17606334? ago

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17540148? ago

This submission was linked from this v/AskAnon comment by @17540138.

Posted automatically (#29502) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

17540081? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3110421/17539887 'Islam wins.. this was a definite set up'

17528763? ago

I would be weary of any VPN ads, or companies that haven't been around for a long time with a clean record. poor NZ this is crazy I know we have a lot of patriots there.

17527074? ago

I just asked my friend who lives outside of Melbourne if he could get into VOAT with the link I sent, and he was able to.

17534162? ago

I'm still blocked (NSW). Fine through a VPN

17519479? ago

Why avoid Nord? I use that. Something I don't know?

We're with you Aussies! Lots of fuckery, agreed.

17522719? ago

Suspicious that Nord website is allowed but anonymize.com is blocked in Aus

17593814? ago

Do you know anything about protonmail's VPN? Just saw it. I have Nord and now I'm a little worried. Plus, it seems to just stop sometimes and I suddenly realize I'm not on VPN anymore

17540457? ago

17515056? ago

Thanks anon for the update. Have been wondering what is going on there at ground level. Yes, it seems that Australia and New Zealand is preparing to block news that will be coming out in America that implicates the their intelligence agencies (part of the five eyes) in the effort to try to stop President Trump. Thanks to your efforts and people like you, it will not succeed .

17542933? ago

He / She / It worked with Tony Blair...the same guy alongside Bush who called islam a 'Religon of Peace' after the 911 Attacks? They Jacinda this Adern Loves Socialism, everything free? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3110694

17540556? ago

17515047? ago

"My suggestion is to avoid Nord" -He says as I'm using Nord................

17514886? ago

The reason that these venues have been "shut down" is the the staged attack has so many incosistencies and holes in it even "normis" can see it if they are watching. I'm sure some people were killed; it's a terrible thing that they had to die for an excuse to take liberty away.

17514387? ago

No one is over the target.

Censoring the WWW is the motive. The rulers have been wanting to censor the WWW for a long time. They are systematically doing it.

It started with people screaming FAKE NEWS

You dweebs have done this to yourselves with the help of Trump tweeting FAKE NEWS over and over again.

Thanks asshats.

17513377? ago

Why avoid Nord? Are you saying it's compromised?

17522799? ago

I believe so. It's whitelisted in Aus but anonymize.com is blocked. Why?

17513257? ago

Time for a violent revolution! Break out the yellow vests!

17513397? ago


17512886? ago

Five eyes was used as a proxy to take down the mighty USA in collusion with the traitors inside the corrupt Hussein government. They are all in collusion. NZ appeared to be the least suspicious. The elites are going to go down and they know it. None will be able to walk the streets if the citizenry find out. No where to go.

17512405? ago

Bow to the jews, you dimwitted goytards.

17511816? ago

Facebook is still fine through right?
I mean they only live streamed a murder video.

17522861? ago

Correct. Voat hosts no files but is blocked. Why?

17521553? ago

We should ban Facebook right? It is attracting and corrupting the kinds of many. Oh wait, Facebook is DARPA's lifelog so... this one stays online.

17511511? ago

Just so everyone knows, a VPN isn't going to stop a government agency from figuring out who you are. If you have set up a device with Google or any other accounts you're fucked too.

You have to have a clean device that has never been set up with legitimate information to even have the illusion of privacy.

17510981? ago

Make AUS and NZ great again blokes!!! You have our support from the US!

17510808? ago

We are working hard to have open discussions on Voat. We know they fear us. Constantly being shilled. Most people don't even know vote exists. But yet the shills know.

17510695? ago

The countries that are blocking have clearly identified themselves as DS. Fire at will Tech Warriors

17510675? ago

Hang strong, Patriot! Would enjoy updates to this if you can provide from time to time. That the Five Eyes are acting in this coordinatiped way, still, is telling. At least the Americans seem to have a bit of a handle on it for now.

17510646? ago

Funny how Facebook wasn't shutdown in Oz when they also live streamed.

