17540241? ago

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17520643? ago

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17520587? ago

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17512622? ago

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17512173? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/anon/3107814 Traveled around globe, Eastern Europe, Turkey, Pakistan and probably North Korea. Authorities in several countries probing his trips. MI5 looking into Tarrant's possible links to far-right in Britain

17498297? ago

Campaign Possibly Connected to “MuddyWater” Surfaces in the Middle East and Central Asia https://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/campaign-possibly-connected-muddywater-surfaces-middle-east-central-asia/

17437680? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/3101187 He is a member of the Masonic Forum in Canberra, capital of Australia, listed as something very much other than a social organization. Before the attack, 12 bombs were planted in the same area?

17427016? ago

He said he was new there. I'm in a foreign country right now. When I first came it was new and exciting.

Now, I can see how fucking dumb a lot of their culture is and I'm really growing to resent people here, overall.

I'm not planning on getting revenge or any nonsense like that, but I was saying very positive things in the beginning. People will change their mind when the honeymoon phase wears off.

I'm definitely more negative about people in this country than I was before ever visiting it, due to experience. I'm finally starting to understand some of the reasons people act the way they do here, and the answer is basically that their culture is stupid and doesn't work.

This guy may have learned the same.

17431672? ago

Good job making excuses and covering for the Deep State.

17424566? ago

How about that! Getting fucking sick of these false flag attacks.

17495856? ago

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17437971? ago

History of Ismailis (Satpanthis) ?? Why did the Aussie guy who shot the Mosque in NewZealand spend so much time in Bosnia, India, Balkans, Turkey and Pakistan? https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3099258

17419657? ago

This guy is a regular guy, according to himself, not wealthy at all. Where did he get all the money traveling all over the world? Much more wealthier people cannot afford that with all their life savings. Who are sponsoring him? Follow the money and we will know who are behind him. BTW, the first famous manifesto was written by Marx, and more recent one is from Kaczynski. Who are those that love to write manifestos?

17520707? ago

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17427128? ago

If you travel and rent a place, stay a while and get a part time job or something before moving on a few months later it's not expensive at all. If you stay in hotels and go to tourist traps, it's expensive as hell.

17412999? ago

To become radicalized by C_A cell in Pakistan?

17412170? ago

He was trying to start a holy war.

17589100? ago

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17412053? ago

Most people everywhere in the world are nice people. It only takes one asshole out of 10,000 people to have an entire nation or religion branded as shitty people you should avoid.

I'm sure most people in Pakistan or Afghanistan, or any of the other stans hate their fucking government just as much as I hate ours. Does that mean I want to visit these places? Not without a gun.

But all the nations on earth are run by a bunch of fucking oligarchs who make it shitty for 90% of the people while the 1% live large.

17412049? ago

Cause he's a C_A/Mossad agent.

It's so obviously over the top...the manifesto, the gun, it's just so over done.

17437810? ago

NewZealand attacker #Tarrant stayed in #Turkey for 43 DAYS in 2016. Before the Attempted #Coup and right after. Why?How was it financed? What was he doing in Turkey during this extended stay?! https://www.voat.co/v/8chan/3101213

17411872? ago

He was a closet muslim who decided that the muslims he killed were the wrong kind of muslims.

Nothing to see here beyond normal muslim behaviour.

17410792? ago

He had no issue with any race or nationality in their OWN country. Just in ours.


17413213? ago

Put on the blinders and pretend everything is normal. I'm sure it's all just a bunch of really weird coincidences.

17410152? ago

Go all the way back to his childhood. Has any if his former classmates come forward?

17409310? ago

Simple. Because he is a CIA Operative and this massacre was nothing more than just another day on an Operator's daily routine.

17414653? ago

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17413219? ago

I'm guessing MOSSAD

17411895? ago

Other places also spending time in Turkey? India? Bosnia? North Korea and Pakistan? ... facebook profile almost empty

17408967? ago

Read the manifesto.

Did/do you personally hate muslims?

A muslim man or woman living in their homelands?No. A muslim man or woman choosing to invade our lands live on our soil and replace our people? Yes, I dislike them. ... Did/do you personally hate foreigners/other cultures? No, I spent many years travelling through many, many nations. Everywhere I travelled, barring a few small exceptions, I was treated wonderfully, often as a guest and even as a friend. The varied cultures of the world greeted me with warmth and compassion, and I very much enjoyed nearly every moment I spent with them. I wish the different peoples of their world all the best regardless of their ethnicity, race, culture of faith and that they live in peace and prosperity, amongst their own people, practicing their own traditions, in their own nations. But, if those same people seek to come to my peoples lands, replace my people, subjugate my people, make war upon on my people, ,hen I shall be forced to fight them, and hold nothing in reserve.

17413235? ago

Everyone should hate Moslems and Jews no matter where they live. He wasn't wrong a white ethno-state.

17411601? ago

I don't know much about the what happened, did the shooter write this?

