16889582? ago

Bravo..... Now time to go get my PHD ha ha... not that I mind. Nothing else to do.

15279456? ago

This is stuff I've been thinking about for about a decade now... That's when I first discovered Robert Schoch's research about the Sphinx showing RAIN erosion.... Meaning it was built at a time when Egypt had a rainy climate. He also writes about places like Gobekli Teke and the lost civilizations they represent. Fascinating stuff. We're just another other cycle of humanity.

15265468? ago

I wish I had the full understanding for this information. Although I have seen some of this before.

15261927? ago

Esoteric knowledge is understood only be initiated. Says with other words - you need a teacher to guide you. Material or from “above”. Because all this hidden knowledge is hidden for a reason - too much harm can be done from evil people.

Now - you never get real knowledge from official sources. Again for a reason - a great harm can be done - harm to uninitiated himself - harm to other people the uninitiated can do without ever knowing.

So these esoteric matters better be hidden and this who can follow the “path” would be “allowed”, those who try to circumvent to natural law would be punished without even knowing it.

In other words esoteric means hidden and was hidden for a reason . Always been, always would be.

A test for everybody who wants to know: what is the meaning of Jesus-Christ. Why Jesus, why Christ? Are they both one, both in “one”? Why is that. First try to get an answer to this question, then understanding would come in a natural way. The truth is not to be found in official mainstream sources. Still there is a way. And so on....

15261178? ago

So you are saying the Great Flood was the prior artificial mass extinction Q was talking about?

15260444? ago

Now, let's throw another wrinkle in the curtain with the ramifications of Velikovsky's 'worlds in collision' model of solar system turbulence right about the time of the Dryas period. Suddenly, massive climactic upheaval and wholesale destruction of civilizations doesn't seem so far out of place. Does this also mean climatological records and cycles from before this period are null/void as to predicting future cycles?

At any rate, let's hope qTeam/.mil/The Donald are throwing off the oppressions of the masters and that we can all benefit from some socio-political stability from now until the end of time...

15261130? ago

Excellent points. I think the theory of the Black Sun is worth consideration as well.

15259780? ago

It also seems as tho as new fossils are discovered that they r creating new subspecies and this may not be correct? But by doing it this way it fits their narrative better?

15259854? ago

The key to their power and control is the understanding they have about cyclic verses linear human progression. Anything that elucidates a history contrary to one with Israel at the center is in opposition to the masters. The new data sets from multiple fields of science disprove their claims about mankinds origination. A viewpoint they have instilled onto us to reinforce the destruction of the varies races (who did not originate from afrika) and the placement of zion as its master. The very range of historical thinking limits the goyium into a predictable cycle of behavior that has been taken advantage of for a very, very long time.

15260419? ago

I’m not done with your links yet (about halfway) and I’m sure I’ll find my answer but what is some of the understanding with re to linear and cyclical human progression?

15261932? ago

Ok so I’ve asked u some questions on some of the things in the graphics that I didn’t understand. I’ve studied sacred geometry in the past and am fascinated with it, vortex math also. The flower of life has amazed me (the egg, and seed of life also) in that it’s been found depicted across the seas during times when info wasn’t supposed to be able to travel that far. My question is (unless I get my answer after I get my answers to the parts I don’t understand) how do these graphics correlate to the difference between linear and cyclical human progression?

15261808? ago

Also in the 3rd graphic... what is the significance of the ten (English) fingers and the 28 (Hebrew) phalanges? The first ten words of genesis? Ten fingers? What’s the significance? So how does that relate to 28 phalanges?

15261935? ago

It is the cipher to the English Gematria, a septenary based cipher system.



The significance is in the eye of the beholder.

15261975? ago

Septenary as in a theosophy? Or with regard to number systems?

15262019? ago

Number systems.

The cipher holds true across the translations given proper input.

