17746903? ago

If Oswald was involved in the JFK assassination, it's too bad he didn't decide to take out Johnson.

17745711? ago

our ancestors were racist for good reason...

17742127? ago

I really believe this to be true. However, there’s a classism issue which I think is way worse and I’m uncertain where to asset the Blane.

17740514? ago

Sorry but blacks are the most racist people on the planet.

17753057? ago

They seem to be the primary people talking about it...

17739564? ago

Crooked Justice system has helped along the way too.

17739380? ago


17736227? ago

Well, If not for a small contnigent of hardcore racists on this site. (not QRV)

17735377? ago

You would think that would be obvious, but these people are stupid.

17734770? ago

Dumbest fucking thing I've heard all day.

17734544? ago

Racism doesn’t exist. All “isms” are made up words. It’s either good or evil. That’s it.

17734529? ago

“Racism” is created through life experience. Blacks and whites have very different and incompatible inherent behavior patterns that can’t be changed via geography, “education” or money.

17734445? ago

Wow, no truer statement ever made by man.

17734135? ago

You must be a boomer.

17733783? ago

Fighting this evil is like fighting hydra. Cut the old heads off ,fresh new ones replace. We need to proescute their hidden youth before the new hydra is here to back up the old.

17733668? ago

17733380? ago

The King James Version and New King James Version both translate “morning star” as “Lucifer, son of the morning.” It is clear from the rest of the passage that Isaiah is referring to Satan’s fall from heaven (Luke 10:18). So in this case, the morning star refers to Satan. In Revelation 22:16, Jesus unmistakably identifies Himself as the morning star:

Revelation 22:16

"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

17733364? ago

If it weren't for these dark skinned murderers, robbers, welfare fraudsters, breeders and eaters, we wouldn't need a Democrat party to begin with, so if you want the common denominator, its not the Democrats fault, its an entire population of blacks that refuse to assimilate with western culture. I know the Jews brought them here, but we can return them too, and I would say let Israel have them, they like them so much.

17736963? ago

Must have been Black Jews then, cuz the first slave traders were also black.

17743740? ago

Sauce? If you mean the first people trading in slaves, yes. But that was strictly in Africa, the Jews brought that shit to America.

17745255? ago

I understand your viewpoint, but I can't support it.

17752113? ago

that's ok, just bring us back some facts to support that blacks were the first slave traders and we'll change our position. and by traders, we mean the people that owned ships and brought them to this country, because no one disputes the fact that they have been involved in slavery since Mohammad diddled his first child bride.

17753553? ago

Slavery has been an institution for thousands of years, no doubt. Your effort to make it look like a Jewish institution seems to be tailored to your own prejudices.

17754600? ago

Nobody said it was a Jewish institution, what was said that Jewish merchant ships brought slaves to America. Jews were the owners of the slave ships, just merchants making a shekel.

17755980? ago

This is one thing you've said is entirely true. Jews have a desire to make money. It seems they may not have been frightfully concerned about how. Slavery was entirely LEGAL throughout the world during the time that has you so fired up, and as you point out, still exists in many areas around the world. So what? Neither you nor I can fix anyone but ourselves.

17757470? ago

Not fired up at all, just following the facts, preventing others from spreading disinformation. There IS somthing we can do, we can trust the plan and support our President.

17759617? ago

Interesting. How have you responded to the President's many calls for financial support?

17752600? ago

You have no restrictions on your allegations, why should I prove anything to you? You've not offered me any facts either. Facts are stubborn. I don't see where you've offered any.

17755967? ago

There was never any doubt in my mind that you could find anti-Semite data to support your point of view. Electronic libraries are filled with it. The holocaust never happened. You are fighting a slavery narrative that ONLY the USA ended - and did so 100 years before you were born.

You can also attempt to denigrate me by name calling. That won't work either. I don't give a shit what you think, and I'm over your tirades. Be your own bitch. Apparently you need one. Perhaps that will relieve you of some of your hatred and anger, at least for a little while. Go find some other shill to play in your mud with.

17759678? ago

You may need it more than I. What have you accomplished with this tirade?

17752564? ago

Who is "us" and "we"? IDSHT (Internet Dept of SHills and Trolls)?

