17540290? ago

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17491276? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/technology/3099946/17425715 'The sacred Muslim is getting almost as sacred as the sacred Holocaust.'

17447463? ago

The jig is up for this false flag. The video was a production. It actually debunks itself, and that's why they are trying to scrub it from the internet, and also why they haven't shown the face of the guy in custody its always blurred out. When he first enters the mosque there is a barefooted guy crawling away that he terminates and is laying dead in a angle. https://magaimg.net/img/7ifo.png The shooter then goes to the back room for a minute and a half or something like that and when he comes back out the guy is still laying there dead. https://magaimg.net/img/7ifp.png BUT the guy is no longer barefoot, he now has on blue socks.

I feel this cannot be reasonably explain unless you admit it was a studio production. nobody is going to have put socks on someone that's shot while the shooter is a room away shooting more people. and so were supposed to believe that he went and got on his socks, came back to the same exact spot, and same exact angle and die again?

Add to that this suspicious video of a mosque preparing for a false flag. https://www.facebook.com/laurelgertie.tulsa/videos/126289368450848/

and the video where the shells appear to disappear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HQC-ZxqaVs&feature=youtu.be It doesn't make this crime much smaller, but it does prove they seem to be trying to pull off a mind f@@k.

17432991? ago

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17430306? ago

Interesting that this was linked to the rogue CIA takeover of the North Korean Madrid embassy. Check out @IPOT1776’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/IPOT1776/status/1107175184052576259?s=09

17427975? ago

THEY produced a new Playbook to target us, the Qanons, and the European Yellow Vest Movement. My opinion.


17422297? ago


17415971? ago

Mossad seem the most likely handlers of this guy.

17415714? ago

What kind of muslims? Did he kill the "other" type?

17424349? ago

Killed suni.

17414633? ago


17412117? ago

Everyone who I don't like is part of the cabal! Trust the plan! Israel is our greatest ally! Patriots have no skin color! Black people are exactly the same as white people! Peoples and populations are completely interchangeable!

17411846? ago

The Shooter is MkUltra Glow in the Dark Fucker - for sure. Probably had C_A and Mos$ad Toilet paper in his bathroom, too.

17587073? ago

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17429412? ago

Did a quake expose some big masonic spy network? He got his criminal friends in Iran land Paki places, in North Korea and Turkey but lets ban the vid and blur out the face?

17411386? ago

in the abc.net.au picture you linked to, was his face all blanked out?

There must be some CIA or five-eyes fuckery going on for the cabal to NOT want us researching this CIA operative.

17410927? ago

Is that 7 year gap actually an all expenses paid vacation courtesy of MKUltra?

17409876? ago

reminds me of o-nigger with his multi-year gap on his life.

17429388? ago

@Cat-hax What a weird history the Aus and the NZ mosque, what was he doing up to all this ? @8_billion_eaters 7 year gap is pretty big gap for this Aus in NZ, whats he doing in Turkey? Bosnia, India, Balkans? Spends time with the Arabs, Iranians, Paki, then North Korea? @RedditIsTheBest111 @dayofthehope @Apexbreed @Joe_McCarthy Whats happening at that Hotel in Pakistan? Strange history?

17429456? ago

After watching the video several times, all I see is people falling to the ground. There is no blood. I think it's 100% staged. It's a false flag, and there are not even any casualties.

I think he was a muslim convert that was used by intelligence agencies.

That being said, I think that they're dealing correctly with the situation in 4chan /pol/ by producing lots of memes. This is the best way to make this backfire on (((them))). Funny memes can be used to de-program NPCs. Even I find myself having some residual NPC programming sometime, and it gets erased. This is extremely valuable.

17429994? ago

I have been telling people about it and they know but just don't care. I've dealt with at least ten white men who just don't care really or think it is dumb what the shooter did. Part of me agrees he could have handled things differently, but another part sees all the Chinese and gets worried. Muslims are the obvious people to kill because their religion is being radicalized at the moment, but I don't think they are the right ones to kill, they are just doing what tribes do in new areas.

17429424? ago

After watching the video several times, all I see is people falling to the ground. There is no blood. I think it's 100% staged. It's a false flag, and there are not even any casualties.

I think he was a muslim convert that was used by intelligence agencies.