15261743? ago

Thank u. What is the significance of the 7 being used as the denominator for 22 in the second graphic? I see where the 2,8,and 12 come from.... but the 7?? Because it’s the center number?

15310600? ago

Why did davinci draw this in the likeness of the cypher?

15264727? ago

The last supper?

15265405? ago

Count the persons and find the 7

15271131? ago

Without even looking it should be 12 apostles and Jesus, so 13. Yes, I double checked, 13? With Jesus being the 7th when counting left to right. ?????? This is a recreation of the Masonic gemetria cypher?

15271692? ago


15272425? ago

So I was right? So what’s the significance? Is it just a recreation of the cypher?

15272898? ago

It is the septenary english gematria cipher. The significance is in the eye of the beholder.

15310570? ago

I see why u answered my question about the significance of this cypher the way that u did after I just spent the last day or so digging on it. Almost magical it seems? How deep does this cypher go?

15259608? ago

Looks like you have been doing some research, thanks for getting it out there........upvote for you

15259221? ago

In your link on Sumer.... r they saying that the Akkadians were there before the Sumerians? And if not, then where did the Akkadians come from? They didn’t just appear so that means that they can’t be the first, that they must’ve come from somewhere else, same with Sumer. They claim that the Sumerians had to move inland after the flood. So the Sumerians had a civilization in tact prior to the one that history is recording as the first. How do we know how advanced they were? Hypothetically they could’ve more advanced than we r today?

15259340? ago

You are starting to think clearly.

So why create a false narrative about sumer and the sumerians? What group of people would benefit from the world being trapped into a 12,000 year memory span most of which originates with the story of the first temple? Why credit written language as only being 4,500~ years old? Who benefits from hiding the fact that present humanity is a rebirth of what came before?

15259583? ago

I got the initial impression that the Akkadians may have hijacked the sumerian culture? Simply because of the way wiki gives us the info. They never really explain the Akkadians and where they came from. I went even further to the wiki on the Akkadians and again it’s not clear who they r or where they came from? I believe that there’s more digging to be done on Akkadians?

15260241? ago

Everything that came before < Semites.

This recognition is the key.

15259556? ago

It seems history will tell us that after the flood the only prevalent civilization were Semitic people? So this is probably where most folks would stop looking and will assume that this is the beginning not understanding that we have many millennia more to go back to find the real first civilization?

15260216? ago


only prevalent civilization were Semitic people?

Why would they tell their cattle the truth?

15260369? ago

Control. But amazingly all people have to do is look at the facts of which are all open source, ready and waiting for us. It’s right in our faces.

15260390? ago

They don't fear us.

15259005? ago


Watch and listen to the reeeeeeeeees and see how they all stem from misunderstanding. A misunderstanding created by their own superiority complex.

As i said.

15258858? ago

If the divergence of homo and pan occurred 10m years ago then is it possible that our ancestors lived with the dinosaurs, counter to what science currently tells us?

15258842? ago

reddit misses you, please go back

15258889? ago

JIDF misses you, please go back.

15260927? ago


15258810? ago

Retarded post, red pill my ass.

15258882? ago

You should really slow down to pace more in tune with your reading comprehension and IQ. The post points out who controls the official historical narrative, but you would appear to have missed that due to your emotional triggerings and short-sightedness.

15258774? ago

I commend your effort and I will indeed look at some of the links above but I saw you mention the Sumerians and there is relevance there. They are the ones who spoke of Nibiru and the Planet X existance and that we were created to mine gold for our creators, which is used in their world as an insulator or sorts. Point is, you do bring up a good point, much of our history we believe to be true is actually false indeed....

15258797? ago

For you.

Black sun. Binary system.

15260956? ago

space = pure horse shit, but watch me get downvoted for saying such.

15261161? ago

I'm open to the idea and i have certainly entertained it at depth. Do you have anything to add?

