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17727387? ago

We have a duty to protect our children's birthright by naming our enemy the Jew, who are poisoning the minds of our children and corrupting our government and protecting the Deep State and sabotaging our legal system and entangle us in needless wars.

President Trump and Q made their positions clear with their Fake News Award "winners".

There's a reason Q regularly quotes Christian scripture and NEVER anything from the Torah.

There's a reason Q tells us to "follow the (((bloodlines)))" and that FEAR IS REAL (Fear Israel).

The reason is that Jews are evil.

Jews are so evil that God was forced to intervene once before, but alas, only a handful of Jews were salvageable and the rest of the Jews tried to murder Jesus... and finally, a greedy Jew succeeded by trading Jesus' life for shekels.

Judaism is an anti-Christ, pedophile religion dedicated to raping and stealing and killing and worshiping money and power.

This is why Jews choose the Satanic hexagram as their symbol. We will know them by their symbols.

Human history shows that Jews are the most evil and hated people because Jews have been exiled 1,030 times over the past 3,200 years, always for being treacherous against the host nations they infest. Always back-stabbing their friends in a greedy, evil lust for wealth and power.

Trusting the most treacherous people in human history is like playing Russian Roulette with five bullets in the cylinder. There's just no reason to take the risk, especially when you've got everything to lose.

Jews have earned the reputation of being the most evil and treacherous, thieving, lying people in human history.

If Jews don't like the reputation they have earned, then that is their problem.

It's not our problem.

17730089? ago

What do you suggest we do about the Jewish people who haven’t taken evil actions or broken any laws?

17730443? ago

The problem is the Jews will continue to be a threat to all of mankind unless the world is red-pilled.

Have you ever wondered why your mainstream history books never mention the failed Jewish Communist coup against the Christian-based nationalist German government in 1933? Or how the Jewish leaders of the world were so enraged that the coup failed that they declared a holy war against the German people in an attempt to starve them into submission... to become the slave laborers of their Jew ruling class. Also, why doesn't your mainstream history books refer to the "Nazi Holocaust" but it's real name: "Eisenhower's Holocaust" because that mass starvation of nine million Germans and between one and two million Jewish criminals didn't happen until after the war ended and was caused by allied sanctions between 1945 and 1950.

I only mention these events to highlight a point: all of western civilization has had it's mind poisoned and we need to first fix that before we can expect people to make rational and informed choices about the Jew.

It would be political suicide for POTUS to discuss any of these issues... so disarming the Jew's most dangerous weapons needs to be done carefully and unfortunately it will take time.

President Trump has made extraordinary progress in educating the normies about how the mainstream news media is seditious, but it's too soon to name the (((enemy)))...

...Although sending us to Voat and the Fake News Award "winners" was as close as we're gonna get for a while.

Every western nation has a Jew-owned central bank and a Jew-owned mainstream news media and a Jew-owned government in the form of a Mossad run Deep State. Our Deep State is just the North American branch of the Jew World Order's terrorist network.

So many complex things need to happen for western civilization to survive what the Jews have planned for us.

It's more complex that just exiling the Jews for the 1,031st time.

17731653? ago

Great posts. saved both