729045? ago

The jooos shilling on the q board seems to be growing exponentially. 30-40% of posts are from jew shill faggots. I suspect discrediting psyop in the works. Annoying but glorious.

17729002? ago

Hey, it's the Jew-Scream-Bot-2000!

Come to scream Mossad misinformation at us!

You can set your watch by this daily Mossad spam.

17728939? ago

True story.

17728828? ago

Ever notice how every white movement gets taken over by jews like this??

17729543? ago

No goy, I only see individuals. Race doesn't exist. Stop being a bigot!

17729565? ago

No goy, I only see individuals

and that's why jews own and control everything and subvert whites.

17728764? ago

Post this bullshit on a non-anon subverse, niggerfaggot.

Jews are always out in support of Jews. There's a whole lot more reasons to hate Jews.

17728607? ago

Still not panicking. Still just waiting for you Q boomers to notice that those you cannot question are the ones in power. Still hoping Q is real while waiting for any actual meaningful person to be charged with the full extend of their treasonous crimes in full public view. We arent shills. We are people who have paid attention a lot longer and harder than 90% of you Q people.

17728596? ago

I wish I could support your view, but, too much genuine research, facts of the past and the connections to the 'jew', leaves me indifferent and very suspicious of these pple. No one has the right to harm a 'Jew', but the 'Jew' has no right to corrupt our culture. Half of that statement is honored, but the other half is not....hence, I cannot support your view.

17731324? ago

The complete and utter destruction of their race and society will be saved for last - JQ

17728585? ago

Nazifags' only purpose is to divide by race, religion and culture. They're so over-the-top that the only explanation is they're a psyop designed to taint any free speech board with Naziism to guarantee they never grow.

And they're successful, QRV has 15k subs when the Q movement is millions. Even if you take lurkers into consideration, Voat Qanon membership is about .005% of the entire Q worldwide population.

Nazifags have won Voat battle but lost the war.

17728328? ago

I read your headline, then thought, mmm, will the first comment be one with lots of "anti jew facts" and lots of "anti jew links" ..

Yep! I was right.

17729594? ago

And no one making any arguments about why he is wrong, just idiots kvetching. Fancy that!

17728138? ago

And this children is yet another example of the kikes tendency to shapeshift and subvert.

17728124? ago

@puttitout, I'd put an eye on these seemingly astroturfed "they Nazi shills are panicking!!" posts that have been routinely popping up at this hour.

17728119? ago

Shut it down, the Goyim know!

17728105? ago

Do you really expect Jews to say they are unpatriotic? Not part of the movement? Yet they cling to that tribe mentality? They defend it, declare it's innocence. Not defining themselves as Americans instead? There are some truthful (former Jews), such as Bobby Fischer, who denounce anything to do with being Jewish, because he knew what that really meant. He really understood the grip of Jewish power over the USA. If you don't see it now, you never will.

I cannot blame someone for being born Jewish. They cling to that Tribe mentality, while using the Anti-Semitic canard to make anyone questioning their patriotism look they they are the bad person.

To know who rules you, find out whom you cannot criticize. You can criticize Trump, Muslims, or any other group, but you cannot criticize Jews. Just know this, Anti-Semitism was punishable by DEATH in the Soviet Union. Your just one step away from that, as they can put in you in jail now if you are question their control over any country.


17728028? ago

The OP sucks on freshly circumcised babies

17728026? ago

My fellow Americans, Jewish or not.. understand the the anti-semitism is coming from evil Israelis. Of course not all Israelis are evil, but the communist ones working to divide and destroy us are very evil.

Consider who you know. Go for a walk. Consider past walks.

How much bigotry have you witnessed? How much of it started around the time Obama started trying to convince a nation that consists of 85% non-black people (more white people voted for Obama than black people), who just voted in a black Muslim Kenyan for the second term to highest office, that they have a problem with racism?

If you waste time thinking of racism, hatred, fear, or any other division, other than those free and independent Americans, and our communist sabotuer enemies, you've been duped by their poison!

17728009? ago

Yasher Koach.

These shills need a mitzvah.

Once we ID one we should all send shitloads of Maneshevitz to them.

I grew up with Russian Jews. Best people I know. Fiercely loyal friends.

17728759? ago

That's just a story. Acts 7:41 to end of chapter. They stoned Stephen for calling out their deceit.

17729583? ago

Jesus was a Jew. The Jews grew so corrupt they had to be given the son.

17727958? ago

Seth Rich was an example of a patriotic Jew. He truly loved this country! He died for this country! Godspeed, Seth Rich!

Then there are people like Sebastian Gorka, who put a huge America First banner on his Twitter page. Methinks he doth protest too much! Then there is the fact that his wife is involved with the questionable Maga Coalition. ??? He acts like he is a Trump supporter. Do you trust him?

17737377? ago

He didn't die for his country. He died trying to expose the criminality of Clinton. But not to help Patriots, but in order to help a Jewish, Communist, Bernie Sanders!

17730375? ago

Um, he leaked the emails because he wanted Bernie Sanders, a Jewish communist, to get elected.

17737343? ago

Yes, thank you. I was going to post exactly this!!