15261513? ago

Space is another way for them to make you feel insignificant. If you are but a speck in the universe, you are basically nothing. Forget about the fact that no one can even prove outter space exists, this is a perfect way to sway people away from the reality that the universe and man mutually arise. Can't have one without the other. No man = No existance / no universe

15261667? ago

Yes i have heard this viewpoint before as an explanation for motive. Despite every argument for or against this theory i have something simple to skip to its conclusion;

Due to the ever logarithmic growth of technology isn't it reasonable to infer that this debate will be resolved in the very near future?

As i mentioned, >The logarithmic growth of technology is both the means of our liberation and everlasting sinusoidal enslavement.

15261782? ago

Yeah, but think about how long the space program has been around. No one seems to be asking why nothing has come of it. It's been well over 50 years, think about how much other technology has advanced in the last 50 years, but one of the best funded programs still can't produce anything of use to justify it's existence. 50 years ago we could fly to the moon, why aren't there commercial flights there yet?

15261971? ago

I think the consideration of break away civilizations and the designation of disruptive technology is worth taking into account. You bring up valid points that can be resolved under several options.

15258764? ago

Did you know bringing religion to the table only discredits your idea / post?

15258839? ago

Did you know that the only ones who would interrupt that as a discredit do so from the cognitive dissonance of their own self perceived superiority and that such persons would be incapable of the intellect required for the nuances involved?

Did you know that you missed the entire point of my post and the entire point of religion in general which was also explained?

15258642? ago

I’ve read your link on axial procession. R u saying that our collective memory can only go back to the start of the last cycle? So 26k years at most?

15258759? ago


Im saying that collective memory / hive mind is limited by the availability of knowledge across the human timeline. I put forth no limitations on this and made no statements supporting the function of this. The limit is dependent on the availability, the range and depth being correlated on this.

Who controls the narrative?

Who controls the range/ depth of available permutations of thought?


15259164? ago

I think I understand. U r saying that we only really understand our last 12 thousand years or so and that’s a tiny tiny sliver of overall data that should be understood as human civilization actually spanned much farther back than science will have us believe? I apologize if I am a bugaboo. I merely love information and u seem to have quite a bit jammed inside that head. If u dont reply at least I want to thank u for the links.

15259292? ago

U r saying that we only really understand our last 12 thousand years or so and that’s a tiny tiny sliver of overall data that should be understood as human civilization actually spanned much farther back than science "official narrative" will have us believe?

  • There is an official narrative based off of "science". To which i presented.

  • Science/critical thinking. Disproves this official narrative.

  • The official narrative therefore is a lie.

  • Why?

  • Who?

  • How long?

Therefore one must take this into account when trying to pursue the truth behind the lies. There is a pathway of understanding the origin point / architect of mythos that can elucidate the answers to these questions. Knowing that any pathway of illumination would be corrupted and controlled by the power that controls the narrative serves as a tool of reverse engineering.

When you know, you'll know you know.

15258640? ago

Just when I thought people couldn't get any more stupid, something like this comes along.

15258777? ago

Pearls before swine.

15258566? ago

"In a world filled with lies, allow me to add some more to your collection" - OP

15258594? ago

Prove it

15258563? ago

Read the BIBLE from cover to cover, and then again, and again, and again. You will obtain far more knowledge, far more insight, far more understanding of the world we live in...then anything man will write or submit your way.

15260998? ago

Here's the big secret, YOU are the creator. Have a good night.

15261245? ago


15297216? ago

But who am I?

15258589? ago

Who was the architect of the bible?

I think if you managed to read the entire post you would have walked away with at least that knowledge.

15258525? ago

Linking to :

1) offical government websites - check

2) youtube.com - check

3) wikipedia as a credible source - check

4) religious bs added for seasoning - check

Typical boomertard scan complete - Results = POSITIVE

15258564? ago

An argument against an official position cannot be made without explaining and presenting the thing to which you argue against. Had your reading comprehension been slighter higher than a triggered NPC you may have realized the actual presentation being made. Sadly and predictably your ego has prevented you from being able to gain proper understanding and instead you skim read and become a triggered mess of emotion.