17419902? ago

This was part of his manifesto

17411542? ago

The Arabia buddies fun at the Paki Hotle, North Korea times, can someone explain the Pakistani trips?? https://www.voat.co/v/askvoatanon/3098594/17410899 I can’t. But you should.

17409130? ago

Why not deal with the politicians who pushed for the Muslims to invade foreign soil?

17413269? ago

The Jews? Or someone working for the Jews?

17408803? ago

The name is blacked out. FAKE

17413252? ago

Which more logical?

  1. A bunch of autists on 8ch screwed up details in their research
  2. The CIA / MOSSAD pulled a false flag to push their agenda

17413342? ago

He liked Muzzies until they invaded his country . He said so.

17408427? ago

Clown DS activated operator. So disgusting that [they] will kill as many humans as possible to change the news cycle. Anons were on the job with early factual research drops, like with the Smollet debacle, he is already arrested and getting some equal justice. The truth hitting the airwaves within 24 hours of a DS hit job swiftly halts the MSM narrative change. This incident barely moved the needle from the Strok and Page email drops. We are the news now. See something, say something. Immediate truth memes of links to DS as they try to link it to conservatives or Qanon movement. Pray continuously to halt loss of innocent life.

17413261? ago

I'm OK with Moslems dying. Jews too.

17408787? ago

I'd like for you to be right but all I'm seeing people talking about is THIS, not the Ohr/Strozk/Page stuff.

17413298? ago

Israel also bombed Gaza yesterday. Any time there's a major false flag pay attention to whether Israel is using it as cover. While everyone is talking about "the shooting" -- nobody is asking questions about Israel bombing Palestinians.

17409137? ago

It won't last long because these connections are being made quickly, like the attachment to Broward Co students having gone to visit THIS exact school. Really? No coincidences are there?The NZ PM pushing even stronger gun control when they have massive gun control now! It is their exact identical media playbook from the NWO. They have nothing new, they have to remove our guns so when they go full blown communist dictator, we have only pitchforks compared to their commando UN weaponized forces. It just sickens me that it is always about killing children with theses satanically insane creeps. More big drops next week. Brennans last tweet was feb 27th after tweeting every couple days for the most part. GWBush has still not opened his twitter page since his Dad's funeral. We will have to see what the end of next week brings with Barr so angry at the big name FBI DS dossier gang. My fear is more deaths will occur day to day. They have no goodness left in their spirits. It is power at all cost.

17409279? ago

The "good" news is that these shootings are usually phony. Not just a false flag but a full-on hoax. That's "better" since people aren't dying, but worse, because what kind of sick person manipulates people in such a way?

One thing I did was tell everyone to expect a bullshit fake shooting. They usually happen on the 19th or 22nd. This one was early, but I tell people "if a shooting happens around this time, don't be surprised. If I can predict it, you know it must be phony or set up".

Usually happens. After predicting several of them a couple years ago, based on absolutely nothing but dates on the occult calendar, people started coming around a LITTLE... If people realize these things are BS, they won't have any impact anymore.

Don't be afraid or angry when these attacks happen. These things are used to do several things. Media/legal manipulation is obvious, but they also use these to fuel MAGIC SPELLS... yes, I know that looks ridiculous, but these guys are all obsessed with Crowley, and that kind of magic is essentially causing extreme emotion and then redirecting it to power magical spells.

Does that actually work? Sounds like a crock of shit to me, but these guys do seem to be powerful...

Anyway, fear is the goal. They think it makes them more powerful. It's their fuel. It's what they feed on, more or less.

Don't give it to them.

17410159? ago

I agree with all you just said. The blood of children, the younger the better, or even the fear and mental disturbance caused by the imagining of the deaths, fuels the satanic rituals. Awakened anons know that some of these have been staged events, real false flags which have no actual deaths at all. The more they Panic that they are getting fully exposed, and since the trafficking lanes for child sacrifice are being shut down, the actual gruesome bloody deaths like Las Vegas are not a problem for the DS at all. Airlines going down, starting another war, or worse a nuke war, whatever it takes to distract from their own evil exposure is their only goal. Keep power at all cost.

17408045? ago

the shooting was a CIA/mossad operation

17407129? ago

C_A pays very well patriot, getting a unemployed white kid with loser background to take a 7 years vaca with all bills paid to 3rd world shitholes that the DS holds hostage is a slam dunk. He would have never been allowed to buy a gun like his M 16 copy either. Keep digging, this is a mole

17406809? ago

That's world class impressive subterfuge right there. After a brief investigation the deep state had no issue allowing him the license to own guns. This dude had a seriously deeply thought out long range plan.

17495881? ago

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17439484? ago

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17417833? ago

Turkey releases CCTV of Christchurch terror suspect at Istanbul airport https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/3099180

17406785? ago

Let me guess. Mainstream Media will not cover this I bet.

17421060? ago

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