17733358? ago

If my wife and I needed to pay an outstanding balance, we would need to communicate in terms of money. If we did NOT talk about the dollars and cents, we would never be able to pay bills.

Your actions result from the type of subject matter you communicate about.

Racists TALK ABOUT RACE, which perpetuates the --> conspiracy <-- that whites are racist. FFS! (((they))) even think/say that other races cannot be racist, it's only whites that are racist.

Without them incessantly speaking the language of race, there would be no racism. Maybe we should mass sue the media for knowingly perpetuating the conspiracy for so long.

17732827? ago

Look at how few downvoats this has. Even the white nationalists on Voat are agreeing with this.

17732092? ago

Stated like a champ couldn't have said it better

17731742? ago

I wholly agree with this. There was a time during the 80s, 90s, and the first decade of 00s that not only were most of us united regardless of color, religion, sexual and political affiliation, but we enjoyed American pride and growth. Then came BHO, to divide, and instill anger, and nurture any existing prejudices. He is a sorry excuse of a human and definitely did a very good job of what he was put into our presidency to do.

17731829? ago

^ exactly on point

17731497? ago

This whole thread is so true. I don’t care about race. I can care less if your purple. ( well I your choking...then of course ) The point is... they make me racist. God forbid if I should think about my family or my self before I think of someone else. Especially knowing that I am that white Christian male that everyone is so scared of. You would think that I have clan meetings in the back yard once a week and set out to harass my fellow neighbors that don’t look like me. (I’m not btw) but the point is they are telling ME! How to act towards others. Even though they cry foul should I think about my family.

17731406? ago

Racism exists because of inherent differences between the subspecies of humanity.

German shepherds don't respect chihuahuas.

17733632? ago

^This. Cardinals don't mate with Bluejays either even though they are both subspecies of birds.

17731231? ago

Funny thing about slavery. 40% of all jews in the US owned slaves and jews owned more than 78% of all slaves.

17753528? ago

"AT THE HEIGHT OF AMERICAN SLAVERY...." What, 1860 - 1865? What about when it started, over 100 years earlier? The FIRST Slave Owner in America was Black! Try This!: There were approximately 319,599 free blacks in the United States in 1830. Approximately 13.7 per cent of the total black population [4378 free blacks were] was free. A significant number of these free blacks were the owners of slaves. The census of 1830 lists 3,775 free Negroes who owned a total of 12,760 slaves. [That is, over 86% of free blacks owned slaves an average of 3 or more slaves in 1830. No word on how many were "ethnic Jews". Source: Snopes, "9 Facts About Slavery They Don’t Want You to Know" Anyone can find stats to support their own beliefs. (I'm no fan of Snopes either!)

17732086? ago

And ran the slave trade.

17731075? ago

I'd believe that too if not for reading comments here on Voat.

17731168? ago

They use to 30% truth followed by 70% hyperbole.

17730457? ago

Institutional racism such as allowing niggers and women first pick of jobs and education can be defeated. Affirmative action flies in the face of reason because white men and Asian girls are fit to rule. The rest are mudmen to serve.

The Democratic party should change it's symbol to a white woman beiing raped by a nigger in front of a mud hut while s faggot rapes a boy nearby. Racism will never die because the truth is niggers and Jews must be exterminated like the vermin and lice they are.

17730352? ago

The most trusting people of other races are those who live in homogenous areas. Democrats live in diverse areas with low trust.

17730216? ago


17730551? ago

^ Found a shill of the slave plantation owning Demokkkrat Party.

17732453? ago

https://files.catbox.moe/8bi4eo.jpg Looks like Catbox missed this one. Definitely DO NOT look at this image here... simply don't do it. It may support my argument with sourced data and we can't have that.

17731986? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3129745 Here is moar. Nothing to see here man... Whatever you do, do not look at this information.

17731333? ago

https://voat.co/v/whatever/3129740 Check this one out man.. Not race related but it will anger you in the same way. Now, were are here on Voat enjoying freedom of speech and free discourse. Sure is cool huh? Kinda like we are in the US, like we are on the Q boards fighting to restore The Constitution? Now lets look at this datapoint I presented here. I have included a link to another free speech lover here on Voat who has had an issue with a website called Catbox.moe. A wellknown image hosting site.

