cats_ ago

Try again dumbass. I don't give a shit what you upload, as long as it doesn't A: piss off any authorities (read: my host), B: violate anything in my FAQ, or C: irritate me. And big surprise - I don't give a shit what you upload. In fact, maybe you shouldn't be using open proxies/VPS' that are also used for child pornography distribution.

I owe Voat nothing. I can delete whatever the fuck I want. However in this case it was your retardation in using an open proxy/VPN to upload, which someone then used 8 days later to upload child porn, which, as stated in my FAQ, I will purge your account/uploads if anything you upload violates these rules. This includes any other uploads on that IP address.

Upload your alt right memes. Upload your porn. Upload your Tarrant waifu pictures. I don't give a fuck. But don't start a false flag before you know what the fuck you're talking about.

mrfetus ago

Great reply, thanks for the good work

Upload your alt right memes ... Tarrant waifu pictures


NinjaNipples ago

i love

The only thing I see them removing is CP, my vpn will sometimes get triggered by their bans

SearchVoatBot ago

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ZenAtheist ago

Nice try you lying ass.

I'm using a VPN. All VPN's use server farms to anonymize traffic. Shared IP's mean nothing.

You're just using that as an excuse after the fact.

I can delete whatever the fuck I want.

Fuck you for being a lazy censorship fuck.

cats_ ago

Fuck off you CIA nigger. No shit VPNs use "shared IP addresses". That's something you're going to have to get used to. You have to share the same bed with every other shitface that uses VPNs for their less-than-legal traffic.

Or would you rather me get raided by the fed for hosting cheese pizza? It's like you've never actually spent a day in the real world, where actions have consequences. Sorry I don't have time to be monitoring all 5,000 uploads per day to see if a kiddy diddler uploaded a picture or two. Better safe than sorry, and I'm gonna break a whole lot of eggs to make a great cake.

I also don't owe you shit. My service, my rules. Cry censorship all you want, I'm not the government. I'm not putting a gun to your head saying "you're going to use my service because my service is the only one that exists and if you don't i'll shoot". You're free to use any other file sharing service for your bullshit.

mrfetus ago

Shared IP's mean nothing.

What he's doing is fair.

Action_Bastard ago

That's how it always starts. Give an inch and they take a mile. Fist its give us this. Then it give this also. Soon it'll be like Reddit. Catering to everyone with a 'complaint'.

crazy_eyes ago

Have you talked to @Cats about this?

cats_ ago

Wrong cat. It's me. ;o

crazy_eyes ago

Whoops! I blame the mandela effect

mrfetus ago

Great graphics

CTCZ ago

I've tried imgoat and imgtc both, and neither are reliable. Catbox is not only reliable for me so far, but the UI and way to retrieve links is superior. For me it's clearly the winner of the three.

Anon1492 ago

Porn is a Jewish industry, so naturally it will be accepted. Any deviation from the narrative will cause six million Jews to turn into soap, so....

thantik ago

Have you tried this litmus test on Imgur?

GoyimNose ago

Really dumb test tbh as no one is going to know the other death counts as they aren't reminded about them 24/7.

Dajoos ago

I would use imgoat but my browser won't let me use it bc their certs are expired.

AfricanZionSafari ago

As a proud owner of two Budgerigars I am offended by your assertion that all birds are holograms. Don't you know how dangerous this type of inflammatory rhetoric only serves to promote the neo-birdsareholograms-fascist agenda? Be more woke, faggot.

MaunaLoona ago

Been using imgur since its inception and never had anything removed. Meanwhile Voat is on its what, third? fourth? fifth? image host with dead links all over the place. lol.

Butterbread ago

Why are you on voat? You might as well go use reddit.

NosebergShekelman ago

haha Suck it, goy fegits!!! Us jews now own

Post your hateful Nazi bullshit elsewhere! Its okay if you post loliporn though

Dark_Shroud ago

It's fine for non-politics and memes so go ahead and use it for that. Use pic8 for political content so it will have a longer shelf life.

Shekelsteinblatt ago

I assume magaimg is a honeypot for finding which memes the right-wing people are sharing so that the interested party (owner) can counter. Unsure about imgtc, what's the story on that?

Moms_spaghett1 ago

I don't understand why you put the part about the holographic birds and moon in there though

Splooge ago

To cause a reaction to a conspiracy theory and draw a parallel.

Conspiracies about government covering up dead birds and the moon? Hilarious! Those silly crazies, am I right?


SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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hedgefundhog ago

Complying with German law? Germans love weird porn

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I don't blame him for the new zealand vid depending on where he is hosting from and where he lives. I've never had an issue with catbox censoring uploads. He posted last year under his account i'll dig up later today when i have more time.

Are there other examples prior to the NZ that i don't know about that reveals his nose?

That said we need our own host.

heygeorge ago

we need our own host.

Many people, including Putts, are into this idea. If we could find @discoball, Putts has offered to take over imgoat.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I've posted loads of antisemitic memes and never had them taken down. Did you create an account and did you ask him about it? Mine are all live still.

17730740? ago

Awww but I like that site. Stupid easy to use....

Dark_Shroud ago

Yes, which is why its fine for non-political use.

For everything else:

Cuttwood ago

Another option is MGER

Girthcontrol ago

Malwarebytes is blocking that site for me..

