Acerphoon ago

Shit I came back and wanted to download the picture, and it has been deleted.

Do you have another site?

ZenAtheist ago

I've never been censored by catbox before. They'll allow all sorts of degenerate filth, but dare to question the holocaust and you're gone.

Here you go:

with bird truthers

without bird truthers

Acerphoon ago

Ah thanks. Yeah, it's sad. I think after the Christchurch incident, they censored more right-wing stuff.

Dark_Shroud ago

Pretty much, he saw his bandwidth spike and foolish people had uploaded the video to his service several more times even though the original was still up.

I've been using it because I know the service is fully funded via Patreon and they even have a browser extension.

Now I've moved onto

JuanPaco ago

I'm sick and tired of hearing about jews. A crooked nose doesn't make you a crook. Jews Jews Jews.. Evil scumbags and flat-earthers come from all around the Globe. I DGAF if it was 6M or 600K. May God pour out his vengeance on all Evil scumbags. Yeah, icluding your (((favorite))).

ZenAtheist ago

hahaha. you came to the wrong place then, bucko.

slumbermachine ago

Now do the same, but switch out the last one for flat earth. Now, think about your reaction.

Not_C ago

There's another very popular form of brainwashing. To show you I'm going to use an outrageous example, but just go with me on it.

Imagine there's someone who's been told their whole life that 2+2=22. Every test or assignment in school 22 was marked right. Every time they saw it on tv or online, every conversation they had or overheard 2+2 always equalled 22. Any time they heard someone say 4 they were told that's wrong.

One day you meet this person, you realize that they believe this. You pick up 4 rocks. You ask them how many rocks you have and they say 4. You put 2 in one hand 2 in the other and show them that 2 in one hand plus 2 in the other equals 4. That 2+2=4.

Do they now know that 2+2=4? Fuck no. They've seen and heard that it equals 22 thousands of times. So what's more likely? That thousands of times, thousands of people are wrong, or is this one example wrong? That this one example has something missing. Some factor that's not being taken into account. Even though they don't know what that factor is or what that something is, their brain will not accept it.

This is human nature. Your caveman ancestor saw dozens of people eat purple berries and then instantly die. One day they saw someone eat purple berries and not instantly die. They realized that there must be some factor involved that they don't know about and continued to stay away from purple berries. It's human nature to realize that there may be a factor involved that we don't see and to go with what's more likely.

Make people hear that the Holocaust happened enough times and make laws to prevent people from hearing the truth. Make someone hear orange man bad every time they turn on the tv or go online. - Regardless of truth or facts, all that matters is if it's said enough times. And if it is, then eventually people will not only think these things, they will repeat them.

Goys-R-Us ago

Birds are holograms? lol That's a new one.

goatmensch ago

If they believe every single white person owned slaves in the South, they are brainwashed.

Doglegwarrior ago

Less then 2 percent

BentAxel ago

I have yet to hear anyone utter the idea to take Voat down. Has it been expressed or ar you just in preparation?

mattsixteen24 ago

Whoever created this a smart cat. We all know it was the last one (6 gorillion lie) that was the point of this meme.

bourbonexpert ago

I didn’t know the Main Stream niggers even knew about us.

pepe16 ago

Senpai, about the Titanic example. It's pretty questionable. It seems unlikely there were less than 1400 deaths. But I really really like the concept.

Acerphoon ago

I don't think that was the point. He said in the beginning that the statements may be true or false, but the important thing is the reaction. - Only because you are wrong about the titanic doesn't mean that people will get angry at you.

vastrightwing ago

Howard Stern once said, say something often enough and it becomes true. He started calling himself king of all media to prove his point. Jews do this effectively. They repeat a lie until it becomes true. By the way, Titanic was insurance fraud, so was 9/11. Insurance fraud, a favorite jewish crime.


the towers were struck with a little Jewish lightning

vastrightwing ago

A little?

mattsixteen24 ago

That wasn't the filthy jew, Howard Stern. That was Joseph Goebbels who said this. In hindsight, Geobbels probably got it from someone else.

Drenki ago

You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?

WhoWeAre ago

And communism killed a billion people too right?

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

Gaaarh NO! Aaaaaahhh STOP! PLEASE! NO! HELLP M...

glassuser ago


blackzetsu ago

2 much text, 2 much irrelevance..

GapingAnus ago

This is very well done but I think you'll run into the general problem with normies: inability to understand allegory or example.

They will be so enraged by the last example that their rage will override your last paragraph. It'll be a "oh so you're saying..." thing where zero introspection occurs as to why they're angry. I'm not really sure how to solve that problem.

ZenAtheist ago

It works better when you present it verbally. You can tailor it to your audience that way.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

I think if you said "yet the red cross that maintains these records states that ______" at the end it might be a teensy bit more jarring

70times7 ago

It wasnt the titanic that sank btw.

beece ago

Himmler was the first to announce that 6million figure. He did it publicly in late 1944 in from of something like (going from memory) 162 prominent Nazi party members and military men who were said not to have known anything about the program to kill jews before this. There was silence in the room. Did Himmler inflate the number, possibly. However, the Germans were (and still are) meticulous record keepers. The holocaust happened for sure, pick a huge number, but it was shitloads of murdered jews, gypsies, homosexuals, communists and other enemies of the state.