This particular site censored this person's unpopular speech. They posted about it. Now, It does not matter even a little bit weather or not you AGREE with their message. That is not important. Instead what matters is weather or not YOU will defend THEIR RIGHT TO SPEEK FREELY. From what I saw here I think you would NOT defend that right of theirs. As an aside... Why the hell would this site owner do something like this to a customer? No one earth would blame or attack Catbox for some user's antijew meme. So they are not doing it in self/legal defense or appearance. It can be STRONGLY argued that they are actively trying to push a certain message and oppose another message from being seen/spread. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY? Look at the MSM. Notice they do the same thing and it is murdering their companies....

Now, this means that you do not respect The First and you do not understand the Q movement that you claim to follow. -The best paid shill on earth /s

17731029? ago

Yawn.... Don't look at FBI crime statistics sorted by race... Definitely do not do that and post it here as a fact to argue against me with. Instead compare me to the KKK with no data or info to back that up. SOmehow this makes me the shill? Cool data bro... cool data.

17730122? ago

Nah, niggers and Jews would still be doing false hate crimes against themselves.

17730051? ago

You can't have racial harmony with large scale multiculturalism. It doesn't work that way. It never has. As long as everyone is forced to be around each other you will have identity politics and people applying pattern recognition to others (what you call racism).

17729759? ago

False. The differences between the races exist on a genetic level and are significant. The artificial state is this sudden push of progressive tolerance, not racism. Racism is the natural state and will result from any natural system. Thats why they need to push race mixing and anti-racism propaganda in every show on every channel in every piece of media anywhere.

17730265? ago





17736084? ago

  • person quotes facts


Facts status : ignored

Remind me again who the shill stopping people from being freethinkers is meant to be? (Hint : it's you, CAPSLOCK KIKE)

17733936? ago

Well put anon - division fags need us hating each other and focusing away from real criminal class.

17740024? ago

Not one word of what i said was false. You can ignore the realities of racism all you want. You will never change reality with your ignorance.

17740531? ago

You will never succeed - we are united now. Good luck to you on your DemoKKKrat mission.

17740683? ago

Lol united in your own self destruction. Good for you. I find it amusing that you can consume media FILLED with race mixing and anti-racism propaganda, mixed families in every commercial, numerous gay characters in every show (they are 3% of the population. They shouldnt be like 20% of the TV characters), despicable depictions of traditional white values, ALL produced by the extremely left wing and jewish hollywood, who im sure you hate, and still pretend that anti-racism is the realistic viewpoint. Your enemy is pushing race mixing, anti-racism, and anti-white propaganda on you from EVERY DIRECTION. You likely acknowledge them as your enemy, but then you acknowledge their constant propaganda as the right answer? Thats a confusing way to behave to say the least.

17743044? ago

I hate propaganda of this type, but I'm still united with the good people that are patriots. So what?

17743724? ago

So am i. I dont just automatically hate every black person i personally meet. But i suffer from EXTREME selection bias in my life. Only being introduced to the highest quality black people, and they are largely unintelligent trash even still. The fact is that outliers to not disprove averages. If we keep paying africans to outbreed white people globally it will destroy western society. Period. These differences are not cultural or socioeconomic. They are genetic. Your refusal to acknowledge them will do exactly nothing to solve them. And in fact by removing all forms of healthy selection from their gene pool you will exacerbate the issue.

17743925? ago

DemoKKKrat's corruption depends on your mindset. How do we know your genes are better then Hillary or Soros's genes? Humanity is amazing under Trump.

17744024? ago

And to be clear i support trump and like him. But to ascribe the ability to alter the genetic content of humanity with the very existance of his presidency, i would say thats a great example of zealous idolatry to an unreasonable level.

17744004? ago

Africans are measurably SIGNIFICANTLY less intelligent than every other race on the planet. This has proven true in every single instance that we have measured it. It has also proven true throughout history. Intelligence is 70% genetic. For africans to be completely consistently less intelligent than white people on average, everywhere, all the time, this difference MUST be genetic. Regardless of the socioeconomic factors involved it has never happened that black people perform as well as ant other race as a group of any reasonable size. Your platitudes and zealous love of trump will NEVER change these FACTS.

17734315? ago

Yes we mustn't discuss facts that will ultimately decide the fate of the west. Instead we must focus on anonymous man saving the world for us. Good call.

17733139? ago

Q is misleading you.