Does the mere presentation of the side i am arguing against infer my agreement with said side? Try reading at a pace that you are more comfortable with, you seem to have missed the point entirely.

15258592? ago

You are clearly a christfag, maybe I should slow down so that you can have a better understanding of how retarded you are?

15258615? ago


Prove it


Prove it

Or are you unable to separate a point of reason from ones character? Seems like you have more in common with liberals than you originally supposed.

15258688? ago

Christfag wants me to prove his own beliefs. Sad. I dare you to type back to me fuck god and fuck jesus. Come one, I dare you

15259189? ago



Why don't you go back to sucking that bleeding baby dick you filthy goy?

Christfag? What, now that im not a christ fag does that suddenly take your low IQ head out of your aid ridden asshole? Does that suddenly change you from being the dumb nigger child that you are into a free thinking man?

No. You are trapped in the perceived superiority you have over others you deem lower than yourself, truly you are an intellect among the goyium. Everyone you disagree with must be a boomer and someone who blindly follows religion right?

Again. Prove YOUR claims faggot. You made a supposition to my character in great error and its no surprise you are too slow to realize it.

15260917? ago

Hey, I believe you now. That's why I dared you to type it. Any actuall religious fag / nut wouldn't say or type that under any circumstances. I don't feel superior, no, just sick of mainstream science and education fooling the masses, so that is why I said what I said.

15258496? ago

Sources Wikipedia and JooTube. I'll pass thanks. No need to respond I read some of your responses. They offer an air of arrogance, with overtones of assumption and just a smidge of condecension. Drop this on 8chan for a real honest opinion.

15258554? ago

Im not here for opinion and certainty not from someone who faces the cognitive dissonance you have.

15309626? ago

What are you here for then?

15258486? ago

After taking a shot at understanding this post, then try Joe Rogan Experience #725 - Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson It is one of many easy to understand attempts at explaining some of these concepts. You don't have to believe everything you see or hear, but you can discern how some things you see or hear fill in some of the blanks in our understanding of our existence.

15258477? ago

OP is a boomer trying really hard to sound smart. Only boomer religious nuts quote bible verses

15259050? ago

Only nigger IQ NPCS fail to see the value in parables and controlled history.

15258423? ago

Hmmm. Thinking .gov + .edu + wikipedia = B.S. Can't spray paint your blue pill red .

15258470? ago

An argument against an official position cannot be made without explaining and presenting the thing to which you argue against. Had your reading comprehension been slighter higher than a triggered NPC you may have realized the actual presentation being made. Sadly and predictably your ego has prevented you from being able to gain proper understanding and instead you skim read and become a triggered mess of emotion.

Does the mere presentation of the side i am arguing against infer my agreement with said side? Try reading at a pace that you are more comfortable with, you seem to have missed the point entirely.

15258398? ago

Fantastic post!

We live in muddied waters, so muddy that facts are mixed in with lies, and this conspiracy theory world has people doubting the veracity of literally everything. Sad.

15258510? ago

Thank you for understanding.

I hope you find the parable of the Shepard and the redpill elucidating in the context of controlled history.

15259918? ago

Its always about 'control'...

It is a vast cavernous cave of a rabbit hole, I have been researching down this path for many years now. Finding others who have are few and far between. Much praise to the collection of knowledge presented here. I am grateful.

15260971? ago

That's all it is about. The dumbing down of the population only makes controlling that much easier. This is why there are so many fucking black people everywhere now.

15261745? ago

Sadly I tend to agree with this viewpoint. Third world country migration and immigration = low IQ voters and manipulating the masses becomes that much easier.