It's not a popular thing to say as everyone keeps saying he was a hero, but you have to consider his motives.

Was he doing it to help Patriots? No!

To help conservatives/republicans? No.

To help Trump? No.

To help Communist Sanders? Yes!!

So no he was not necessarily the patriot many portray him to be. Sure, the result of his actions have done some good and helped expose evil.. And what he did was brave and risky. And it is sad he was then murdered for it. But he did not do it to help the "patriot movement" - he did it to help a Jewish Communist Criminal, Sanders!

17729402? ago

Good jews never last long [assassination], but there is nothing more glorious than a jew returning to the fold.

17727774? ago

More copy/paste. It appears @8bit and @PenSHITLORD have no problems with spam as long it it pushes the Jewish narrative. Why they continue to allow this poster to post spam time and time again against site rules is troubling. Either both are apathetic about the content and rules of the site or are aligned with the message being spammed.

I suggest everytime this poster spams with unoriginal copy/paste content all posters add @8bit and @PenSHITLORD and @Puttitout in the reply so their message box gets notified until this poster is addressed.

17727746? ago

No.....Not Really.

The whole stealing, raping, porn, sodomy, starting wars, flooding us with third world thing kinda sucks. Love me some Q though. Go Get-em!

17727711? ago

WE can not be divided. WWG1WGA. Q is colorblind. Q welcomes all.

17728353? ago

The Q is a fkng retard and against unity. diversity never worked, never will.

17728038? ago

FTFY: (((They))) want us divided.

17728666? ago

Don't oblige them. Don't be a bigoted fool.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

17727624? ago

Just stop thinking and SUBMIT to your jewish overlords. We Love you. Like we love a productive cow or mule. Submit now and use Promo Code: Little Ben Shapiro to get half off your dick.

17728208? ago

promo code...


I see you bear

17728369? ago

I couldn't resist

Rogans Up!

17727614? ago

Agreed. Q is about unity among all patriots. The posts repeatedly point this out.

17727607? ago

Why the board monitors continue to allow this poster to spam this board every day with copy/paste content should cause us all concern.

17735210? ago

it's crazy tho how many qtards upvote this crap. If the qtards actually did any digging they would find out about the Jewish problem.

17736438? ago

No one is disputing that there are a SHIT ton of awful Jews in the world. He's disputing that people should be written off on the basis of race.

17727586? ago

Its almost like you are trying to create a narrative to steer people away from finding out the truth. Who likes to make narratives and write scripts to control thought? Oh yah....(((The DS)))!!!

17727555? ago

Oy vey!

As a Mossad agent, I approve of this message.

You filthy goyim should all trust the Jew and ignore the Jewish history of Satanism and the Satanic Jewish scripture and the fact Jews chose a Satanic hexagram to be their symbol.

Also ignore the white genocide that all the Jews are pushing.

Ignore the fact that every western nation has a Jew-owned central bank and a Jew-owned fake mainstream media and a Jew-owned Deep State.

17729027? ago

oy vey, my fellow jew!! So good to meet you here. We must trick these goys into thinking we are their friends so they will let us move freely in their little movement just like we did with the "alt-right". Goys are dumb and will let us subvert them. Its too easy. Now if you will excuse me, I have to finish performing usury on my client, then its to the synagogue to bite the foreskins off of baby penis and slurp up the blood YUMMY. shaloms

17732429? ago

Not sure which one of you is Noseberg 🤔

17732612? ago

and here I thought you knew me ,mang. I thought you knew me...

17733669? ago

You gotta be second post. You always finish with a friendly Shalom haha

17728554? ago

No shit you're Mossad spreading anti-semitism. Ain't falling for it!

17727545? ago

You people came to Voat of your volition, what the fuck did you expect?

17727602? ago

Uncensored comms that will always make you "muhjoo" shills not control the narrative.


17727674? ago

What do you mean shills? We were here long before you, and will still be here long after your silly little larp has been replaced by dynasty or whatever stories you boomers watch to avoid thinking about your impending surgery/colostomy bag/death. You people are the newbs shilling your larping nonsense on our platform, you’re our illegal immigrants, and you’re just as fucking ungrateful as the real world ones. Go create your own platform if we bother you that much rather than acting like niggers and demanding everyone else change to accommodate your demands.

17728807? ago

Whoop ty doo for you. Haters never win. You don't own Voat nigger.

17729503? ago

Neither do you you easily led, larping moron. Nobody’s telling you to stop larping, it’s you parasites that think everyone should change to accommodate your stupidity. Enjoy dynasty and don’t forget to empty your colostomy bag you grave dodging puppet.

17727535? ago

@puttitout this is a prime example of the spam that I referenced, and you let continue. This cunt copy and pastes this shit daily. Yet, you let it continue. I’ve reported this asshole multiple times, yet here he is. If you enforce the rules for one guy, enforce them for all. Of course, we know that he will claim he was censored for being over the “target”. But, as is their nature, the Jews will tell you they were hit, but never why.

