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17730216? ago


17730551? ago

^ Found a shill of the slave plantation owning Demokkkrat Party.

17731333? ago Check this one out man.. Not race related but it will anger you in the same way. Now, were are here on Voat enjoying freedom of speech and free discourse. Sure is cool huh? Kinda like we are in the US, like we are on the Q boards fighting to restore The Constitution? Now lets look at this datapoint I presented here. I have included a link to another free speech lover here on Voat who has had an issue with a website called A wellknown image hosting site.

This particular site censored this person's unpopular speech. They posted about it. Now, It does not matter even a little bit weather or not you AGREE with their message. That is not important. Instead what matters is weather or not YOU will defend THEIR RIGHT TO SPEEK FREELY. From what I saw here I think you would NOT defend that right of theirs. As an aside... Why the hell would this site owner do something like this to a customer? No one earth would blame or attack Catbox for some user's antijew meme. So they are not doing it in self/legal defense or appearance. It can be STRONGLY argued that they are actively trying to push a certain message and oppose another message from being seen/spread. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY? Look at the MSM. Notice they do the same thing and it is murdering their companies....

Now, this means that you do not respect The First and you do not understand the Q movement that you claim to follow. -The best paid shill on earth /s