15258393? ago

I started to read through your sources and have discovered something profound. My brain started to hurt while reading through this stuff and I realized that we r indeed too stupid to think for ourselves. I’ll bet that your information is lays out a wonderful case for your claims. I’ll even bet that u r most likely correct with what u r saying and in the least, maybe off on a few things (but maybe not). My point is that I stopped reading because I wasn’t comprehending what I was reading. I have saved your post and plan on attempting to go through it all when my head acts right if it takes me two years. But to your point, the fact that some of us won’t or can’t find the answers on our own is precisely what keeps perpetuating this scam.

15258521? ago

The fact that you can admit this to yourself instead of resorting to attacks on my character shows you are well on your way to being able to understand. I encourage you to take the time to hear what i have said and to start to see between the lines.

15258735? ago

Thank u. I’ve read your link on axial procession and wondered what it means with re to your post? R u saying that our collective memories can only reach back that far?? On to your next link. It was that first homosapien study that had my head cracking.

15259453? ago

Im saying that collective memory / hive mind is limited by the availability of knowledge across the human timeline. I put forth no limitations on this and made no statements supporting the function of this. The limit is dependent on the availability, the range and depth being correlated on this.

Who controls the narrative?

Who controls the range/ depth of available permutations of thought?


15259636? ago

Narrative is controlled by the zionists as they control the 6 major media companies along with Hollywood and the US government. The range and depth of available permutations of thought is controlled by the same people using the same three instances I stated above. Why? To control the masses? To allow themselves to be the top of the food chain. To enjoy wealth and power at the expense of those who they r controlling? With an eventual plan of world domination forever?

15259791? ago

Now you are thinking,

So why create a false narrative about sumer and the sumerians? What group of people would benefit from the world being trapped into a 12,000 year memory span most of which originates with the story of the first temple? Why credit written language as only being 4,500~ years old? Who benefits from hiding the fact that present humanity is a rebirth of what came before?

15260487? ago

Modern Jews would benefit from this. Mostly the ones in high power positions but also the everyday folks. So if the everyday folks ever understood the truth would they even mention it? It would make it so they aren’t thought of as the first and therefore best anymore.

15262158? ago

My conclusion: Mankind has been enslaved by the source of Jewish power since at least time of the great flood 12,800 ago and likely far beyond that. History has been conformed into an official narrative inconsistent within itself that portrays (in a faith/nonfactual promoting manner) Semites as the precursor to all civilized life. From this they have narrowed the available bandwidth of the human intellect in favor of a population easier to subjugate by infiltrating and perverting any medium from which its position may be illuminated.

15259818? ago

Unbelievable. 4500 years but it’s actually 160k years. Unreal.

15259890? ago

The dates are subject to change with new information but yes, it is well within reason to suppose that civilization is closer to 160,000~+ years old rather than the purposely held lie.

So why the lie?

Who is doing the lying?

Who is doing the controlling?

What group benefits from humanity being limited in its available selection of action?

Do they even consider you human?

15260397? ago

Simply knowing the truth and not conveying it to us puts them in a situation of power over us. They give themselves a major advantage over every other race when they hijack knowledge like this.

15260479? ago

Anytime a movement is created to redpill the masses, the masters infiltrate said movement and pervert it so that the revealed clarity becomes obscured. A clever Shepherd knows this and will devise methods to preserve elements of the red pill.

They also give advantage to themselves by considering everyone else sub-human.

15261077? ago

Fortunately, it seems that the only thing needed is to correct the historical “facts”, the science “facts” and folks will awaken? Basically take our history back through taking our schools back? This is doable?

15262099? ago

It is doable but now you see why Q said Israel is for last.

I don't agree with creating a better life for our sheep lest the cycle repeat. I believe that every sheep must become a shepherd.

15258328? ago

Thank you for this post: I read it through once and will go back through all the links slower. I first ran across the precession of the equinoxes (Axial Precession) not that long ago (2015). I was in a used book store in Bakersfield, CA and bought Fingerprints of the Gods, 1st edition by Graham Hancock. It explained so much about the Great Year, important climate events around 12, 500 years ago and how they related to the surface geology of North America. The book explains much more than these items. I have never been able to explain Axial Procession very well to others. Maybe with a little more effort I can figure out how to keep people engaged while relating how this has affected earths history and by extension human history.