17728852? ago

Kevdude got pissed at m,e for reporting the spam and sided with the "muh joo" spammer

17728008? ago

The problem is if QRV mods or Putt remove this Mossad spam then the shills will get what they want and try to incite Voat to attack this community because of the "censorship crisis" (((they))) manufactured.

There's no way to win this because (((the))) want nothing more than for their spam to be removed.

You think the spam is bad now, just wait until after because in the chaos of Voat attacking this sub, the shills will start using spam bits and down-vote-brigading bots to utterly destroy this community.

This is not a game that can be won.

Just down-vote and ignore the shill posts.

17728252? ago

no it is not censorship it is spam which is clearly against site rules. i am sure there are hundreds of unrelated spam bots posting penis enlargement pills and offers to make $1000 a day from your home computer that are effectively filtered.

people like you rolling over so readily and easily are the reason we are where we are today in society.

17728424? ago

The difference between censorship and spam is too subjective to take the risk in giving the shills what they need to destroy our community.

I'm an old goat and I've seen this play-out many times.

Giving the shills everything they want is not a smart strategy.

17733636? ago

QRV is a cancer of a community. Go to great awakening, it's at least 1/4 as gay.

17727527? ago

Wow - are you Jews gonna have long faces when it turns out that "FISA brings down the house" is a referring to the House of Israel.

Your child sex hub of a nation is about to be cleansed of Jew filth.

Every other nation has had more than enough of you Sons of Satan.

17736402? ago

No one is defending Israel as a nation. Let each individual be judged by their deeds.

17739780? ago

Like how Sweden judged their Muslim immigrants not by their rapist, terrorist culture and beliefs, but by their deeds?

Now Sweden is the rape capital of Europe.

My point is that it's ESSENTIAL to generalize because we don't have time to investigate every Jew to see how many don't adhere to their genocidal master-race religion or how many are lying about it, just like how President Trump did when he put a travel ban on countries that are breeding grounds for terrorists... rather than allowing those people to commit terrorist attacks in our homeland.

3,500 years of human history have shown that Jews, generally speaking, are the most treacherous people and allowing them to settle in any nation always results in the Jew trying to kill that nation from the inside in a greedy attempt to steal wealth and power.

It's asinine to trust the most treacherous, deceitful (((people))) in human history, generally speaking.

It's similarly foolish to buy Volkswagen cars because they are shockingly unreliable, generally speaking.

It's similarly foolish to trust a Rottweilers around helpless babies because Rottweilers are the most dangerous dog, generally speaking.

Trusting the Jew is no different to buying the most unreliable car or adopting the most dangerous breed of dog.

Reality is not politically correct and I see no reason to pretend that it is.

If Jews don't like the reputation they earned after 3,500 years of uninterrupted following their evil religion and acting on their beliefs, then that's their problem.

It's not your problem.

17739766? ago

Like how Sweden judged their Muslim immigrants not by their rapist, terrorist culture and beliefs, but by their deeds.

Now Sweden is the rape capital of Europe.

My point is that it's ESSENTIAL to generalize, just like how President Trump did when he put a travel ban on countries that are breeding grounds for terrorists... rather than allowing those people to commit terrorist attacks in our homeland.

3,500 years of human history have shown that Jews, generally speaking, are the most treacherous people and allowing them to settle in any nation always results in the Jew trying to kill that nation from the inside in a greedy attempt to steal wealth and power.

It's ridiculous to trust the most treacherous, evil people in human history, generally speaking.

It's similarly foolish to buy Volkswagen cars because they are shockingly unreliable, generally speaking.

It's similarly foolish to trust a Rottweilers around helpless babies because Rottweilers are the most dangerous dog, generally speaking.

Trusting the Jew is no different to buying the most unreliable car or adopting the most dangerous breed of dog.

Reality is not politically correct and I see no reason to pretend that it is.

17727498? ago

Three cheers for the OP, we need more posts like this. If you're here and you're Jewish and you love America, we love you! Because this platform is anonymous and mostly all about 'free speech' the ass-hats of this world congregate to platforms like this to exercise their right to be obnoxious as they wouldn't last 5 minutes in any moderated platform. So unfortunately we all have to suffer their racist bullshit. Oh and we are talking a handful of losers with multiple accounts upvoting and commenting to their own bullshit posts.

The Q movement loves patriots. Jew, black, white, yellow and especially green :)

17727474? ago

Anti-Semitic is a code word for anti-evil.

17729036? ago


17727610? ago

^ Copy pasta "muhjoo" shill.

No, anti-semitic is anti-semitic, and anti-evil is anti-evil.

A is A, and B is B.

17730002? ago

When someone calls you anti-semitic, correct them and tell them you are anti-evil.

17727439? ago

  • insists that others are panicking

  • creates the nth post this week about how others are panicking and everyone really totally loves the jews

  • meanwhile, most other posts are full of people who realise what they've done

  • insists the "muhjoos" shills are the ones panicking

  • "Define 'Projection'. Q"

17728937? ago

haha and I don't even think its @NosebergShekelman doing it. I think its actually a real jew doing a real psy-op

17727612? ago


17734974? ago



You have no power here Moshe

17729637? ago

“We’re saving Israel for last.” - Q

17727426? ago

Jew isn't a skin color... Also, simple facts aren't antisemitic

17737740? ago

Actually facts can be in the eyes of the law. This should scare you as it is in violation of our first amendment. HTTP://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/198/text?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22combatting+europe+anti-semitism%22%5D%7D&r=2

17738351? ago

Summarize it doucher. Not clicking that link

17727619? ago

Yes it is. It is bloodline determined. Bloodlines have branches on the tree of human life, that many call races.