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/technology comment by @Cuttwood.

Posted automatically (#33196) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago


Who runs malwarebytes if they are not scanning their computer?

Step 1. Download malwarebytes and install and update.

Step 2. Scan computer.

Step 3. Uninstall malwarebytes.


Cuttwood ago

Really? Well - I'm the owner of it and I can guarantee there is NOTHING on it that would hurt or otherwise try and identify you. There's Google Analytics with no fancy things, I just wanted to see how many peeps get on it, but I'll be removing that too.

I have no idea why Malwarebytes would block it, but if you look through my history you'll notice that a week or so ago I came on here and complained that Cloudflare has banned me (they right up DELETED the site from my dashboard) and didn't notify me at all. The site was down for a while and they didn't even bother warning me.

The reason was: malware. They still haven't explained exactly what that malware was, and I did ask. Screenshot:

Something fuckery is going on here. Someone who apparently has influence over both Cloudlfare AND Malwarebytes has decided my site should not be seen.

You can't upload malware on it, it only accepts three image formats and that's it.

Does anyone know how I can triple check it to see if there is any malware at all? I wonder if I can make a complaint to Malwarebytes... should I even bother?

Girthcontrol ago

Thanks for the comprehensive answer! I had a suspicion that many of these classifications are somewhat arbitrary but thought I'd mention it.

Dark_Shroud ago

Ok that ones looks good. Pic8 is also a very smart tech option.

slevin_kelevra ago

Kikes did 911. Fuck cats.

17730752? ago

It's ok to like cats.

SATAN_loves_YOU ago

It's not OK to like Sharks.

17740529? ago

It's ok to like Sharks whe they beat the Golden Knights in overtime, finally breaking a losing streak.

SATAN_loves_YOU ago

Fun story: The Red Wings beat the Knights in regular time. Lol

slevin_kelevra ago

It's ok to not like cats, too.

17731329? ago

Oooh fair enough!

satisfyinghump ago

Why not... join the two? I know we are more or less against degeneracy but superimpose the holohoax fact on top of some lusty scene...

heygeorge ago

The admin of that image host has stated numerous times he’s not looking to be a martyr for anyone’s political cause. Putts is going to fix this, I’d venture within the year, and Voat will have its own image host.

glassuser ago

He might say that, but it looks like he's taking up a political cause, then claiming to want to be uninvolved. Now where have I heard that before...

PraiseIPU ago

Yhpught thays what imgoat was

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

a martyr for anyone’s political cause

fucking retard. unless it's CP he needs to shut the fuck up and host images

cats_ ago

I don't owe Voat shit. My service, my rules. Big surprise. The OP is a false flag attack anyway.

cats_ ago

Sure, so go use some other service? I don't give a fuck. It's not like I'm making any fucking money from it.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

your P/L is my problem

TheGreatReplacement ago

Catbox also censors Brenton Tarrant's shooting video and maybe his manifesto.

You have to mirror stuff like this to different places or it disappears fast.

I did that for Brenton Tarrant's manifesto The Great Replacement as plaintext.

It's easier shared than a PDF or DOCX file, and with less chance of malware.






heygeorge ago

unless it's CP he needs to shut the fuck up and host images

Oh, he is obligated to provide you a free service on your terms? Lol

17735937? ago

Pretty much what our society has come down to... before it was "we have right to refuse service to anyone" to now... now everyone left and right demand services like untamed children screeching about how "corporate" demands it like its some sort of diety.

I want off this planet.

heygeorge ago

Still allowed to refuse service irl. People on the interwebs want everything handed to them for free then demand special treatment.

I want you to stick around this planet! It’d be more lonely without you!

FuckredditKenobi ago

What a nigger

heygeorge ago

no u

peacegnome ago

what a NPC thing to say. "if you don't like it then make your own".

heygeorge ago

Lol. Is that what I said? No. But good on you!

peacegnome ago

sorry, i'll pull my vote, but people are more upset that a service they counted on is now dead to us; they aren't saying that the guy is obligated to run his business how we dictate, but we are saying that for us to use it he does have to run it that way. see also: dicks sporting goods, patreon, etc.

FuckredditKenobi ago

You passed his level of critical thought


If the owner is european there's a good chance that questioning the holocaust is illegal there.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

hosting in euroshitterstan of all places

i seriously hope he doesn't do this

Dark_Shroud ago

It doesn't matter where he hosts. The problem is where he lives and where the company is registered.

BitChute is currently have this problem because they're currently a UK company. Which is why they've taken half steps like de-listing reported jwoke videos from their search. And more recently had to censor the NZ shooting video uploads even though my copy had almost 100k views.

heygeorge ago

where the company is registered.

Registered company? I think he’s just a guy on the internet.

Dark_Shroud ago

Domain registrar for starters. Follow that up with his business and tax structure.

heygeorge ago

his business and tax structure

I don’t mean BitChute, I mean catbox. He’s just a dude on the internet.

NinjaNipples ago

i love catbox

beece ago

Thanks for the heads up, well spoken. Hopefully this sorts out to something simple and folks have been keeping a copy of posts they consider important.

theoldones ago

the guy who runs catbox is on here, if someone can ping him

ask him maybe