17522929? ago

They hosted the video. Voat has no hosting facility

17510636? ago

Anons we need to setup mirrors of Voat and the chans using httrack website copier and other tools. Use creative names for the mirrors, Hide in plain site using names hard to spot with algorithms, like using the word “vote”, Send out invites with memes they can’t read, . Also to our Aussie friends- remember the other related pubs

17512372? ago

Huh? Hide in a plain web site? Or in plain sight?

17510610? ago

Interesting. A Five Eyes country still playing with the US Deep State. Let the games begin.

17510516? ago

I think for most of us, a VPN will do the trick. But normies won't make it here. I'd encourage us all to spread the Q Intel into Facebook, etc in the most creative ways we can. The damage to the deep state is done... It can't be contained from here

17510508? ago

Epic browser has 7 different VPN's to choose from. Epic uses add and tracking blockers.


The Brave browser uses TOR when you use private tabs. Brave is blockchain tech.


17522970? ago

Thanks patriot. I guess opera is mainstream but we do need to look at alternatives

17510438? ago

AUS is implicated in the FISA deal.

17510376? ago

Thanks AusAnon. Keep us posted.

17510222? ago

Using DNSet app from Google Play store on my phone works even no longer supported.

17510181? ago

If block is by DNS, this is an option: http://use.opendns.com/

17522981? ago

It doesn't seem to be

17510156? ago

It is only a DNS block. Use for your dns and you can go to all websites.

17522985? ago

Tried. Didn't work

17519623? ago

how do you do that? Asking for a friend.

17534981? ago <--- should show you how.

17593714? ago

Bless you anon!! :-D

17510040? ago

Hang in there, Patriot!

17510021? ago

Hey, I wonder if the declas is so terrible for people in Australia and NZ, that this false flag was done to shut out the ppl of OZ from hearing what their countries are really up to?

Getting ahead of the firing line, so to speak?

17540238? ago

The Christchurch shooter visited Pakistan in Oct. 2018. He said Pakistanis are the most kind-hearted hospitable people in the world. Why would a white supremacist who hates Muslims visit Pakistan? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3098745

17647651? ago

He wouldn't. Nor would he visit NK. Only the CIA does that

17521301? ago

This is my suspicions as well. They chose a cunts fucked MKUltra from OZ and used him as an excuse for censorship. Obviously the Powers that be are all connected and they'll do anything to hide their corruption and 'collusion'.

17509934? ago

Earths flat

17510664? ago

Earth is flat? Or, eart's flat? Or, do you mean there are a lot of flat earths? Damn. Any way you look at it and correct your statement (or simply clarify) it's wrong. So, hopefully you're being sarcastic.

17551326? ago

You don't live on a giant spinning ball of water.. wake the fuck up

17513340? ago

No, there’s ways to look at that statement where it’s not wrong. Like, if you research it for yourself with an open mind, or test for curvature.

17509901? ago

Not just someone, everyone.

17509846? ago

Gab is for retards.

17510546? ago

Then you’ll fit right in.

17509509? ago

Thanks for the update

17509455? ago

Declas. Australia didn't want POTUS to do it. They're part of FVEY

17509970? ago

Prime ministers don’t just resign at the height of their careers at middle age. Neither did cuck Ryan.

17523147? ago

John Keyes. Pizzagate. SRA.

17513116? ago

Ryan is as dirty as they come. When do we find out exactly what he was up to?

17519605? ago

Why is he not listed as a traitor on the Qmap list of players? https://qmap.pub/players?pg=1

17514422? ago

17509450? ago

Hi Guys, i am on Telstra and if you change your DNS settings on your modem to one of the open DNS settings then it those sites will be ok to visit. If you are unable to change the DNS settings on the modem because some telco's have blocked you out, then you can change it on each device individually. Currently i am using and No need for a VPN at the moment.