17727650? ago

This statement is borderline mental retardation. Mental gymnastics at it's finest.

17727387? ago

We have a duty to protect our children's birthright by naming our enemy the Jew, who are poisoning the minds of our children and corrupting our government and protecting the Deep State and sabotaging our legal system and entangle us in needless wars.

President Trump and Q made their positions clear with their Fake News Award "winners".

There's a reason Q regularly quotes Christian scripture and NEVER anything from the Torah.

There's a reason Q tells us to "follow the (((bloodlines)))" and that FEAR IS REAL (Fear Israel).

The reason is that Jews are evil.

Jews are so evil that God was forced to intervene once before, but alas, only a handful of Jews were salvageable and the rest of the Jews tried to murder Jesus... and finally, a greedy Jew succeeded by trading Jesus' life for shekels.

Judaism is an anti-Christ, pedophile religion dedicated to raping and stealing and killing and worshiping money and power.

This is why Jews choose the Satanic hexagram as their symbol. We will know them by their symbols.

Human history shows that Jews are the most evil and hated people because Jews have been exiled 1,030 times over the past 3,200 years, always for being treacherous against the host nations they infest. Always back-stabbing their friends in a greedy, evil lust for wealth and power.

Trusting the most treacherous people in human history is like playing Russian Roulette with five bullets in the cylinder. There's just no reason to take the risk, especially when you've got everything to lose.

Jews have earned the reputation of being the most evil and treacherous, thieving, lying people in human history.

If Jews don't like the reputation they have earned, then that is their problem.

It's not our problem.

17739799? ago

i am jewish i love the usa and not an enemy i love president trump and i follow Q

17739959? ago

Yet your religion promotes lying, stealing, treason, sedition and the worship of wealth and power.

No rational and informed person would buy a Volkswagen car because they are shockingly unreliable, generally speaking.

No rational and informed person would trust a Rottweiler around their baby because Rottweilers are one of the most dangerous breeds if dog, generally speaking.

No rational and informed person should trust a Muslim around children because Islam promotes attacking unbelievers and child rape and Muslims act on their beliefs, generally speaking. The people of Sweden judged each Muslim by their actions rather than by their cultural and theological beliefs... and now Sweden is the rape capital of Europe.

No rational and informed person should trust a Jew because Jews are literally the most treacherous, deceitful people in human history, generally speaking.

Jews are in the process of deliberately crippling western civilization. Every western nation has a Jew-owned central bank and a Jew-owned mainstream-fake-news-media and a Jew-owned government in the form of a Deep State. Our Deep State is just the North American branch of the Jew World Order / Mossad terrorist network. Jew "humanitarian foundations" are desperately trying to flood western nations with illiterate Africans and inbred jihadists... using these third-world people as a economic and cultural weapon against us...

...yet all these Sons of Satan Jews claim to be our friend... just like you claim to be our friend.

So why should we risk the survival of western civilization on trusting you or your ilk (a.k.a the most treacherous and deceitful people in human history) when we have nothing to gain and everything to lose?

I once heard Muslim refugees described as a bowl of M&Ms in which ten percent of the lollies were poisoned.

This metaphor is inappropriate to describe the Jew because any nation that has taken even a single candy from the Jew-bowl of M&Ms has died or been permanently crippled.

You can not be trusted.

If you don't like the reputation that your religion and 3,500 years of uninterrupted evil Jew history has earned you, then that is your problem.

It's not my problem.

17741977? ago

Ditto the fake Protestants, Catholics, Mormons and on and on. Is there any religion that tells Truth? That recognizes the truth about the Jews?

17742000? ago

To be fair, almost all mainstream Christian denominations only require people to have faith and attempt to have a relationship with Jesus. Most don't even have a need for churches, let alone structures of authority or silly hats and silly ceremonies.

17736326? ago

Problem is, most of the people that come from Q land, do not have the ability to downvoat because you have to do many posts on the other cesspool threads where the only way you can get upvoated is to say something vile.

17731612? ago

Welcome to all those Patriotic Jews serving in the U.S. military, Boarder Patrol and ICE.

17731043? ago

The (((OP)))s problem is they are calling out Patriots for the Jew issue, when they should be calling out the cabalist Jews for making Patriotic Jews look bad.

17741280? ago

No such thing as patriotic jews. All jews are against us. This is why they control us. Because idiots like you keep trusting jews.

17742129? ago

And it is because of idiots like you that we will never fix the problem.

The solution starts with a single step in the right direction, not a fucking giant leap like you are trying to make. You are too fucking stupid to realize that and do more to turn away potential red pillers because of it.

Fucking moron.

17754347? ago

The problem solver is kill all jews and jew cock suckers like you.