17730655? ago

Lol you see what you are told to see and nothing more.

17729501? ago

Sure didn't take this thread to devolve from Dimms - the party of slavery and keeping blacks down on the plantation - even the modern plantation; to blacks in general. Well done, racists.

17729348? ago

If it weren't for the MSM racism would be half-dead.

17730161? ago

It wasn’t the MSM that made me racist, it was being around blacks.

17730447? ago

^ Found the MSM sheep Demokkkrat!

17733249? ago

Happy Hanukkah!!!

17733164? ago

Happy Hanukkah!!

17731051? ago

Democrats are party of niggers, spics and Jews, which is why I hate Democrats.

17729258? ago

You know why they don't have the same race baiter problems in the east? They castrated their slaves. There are no decendants.

The commies cultivate division, attempting to get the decendants of slaves to oppose and blame the decendants of the libertarians who put an end to slavery.

17729232? ago

Black behavior keeps racism alive and well.

17729395? ago

^ Found the Demokkkrat plantation shill!

17734127? ago

I'm going steal "DemoKKKrat" - nicely gets point across.

17734344? ago

It will definitely let others know they are talking to a boomer.

17737504? ago


17733391? ago

Get a new come back niglet

17730197? ago

I’m a Republican and I hate niggers.

17730287? ago

And I'm Mickey Mouse.

Nope, you're a Demokkkrat.

Slave party.

We see you low IQ dumb fucks now.

We know you lie.

We know you pretend to be others to foment division.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q



17730465? ago

Nope. Democrats are the party of niggers. 90% vote in every election. That’s why I’m a Republican.

17730515? ago

How much does the DNC pay you?

You're not a Republican. You sound like you're literally a 30 year old wearing a backwards baseball cap carrying a skateboard into a high school, like on that meme.

Yep, you're a slave of the slave plantation owning Demokkkrat party.


17730793? ago

Democrats don’t pay me, they pay niggers, with my money. That’s why I’m a Republican.

17729247? ago

15% of the population. 60% of the crime.

17729432? ago

Males 50% of the population. Commit 88% of all homicides, 75% of all legal felonies, 96% of all domestic violence.

Since your own logic calls for people to KILL YOU, when can we expect you to do us all a favor so Crooked Hillary's goons don't have to, you useful idiot?

17734063? ago

Remove the elite criminal globalist satanists and I bet you we all get along just fine because we will start putting ALL criminals away from every level.

17733170? ago

Happy Hanukkah!

17730119? ago

Yes, men are more prone to violence and crime than women.

Just like niggers.

17730292? ago

So when will you be arkancided?

17730452? ago

I’m a woman.

17734085? ago


17733402? ago

Post tits or die attention whore

17729473? ago

Remove blacks, hispanics and jews from those statistics, then report them again.

17730300? ago

When will you be arkancided?

You useful idiots are sheep.

17734329? ago

^Threatens violence when his childish worldview is threatened. Pathetic boomer.

17729178? ago

No. Niggers, hispanics & jews will always keep racism alive.

17729442? ago

^ Found the Demokkkrat!

17729534? ago

I never fell for political parties for I know they are jewish psy-ops. Grow up and git smart

17730456? ago

You are a bad liar.

You are just a low IQ low level shill.

You fell so far below the taint of the Demokkkrat party that you're licking their ankles.

Good, goooooood. Be a good obedient little useful idiot. First to line up against the wall.

17732521? ago

A neocon zionist calling someone else a "useful idiot". Now that is special!!

17729148? ago

Racism is simply not trusting people who don´t look like you. It´s a survival mechanism from when we were tribes. Which we still are. Only jews brainwashed white people into thinking it´s wrong to like being white.

17730337? ago



We see you panicking race shills 100% every time now.

You pretend to follow Q so that your puppet masters can then use your posts to claim Q anons are racist.

Q anons in Michigan must have made your puppet masters crap in their pants.

Your shilling is proof.

We see you low IQ fucks every time.

Don't you degenerates get it?

It's over. You're just wasting your time towards being arkancided.

17741265? ago

All I see is a retarded jew using buzzwords. We will kill all of you. Don't worry.

17730209? ago

Racism is recognizing the fact that the races aren’t equal.

17730570? ago

^ Found a shill of the slave plantation owning Demokkkrat Party.