17416313? ago

Yup. Operative.

17408072? ago

Even goats that like to give Q folks a hard time should appreciate this high quality post. Well done.

17407427? ago

-Posts from the facebook of a Hotel in Islamabad with a picture -Says how amazing and wonderful this muslim country is and the people -Hotel owned by Shia muslims connected to Nizari people…

Read his damn manifesto, it's all explained in there. Even if he has sympathies for Shia muslims, it would be in line with his ideology, which is that diversity is good, namely the diversity of peoples of the world, each in their own homeland, but that forceful or tolerated invasion of the same is an act of war, which must be dealt with using violence.

17407588? ago

Got any excerpts?

17410558? ago

https://voat.co/v/news/3096459 Try and see if you can find a link that still works.

17410655? ago

They still work. Links are updated with replacements as they get memoryholed.

17411363? ago

Great work, keep it up!

17406804? ago

So when you tie this into the 737 connection (737 crashes no reason given mosque gets blown up after -has happened a couple times) it appears to be deep state payback for a plane combined with moving forward the Jew agenda of trying to make whites defenseless. Kill em all.

17406780? ago

ARCHIVE!! Doing so helps Red-Pill more normies when (((they))) take this down.

17406520? ago

Typical Mossad, usury bastards move. They have no respect for any life or anything good or decent. They are truly of their father, the Devil.

17406350? ago

His manifesto is fake and fat and fucking fake and fucking gay and he’s a motherfucking fake and gay fucking fuck

17425636? ago

So it is in fact gay?

17406509? ago

That sounds pretty homosexual.

17405943? ago

Why the blurred face, we have already seen him? He is a spook and likely MK Ultra from being waterboarded in his "travels", NK, Pakistan, China? BS, this the Mossad/C_A all over it. Chan's are diggers and (((they))) don't like getting outed by gomer's

17429405? ago

Spooky, they don't want his criminal friends in Iran land Paki places, in North Korea and Turkey to see him?

17405821? ago

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17405677? ago

Anons search for truth. This is why they want to shut them down

17429430? ago

How did he fund all that time with Turks, in Bosnia, India, the Balkans? The Paki Hotel, who "visits" Pakistan? Why did Turkey have 3 year old video of him arriving? How did they find it so quickly?

17405074? ago

What about the other 2 shooters?

17429050? ago

was spending time in Turkey, Balkans, Pakistan? @Morbo @SukkhaMadiqqa @uvulectomy @robabo This Aus in NZ was missing for 6-8 yrs, overseas in a lot of strange places?

17416286? ago

Brown dude in camo kneeling with his gun on the ground in front of him will go down the memory hole.

17406434? ago

Ha ^ this

17404924? ago

The big question is, wheres Ruth? They're really exhausting their FF's if they pull this shit in NZ. I bet they are SHITTING their pants for declass bc they can't keep that bitch on ice forever.

17415645? ago

You're insane. You think this was about Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Who is quite alive and working at the supreme court for a month now?

17433207? ago

No she's not.

17461868? ago

Like I said, insane.

17425656? ago

Have you seen RBG?

17404735? ago

Pretty rational view from DuckHK. The asian perspective? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nypoQAeMxNE&t=11s

17404610? ago

They are even showing the shooting, so dis, is a fucking FF. If the chans go, we revolt!

17404590? ago

Always time gaps and always showing up in places all over the world. Who finances all the travel. Fucker can't spend that much time all over the world AND hold down a job that would finance it. Rich mum and dad? CIA money? Wouldn't surprise me a bit if we found out he did some low level work for an alphabet, like Paddock.

17429193? ago

How did he spend so much time overseas with Turks, in Bosnia, in the Paki Hotel? @JustARandomStranger @InternationalGoy @Niggertown @sootyface how did he fund this travel spending time with Arabs and Iranians? the Aus in NZ has a strange history

17445535? ago

I admit it's starting to look like it was a false flag by Mossad.

Background information on NZ and Israeli relations show the same pattern as Anders Brevik. Government crosses Israel, terrorist attack hits. But this time it wasn't politicians, they are probably relying on Whites to vote out the current government and have a shabbos goy preparing for election right now.

17428700? ago

Sharia law for internet? ban and jail people who watched the video? https://www.voat.co/v/politics/3099116/17413913 'Globalists aren't human.'