17756124? ago

See? You are still too stupid to understand your proposed solution will never be accepted and thus you are repelling potential allies constantly.

Win the first battle, don't try to win the war all at once you stupud fucking moron.

17756165? ago

You go ahead and try to white pill people while white people are being killed.

17756455? ago

I have successfully red pilled several people I know on the Jewish problem, what you don't realize is that your approach keeps them from being red pilled.

17756466? ago

Why do you think I am a retard who goes around shouting heil hitler all day and doesn't know any nuance or timing.

17756783? ago

I assume you are the one who said to me to kill all jews. Seems a fair assumption based on the evolution of this thread.

17812979? ago

Do you think I act the same all the time and every where else, as I do in one specific thread on voat?

17813818? ago

You missed the point.

You are keeping them from being redpilled HERE when you call for killing all jews.

17813832? ago

I am setting the tone. This isn't a disney movie. The survival of our race is on the line.

17815014? ago

Then be smart about it.

Stop blocking the redpill by trying to get them there in one step.

Once you start that "kill all jews" shit then you block them from even accepting there is a jew problem in the first place.

Work with us.

17816151? ago

I used whatever is necesarry and appropriat. Now stop acting like a dumb nigger. I don´t have time to explain everything to idiots all day..

17818274? ago

You are hurting more than you are helping.

When you shove a giant redpill at them they vomit it up and won't accept even the smallest redpill after.

But you haven't figured that out yet have you?

17831560? ago

I would beat the shit out of you in public.

17834557? ago

For helping you to realize your approach is hurting us?

I want our White nations back as much as you, but for fucks sake man stop fucking up the red pill process or we will never get there.

17834912? ago

NO for being a dumb faggot who thinks this is reddit and pr matters. And for thinking I don't understand or have nuance. Retarded piece of trash.

17835393? ago

Nuance matters when you are trying to influence people, no matter whether in person or on reddit.

You're just an emotional little pussy.

17838067? ago

You are a retard and a faggot.

17842050? ago

Waaaahhhh, cry moar pussy.

17731705? ago

See that folks? The "muhjoo" shills are having panic attacks.

Look at the increase in digital programmed sheep and bots.


17736344? ago

Stupid faggot

Move to israel, since you like Jews so much

17733550? ago

Lol, where is the panic. All the people on voat stating the problem have been here doing so for years. What do you believe we are panicking about now? Things haven't changed, your board of tards hasn't effected us, only filled v/all with blather.

17733992? ago

Q sent me. Then I learned about the Jew. Thanks Q!

17735577? ago

Q sent a lot of people ready for the JQ and Blackpill. Sometimes I feel bad preying on the QBoomers, but I probably blackpill about 1 or 2 a day. In the months following the initial migration we added 300+ QBoomers to our organizations membership rolls.

17733212? ago

Why call out Patriots when you should call out the cabalist Jews for making all Jews look bad?

Surely the patriotic Jews would agree and do not want to look bad?

17732616? ago

Probably RUSSIAN BOTS too! Lol.

17732460? ago

you are the only shill, repeating the same lines. everything you write has a pattern. Nobody believing the truth is panicking. You are the one panicking. stupid jewish piece of garbage

17731528? ago

This is a good point.

17730978? ago

Israel is last.

17739804? ago

u r to ignorant to understand what that even means..

17740601? ago

What does it mean then?

17730089? ago

What do you suggest we do about the Jewish people who haven’t taken evil actions or broken any laws?

17734166? ago

Unless they renounce their dual citizenship and denounce Israel and Zionism how can they be true Patriots. Patriots of Israel maybe, but not Patriots of USA.

If they follow the Talmud they are Luciferian "Jews", and support evil, end of discussion.

17731211? ago

They all have dual loyalty and must be dealt with harshly. HH

17731249? ago


Hitler was an idiot. He played right into their hands! Almost as if he was part of it all along...

I wonder if he enjoyed Argentina? Or was it Portugal?

17731001? ago

They can recognize the facts and call out the cabalist Jews for giving Jews a bad name.

17731171? ago

I agree.

We should shine a light on the evil and make the public aware of it fully?

17730443? ago

The problem is the Jews will continue to be a threat to all of mankind unless the world is red-pilled.

Have you ever wondered why your mainstream history books never mention the failed Jewish Communist coup against the Christian-based nationalist German government in 1933? Or how the Jewish leaders of the world were so enraged that the coup failed that they declared a holy war against the German people in an attempt to starve them into submission... to become the slave laborers of their Jew ruling class. Also, why doesn't your mainstream history books refer to the "Nazi Holocaust" but it's real name: "Eisenhower's Holocaust" because that mass starvation of nine million Germans and between one and two million Jewish criminals didn't happen until after the war ended and was caused by allied sanctions between 1945 and 1950.

I only mention these events to highlight a point: all of western civilization has had it's mind poisoned and we need to first fix that before we can expect people to make rational and informed choices about the Jew.

It would be political suicide for POTUS to discuss any of these issues... so disarming the Jew's most dangerous weapons needs to be done carefully and unfortunately it will take time.

President Trump has made extraordinary progress in educating the normies about how the mainstream news media is seditious, but it's too soon to name the (((enemy)))...

