The Christchurch shooter visited Pakistan in Oct. 2018. He said Pakistanis are the most kind-hearted hospitable people in the world. Why would a white supremacist who hates Muslims visit Pakistan? (
submitted 6 years ago by 3098745?
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17424566? 6 years ago
How about that! Getting fucking sick of these false flag attacks.
17437971? 6 years ago
History of Ismailis (Satpanthis) ?? Why did the Aussie guy who shot the Mosque in NewZealand spend so much time in Bosnia, India, Balkans, Turkey and Pakistan?
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17424566? ago
How about that! Getting fucking sick of these false flag attacks.
17437971? ago
History of Ismailis (Satpanthis) ?? Why did the Aussie guy who shot the Mosque in NewZealand spend so much time in Bosnia, India, Balkans, Turkey and Pakistan?