17514309? ago

They are doing it in an easily bypassable way so that they can record who all the dissidents are. This is OBVIOUS and Aussies and Kiwis should be thinking this way. Know that if you bypass it simply by changing DNS then you are on a list and you should act accordingly. Expect that if/when things go to hell you will be hunted/arrested for wrong-think etc. Know that this is possible and act accordingly. fyi bro.

17514810? ago

Yep. Learning from the Chinese. 100 flowers.

17519566? ago

Mao also had a thing called "Calling in the snakes." Guvmint offishals acted like they wanted to hear your feedback. Had scribes in the side taking down names and comments. All those who came forward were rounded up and killed later.

17509871? ago

Tried and no joy

17515104? ago

Cloudglare censors like crazy. Can’t get archive.is either

Buy a raspberry pi. Install raspbian. Install Pihole. Install unbound. Follow this guide.


Now your internet is 2x faster, and you control your DNS queries.

This is 2/10 on the difficulty scale. Any one can do it.

17513243? ago

That’s working for me

17510625? ago

Im on using the IPad app with no issue

17509434? ago

Its only a pissy DNS block for voat.co atleast so any faggot can work around it if they can be fucked reasurching for 15min. Don't get me wrong I'm disgusted buy these gutless yellow corporate dogs all fighting over each other to stand on the throat of free speech.

17523018? ago

It's not. Tried

17514289? ago

They are doing it in an easily bypassable way so that they can record who all the dissidents are. This is OBVIOUS and Aussies and Kiwis should be thinking this way. Know that if you bypass it simply by changing DNS then you are on a list and you should act accordingly. Expect that if/when things go to hell you will be hunted/arrested for wrong-think etc. Know that this is possible and act accordingly.

I am certainly on these lists as a US citizen and so I don't travel overseas to other despotic nightmarish regimes that are allies of the US. I also would not travel to enemies of the US. Glad I live in a big country or life would get pretty boring pretty fast.

17513231? ago

I was filthy about the censorship, so researched how to get around it and ended up changing my DNS to which is cloudflare - seems legit?? And Telstra’s statement “We felt it was the right thing to do” fucking fuck off faggotniggerkikes

17521196? ago

Yup, niggerfaggots rule our country. Remember the anti-privacy law that was passed last year in the Senate? This is all part of a bigger scheme of making us all slaves. Fucking cunts fuck.

17510134? ago

The point is not to stop us from coming here, but to prevent us from sharing links that will red-pill more people. Try convincing someone to use a VPN for a site they've never used before, will be impossibru.

17510207? ago

Dam, you're spot.

17509862? ago

Nah I tried different DNS and it didn't work...

17509540? ago

It is only a DNS block for now, but that is because that is what the ISPs had available and ready to go. This was a result of previously meeting the music and movie industry anti-piracy requirements with a minimum cost solution. The purpose of this was to allow the CEOs and boards to say (with hands on hearts) that they had "done something" about piracy.

Expect increased pressure from the government to introduce more effictive and selective internet content control at the ISP level. This will be mostly behind the scenes, and by the time consumers get a whiff of the changes it will be too late.

17509373? ago

If the horizon is starting to look dark, it's because the storm is nearly upon us.

17540285? ago

From 4chan - Background info on NZ Shooter https://voat.co/v/QRV/3098487 -7 year gap who knows where he is…..

-Posts from the facebook of a Hotel in Islamabad with a picture

-Says how amazing and wonderful this muslim country is and the people

-Hotel owned by Shia muslims connected to Nizari people

17514794? ago

Another great metaphor....

17509299? ago

4Chan and 8Chan are back up for me. Never had a problem with VOAT. With Telstra.

17540381? ago

Every other time: Guns did it! This time: 8chan, voat, anons did it! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3103813

17509432? ago

21:40 AEST, 5:40 AM EST (US) Optus (mobile & broadband) 8ch.net = dead 4chan.orrg = dead voat.co = dead

17509266? ago

Still can't work out why I'm in Oz, with Telstra, and haven't had VOAT go down. This happening to anyone else?