...Although sending us to Voat and the Fake News Award "winners" was as close as we're gonna get for a while.

Every western nation has a Jew-owned central bank and a Jew-owned mainstream news media and a Jew-owned government in the form of a Mossad run Deep State. Our Deep State is just the North American branch of the Jew World Order's terrorist network.

So many complex things need to happen for western civilization to survive what the Jews have planned for us.

It's more complex that just exiling the Jews for the 1,031st time.

17731653? ago

Great posts. saved both

17730291? ago

They have an ethnostate, they can go live there.

17730350? ago

And if they’re US citizens? How do you expect us to do that? How would those actions negatively affect our country in the long term? Precedent?

17730391? ago

denounce israel and the talmud on video

17730473? ago

I’m all for it if they hold dual citizenship and they have to choose one or the other....but then we’d have to do that to all dual citizenship for every country. Especially if they’re holding elected office.

Kinda seems un-American imo.

Wouldn’t shining a light on the evil and waking up the public be the best solution?.... It can’t thrive if we are aware of it.

We are a country of Laws. What do we do about the Jews who haven’t broken any laws? Put your emotions aside and answer.

17736362? ago

Your militant middle-of-the-road reasonableness is sickening

17737219? ago

Yeah. I hear that from your kind all the time.

I’m in the majority though...so...ya..

17737901? ago


That doesn't make you right

17739421? ago

I agree.

17731076? ago

They are either Americans or not. Nobody can be Patriotic to two nations.

17731149? ago

I agree.

But to enforce that would require the corruption of our constitution.

It’s a complex problem huh?

17732332? ago

Nope. Just add an amendment.

17732330? ago

Fuck that, we made them a country and paid for it. They can go there and stay there. The other choice is to let them destroy our country. It's that simple.

17728222? ago

Amen brother

17731683? ago

^ Proof of their panic, see folks?

We can identify them by their digital patterns.

Programmed sheep and bots.

17741276? ago

Your time is running out Shlomo. Better start running while you still can.

17740204? ago

Yup. NPCs. They proved your OP right. Lol

17733091? ago

17732580? ago

Nice try, shill

17732039? ago

Jew Projecting 101

17728166? ago

The Shriners, Jesters and Masonics? https://voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/3066455

17727394? ago

^ Triggered "muhjoo" shill trying to scare people by ATTACKING THEIR CHILDREN.

17736369? ago

Your gold star is showing

17729133? ago

Fuck off jew kike

17727376? ago

Dear patriotic Jews. We welcome all six of you.

17736380? ago

If 6 all there be, then those 6 get saved.

17728788? ago

I know that was sarcastic, but sadly, its about right.

17732476? ago

those 6 are lying also. the count is Zero jewish patriots.

17739817? ago

you do not speak for jews ..tun along with your hate

17741304? ago

I've got no hate only truth

17734952? ago

You can kiss my Jewish Ass if you did more time serving this nation than I did. 14 years in the AF, always first to volunteer, still serving elderly in my neighborhood. What are you serving besides hate?

17736486? ago


(((Serves))) the country (and it's (((military industrial complex))) ) in one of the easiest ways available

Even if this is true, it's nothing to go around bragging about

Also fuck off to israel

17735978? ago

What a lie.

17728229? ago

Explain the mason rituals? https://voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/3055877 millions of Dollars, Shekel, Pounds, Euro $$ ££ have been spent on this Propaganda acorss the West, Why? .......... and Who do you think it benefits?

17727451? ago

What if one of two of those six were really a regular Talmudic Son of Satan Jew?

Why would you take the risk?

17736520? ago

It's like this:

You have a bowl of M&Ms. There are 100 M&Ms in the bowl. Ten are poisoned, and will kill you outright.

Qtards are saying we should just grab a handful. "Not ALL the M&Ms are poisoned! You anti-chocolatist!"

17739725? ago

I've used this metaphor before for the Moslem refugees, but I don't think it's appropriate for the Jews because, if you look at Jew history, it's 3,500 years of nothing but strangling their host nations.

A better metaphor would be that every one of those M&Ms in the Jew bowl are poisonous and every nation who's consumed even a single sweet has either died or become permanently crippled.

17727410? ago

^ Scared there are millions.

17729592? ago

More scared of exactly what the Jews have been doing to us for the last 100+ years since they created the Fed and income tax, not to mention Hollywood.

17727471? ago

Trump had 24% of the Jewish vote.

There are 5.3 million jews in the usa

5.3 *0.24 = 1.219

There are not 'millions' your statement is objectively false.

17727529? ago



NOT 6.




NOT 6.


17727552? ago

Don't worry gramps. I got ya covered

btw. you left on caps lock

17727933? ago

The OP is the screaming-Jew-bot.

I thought it was (((him)))... but it took (((him))) longer than usual to start screaming.

17727748? ago


17727371? ago

Excatly. That are revealing who they are.

17727359? ago

i dont hate jews. i fucking hate criminals. each person judged on their own merits and beliefs, not their birth. Some may say that America "the melting pot" is a deep state shill. To some degree maybe, but i believe there to be a hint of wisdom to be taken away from that thought. On a spiritual level, how can someone love our lord, love god if they cannot accept their fellow man.

