16846004? ago

Just consider your self lucky farmers value your money.

16848908? ago

Lost them in a fishing accident as well? Damn shame.

16843781? ago

Buying another's affections always backfires as it leads to one to putting others before oneself. That other will take advantage of that benevolent nature if their own needs or wants dictate. Jesus led by example, He showed the Way, if others did not want to follow He did not go out campaigning, or trying to buy others affections :)

16843230? ago

I'd prefer my neighbors leave me the fuck alone

16843077? ago

Amen. Also love and protect your family

16842995? ago

Currently, I am part of a group that meets weekly to discuss current events - great fellowship. Additionally, we are starting to take individuals to lunch and introduce the John Birch Society / The New American program. They have an outstanding constitutional DVD series with an index that rates our politicians by how well they vote in support of the constitution. The JBS site has a ton of information and it has been verified and documented. The TRUTH will set us FREE!!!

16842203? ago

Yep! Have a circle of neighbors around my home and one a few miles away around my sisters. When we’ve had big storms that took power out and brought trees down, we’ve worked together to help each other. Who you gonna support when times are tough? People you know.

16840299? ago

Drop #1 “claimed that “HRC extradition [was] already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run” with Drop #2 alleging “HRC detained, not arrested (yet)” and that there would be “massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US.”

qanon Q Posts

After a stretch of posts full of rhetorical questions and vague claims, Q used Drop #15 to predict that John Podesta would be indicted on Nov. 3, and Clinton aide Huma Abedin indicted on Nov. 6.

Drop #16, posted the same day, claimed that “Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise” with a thorough house-cleaning of the government. That Friday, Nov. 3, saw the president leave for a tour of Asia, and no firings, but the predictions continued.

After a series of vague insinuations about the National Guard being activated in various major cities (which was not true), Q again claimed in Drop #25 that proof of his predictions would “begin 11.3.” Again, the only significant event of this day was the president leaving for Asia.

qanon Q Posts

In Drop #32, Q claimed that the “initial wave [of arrests] will be fast and meaningful,” with many members of the media “jailed as deep cover agents.”

Finally, Drop #34 unveiled a host of predictions for what Q claimed would happen imminently. He claimed that “over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country.” He claimed that everything he’d been talking about in secret “will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted,” resulting in “public riots.”

Q claimed that because of the imminent unrest of Nov. 3 and the announcement of John Podesta’s arrest the next day, “a state of temporary military control will be actioned,” and that “we will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.”

Drop #38 continued with the conspiracy fantasizing, predicting “other state actors attempting to harm us during this transition,” along with “increased military movement,” “[National Guard] deployments starting tomorrow, and “false flags.”

As part of the “imminent event” of the 3, Q claimed in Drop #44 that “before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter,” used Drop #47 to warn his readers to “be vigilant today and expect a major false flag,” and claimed in Drop #55 that President Trump would unleash the massive military purge (now nicknamed “The Storm”) with a tweet reading “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….”

qanon Q Posts

Q continued to ratchet up the tension, predicting in Drop #61: that there would be “Twitter and other social media blackouts” that would accompany the massive deep state purge.

Finally, in Drop #65, Q claimed “it has begun,” with Drop #67 predicting that news of John Podesta’s military plane being “forced down” “will be leaked” with a prominent “fake news anchor” being pulled off the air.

Needless to say, none of what Q predicted in his first 60+ posts took place. The National Guard was never called up, mass arrests never took place, Hillary Clinton and John Podesta weren’t detained, Donald Trump never sent a tweet mentioning “The Storm,” and the Emergency Alert System wasn’t activated.

But that didn’t stop the movement.

However, Q seemed to learn from his mistakes and mostly stopped making specific predictions about events to come, shifting to vague statements about world events, terror attacks, and political intrigue.

On Dec. 10, Q predicted in Drop #326 that “false flag(s)” would occur, with “POTUS 100% insulated” and to “expect fireworks.” Q believers seized on a partially detonated pipe bomb at New York’s Port Authority Bus Terminal, and Q took credit the next day for “thwarting” the attack.

In Drop #647, Q seemed to predict a major event involving the Department of Defense for Feb. 1, calling it the “[D]ay [Of] [D]ays.” Nothing of note happened either to that agency or the federal government in general that day.

A few days after that fizzled, Q insinuated in Drop #700 that the weekend of Feb. 10 and 1 would be a “suicide weekend” for individuals targeted by the president. There were no high-profile suicides by public figures that weekend.

Drop #796 was a post full of quasi-military chatter that seemed to predict a possible car bombing in London around Feb. 16. No terrorist attack of any type happened in London at all that month.

qanon Q Posts

As talk of President Trump’s military parade ramped up, Q predicted in Drop #856 that “a parade that will never be forgotten” would take place on 11/11/18. That parade has now been postponed until next year due to costs, and likely won’t take place at all.

Then, in Drop #912, Q claimed that the intelligence sharing alliance known as “Five Eyes” “won’t be around much longer.” As of August, it is still in effect.