15258421? ago

Anytime i am glad you enjoyed it. Most seem more concerned if i am a christian or not rather than the actual body of the post, but i expceted this typical attack of NPC's and those with a superiority complex against those with a conflicting view. (those who think i am religious verses those who think im not)

The parables in our mythos share common theme, i hope you can appreciate them from the same vantage point from which i stand.

15264337? ago

Probably not NPC - probably more like those that have only ever had Jesus to believe as TRUTH in this crazy world...I am Christian, but also a scientist and know that self-oppression/limits are detrimental and limits possibilities for Absolute Truth. I have So Much I'd like to ask, but will save most of it until I completely read through/view all of your supporting docs (forwarded to my pc, so it's waiting for me to research). Just having read your words in this post, I do have one or two questions to put out there: My college and spiritual studies over the years has brought me to believe the following is Truth (connected to multiple natural/scientific fronts) - Are you saying that: We really are in the "End Times" of this cycle, aren't we? Past time, some would say? Also, if this is the Truth - Are we fighting this soft War to Evolve upward and create a new/better world? For our souls, so that we may Finally get off of this rock? What is our Possible Goals or Ultimate Goal? Would Love To Hear Your Belief/Input. Thank You for such direct, eliquent info - looking forward to digging into it and discussing this more fully!

15258648? ago

It is a journey, but more and more I see the deeper meaning of many of the parables. After the first time I read the book of Ezekiel I almost quit reading the bible. It turns out that at that time I could not expand my perception of what is possible enough to grasp it.

15258983? ago

Notice how the comments seem to equate an understanding of religious text with a blind faith in them?

They are the ones who can't see what we see.

15258168? ago


The world temperature fluctuation were brutal during this period of time, life was easier near the equator. 12,800-10,000~ years ago a great warming period began and gave rose to our current geological epoch the Holocene. Things have never been more stable than the past 10,000 years and we adapted to take advantage of that. (Maternal mitochondrial dna studies are laughable in sample size/selection, anthropological phylogenetic data of cultivated grasses is far better.)

Were you there? You know school is there to brainwash people right? Don't tell me you actually believe the crap they taught in public indoctrination centers.

15258197? ago

You seem again to fail to understand that the body of this post agrees with you and that you have let your triggered low comprehension mind run amok. I suggest slowing yourself down to a level of reading that enables you to accurately extract the syntax.

15258259? ago

lol you are so funny. Me = IQ 139, what's yours? You seem so hell bent on this idea of intelligence. If you really wanna go that route, let's play.

15260326? ago

Don't you mean 39?

15260880? ago

what happened? thought you wanted to have a proper argument?

15258026? ago

You claim to be intelligent, yet you believe in a fictional character called Jesus. Wtf?

15258075? ago

Many of you however wont have the reading comprehension needed or intellect to take the time to understand what i am saying and instead you will leap to strawmans and ad hominem attacks instead discussing the subject matter and corroborating evidence.

I made this response in advance, knowing how slow you NPC's are.

  • First prove i believe in jesus in the manner in which you claim.

15258119? ago

his message is not for those with hardened hearts and stiff necks, those too weak to pull away from the matrix. Jesus preached to those willing to accept the redpill and left seeds for the sheep in hope that in time they too could see.

15258344? ago

Who said i was denying or confirming? You only resort to straw mans and ad hominem attacks rather than presenting something intelligent.

Is the character of the messenger more important to you than the message? Doesn't seem like you can't think for yourself which is why unequivocally you are an NPC>

Your quote box is also wrong, its THIS. Not HIS. Nice try

15258459? ago

hahaha. Here's the point, you believe in fairytales made by man, and you are trying to appear "logical". I'm sorry, but those 2 things just don't work together. Say strawman, NPC whatever the fuck you want. You believe in a non-existing supreme being and a book that this "supreme" being wrote. You even tried dodging the question earlier, why?