17728563? ago

Hey! An American!

17727481? ago

"Fucking" and "hate" seem to be conflicting objectives. Sort of like intellectual rape.

17729651? ago

buhahahahahahahahahahhaha, ima a crazy fuckin hermit.

17727341? ago

OP speaks truth. TY, Patriot.

17727287? ago

Evil always misrepresents itself. Claim the mantle of Christian, Muslim or Jew .... When they are anything but. They are fake. The Q movement does not hyphanate Patriots.

17728575? ago

Anti-semitism is an Israeli weapon!

17727252? ago

What a worthless post.

17727378? ago

And what a worthless comment.

17727385? ago

What a worthless reply

17727407? ago

Wow....how original

17727437? ago

Worthless critique

17727949? ago

Musta gotten under your thin libretard skin panty face

17729262? ago

I'm a libretard. Fuck Microsoft Office!

17727406? ago

You shill's replies show the world what you fear: Q.

17733600? ago

your posts make no sense. What is it we fear in your mind?

17727428? ago

You should apologize for making such worthless posts

17729272? ago

Apologizing isn't in the nature of a jew.

17727327? ago


17729608? ago

Nobody is panicking except your caps-locking dumb ass.

17727403? ago

Worthless OP replying to every comment to his troll posts

17727594? ago

^ Projecting shills trolling every patriotic comment in this thread.

17727212? ago

OP does not speak for the Q community. (((He))) only speaks for himself.

17736936? ago

The only thing OP said that was true is that Q Patriots are not "Anti-Semitic". As the "Jews" (Fake Jews) that created the Talmud and formed the Luciferian Cabal are NOT semites. They are from Khazaria.

17741989? ago

Amy and Chuck Shumer

17731253? ago

Exactly, we homeschool our girls and make sure that they learn the destruction these evil fucks have brought upon our white communities. Their destruction will be saved for last! -JQ

17734591? ago

LOL, "JQ".


17735508? ago

Calm down there Schlomo. We both know Jews are no better than radical Islamists.

17730104? ago

I agree wholeheartedly with OP

17728113? ago

Speaks for me too!

17728247? ago

Wouldn't you rather wait to see if western civilization has a fighting chance to overcome the Zionist World Order without handing the Jew a knife and turning your back on them?

Why take the risk in trusting the most treacherous people in human history when we've got everything to lose?

Trusting the Jew is like playing Russian Roulette with five bullets in the cylinder.

Jews have earned the reputation of being lying, thieving, treacherous Satanists... but that's their problem, not ours.

17739808? ago

u r nothing more then a idiot are u muslim?

17728405? ago

You may as well classify all Catholics as pedo's while your at it. Since there is proof of pedo activity in the church. Right??? I am sure you can find Satanic activity in any religion if you look. That does not make the average worshiper and the entire congregation, "Satanic". Classify all you want but its WWG1WGA!

17736412? ago

All false religions are satanic. That includes judaism, islam, buddhism, mormons, catholicism, JWs, scientology, paganism...anything that isn't Biblical belief in Jesus Christ

17734298? ago

As another anon said, catholic scripture itself is not Satanic - but yes many of the clergy are. However, with the Talmud it is full of Satanic and pedophilic scripture. And the whole Talmudic Judaism is a front for Luciferianism.

17736423? ago

Catholicism is every bit as bad as Judaism or Islam. It is NOT CHRISTIAN. It's paganism

17728929? ago

Talmud vs Torah big difference. Acts 7 read all of it. You are afraid of the Truth. Also Book of Enoch Chapter 1

17729951? ago

The Talmud is hilariously the most jewish thing ever written. There is the Torah, and that's what the goyim are taught jews believe. Then there's the Most Holy Talmud, a giant series of books written that explain what God reeeeaaaally meant in the Torah. Goys aren't allowed to know much about this one. Only jews would rewrite their holy text and create a more holy text in order to create justifications and convenient interpretations for all their naturally evil ways.

17734331? ago

Yes, Talmud was written by the Khazarian (Ashkanazi) "Jews" to mix Judaism with their Satanic Baal and Molech worship to create a Luciferian doctrine! The Talmud is EVIL through and through.

17728443? ago

You may as well classify all Catholics as pedo's while your at it.

I'd be happy to if you can show me in their scripture and theology where they promote raping children.

I'll wait...

17736383? ago

He doesn't know

He does know that both the talmud and islam promote child fucking!

But he won't admit it

17728268? ago

Kol Nidre

Look it up. Proves everything you say.

17728075? ago


17728016? ago

Speaks for me

17729573? ago

Well then you’re stupid.

17727514? ago

He speaks for me

17727603? ago

He doesn’t speak for me.

17727626? ago

You don't speak for Q.

17730275? ago

So many shills today. Stand strong. We are the majority.

17727675? ago

Neither do you.

17727743? ago

You don't speak for Q.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

I speak and I know.

17731277? ago

Their Christ-killing enthostate will be saved for last- Q88

17729193? ago

Jews switch skin color. They become "white" whenever it is convenient for them.