17413605? ago

The shooter said that he's self financed from an investment in bitcoin or something like it. Plus he probably had an inheritance of some kind from his father. Probably convenient cover for his real financiers though.

17406360? ago

he mentioned a bitconnect investment. i did that last year and fortunately got out like a month before it collapsed! he's saying all the right keywords to make our family members suspect us, which i think was part of the design...

17404318? ago

I don't care, we're still keeping him.

17404302? ago

Sounds like Broward county, Fla.

17404143? ago

I saw on drudge an aricle about the shooter making the ok sign while at court. The article was attacking it as a white power sign. I don't think this shooter was one of ours. He used the ok hand sign he is a plant to stur up hatred towards whites

17416258? ago

I don't think this shooter was one of ours

He's not. Read his manifesto. He loves China and hates conservatives.

17413389? ago

You dumbshit, that's the goat.

17404973? ago

Who are his parents? He's probably a Jew. Jews are the ones who really hate Muslims, and vice versa. Seriously.

17421380? ago

he's White Aus but was spending lots of time with the jihads and ragheads, goes to NZ and shoots the mosque https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3099258

17404921? ago

The OK sign could mean 666.

17404455? ago

The music. The guns. The fact he showed his white face on camera just before beginning.

Any patriot I know would’ve gladly ran into that mosque with their own weapons to take down the shooter. He is NOT one of ours. False flag.

17413396? ago

Fuck you nigger lover, I'd have tagged a few runners.

17414273? ago


17414261? ago

Yeah. Well you’re not me.

17408504? ago

The shooter was the real patriot

17408056? ago

The fact that they actually caught him

17403840? ago

No "racist white nationalist" would ever go to Pakistan and Turkey. The guy is CIA. Nailed on.

17416117? ago

Or Mossad.

17424826? ago

Same. Just saw that 5th member has escaped to Israel

17425938? ago

That article is fake I think.

17428712? ago


17413428? ago

He did say that he does not hate people in their original countries. He might have visited to understand the culture. Not saying this is true, just throwing it out there.

17424834? ago

Ok but that wouldn't apply to NK which is closed. Unless you're CIA in a training camp there

17407484? ago

or North Korea

17403679? ago

Hell of a dig, and yes this is why they want these boards taken down yesterday. It won't happen though...

17414625? ago

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17404116? ago

It will and the reason is because they need to control it. The Chans have long been a method of controlling opposition because it doesn’t need anything to verify save data.

Motivation is never questioned due to legitimate data.

17408621? ago

The chans will not be taken down!

17403674? ago

Don't get it, he was pro muslim but went to shoot up muslims?

17410246? ago

Muslims kill other Muslims all the time, but I get your be sentiment and I think you are on the right track. For example, this white supremacist says in his manifest that his gratest influence for radicaliza tion is Candace Owens, a black lady. If he really was a white supremacist, he could not get past her race, much less be influenced by her.

17404369? ago

The doorman at the mosque greeted him and called him "brother" before the shooter opened fire. Normal? Nope. When someone approaches your place of worship(unexpectedly)decked out in combat gear carrying long guns, your instinct is self-preservation (run away fast).

17403973? ago

Sunni hate all other belief systems including Shia. When muslims say that muslims are the victims of more terror attacks than non muslims they always forget to mention that the victims of muslim-on-muslim terror are universally Shia. Not actually considered muslm by the same sunni muslims making the claim.

This, folks, is called kitman.

17403794? ago

Shia Muslim bad, Sunni Muslim bad bit not as

17403778? ago

Shia hate Sunni.

17405478? ago

rather the other way around. shia are a muslim minority.

17414102? ago

Either way, he associates with Shia and shot up a Sunni mosque.

17415813? ago

ahh, now i get it. so the story goes that the rather peaceful shia minority becomes violent against the rather aggressive sunni majority. interesting plot. thanks for the intel.

17403667? ago

Mossad fingerprints all over.

17411374? ago

So Many Glow-inthe-Dark Niggers? https://www.voat.co/v/askvoatanon/3098594/17411034 I didn't do anything wrong. I don't know why my name is on here. Stop acting like a jew and starting problems.

17427327? ago


17403526? ago

Very good info! Thanks OP!