Tell legs up Kamala we know about her great grandparents.

17741269? ago

Hey retarded faggot. We are saying white people are superior over you jews.

17733412? ago

Make the kkk great again

Lynch Catholics and niggers

17729137? ago

The opposite of racism is not talking about race. What do Dems do incessantly? Across the board, the typical lib can't speak a single sentence without divisive terminology. Black this, white that, Latina this, gay that.

If you want to know who the racists are, it's the people who are constantly talking about RACE.

17733801? ago

Why don't they "content of character" over race/genger/+othe BS division line

17731454? ago

What's interesting is racism is talking about racism. I wouldn't be surprised if a government outlawed racism by outlawing discussing racism, accusing people of racism.

Sometimes I wonder if outlawing holocaust denial isn't done in part to disarm to a degree the communists who are fueled by bigotry.

What would happen if a society banned talking about "racism", and accusing someone of being "racist"?

17729251? ago

The opposite of racism is not talking about race.

I know what you mean OP, but what I think is a better way to phrase the same idea is that the opposite of racist thought is absence of racist thought.

This is no more attacking 'free speech' than it is asking people to limit their understanding of 2+2 to be 4 and only 4 to be the correct answer.

It would be fucked up to assert 2+2=5 is correct on the self-contradicting house of cards that all thought is 'valid' as spewed in the materialist/Marxist ideology, which of course was exploited by sick fucks who tricked so many into believing their positive feelings on 2+2=5 and negative feelings towards 2+2=4 (e.g. Russia collusion hoax) were more correct than logic and evidence.

17732016? ago

This is very well described.

I nearly got in a fight on 4th of July because I told a virtue signaling sjw that he "seemed extremely concerned with race, for a non-racist" after he boasted that he was proud to have watched the fire works display next to so many beautiful people from all over the world. I asked with it mattered what color or country they were from at all. And said it sounded like the first time he ever came into contact with these people. Followed up by saying that kind of exceptionalist thinking was condescending.

So he immediately labelled me a racist. I said sure if being neutral to everyone and seeing everyone as individuals makes me racist, I guess I am.

He would have been surprised that I've had 2 black roommates, grew up playing with and sleeping over my colombian neighbors houses, and am dating an immigrant who just earned US citzenship.

But I never share these details (because 'I have friends who are _____" is the lamest response.

17732562? ago

Been in your shoes, so true.

17729100? ago

Communists need, and cultivate, the perception of racism, if not actual racism.

17730177? ago

But racism was more prevalent before communism. The founding fathers were racists.

17730753? ago

The divide and conquer, poisoning, sabotuers, currently using fear, envy, and communism, would have you believe so.

Some were (few more than Lincoln. Read his own words if you doubt). Regardless, collectively they were the only ones who found slavery objectionable enough to end it.

To whatever degree they had ideas about the realities of human adaptation in different parts of the world, call it "racism" if you wish (but you're doing your enemies bidding), they were the least "racist" people ever, as they freed the individual.

Look to the greatest document ever written, The Declaration of Independence.

Thomas Jefferson, whose family consisted of his widow's sister, and people deemed "slaves", tried on four occasions (five or six if you count his influence designing the nation, and authoring the Declaration of Independence), and was unsuccessful in those four attempts. It took a while to end slavery, but they achieved it. They ended an evil institution that had always existed, and acknowledged the rights of the individual.

You can argue that they were sexist, though you'd be wrong. They freed everyone, and tried to protect it by keeping political influence not only Constitutionally restricted, but also in the hands of those most invested in that freedom. The independent, producing, people dealing with gravity, and not their dependents who had less understanding of reality. The US was never meant to be a direct democracy.

The system, and the ability to vote in it, was meant only to protect freedom. There is no "right" to vote; voting is a mechanism to protect rights.

There are degrees to racial prejudice, and/or bigotry. There are those who don't think every living soul are exactly the same, and those who have other ideas. Then there are those who hate, but who harm no one, and then there is the real evil... those who violate the rights of the individual.

Libertarians are the least "racist" people ever, and arguably it doesn't apply at all. Americans used to believe in the right of the individual to thrive or starve on their own merit.

Communists, despite their claims, cultivate zombies to consume and destroy everything. Every dupe who falls for their divide and conquer tactics should know... they'll turn towards you eventually, too.