Paranoia says, I'm too over the target and they're letting me continue to post to moniter me (haha). :-/

17509057? ago

Q said "net shut down" this could be the beginnings

17540193? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3103658/17477800 'I think it's a cult magnet because it isn't so easy to just "leave" you have to spend a significant amount of resource to get on /off the island and until recently it was known as a backwater track country even if the local landscape is impressive. Ultimately most / all cults and pseudo organizations boil down to a drug / pedo / poly / megalomania craze. It also ends up synonymous to a psy op test bed for whomever can gather deluded followers. Any place with a significant flower power culture is the same but it can be most especially prevalent in a place isolated away from public attention. It has to be a huge Intel hotbed for that reason. The landscape allowed for enormous and remote off grid projects if elite cultists decided they wanted a far off hidey hole. Digging nz tax records and NGO patterns with celebrities and power CEOs property may yield fruit. Dig time'

17540120? ago

This comment was linked from this v/whateverAnon comment by @17540114.

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17508987? ago

Kiwifarms got blocked as well....

17540331? ago

visited these places in the past few years. North Korea, Pakistan, Montenegro, Serbia, Dubai, Ukraine, Bulgaria, France, Poland.Turkey, Bosnia,.. first 2 would put him on a watch list? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3101133/17436441 You are not going for the golf courses visiting these spots.

17509238? ago

Yeah thanks for reminder

17508868? ago

Cabal used Australia as a hitman to frame the president of the US. We know that’s coming out... so these criminals are trying to keep that from surfacing purely because the question is inevitable:


That’s what they want to keep out of the History books. Anons have an idea, but I think there’s still a lot to discover.

WHY? is the moab of all this. WHY did they conspire to execute a coup in the US...

That will uncover who, how, and all the rest.

17513529? ago

It's a spiritual battle over the human created energy field.


17509956? ago

Good question. Power for solely the sake of power? No, I don’t think so. Eradication of 80% of the human race, definitely a part of their plan. Sterilization, world war 3, when you control ALL of the governments and all of the propaganda, anything is possible.

17519527? ago

While I despise Alex Jones, I do remember a segment when he interviewed people coming out of the Bilderberg meeting. A woman called us all "useless eaters who are using up all of OUR precious resources..." That was a red pill for me, even if she was just an actor (who knows with AJ?)

17514782? ago

80%? You're too generous..

17509537? ago

I've been watching the 2013 TV series, Traveler. It's spooky how much propaganda is going on in that show. It occurs to me that many TV shows are specifically designed to smear patriots. Series 1Episode 4 particularly.

17519511? ago

AMEN - I've mentioned on here how I watched old MASH reruns and couldn't believe how they smeared Conservatives. Look at Frank Burns and Charles Emerson Winchester. Both are Conservatives. So was Hot Lips Houlihan. All made out to be buffoons. While the supercilious, sanctimonious, Beta Actor - Alan Alda, is the hero. GAG!

17523812? ago

Military are portrayed as clowns in the short story that Arrival is based on while the female scientist is the intelligent, level-headed character.

17520480? ago

Yes, I loved MASH but I got tired of the politics.

17508791? ago

USE A VPN. Set it to a different country and you should be able to access those sites. Tor is free.

17519614? ago

True - I set my VPN to AU and couldn't access squat. Then set it to Canada, got most of the sites. Set it to US and got all.

17510594? ago

Changing to you closest Aussie server works. That maintains best speeds.

17508777? ago

Zero Hedge is still patchy, depending on which Telco.

As you said OP, someone is either over the target or any competition to the fake news narrative needs to be closed down. Most likely both.

17520699? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3098745/17419657 'This guy is a regular guy, according to himself, not wealthy at all. Where did he get all the money traveling all over the world? Much more wealthier people cannot afford that with all their life savings. Who are sponsoring him? Follow the money and we will know who are behind him. BTW, the first famous manifesto was written by Marx, and more recent one is from Kaczynski. Who are those that love to write manifestos?'