17730281? ago

You’re generalizing again.

17727573? ago

Mossad approves this message.

You should all trust the Jew.

17728536? ago

Mossad is source of anti-semitism, and soon everyone will realize it.

17727599? ago

CIA Deep State approves of your message.

17734184? ago

According to Q, CIA Deep State is run by the Cabal, which consists of a small group of people with a Jewish background (The Rothschilds), AND Soros, a communist, AND, until recently, the House of Saud, of Islamic background.

17730183? ago

What do we do about the Jews who have not broken laws or taken evil actions?

Is it illegal to hold ANY ideas?

Even ideas that you’d consider dangerous to our way of life?

Can we start prosecuting based on someone’s ideas/thoughts?

What do we prosecute in a court of LAW? Actions. It’s all that matters.

We combat bad ideas with our ideas. We don’t get take action against an entire group if individuals have not taken action/broke laws.

You muhjoo shills hirt our movement whether you see it our not. You are the enemy.

17730463? ago

I answered your question here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3129447/17730443

17730608? ago

But it’s not all Jews. That’s just a fact. What do we do about the Jews who have not taken action/broken any laws?

17732360? ago

Deport to their own ethnostate, and reclaim ours.

17730685? ago

I answered your question here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3129832/17730598

17727632? ago

I don't know, the "muhjoo" shill is doing a terrible job.

17729710? ago

Better than (((you))). At least they have facts and, thus far, I haven't seen you disprove, debunk, or even challenge any of them. All you're doing is throwing insults in an attempt to character assassinate them in hopes those reading will take your side.

This is how I know you're a jew. This is how they argue. While the goy will present a reasoned argument with facts, the jew knows that debates are won by popular opinion, so they do everything they can to discredit their opposition and get the public to side with them.

The goyim know.

17730230? ago

It’s factually incorrect to blame JEWS...as there are individuals within that group that have not broken any laws.

17730474? ago

Breaking laws isn't the only issue. Subversion, manipulation, nepotism, and usury all play key roles too.

17730539? ago

We should create laws to combat these things then....no? What laws exist already?

17730264? ago

We are a country of Laws. No thought or idea can ever be illegal. Action is all that really matters. We judge an individual based on their actions. We combat bad ideas with good ideas and debate.

17727568? ago

See how the panicking "muhjoo" shills are upvoating themselves to highest voated posts?

They are in full blown panic mode.

17731421? ago

What if most people are just waking up to (((your))) trickery moishe?

17728878? ago

No, it's because you're a dumb cunt.

17728818? ago

Post this on non-anon subverses and you will see that most of us who have been on voat for years distrust Jews and their subversive tactics.

17727980? ago

You are playing mental gymnastics, dude.

If there were more support on your side they would be down voting the "shills".

17730306? ago

You’re a shill whether you know it or not. You muhjoo fags are toxic to our end goal.

What do we do about the Jewish people who haven’t broken any laws?

17736451? ago

They have their own country. They can fuck off there

17731287? ago

They have dual loyalties, but the only thing they actually care about is money and power at the expense of white communities.

17731311? ago

All Jewish people?

17731352? ago

Yes. Every single one I’ve ever met or seen in the media are totally despicable and evil. They cynically made up the holocaust to get their own country. Their liquidations will be saved for last.

17731383? ago

All humans are corruptible by evil. Just because the majority of Jews within the media are criminals does not mean we get to persecute an entire religion. They’re in those positions for a reason. We know our enemy is really Luciferian. There are Jews going about their lives just as we do. If any of them are persecuted we lose. We are better than that. We are supposed to be making America Great Again.

17731428? ago

When I see a cockroach or termite, I call an exterminator to take care of all of them regardless the actions of a few individuals.

17731433? ago

Except we are dealing with humans...so....ya....

17732414? ago

Your argument is basically this-

Not all fags molest so we should accept fags.

Not everyone dies of cancer who smokes so we should all tell our kids to smoke.

Sorry, but at the end of the day, prevention is the best medicine.

17733398? ago

No. That’s not my argument. Nice fallacies though 👌🏻

17733657? ago

Deny it all you want. That IS your argument.

17733695? ago

You have a very low IQ. I’m sorry 😐

17733739? ago

That must explain why I was valedictorian of my class and already own a home, 3 cars, and support my wife and 3 children comfortably at age 26 when most of my age group is single and swimming in college debt.

17734011? ago

Yeah. I guess so! 👌🏻

17729781? ago

Why do you think he's putting so much effort into trying to get everyone to think we're shills? Literally pancaking at how much support antisemitic comments receive.

17727219? ago

Proof #1. Thanks "muhjoo" shill!

17727543? ago

@puttitout again copy and paste.

17727574? ago

What happened to your 4am talking point of "YOU Q ANONS ARE ALL @CRIKES"?


17727432? ago

Hell ya, Israel First!

17727518? ago


17736467? ago

I have no common cause with israel.

17727556? ago

Are you questioning Israel's right to exist?

17727575? ago



17727623? ago

You need to chill out on the Anti-semitism, bubba.

17727636? ago
