16980986? ago

Kamala is not Smollett's aunt. Kamala has one younger sister, Maya Harris. Smollett is the third of six children of Janet (née Harris) and Joel Smollett.

16950169? ago

Are we sure the WH letter was really sent by Trump Admin? Or a set up? We know what chips in vehicles can do.

16948385? ago

And VJ is on the board of Lyft.

16939339? ago

Oh yeah she's his aunt alright.

16936935? ago

Here'e link to his tweet about him being her nephew


16936260? ago

Call him and ask for yourself (310) 994-8107

16936881? ago

Here we go^

The answers are out there.

16935933? ago

Well, Q posted 2849 & 2850 that Jussie made numerous phone calls to ??? prior to turning himself in.

16935886? ago

1940 census Texas has Bernice Harris born in texas widowed age 25 with 2 son's John E age 5 born in texas and Donald age 3 born in texas.

Janet Faye Harris born 25 Nov 1952 to John Harris and Grace Smith. Per Texas birth index, 1903-1997.

Jessie Skillet public record shows his residence and birth date 21 Jun 1982 with possible relatives Janet Faye Skillet, Joel Jr Skillet and Joel Smollet. United States Public Records 1970-2009

16935943? ago

Donald and John were brothers so if these are correct then Jussie's mom Janet and Kamala are cousins and Jussie is Kamala 1st cousin once removed.

16935842? ago

Update From Terrence Williams 23 minutes ago:.....pdate! I want to thank everyone for all the love and support. Everything happened so fast & I thought it was the end so I’m thankful to be alive. My neck & back is out of commission so I can’t eat anything. Still in ER Trauma Care waiting to be admitted to a room. Love y’all! pic.twitter.com/QlJgfmg…

16939184? ago

Just get better .

16935634? ago

He's lucky to be alive, and he'll be spending a few days in the hospital. Sending prayers for his recovery!

16934628? ago

Oh bet she has had it all scrubbed from Google

16934418? ago

Interesting theory. Some preliminary research:

I couldn't find a connection between Donald Harris and Janet Harris though. It might exist. Just need more digging.

16981046? ago

Kamala is not Smollett's aunt. Kamala has one younger sister, Maya Harris. Smollett is the third of six children of Janet (née Harris) and Joel Smollett.

16938264? ago

We could still have a link if we can find John and Donald as brother in Jamaica.

16938005? ago

Still working on linking no hard evidence yet need to connect John and Donald Harris. Donald was born in Jamaica so Bernice as his mother is not the right link. Will keep searching.

16937903? ago

Donald is probably not the same in both families because Kamala's sister's Wikipedia show her father as Jamaican and not born in Texas.


16935982? ago

1940 census Texas has Bernice Harris born in texas widowed age 25 with 2 son's John E age 5 born in texas and Donald age 3 born in texas.

Janet Faye Harris born 25 Nov 1952 to John Harris and Grace Smith. Per Texas birth index, 1903-1997.

Jussie Smollet public record shows his residence and birth date 21 Jun 1982 with possible relatives Janet Faye Smollet, Joel Jr Smollet and Joel Smollet. United States Public Records 1970-2009

16945605? ago

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16945571? ago

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16944236? ago

See my response below. Donald's parents from Jamaica were Beryl and Oscar. He was born "one year" after his paternal grandfather died in 1939 - so around 1938. He has a twin brother.

16944535? ago

Thank you i will research more.

16943959? ago

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16943356? ago

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16937381? ago

Still trying to confirm that Bernice is a correct link to both boys. John and Donald are popular names. If we can confirm Kamala's dad was born in 1936-1937 and Jussie's Grandfather was born in 1934-1935 that would be more of a proof.

I can't find birth records for them yet.

16944087? ago

An article I read indicated that Donald Harris of Stanford University, Kamala's father, was born in Jamaica, in around 1938 (his grandfather died in 1939 "one year after" Donald was born. His mother's name was Beryl and his father's name was Oscar. Here is an excerpt and a link:

My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).

Both of my grandmothers had the strongest influence on my early upbringing(“not to exclude, of course, the influence of my dear mother”Miss Beryl” and loving father “Maas Oscar”). https://www.jamaicaglobalonline.com/kamala-harris-jamaican-heritage/

16936857? ago

Bernice Harris had 2 son's John E And Donald per 1940 census John E Harris married Grace Smith and their daughter was Janet Faye Harris.

Donald Harris married Shyamala Gopalan and their daughter was Kamala Harris

Kamala and Janet Faye are cousins if that is the correct 1940 census Jussie is Jane's son.

1st cousins once removed

16936402? ago

Nice! TY

16936054? ago

NOW we're getting somewhere. Would be great for others to confirm. If there's a family connection it would nail Kamala!

16934974? ago

Great work!!

16934125? ago

I would need to see some proof but it certainly wouldn't surprise me.

16933624? ago


16933220? ago

Anyone know what Christopher Paul Hasson's Voat login is? I do ;)

16935727? ago

You're an idiot

16932836? ago

Nice thing is the Chicago Police said smoll's was creating this FF for career advancement. Chicago police doing their job? Others higher up under investigation. kamalala DEFINTELY involved to some degree booker involved. Media and local politicians sure to be drug in to this. NOTHING is happening shout out, to the trolls/shills.