Drop #997 predicted on April 3 that the Pope would “have a terrible May.” The closest to this that happened was the resignation of several Chilean bishops in June after Pope Francis criticized them over their handling of a sex abuse scandal.

On April 7, Q made a cryptic post in Drop #1067 that read simply “China. Chongqing. Tuesday.” The next Tuesday was April 10, and no newsworthy event took place on that day in that city.

Finally, in Drop #1302 on April 27, Q claimed a “Mother of All Bombs” related to negotiations with North Korea would be “dropped” in the next week.

Some Q believers took this to be the North Korea/United States summit announcement on the 28, but the negotiations had already been reported, and only the location and exact date remained to be set—neither of which Q provided.

Even as he was seeming to reveal world events that never took place, Q kept up his hammering of favored foes Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John McCain.

Even though she wasn’t indicted or arrested, Q predicted on March 5 in Drop #854 that “HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5)” [sic] would soon emerge, and that it would be the “nail in many coffins.”

qanon Q Posts

The supposed existence of this video sparked a new right-wing conspiracy theory that a secret video existed of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin doing something horrible to a child. The video never surfaced, and the conspiracy theory flamed out.

Using Barack Obama’s middle name, Q predicted in Drop #1043 that “pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire,” and insinuated in two April drops that photos of Obama with a young girl named “Wendy” would appear and open him up to charges of pedophilia. No such pictures have ever appeared.

Finally, again using a nickname, Q predicted John McCain’s resignation from the Senate as “imminent” several times, including Drop #1319 and Drop #1850, as well as predicting the “end near” in Drop #1555. Only this week did McCain announce he would stop seeking treatment for cancer.

Politicians aren’t the only suspected deep state members that Q has made failed predictions about.

On April 4, Q claimed in Drop #1014 that Mark Zuckerberg was going to step down as chair of Facebook and flee the United States. The same day Q predicted this, Zuckerberg reiterated that he was NOT going to step down—and he still hasn’t.

qanon Q Posts

Q has also made some fizzled predictions about Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, saying “goodbye” to him in Drops #525 and #598, insinuating that Dorsey would be removed from Twitter in Drop #799, predicting in Drop #1102 that Dorsey was “next”

It’s not surprising that as Q’s predictions fizzled, he became less specific and more generalized with what he claimed would happen. It’s here that QAnon truly began taking on the language of prosperity scams, substituting vague claims of “next week” or “soon” in place of anything more specific.

Q’s use of the phrase “next week” to denote the occurrence of something important started with Drop #243 when Q told his followers “just wait until next week” without making any kind of claim as to what was going to happen. It would be the first of over a dozen times Q would kick the can down the road to “next week.”

In Drop #464: Q vaguely predicted a “BIG NEXT WEEK” on Jan. 5, doubling down in Drop #527, predicting “Next Week – BIGGER,” repeating the claim three drops later.

qanon Q Posts

He would use “next week” as the timeframe for something in a number of subsequent drops, never with any specificity.

Drop #1594 became one of Q’s most famous blown predictions, as he claimed that July would be “the month the world discovered the TRUTH.”

qanon Q Posts

Whatever this truth was supposed to be was never specified, and Q believers were briefly concerned that whatever happened would be a letdown, but this seemed to pass quickly.

Soon after, Q even stopped talking about time frames, merely hinting that “something big” was on the way—and letting his followers determine what that was.

After not posting for about three weeks, Q posted in Drop #1687 that “something BIG is about to drop” with links to various press articles about QAnon. He made the exact same claim in Drops #1708, 1748, and 1802.

qanon Q Posts

Going back through all of Q’s predictions, it’s easy to trace their evolution from highly detailed clairvoyance to vague platitudes that could be taken to mean almost anything.

And what has Q predicted that hasn’t yet failed to come to pass?

Beyond the prediction made in Drop #1926, there are two things in particular. He’s made five different references to Iran being “next” for some kind of major intervention, and several references to Nov. 11 being a date that America will be “unified again.”

What’s supposed to happen? Nobody knows. But as Q would say, enjoy the show

16838943? ago

Obama Refers to His Wife as "Michael" https://youtu.be/8cgk732vfGQ

16838502? ago

Theres not going to be any serious problems for anyone unless you live in one of THE Crazy Zones.

Crazy Zones are where ppl have already caused riots over nothing. L.A. Charlottesville Portland - pay attention to the hotspot areas where pple go nuts. If you do live in crazy zone have a Bug Out plan. If not a Bug In plan.

All will be WELL.

16837141? ago

I worked with the public for 40 years. I dont like people. No can do

16836455? ago

Great thread, and so true. Thank you for the encouragement. I know some of my closer neighbors but need to expand out more. It's vital we all do this. Especially when people get desperate for information; they will need ALL available options for people to turn to.

The better your relationship is with them now, the easier you'll be able to calm them later. That benefits EVERYONE. Thank you for posting this ever so important reminder.

16836414? ago

Think independence and decentralization. What can you do for yourself, your family, and your community, and encourage them to do as well?

No matter what happens, or who holds the reins, a decentralized society of independent people is solid, and self reliant.