17735618? ago

they ended an evil institution that had always existed, and acknowledged the rights of the individual.

They were also amongst the last to do it. America was really really slow at abolishing slavery compared to most European nations.

You can argue that they were sexist, though you'd be wrong

No no, by modern standards you'd be completely correct. They wanted to deny women voting rights. Go ahead, try that today, see how much of a sexist you get accused of being. Was it the right decision? Oh God yes. Was it a deliberate one? Absolutely. Was it, by modern standards, "sexist"? Abso-fucking-lutely.

17730720? ago

Demokkkrats controlled the slave trade.

The founding fathers were no more racist than the founding party of today's leftist (and racist) SJWs and politicians.

17731302? ago

You’re right, racism used to be the common sense default for all of human history.

...until subversive Jewish communists introduced anti-racism in the 60’s.

And everything’s gone to shit since then.

17731509? ago

I'd argue that "racism" is a poison. Discussing "race", having prejudice, even hating without harming, is something very different.

Adam Carolla is a great example of this. He makes fun of everyone. Has all kinds of prejudice. Embraces stereotypes. Doesn't seem to hate anyone, would never endorse violating anyone, and would defend any non-criminal.

17729177? ago

They tried class warfare. That failed to cause the peoples revolution in America so the democrats went to identify warfare. It's all communism.

17731469? ago

The communists will divide us wherever they can.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

17730067? ago

Other way around. They're using identity warfare to prevent class warfare. The rich are milking this country dry and they need to steer the pitchforks away from themselves.

17730202? ago

Whoa...not all rich you dirty commie.

"the rich" includes Trump.

Oh snap, military chose a billionaire to help save the country.

Not all evil.

17729383? ago

Ding ding ding.

17728977? ago

Except for the niggers. We still have way too many niggers in America..... and spics..... and sand-niggers.

17729335? ago

^ There is a Demokkkrat now!


17728947? ago

Were racism as endemic as we're told Obama would not have been elected twice. Although there was definitely election fraud in 2008 I'd bet it wasn't needed. I knew so many that voted for him I got tired of asking them why? They all were following the same path: It was historic, blacks have been so repressed, this is the American Dream, and other bile. Instead they fell for the feelgood story and let themselves be caught up in mass hysteria. Truly amazing now but definitely no "racism" which is all the democruds have to offer.

17730469? ago

I personally know one guy (old, retired ) who, the day of the election announced, "So, I went an' voted for the nigger". He hates blacks , but he's a lifelong union member and lifelong Democratic , and he couldn't NOT vote the way that, in his mind, is diredtly correlated with his cushy retirement.

17731215? ago

I knew this old guy...

He’s worse than a Democrat, he’s a boomer!

17730149? ago

Were racism as endemic as we're told Obama would not have been elected twice.

No, Obama got elected because non-whites voted overwhelmingly for him, and they’re almost the majority.

17729773? ago

There were a lot of dolts voting for Hope and Change in 2008 without a clue of what Hope and Change was since 0bama never said what Hope and Change was in his campaign.

17728861? ago

Now that gets the almonds going.

Imagine racism ending 200 years ago because the satanic bloodlines, who were pulling the strings of the slave owning Demokkkrats, were completely annihilated.

17730242? ago

“Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man.”

  • Abraham Lincoln

17730383? ago

That's probably why Demokkkrat Comey chose to stand under Lincoln at Mt. Rushmore.

They do love their RINOs.


17731346? ago

He was talking about niggers being inferior.

17728705? ago

The kkk was a great organization when they hated niggers AND catholics

They've lost their way.

17729378? ago

When did you join the Demokkkrat party?

17728599? ago

Racism is essential for job preservation. Think of the Trillions wasted by all the poverty warriers driving around in their fancy SUV's and flying first class.

17729777? ago

Don’t forget al sharpton and Jesse Jackson don’t pay income tax

17728569? ago

That's ridiculous. Asians are racist. Mexicans are racist. Fraternities like Freemasonry are segregated. Hinduism has a caste system that's racist to the core.

And the mother of them all, Talmudic Judaism, is super racist. Pretty sure ththe Talmud predates the Democratic party by a very long time.

17731894? ago

Racism is the manifestation of instinct. Even dogs are racist.