✡ ✓

iLuvJews ago

Hey, based on your user name, I feel like you could help me out.

beece ago

@iLuvJews and @FOUND THE JEW

I suspect there are maybe 5 other Voater folks, regular working folks and also not jews, who don't buy into the standard Voat horseshit of Jew hate. V/IStandWithTheJews

I have lived in Germany (West Germany actually) and had the benefit of working and drinking with real Nazis, former SS men (one was a former SS Colonel) , and Holocaust Survivors- tattooed forearms and PTSD off the charts. None of them ever challenged that number. Not saying Jews are perfect, there is truth in the critizems of them on Voat, but people sure let their imaginations run wild on the internet.

iLuvJews ago

Not a lot of people in that sub.

Also, Found_the_Jew probably doesn't like Jews, lol

CowWithBeef ago

I believe the red cross produced the ~286,000 number to 6 significant figures including an itemized list. 6,000,000, the official count, has just one significant figure, and no stated counting methodology. Pretty weird right?

oneinchterror ago

I thought the Red Cross number was ~271,000

CowWithBeef ago

Yeah I'm going from memory, you're probably right. I never saved that particular red pill. I guess the 3k I forgot makes me a holocaust denier.

moviefreak ago

We will always be there, we will always fight disinfo and lies. Even when they get to us, the truth will always be heard and resound in the minds of good people. The next generation, and the next, will do the same.

Wahaha ago

I wonder where else brainwashing occurs. I think another example is the blind faith in science, that it will lead to more knowledge of everything over time. Yet humanities scholars haven't had any contributions for about a hundred years and even STEM is still owing us rocket packs and flying cars. Science is awesome and everything, because it allows for predictions that come true. But people shouldn't put faith in it and treat it like a religion. "98% of scientists have a consensus". And if all of them agreed, they could still be wrong, because unlike religion it doesn't matter what people agreed on. It's either true or it isn't. Of course, the consequences of being right about science stuff everyone else got wrong are as disastrous as believing in the wrong god.


Max Factor. jew. Responsible for the industrialization of cosmetics, which brainwashed the majority of the global female population into hiding their insecurities behind a toxic mask, which is created with the torture of billions of animals. This attack on the female mentally led to such a severe trauma, that you can hear the victims say that they have to put their face on, when referring to make-up. Imagine tricking half of the world into believing that they only look pretty when they hide their face behind a mask.

Wahaha ago

About that last part, I don't think that there were any tricks involved. Women are competitive about their looks and make-up is basically like steroids for women. Once someone started this, everyone else had to keep up.


The jews didn't invent cosmetics, that goes back thousands of years, but they industrialized it, used the media to trick women into believing that they are only pretty with make-up, combined the mass manufacturing of poison that attacks the human skin with product testing on animals (torture), and deliberately advertised this shit to little girls, while aggressively promoting it in their entertainment, fashion and art subversion schemes.This also goes hand in hand with the over sexualization of women and children, pornography, prostitution, sodomy, transsexuals, cosmetic surgery etc. Lastly the damage over time from cosmetics is calculated to demand more and more cosmetics to hide. Just look at Donatella Versace. All this created mental sicknesses of insecurity, addiction and the dangerous mania to create a fake persona.

ZenAtheist ago

It seems to me to be relegated to issues that directly concern our extinction... ideologies like feminism are mainstream and untouchable. Just try to announce that you are opposed to feminism, and see how long you keep your job. Race issues are another - race and IQ... race and crime... racial differences as a whole... it is imperative that we see every human being as exactly equal to every other, so the Great Equalization can keep moving forward. Medical issues like vaccinations, and science issues like global warming... also issues around white identity and culture.

Intrixina ago

Also, to further this point - I'd say probably about 75% of people in general just don't want to challenge the status quo, because challenging the status quo means making life very uncomfortable for them. Also, they take a look at some of the shit behind said, and think things like "well, women's rights aren't a bad thing...." but don't think of the remaining negativity ascribed to it by the powers that be.

The leftist fucks and so forth capitalise on this and use that as carte blanche to steamroller through everyone else's personal boundaries. The response is for most people to just stand back and take it, rather than to oppose it vehemently. They have no qualms to then use this lack of response to mean that "everyone agrees with it" and to shame those who do not agree.

However, standing by and doing nothing is supporting the other side by passive resistance, which these clowns latch onto and use as a weapon to demonise the rest.

Wahaha ago

Another inaccuracy in numbers is that of the Dresden bombing. Though, in that case, Dresden being in Germany and all, they reported too low numbers.

Renatus ago

The bird/moon section interrupts the series of evidenced inflations.

rejectedfromreddit ago

I like it. It breaks up the intensity, and makes it okay to question why people do or don't believe what they've been told, and to critically analyze information independently of what other people may have told them.

ZenAtheist ago

I thought breaking up that line of thought would throw people off a bit, and that would help; but if you prefer:

ThyCultOfQ ago

This version is better.

lbging ago

I can't believe you said such thing. Horrifyng that the world has come to this. Denying true facts and spitting false war propaganda. Truly despicable that you thing birds are actually real.

Artofchoke ago

This is very well done. Will share! Thank you! ♡