17403474? ago

Wheres the info on the second mosque that was attacked? Weren't there two?

17417400? ago

There is another Video taken by someone inside a Mosque which got taken down which shows a shooter come in and start shooting and then the place filled up with smoke which is different to the live stream video

17419086? ago

if its the video that I saw, the smoke seemed like an explosion.

17403990? ago

Yes there was, but he was shooting at it from his car, and was twarted when someone already there with a gun fired back at him.

17405412? ago

Is this in the video?

When he was in the car after the first mosque he shoots through the windshield at someone with the shotgun, and then finishes him off out the driver side window;

Was this the second mosque?

17413103? ago

I read that the defender with a gun at the second Mosque fired two shots at the perpetrator as the perp drove away.

17406416? ago


17404230? ago

I see. So there was one lone shooter, and the other 3 arrested in connection were mistakes?

17404286? ago

There isn’t anything released about them. Much like nothing about the IEDs they found or multiple firearms at BOTH mosques.

He had two fuel canisters, but I don’t think they had anything in them, and he left his shotgun and first AR at the scene of the first mosque.

Part of this could be journalists bullshit and sensational headline, but I don’t know.

17404472? ago

Sounds like another las vegas event. Multiple reports of shootings from different sectors, but only one gunman blamed.

17406291? ago

also like aurora theater (batman movie)

17404459? ago

I thought I saw him plant IEDs on his second pass through the mosque. Setting times on them it seemed.

17404484? ago

Really? It was never in frame, I will watch again.

17404509? ago

Did the guy not bring in gas cans from his car and set them in the hallway?

17404589? ago

No he didn’t. If you pay attention to when he came back to do the head shots he aquired a target outside and would have had to use both hands to bring up the weapon and hold as steady as he did.

Plus the gas cans were still there when he came back to get in the car.

If he would have done anything I would be leaving a trail of gas as he left and lit a road flare or similar.

17404886? ago

Then i am mistaken. He bent down in the hallway for something, i thought it was to set fuses.

17405325? ago

Picked up a full magazine he dropped in the hallway accidentally, check the vid again, you will see the magazine covered in the white writing in the hallway during the second run through the mosque

17403419? ago

Also, the fact that the MSM jumped on this story and is covering it in every tiny detail. That alone tells you it is cabal, but the above links are just the icing on the cake. Cabal confirmed.

17447442? ago

Are the MSM covering these details? lol... The video was a production. When he first enters the mosque there is a barefooted guy crawling away that he terminates and is laying dead in a angle. https://magaimg.net/img/7ifo.png The shooter then goes to the back room for a minute and a half or something like that and when he comes back out the guy is still laying there dead. https://magaimg.net/img/7ifp.png BUT the guy is no longer barefoot, he now has on blue socks.

I feel this cannot be reasonably explain unless you admit it was a studio production. nobody is going to have put socks on someone that's shot while the shooter is a room away shooting more people. and so were supposed to believe that he went and got on his socks, came back to the same exact spot, and same exact angle and die again?

Add to that this suspicious video of a mosque preparing for a false flag. https://www.facebook.com/laurelgertie.tulsa/videos/126289368450848/

and the video where the shells appear to disappear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HQC-ZxqaVs&feature=youtu.be It doesn't make this crime much smaller, but it does prove they seem to be trying to pull off a mind f@@k.

17456934? ago

The socks issue has to do with the lighting of the scene. Watch the video again. When he goes in a second time, you can see the guy's feet are red again on the bottom but still blue on the top. If you watch a high quality vid, you can see the shell casing aren't disappearing, it is just a low-quality vid that makes them look like they disappear. The mosque video is probably real as well. Simply because real-life doesn't look like a hollywood action movie doesn't mean that real-life is fake. I could be wrong about the mosque vid, but a lack of blood doesn't mean a lack of bleeding. Internal bleeding is just as deadly as external bleeding, and it is much more likely of the two when shot.

17406834? ago

Call Reddington!

17409290? ago

Love him! He'd get this cleaned up like yesterday!