17730245? ago

^ Found the "They want you divided by race" dumb fuck shill!

Keeping our eyes on the ball while you FAIL in dividing this movement.

Did the red carpet reveal of Q anons in Michigan make you crap your pants?

Why did they choose Michigan? A formerly dominant Demokkkrat state?

If there are that many in Michigan, how many do you think are in Trump voting states?


17733125? ago

Q's the shill fag. Keep believing as hard as you can until the trap closes and you realize Q fucked you.

17733883? ago

What is the opposite of Q? Hillary? I'l stick with Trump and Q, thank you.

17734273? ago

^I'll stick with my low IQ insults and delusions, thank you.

17731900? ago

So pointing out there other people are racist against other people is dividing? Your logic makes zero sense. This Q movement is so fucking dumb. It's like a couple hundred people on voat calling each other shills.

17731032? ago

There is a difference between a shill and someone with a valid point of view. Just because it isn't your view doesn't make it a less valid point. Attacking the person instead of the argument is also a shill/liberal tactic. ^ When the shills are hitting us ignore them.

17728464? ago

I haven't seen Democrats this pissed off since The Republicans freed their slaves!

17731760? ago

You know, Lincoln was going to send the nigs back to Africa where they belong, and that's why they killed him.

17732425? ago

They did this in Argentina when thet outlawed slavery.

Dramatically different ethnic range than its neighbors.

17730484? ago

They never freed the slaves they simply discovered a way to tax slaves. Keeping a slave costs more than paying someone minimum wage.

17731397? ago

Legal tender & fiat currency made chattel slavery obsolete. Then they made the "world reserve currency", and enslaved the planet.

17731122? ago

But wasn't that the Southern Democrats who were supported by the Northern Democrats in the Congress?

17729153? ago

They're Orwellian message is that white male Christians invented slavery, rather than being the only ones who attempted to end what has always existed.

I say attempted because Hillary & Obama managed to bring it back.

17732623? ago

Read this book. David Livingston was a remarkable person. Probably the most faithful Christian whom I have ever read.

These were the scenes perpetrated thought central Africa by other black tribes. https://imgur.com/e3eQggy

17731905? ago

Jews were responsible for almost all of the slave trade. Lincoln was going to ship the nigs back to Africa. They killed him for it.

17734147? ago

That's right. Booth was a Jew.

17731702? ago

What variety of 'whites' owned and financed the slave boats and slave trade?

17742349? ago


17737845? ago

(((whites))) indeed

17731918? ago

The same who desperately need you to be bigoted.

17732377? ago

Claiming all whites are/were responsible for something is racist in itself. All whites are not the same. What percent of whites even owned slaves? How cam someone today even be responsible for something their relatives did before them?

I believe one can exwrcise perception, discernment, and judgement without being a bigot.

The same group that owned slaves is the same group that want to surpress investigation or discussion about historical facts and root causes.

No need to dog whistle 'bigot' when people are pointing fingers at 'the elite'.

17735312? ago

Claiming all whites are/were responsible for something is racist in itself. All whites are not the same.


The same group that owned slaves is the same group that want to surpress investigation or discussion about historical facts and root causes.

If you're saying the same type of criminals who owned slaves are trying to subvert our lack of chattel slavery today, I agree with.

If you're defying your own sound logic against collectivism regarding white people when you say...

The same group that owned slaves is the same group that...

Then I disagree with you.

The problem is individual criminals who violate individual rights.

Merit of the individual.

17730435? ago

They failed.

17728352? ago

Niggers bring racism on themselves with help from Demoncrats, if they would only act like fucking humans, things would get better.

7/10 niglets are raised in a fatherless home... thanks Demoncrats

17734229? ago

Single mothers are mixed AF - libtard feminists are the assholes that made them anti-mother/father.

17730541? ago

^ Found the shill of the slave owning Demokkkrat party

17731357? ago

No, you've found three someones that don't appear to think like you do. I can see my own trolls or shills thank you very much. The only one annoying me on this thread is you. I don't know who taught you to call out trolls and shills but they are as confused as you are. Learn what free speech looks like. It's going to disturb you and shock you and most definitely make you uncomfortable. It will stretch your brain if you allow yourself to open to new ideas and thoughts. Ignore the trolls and shills. This isn't kindergarten.