17508748? ago

This submission was linked from this v/BloodOfEurope submission by @theoldones.

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17508746? ago

It's good to know that we're pissing the Jew World Order off.

Oy vey!

17508751? ago

Oh, did "Jews" threaten Australia in the last 36 hourrs?

No. Who did?

Thought so.

17510070? ago

Jews control the media dumbass. So yeah, looks like they did threaten them with censorship.

17510190? ago

"Da jooz control da media! That must be the be-all-end-all, don't look any further, don't take anything else into account!"

Never gets old watching people like you act like you're on the cutting edge.

17510694? ago

Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

Or are you just another triggered antifa shill?

17510736? ago

So your logic is that because I tell you to look beyond what you think is the be-all-end-all, I must be antifa? Or this that one just par for the course when you need to try to discredit someone who challenges people to look further?

Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

Do you even know what I'm talking about or are you too busy trying to get past the "JOOZ!" stonewalling, OR, are you well aware and deliberately trying to make out as though there's nothing more to the story?

17510945? ago

I see you still have no counter to the jews owning the media and censoring the stories.

Are they being directed by someone else? If so then spit it out and quit dancing around like a pussy.

17511182? ago

Are they being directed by someone else?

Finally you ask a question which shows you might actually be willing to expand your fucking mind a bit.

Was that so fucking hard?

Now comes the part where you answer it yourself, by looking at who threatened Australians in the last 36 hours?

17511665? ago

I didn't see a link in your half assed reply.

If you have data to share then share it pussy faggot.

17511835? ago

Says the pussy who hasn't kept up with the latest and won't go looking to find it themselves.

You already asked the right question; if you care enough, you'll follow up on it.

17511926? ago

Give me what you read.

You liberal faggots are all about making claims with no evidence. Then you're too lazy to source your claim.

Source it or go back to CNN jewboy.

17512245? ago

The irony there being that you claimI'm a liberal, without knowing me at all. Spoiler: I'm a centrist, so resorting to implying that I'm from the left is pointless.

https://duckduckgo.com "Threatens Australians"

^ If you're too lazy for that, you're in absolutely no position to call me lazy.

Like I said, if you care enough you'll follow up on it. Or you can stick with the same old rhetoric and narrow scope. The choice is yours, I'm not your slave.

17512513? ago

Liberals always claim they are centrist.

Your actions show you are a liberal. Deny amd deflect from actual data then make dubious and nebulous claims without sourcing them. Right out of the CNN playbook.

I looked it up and two things cone up. Centre link bank and Erdogan. Which one are you referring to? And what does it prove?

17512855? ago

Which one are you referring to?

You know exactly which one.

The question was "Is someone directing them?"

Figure it out by doing some legwork yourself if you interested in learning. I gave up on trying to lay it out for people like you a long time ago, because you just don't listen to anything that challenges your beliefs. You just double down with the petty attempts to insult, even though they have no effect.

I've realised that I can't tell you what to believe, I can only point in the direction you should look - it's up to you whether you're willing to consider that theres more to the picture than just blaming Jews. Indeed, it's harder to get through to your kind than it is to get through to the "Blame Nazis!" NPCs. Ultimately, both sides are being played like fiddles; if you're willing to consider that as possible, look into what I'm alluding to - rather than pretending you don't know which thing I was referring to.

17512888? ago

I don't know which one because I have no idea what you are talking about.

I see no connection between what you told me to search and what that would have to do with jewish MSM censorship.

You don't even know, and you're just trying to deflect.

Source and your logical argument or back to CNN with you, cabal jew demon.

17512955? ago

Oh yes you do. It's okay though, carry on pretending that you don't; stick with being a puppet.

Anyone else reading who happens to follow up, will know what I'm talking about. You're clearly not interested and/or not smart enough to figure it out.

Next robotic insult/talking point, kgo.

17513021? ago

What does this have to do with the jew censoring?