Who said i was denying or confirming?

First prove i believe in jesus in the manner in which you claim.

15258698? ago

you believe in fairytales made by man,

Prove it

you believe in a non-existing supreme being and a book that this "supreme" being wrote.

Prove it

You even tried dodging the question earlier, why?

You have made several incorrect assumptions all of which are straw mans and ad hominem attacks because you can't think for yourself and have succumbed to your emotional triggerings.

15258740? ago

This is hilarious, prove it? Nah, I don't need to prove shit, you know it yourself. Boomer christfag haha, so brainwashed it's fucking hilarious.

15258947? ago

Nah, I don't need to prove shit,

Because you are wrong and have IQ of a syrian refugee?

Your hubris is amusing, your confidence in character claims more so.

15258001? ago

2.5~ Million years of hominids with similar or larger cranial capacity.

and you know this is a fact by....

15258049? ago

Sources are all included. Perhaps you should actually open each of them and read them in full before making such an embarrassing error.

15258106? ago

Your idea of absolute proof is from what someone says.... I'm so embarrassed by pointing out the obvious. Someone says this happened for 2.5 million years, and you believe it. smh. Your source doesn't equate to actual evidence, you do know that right?

15257835? ago

You are reinforcing all the lies they are teaching in the (((education))) system. Nice way to push more lies by disguising as a red-pill post.

15257959? ago

I covered your NPC response here,

Many of you however wont have the reading comprehension needed or intellect to take the time to understand what i am saying and instead you will leap to strawmans and ad hominem attacks instead discussing the subject matter and corroborating evidence.

You lack the ability to see past your own triggerings and when confronted you project the identify of your enemy onto anything you disagree with.

You also failed to actually read it (not that it would help you much im sure), for if you actually read it you would see that i am arguing against the official narrative you claim i support. Because you can't think for yourself.

15257774? ago

lol government shill confirmed. Nice blue pill post, bruh

15257881? ago

"lol government shill confirmed"

Many of you however wont have the reading comprehension needed or intellect to take the time to understand what i am saying and instead you will leap to strawmans and ad hominem attacks instead discussing the subject matter and corroborating evidence.

This memory span has the history of Israel at the center of this false "Official" view point. This is not reflective of objective reality, rather a lens shrouding the available perception through the viewpoint of 12,000 years that you are forced into standing on for lack of awareness of its existence. Which conforms you into a suitable range of possibilities for thought and that makes you far easier to bring to subjugation.

Yeah we all know that government shills challenge the official narrative and point out the source of its power and control enslaving you. You clearly do not have the reading comprehensions nor maturity to get over your own liberal triggerings to see what is actually being said.

15257932? ago

How are you challenging the official narrative by linking directly to the source of the official narrative?

(This isn't something you can skim over, everything is included for a reason and it is the responsibility of the reader to comprehend what is delivered and to actually do their part of reading the sources in order.)




These are links that you've provided, am I wrong? Official narrative comes from the government, and you are linking directly to government websites to (((challenge))) the official narrative. LOLOLOLOLOL

15258025? ago

You seem to have a loose grasp on the english language as a whole and how arguments are presented and made.

if you could manage ( i doubt you could) to pull your head outside of your anal cavity and actual take the time to read at a comfortable reading pace for your incredibly low reading comprehension you would find (as everyone else has managed to) that in order to counter the official narrative, it must first be represented. Or do you not understand the basics of deductive reasoning?

15258064? ago

Or do you not understand the basics of deductive reasoning?

Let me guess, you are a devout Christian right? Please logic your way to explaining your belief in god. Proove your imaginary friend exists. Let's have that proper argument and discussion you seek.

