17487666? ago

People are getting arrested and jailed for sharing images from the mosque shooting or watch the news videos streamed on social media, New Zealand also pulled Sky News off the air https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3103545

17539827? ago

ALERT: Brighteon.com video platform under extreme threat from internet infrastructure providers, forced to delete all New Zealand shooting videos, essentially "at gunpoint" https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3110022

17437974? ago

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17420224? ago

I understand his mother says he visited Pakistan and the people were wonderful to him. If you hate Muslims, why the hell would you go to Pakistan? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3099820

17437999? ago

? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/3101187 .. He is a member of the Masonic Forum in Canberra, capital of Australia, listed as something very much other than a social organization. Before the attack, 12 bombs were planted in the same area?

17437930? ago

visited these places in the past few years. . North Korea, Pakistan, Montenegro, Serbia, Dubai, Ukraine, Bulgaria, France, Poland.Turkey, Bosnia,.. first 2 would put him on a watch list? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3101133

17414898? ago

I'm shocked at the level of censorship @Anonymous171717 @Bill_Murrays_Sandals @Caesarkid1 @WickerMan @BlackCrimesMatter whats up with the leader of New Zealand, is the dumb bitch a leftwing or an open borders lesbo dyke?

17414685? ago

Turkey releases CCTV of Christchurch terror suspect in Istanbul, He went to North Korea in 2018! (Why?) https://voat.co/v/QRV/3099149/17412052 'absolutely'

17414399? ago

Down the rabbithole, whats he doing with Turks, Bosnia, Pakis ? @DeltaBravoTango @HitlersMomWasAJew afaik the bosnian izetbegovic was ismaili ? @ShitPostMcGee @muffalettadiver @pickledbeerninja the Aus dude in NZ dude was having a lot of special trips overseas

17414587? ago

The Real Agenda: After NZ Mosque Attack, Calls for Eliminating Voat and 8Chan https://voat.co/v/QRV/3098603/17408371 We moved from reddit to here and now it’s clear we’re just gonna all have to get an apartment together.

17414447? ago

@ViAik seems like a weird way to spend a 6-7 yr vacation friends with the jihadis and islams, @HeavyBrain @CANCEL-CAT-FACTS what was Aus man really doing before he shot up the place in NZ, why was he in Paki places? @J_Darnley @veteran88

17414164? ago

Some bullshit happening between Aus and NZ, why did he spend so long in Turkey, Balkans, Pakistan places @Scroobius @vastrightwing that Hotel? @markymarz @Fancy451 @DrSteveBrule9000 he sure liked hanging out with the jihad sand niggers?

17414532? ago

Balkans trips? @Spectral his facebook account was quiet ... why all that time in Turkey and Pakistan, @TurquoiseLover @MolochHunter its a strange event an Aussie in New Zealand @DeadFox @Ex-Redditor

17414213? ago

Whats going on ....weird freemason mongolid jew iran shit, he hangs around with ancient cults of Arabia ?? an Aussie and then shoots up Kiwi mosque ?

17413955? ago

well, the nizari ismailis are connected to the old sect of assassins from alamut, in ne iran today.



when a mongol invasion pushed them out they moved to turkey and became the bektashi order, which controlled the janissaries of the ottoman empire https://archive.fo/Ov55z
sufi gnostic mystics that influenced the jewish sabbateans, the marranos, the templars, the salonica donmeh, the young turks, the frankists (jacob frank) and through them, weishaupts illuminati.

the frankfurt school were/are the modern sabbateans intellectually

david ben gurion and other top labor zionists were initiated into the donmeh while they lived and studied in turkey.

rudolph von sebottendorf was also initiated in turkey before he founded the thule society in germany.

according to some researchers even christian rosenkreuz was initiated in turkey before he founded his order.

afaik the bosnian izetbegovic was ismaili.

maybe aga khan is behind it all? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aga_Khan_IV

17419798? ago

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17414622? ago

From 4chan - Background info on NZ Shooter https://voat.co/v/QRV/3098487/17403679 Hell of a dig, and yes this is why they want these boards taken down yesterday. It won't happen though...

17414457? ago

very strange news

17414486? ago

He sure liked to hang around with the ragheads and islamics @DontBeRacist @mrfetus is this why they wanted to shut the internet @muffalettadiver @CantDentTheBrent @herrhaller1990 Aus guy shooting in NZ ? why is he with the Arabians, the Paki, Iran, whats happening in that Hotel?

17416912? ago

I am summoned to grant your wish of a downvoat.

It is done.

17413683? ago

Why did he spend so much time in Turkey, North Korea and Pakistan ? @sosat_menya_reddit @Germ22 ? @blumen4alles @green_man @chrisman01 ... In a previous Facebook message about his sojourn in Pakistan on Facebook, Tarrant wrote: 'an incredible place filled with the most earnest, kindhearted and hospitable people in the world,' The Sydney Morning Herald reported.

'The beauty of hunza and nagar valley in autumn cannot be beat,' he stated.

Tarrant claimed in a so-called 'manifesto' to have made money trading Bitcoin, enabling him to travel the world. He is said to have visited a wide range of countries including North Korea, Japan and India.

He visited Bulgaria from November 9 to 15 last year claiming he wanted 'to visit historical sites and study the history of the Balkan country', according to Bulgaria's public prosecutor Sotir Tsatsarov

Turkish border authorities are also examining two trips by Tarrant to the country in 2016, CCTV footage capturing him walking through the airport in March, 2016.