Spit it out elmer fudd.

That's right. Nothing. You have nothing but red herrings.

17513272? ago

Spit it out elmer fudd.

Y'know, if you'd left it at that I might be more inclined to share more, but because you just can't help yourself, this is all you get:

Look at the timing, look at the pretext created by the shooter, look to the Utrecht shooting too, remember your own question:

Are they being directed by someone else?

Look at one of the things I said in a previous reply:

Ultimately, both sides are being played like fiddles

("both sides" being in reference to the "Blame Jews!" and "Blame Nazis!" crowds)

Ask yourself, who benefits the most from this argument btween those two sides?

Your first answer might be "Jews/Israel", but, that's just feeding the argument. Who gets a free pass while the world is distracted? Who is it that manages to avoid being discussed?


What is their connection to "Jews" and "Nazis"?

I've now given you plenty to get started, the rest requires you to research beyond the scope of "Jews".

17514708? ago

The narrative is not jews and nazis. It is islam and nazis.

Because the jew cabal media controls it.

Who do you think is getting a free pass? Who is doing the directing? Do you mean Podesta? I don'r doubt his involvement one bit.

17514802? ago

Good god man, stop playing stupid. Use your brain.

Or don't, whatever. I so don't care about wasting any more time on the likes of you. Let me know if you ever see past the smoke and mirrors.

17515136? ago

So you make nebulous claims with no source....and get angry at me for providing a factual statement.

If you have a counter argument, present it. Don't play cryptic games.

Who are you saying is forcing the jewish media to censor and craft false narratives?

17515454? ago

Angry at you? Hahaha, keep dreaming sunshine. You bore(sometimes amuse) and disappoint me, but you don't anger me.

This isn't a cryptic game, I'm giving you questions to ask yourself about current events and how they relate to the big picture that you've been missing.

You know who I'm talking about, you blew your chance to get direct answers, You can keep playing dumb if you must but I have no desire to keep wasting my time on you.

So for now, until our paths cross again or until you decide to drop the act, this is where we part ways and I begrudgingly wish you well and hope that some day you wake up a bit.

17515495? ago

You wouldn't give direct answers from the start, because you know you have shit.

So who is compelling the jews to censor and create false narratives?

Come on CNN, answer the question.

17508779? ago


Jews control Australia's mainstream fake news and their central bank.

As we speak, Jews are poisoning the Australia public's minds with their seditious propaganda while also stealing money from their wallets with usury inflation.

Then we can consider all of the Jew foundations attempting to flood Australia and every western county with useless inbred Arabs and illiterate lazy Negroes.

17509248? ago

As usual, inbreds conflating the 13 families for "muh Jews"

17509376? ago

Have you ever met a "good Jew" who didn't lie to you about the holocaust and who spoke honestly about enjoying interest free bank loans at your expense and opposed antisemitism laws?

No you have not.

The 13 families are simply following the teachings of the Talmud, just like every other Jew.

17509365? ago

Even you missed the mark, OP. It's right in our bloody faces this time.

Why do you think the shooter called for violence against person X? To create a pretext for person X to threaten us.

Why was Voat blocked? Which anon is over the target?

17508858? ago

Hahahaha! As always, your kind refuses to acknowledge the real puppet master behind the curtain, smoke and mirrors. Pathetic.

17508708? ago

"My guess - someone on Voat is REALLY, REALLY, over the target." Q did ask the board owner to set this place up for us after Reddit shut us down.

17510115? ago

I think it’s more about AUS wanting to hide from their people the role they played in Spygate when all the DECLAS info drops. They were complicit in spying for Obama big league and want to keep that info from their population.

17516199? ago

Yes, it would show just how corrup AU leaders are!

17509506? ago

I still have Free World News on reddit. It's not great awakening but there are still a few people floating around. The DS is really fucking us.

17509874? ago

Dissenter is still up. It's my new news page

17513134? ago


17508884? ago

We're all over the target. That's their problem.