15258165? ago

Many of you however wont have the reading comprehension needed or intellect to take the time to understand what i am saying and instead you will leap to strawmans and ad hominem attacks instead discussing the subject matter and corroborating evidence.

I made this comment in advance knowing low IQ NPCS would be responding in haste.

Since you don't have the intellectual ability to even understand the original points being made you resort to succumbing to your triggerings and creating strawmans to help you feel better from a perceived viewpoint of superiority. Reason would dictate that the character of the author is irrelevant, i can't expect more of you than you are clearly incapable of.

15258186? ago

Sure thing. You've done nothing to make your argument, so you're now denying you believe in jesus?

15258222? ago

You've done nothing to make your argument,

Try reading the entire post and all of its sources in full and just maybe (tho with you i doubt it) you might be able to come to at least a low level of understanding.

so you're now denying you believe in jesus?

Who said that?

15258368? ago

Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.- Matthew 9:17 KJV

Here's the little bible quote you added in there as well, or did you forget? So let me get this straight, you actually believe the bible is an accurate record of history and truth?

15258272? ago

So do you believe in the existence of jesus and god or not? Simple question for such an intelligent person as yourself, no?

15257800? ago

"everyone i don't agree with is a government shill" - you

Many of you however wont have the reading comprehension needed or intellect to take the time to understand what i am saying and instead you will leap to strawmans and ad hominem attacks instead discussing the subject matter and corroborating evidence.

Congrats you have the critical thinking skills of an NPC

15257868? ago

Not everyone. YOU, you are a gov shill. Pushing the same old bullshit that the indoctrination machine you call education has been saying this whole time. You are full of shit. SHILL, i've called no one a shill, just YOU. Nice try, faggot.

15257755? ago

Linking to official government websites and saying 'red pills' is an oxymoron. Talking about all the lies in this world and you link directly to more lies, well done.

15257777? ago

You missed the point entirely and remain clueless.

15257899? ago

I'm clueless lol. NCBI is government sponsored propaganda. I almost feel sorry for how stupid you are....almost.

15256949? ago

I've been programmed to only read headlines and a couple paragraphs. I must break this reprogramming. I need everything resolved in 22 or 44 minuites.

15256848? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=G0Cp7DrvNLQ :

Joe Rogan Experience #606 - Randall Carlson - YouTube

https://files.catbox.moe/kzj2rq.jpg :

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=DVjNRCup-e0 :

A Shortend Version of The Great Year, narrated by James Earl Jones - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=I3ZDcj0kF_0 :

The Great Year - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=JpycUBpgWzU :

The Russian Civil War: Every Other Day - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=SLj5r2nZHB8 :

World War I - origins, events and consequences summarized on a map - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=KR9sWRzbdJw :

Israel / Palestine - History of the Jews (Part 1) - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=qXbZ9WWjzYY :

Manhattan on 911 in Real-Time - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

15256804? ago

TL;DR. But I will come back to it. This looks like a potentially good thread and compendium of info.

The masses DO need to better understand the world in which they live. The trouble is getting the horse to drink after bringing it to water.

15258279? ago

The trouble is getting the horse to drink after bringing it to water.

Read the comments. Shills hate it when i inform the Goyium of the truth.

15256750? ago

“This isn't something you can skim over”


15256768? ago

Last time i tried too many were triggered as a result of their own misunderstanding due to the evils of skim reading.

15260118? ago

Evolution: jesuit psyop

Outer space: jesuit psyop

15260159? ago

Creationism: Jew psyop

Firmament: Jew psyop

15261025? ago

Psyop means fake

15260949? ago

Yep, jesuit lol. Sounds like a jewish trick to scapegoat another group of ppl.

15256862? ago

I’d have to read it later then but it looks like a lot of stuff I’ve seen before. Upvote for the effort post anyways.

15256975? ago

I hope that if you have seen this information before that you can at least gain some new insight as a result of re-visiting it.