16933458? ago

The chitown police department is one organization that does not fuck around. They simply cant afford to on multiple fronts. The city is broke, so by y extension the police are as well. Ultimately though, with the highest murder rate in the country the cops just are not having it. They are out there fighting for their lives on a daily basis and their resources are limited and their scope has to be narrowed constantly towards what is important. Honestly this was the worst places and the worst time for somebody to attempt something like this. How much attention does one dude need? But since we dig way past superficial here, it's not to crazy to assume that this goes way deeper Into some conspiracy level shit. A high profile actor being "lynched," right as 2 prominent Democrats are running for president and are looking for a calling card (lynching hate cri.e bill) for their campaign. I wouldnt be surprised if the investigation is continued and Kamala as well as Spartacus are found complicit in a conspiracy to Not only hurt the maga movement, but to change the narrative and put the president back on defence at a time when the tables are turning pro maga as the Mueller investigation is ending and DJT is about to be cleared - which in turn starts the cascade of information that condemns the deep state.

16934102? ago

THANK YOU for the excellent post; Much my thoughts as well... Look to see this in NY, The NY police who are human beings that want to live the True American Dream will help in the take down of the Deep State. Boots on the ground are so much in favor of POTUS. To see the Chicago police take the side of the people to me, was a monster BOOM. The most exciting and rewarding times are upon us. ENJOY the show patriot, and brothers in arms,

16932955? ago

Yep! Hi trolls! All for just a LARP!😆

16932720? ago

Terrence Williams the laughing black guy on youtube?

16934933? ago

No, you're thinking of Henry Davis.

16932785? ago

yes, he was due to be at the WH like the next day

16935902? ago

I hope someone is investigating

16935849? ago

His accident is very suspect. More MAGA hate.

16933208? ago

Very suspect.

16932482? ago

She may not be his biological aunt, but Smollett was present (as her token gay black friend) at her announcement party. In the meantime she had that "Justice for victims of lynching act" stalled in congress. Her 3 bills that got passed are symbolic fluff at best, nothing meaningful. Then mysteriously all of a sudden her gay black friend has the lynching incident. Anybody know when the last time something like that actually happened in Chicago? Who the hell would really want to lynch a gay black actor that in reality NOBODY KNOWS? Right after the staged attack, Kamala puts out her tweet about it how it's a "modern day lynching and congress has to act". Of course, she didn't mention her legislation.. cough cough... Not one hour later... Corey Booker tweets out the exact same lynching phrase. cough.. scripted... cough... saying congress needs to act with a link to Ebony magazine. A very unlikely crime, in a very unlikely location, with no evidence, with his Politician friend, Kamala Harris having just announced her run for POTUS. Damn I need to clear my throat from all this BS.

Edit: We now know it's BS. But, my point was there is a connection to Harris and Booker here and just need some real sauce tying it together.

16935776? ago

Donald, her father, has a sister named Enid according to his autobiography. Janet Harris Smollett, Jussies mom, has been in the spotlight for a while, sit com in the 90's and published a cookbook. According to a "celebrity news and entertainment" article I could not link here, she was born in 1952 in New Orleans. "Janet Smollett has tried to keep her parents away from the media limelight. However, in an interview, she mentioned that they are no more with her. She didn’t reveal how they passed away. She even didn’t reveal their identity and information about her siblings." *This article was first published 2 days ago and updated today. Seems like damage control to me...

16936354? ago

We need to keep digging on this. Kamala Harris is very much IMO a female version of Obama. Just worse.

16944813? ago

She is a usually very smooth and convincing talker. Appears to be a well-trained lair.

Always with a sparkly eyed fake smile handty.

16934577? ago

I read about a stabbing against an interracial couple, in a smaller blue city, maybe a couple years ago... The guy did limited damage and didn't get away with it apparently, wasn't a local.

16932432? ago

Background on Smollet's family https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/13/arts/television/the-smollett-family-business-acting-and-activism.html "Raised on a diet of classic films (they’ll gladly quote the 1945 version of “Mildred Pierce”), Jussie and Jurnee still count their mother, Janet Smollett, as their only acting coach. An African-American from New Orleans, Ms. Smollett met their father, Joel Smollett Sr., a Russian-Polish Jew, in the Bay Area, where they campaigned for civil rights. “My mom was in the movement with Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, and one of her first mentors was Julian Bond,” Mr. Smollett said of the Black Panther founders and the civil rights leader. “To this day, Angela Davis is one of her dearest friends. We’ve spent Mother’s Day with Angela.”

16932208? ago

Justin "Jussie" Smollett was born[15] in Santa Rosa, California, and is the third of six children of Janet (née Harris) and Joel Smollett.[16] He has three brothers and two sisters: Jake, Jocqui, Jojo, Jurnee, and Jazz, several of whom are also actors.[17] Smollett is biracial.[18] His father was Jewish (his family emigrated from Russia and Poland). Smollett's mother is African-American.[19] He graduated from Paramus Catholic High School in Paramus, New Jersey.[20]

16933352? ago

Catholic Zionist. See the Jesuits run the world.

16932489? ago

Maya Harris is Kamala Harris’ sister. Who is the sister this post refers to?

16935243? ago

These are both Wikipedia articles about Kamala and smollet. They both have parents that have Harris as the surname, but they are not related as far as I can tell.

16933647? ago

I believe it's Janet Harris Smollett