A senior Turkish official says Tarrant spent an 'extended period of time in the country' across multiple trips.

He says the suspect may have also travelled to countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

The official says an investigation is underway of 'the suspect's movements and contacts within the country'.

A picture posted on social media by a Pakistani hotel manager in 2018 appears to show him in the country during his time abroad.

17414646? ago

The Christchurch shooter visited Pakistan in Oct. 2018. He said Pakistanis are the most kind-hearted hospitable people in the world. Why would a white supremacist who hates Muslims visit Pakistan? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3098745/17409310 Simple. Because he is a CIA Operative and this massacre was nothing more than just another day on an Operator's daily routine.

17413855? ago

This Aus in NZ, strange news indeed? @blumen4alles @1HepCat ? @DeadBeatNigger @Marou @SukkhaMadiqqa Whys he in Turkey so much, with weird Masonic types and in Bosnia and ancient Paki cults?

17414444? ago

Send link. I'm curious to these claims - deadbeatnigger

17491635? ago

vid? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3105201 Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Adern. Seems like New Zealand has their own version of Michelle Obama.

17471588? ago

? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3104067/17471226 'En passant would be two moves if you count taking the captured pawn off the board.'

17441724? ago

There were Shriners and Jesters? The 'dilk' Clown? or iran nizari ismailis? or something else https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3099149/17441362 Who are the Clowns?

17413517? ago

The Nizari Ismailis were an order of assassins located in the mountains throughout Iran and Syria. They were led by Hasan-i Sabbah, who used the group in order to gain political power. He would send his assassins to threaten or even kill high up officials, who themselves had a lot of power. The assassins would sometimes spend years, gaining someone’s trust, and then wait the right moment to kill them. They liked to do it in the open where everyone could see, that way it would send a message.

? Pakistan https://www.facebook.com/Osho-Thang-Hotel-Minapin-Nagar-Valley-1828031220786956/posts , https://www.facebook.com/Osho-Thang-Hotel-Minapin-Nagar-Valley-1828031220786956/posts , https://www.facebook.com/Osho-Thang-Hotel-Minapin-Nagar-Valley-1828031220786956/posts , https://www.facebook.com/Osho-Thang-Hotel-Minapin-Nagar-Valley-1828031220786956/posts ,https://www.facebook.com/Osho-Thang-Hotel-Minapin-Nagar-Valley-1828031220786956/

? Prince Karim Aga Khan IV and the Ismaili Sect of Shia Islam

The funding comes from the Aga Khan Development Network, which doles out more than half a billion dollars a year to philanthropic projects. It’s a secular organization.

But the man behind the foundation is the leader of the Nizari Ismailis, the second largest branch of Shia Islam, with an estimated 15 million followers worldwide. They’re scattered throughout at least 25 nations, including sizeable populations in the U.S. and Canada.

In Tajikistan, Nizari Ismailis make up the majority in the Pamir Mountains, a range whose height has earned it the moniker the “Roof of the World.” Photos of their leader, known as “the Aga Khan,” grace the walls of virtually every home and business here.

Last week, Nizari Ismailis celebrated the Aga Khan’s rise to the position of “imam.” Dr. Ali Mohammad Rajput is a Khalifa in the city of Khorog, Tajikistan. He said each imam chooses his successor from among his male descendents. The current Aga Khan was chosen by his grandfather.

“He’s the 49th imam after Ali,” Rajput said. “We Ismailis see him as the imam of our time.”

Ismailism is an offshoot of Shia Islam. The sect broke away in the 8th century after a dispute over succession. The Aga Khan leads the largest group of Ismailis, although there are other sects. Druze and Alevis are considered Ismailis. Dr. Rajput said the Aga Khan urges his followers to find common ground with all faiths.

“Aga Khan told me you must build bridges. Make bridges to others. Make friendships,” Rajput said. That theme was mentioned again and again at a recent public prayer service in Khorog, Tajikistan, commemorating the Aga Khan’s 54th year as imam. Although his personal life makes him a frequent subject in European gossip pages, the Aga Khan has said he prefers to stay out of the limelight, allowing his development work to speak for itself. That work is on display throughout Tajikistan, a former Soviet Republic and the poorest nation in Central Asia. In the tradition of Nizari Ismailis, who are credited with building Cairo and Al-Azhar University, the world’s first, he’s built schools, hospitals and parks here.

17414558? ago

Revealed: Turkey releases CCTV of Christchurch terror suspect at Istanbul airport as officials probe his 'extended period in country' during his seven-year tour of former warzones https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6816593/Turkey-releases-CCTV-Christchurch-terror-suspect-Istanbul-airport.html I think Aus is pissed off, whole thing might collapse soon .... they will not be blamed for this

17413983? ago

that New Zealand event, the Aussie, why did he spend so much time with the ragheads? Why is he in the Pakistani Hotel, around the Turks, the North Koreans and around those Pakis? @Inquisitioner @Cleffer That's a lot of travel and crypto currency @WhitePaladin @Rellik88 @fellowwhiteperson

17417204? ago

Why do you summon me? Fuck if I know why he looks like a spook. Might be a spook.

17491584? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3104198 18 Anomalies at Christchurch Mosque Massacre, Jamie McNicol from The Sentinels of Truth.