17404030? ago

p 11 he wanted to create division between left and right "...a dramatic polarization of the people in the United States and eventually a fracturing of the US along cultural and racial lines""

p 12 "the nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People's Republic of China"

p 19 won't your attack result in removal of gun rights? "Yes, that is the plan..."

p 25 "Conservatism is dead. Thank God. Now let us move onto something of worth""

p 33 "Green nationalism is the only nationalism" - discusses his own environmental movement

p 47 (sounds like SJW modus operandi) "Emotions rule over facts" "Stop trying to persuade the general population with statistics, charts, tablets and figures....

****** not Qanon at all ********

I searched the document for "8chan" and "Voat" and "Q" and Qanon" and it wasn't there

17413526? ago

The shooter was a walking meme for /pol/. They'll trace him back to his time spent on the chans I'm sure of it.

17415514? ago

Didn't he post on 8chan the link to his livestream and his manifesto?

8chan was were he announced himself

17416101? ago

Correct. Yet his rhetoric is much more 4chan than 8chan.

17411734? ago

Do you have a handy link to the document in its entirety? I have only seen excerpts.

17413367? ago

You are not meant to read it.

17403582? ago

looks like the (((MSM))) is IGNORING the details

17405336? ago

Why let pesky little things like facts get in the way of their narrative?

17403305? ago

Excellent dig

17403261? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/pBDdXeBRzXfA - ( Muslim preacher denies Australian killed in Yem... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/szzHwHceNO29 - ( What we know about accused Christchurch mosque ... )

17403255? ago

Good work..thank you and not surprised at the same time.

17520533? ago

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17417533? ago

Turkey releases CCTV of Christchurch terror suspect at Istanbul airport https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/3099180

17403194? ago

And this is why taking down the chans is so important to them.

17416141? ago

Training in North Korea and Pakistan, then recon missions how to get terrorists the easiest way into Europe for FF (see Balkan - Turkey route). NZ mosque as one of many terrorist recruiting centers. This was the plan... but earthquake and Mossad spying uncovered the ops. He had to clean up the mess... he did make sure the first guy he encountered died for good, the rest was just show to cover up the targeted hit and blame it on the chans.

17421021? ago

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17411457? ago

he used FACEBOOK to live-stream the killings, why are they NOT talking about taking down Facebook?

I agree this was a FF for many dastardly reasons, one of which was to silence Qanon

17409755? ago

They want to take down voat.co also.

17409804? ago

Yup, but they won't.

17404149? ago

Qanon/DECLAS is why. 5eyes/NZ

17413354? ago


Go back to your quarantine board.

17406107? ago

^This^ x 10

17403048? ago

The lack of any vids from bystanders is fishy too. At least I haven't seen or heard of any.

17408040? ago

I've seen one bystander video from inside a Mosque, looked like a different mosque because it filled up with smoke once the firing had stopped whereas the Mosque he shot up seemed to stay pretty clear. Unfortunately the Video got pulled off YT beforevI could save it

17408534? ago

I'm pretty sure the bystander video was from the second mosque not the live stream video. So not sure if he's set off some sort of smoke bomb/deterrent etc causing the smoke?

17404311? ago

Highly suspicious. I'm not even close to being convinced it's even real.

17404029? ago

Either have I, but you have to take into account where he was and how rare this type of event is in NZ because my money is that people were fucking running away.

17404452? ago

R u saying that folks in say America r more used to this and so they tend to stick around and videotape it while NZ folks aren’t used to it and so they run away?

17404534? ago

I am saying that in a hadji neighborhood within a very peaceful town in a docile country that the moment you start hearing gunshots and see a fully armed man walk into a mosque and hear a shotgun fire so quickly followed up with an AR15.

You will not stop to pull out your goddamn phone.

17404481? ago


17403996? ago

The police response was embarrassing

17405351? ago

Stand down order until the plan was finished. I'd lay money on it.

17413706? ago

Broward plan for NZ. Stand down orders.

17402926? ago

The chanons can know anything they want to.

17495288? ago

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17428651? ago

and he was with Turks, Arab type, Iran type and a Hotel in Pakistan ? https://www.voat.co/v/AskVoat/3099941/17421983 (((I have no idea why)))

17421355? ago

@Inaminit https://www.voat.co/v/whatever/3099725/17419021 'Oh it's allright, She'll hold together regardless.'

17411942? ago

the guy spending time in Turkey? India? Bosnia? North Korea and Pakistan? ... facebook profile almost empty