16836693? ago

And a people secured by a bond based on proximity would also be capable of intelligent action.

16835438? ago

Angsty teenager with no friends or wife left you and this is one of the twelve days you dont see your kids? Gotta give it to you, youre commited to this larp post.

16836473? ago

40's. Bald. Married 25 years. 4 children all white and mine.

16862322? ago

Tell tyrone hi for me the next time you pick up your kids for the weekend.

16834910? ago

Wow op must be lonely. Responds to every comment. Guess meeting those neighbors didnt go so well for him.

16834925? ago

I visit my neighbors each several times a month i don't live with them, and here you are. Guess meeting yours didn't work out did it?

16835142? ago

Actually i just got on voat for the night. Unlike you who seems to have made an evening of it. I envy your neighbors, what a joy it must be to live next to somebody with a disposition as sunny as yours.

16843215? ago

Pedo probably only offers to watch the kids.

16835419? ago

Gotta swing back and i swing back.

16834681? ago

Fully Agree. This is one of the best things a patriot can do. The neighbors do NOT need to be 100% like-minded. One of the reasons there are so many brainwashed is that in cities, we stopped relating with each other and began forming groups based on similar activities, not based on proximity. People stopped talking and sharing when they held different views.

Kindness, service, investment changes hearts and changes lives. And you are very correct; if or when the SHTF scenario goes off, bonded communities will fair so much better.

Brilliant, excellent post. one of the best I have seen on voat in the past 6 months.

16836707? ago

We have to get in there & mix it up with people we don't agree with politically. It's vital for the great awakening. I don't think Q just meant just for US to unite. I think he meant humanity as a collective. We should be able to agree with our neighbors on the most basic things you mentioned, that are frankly much more important. Leave politics & religion at the door and just be good people with open minds & open hearts I say.. Great post!

16842202? ago

Great comment. Fully agree. "we have to get in there and mix it up with..." Yes, indeed.

A lot of people who think they support Q are actually full of anger, resentment, criticism, etc. They miss the point. They winge and abuse about the obvious criminals, but fail to see this is a problem with humans, not just a problem of certain people. And if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. And the fundamental problem is how humans actually treat one another. Someone said this about 2K years ago, and its still the same essential truth.

16834816? ago

Bonded communities can RESPOND to events. (Wonder why there is so much hate in the comments and personal attacks to which i of course swat like flies without respect.)

They are after the family unit. When there is no mother and father the government fulfills that role. They are after the community unit. When there is no community or bond the government fulfills that role.

They are after kinship based on proximity which is ultimately an attack on race and heritage. "They want you divided". When there is no heritage or kinship the government fulfills that role.

16834926? ago

So much on target its scary (in a good way). Great job.

16834946? ago

When the communications and internet go down the last thing the cabal wants is a community independent of the news and technology. A free thinking patriotic cell complete with the powers of healing and self replication, its what makes a nation difficult to take and when thats gone the nation goes with it. Hence their focus.

16834524? ago

FUCK THAT. Let's see some arrests. Then we can start to redpill people in the real world.

16834578? ago

While that would be nice its time you and the rest to start acting under the assumption that its never going to happen. Long term, building your community is going to be more effective at resistance.

16832872? ago

Know them by NAME and tend to their needs a few times each month

What if they just want to wave to you and be friendly, but prefer their privacy on all non SHTF days? Someone provided a link with your comments against Q, we're not interested in dealing with communist spies pretending to be good neighbors to get information like the West Berliners, etc.

16832891? ago

Nice try kiddo. Do you need someone to hold your precious hands every step along the way? My criticism of the methods Q employs to the normies might be above your thinking capacity but i assure you there exists peoples who can be critical of a thing in which they hope for and support.

16833233? ago

i assure you there exists people who can be critical of a thing in which they hope fir and support.

Right. Like many are doing with your thread. We all miss living in safe communities around SANE people, but for many it’s just not an option right now and your advice would put them in danger.

16833354? ago

Hey, thanks.

16832790? ago

Step One: Obey the Golden Rule.

Step Two: Don't give in to assigning bad motives to others unless you know for certain they are a bad apple. Many are just thoughtless or different.

Step Three: Use common sense; some groups/types of people are just not safe enough to risk having a relationship with. Trust your gut.

16832869? ago

Common sense is a rare thing in the comments. They think introducing yourself equates to giving a copy of the house key. If you live in a bad spot, staying completely silent will only make the matter grow worse.

16833023? ago

It’s not the introduction, it’s the tending to their needs on a regular basis bullshit that makes you look like a first grade Christian who hasn’t developed a direct relationship with God and therefore needs to ‘be of service’.

Piety is best in private.

16833128? ago

If you don't seek out the needy and poor and desire to help them you missed the first lesson in what Christ was teaching. Service out of love must be hard for someone like yourself to understand but if you let go of all that hate you might just grow up.

16833809? ago

^^ another first grader reading a mistranslation, doesn’t have her own relationship with God so she finds people to “serve” instead.

Bonus for lobbing judgmenal insults from a delusional intellectual (lol) and moral high ground.

16833855? ago

Nice try kiddo but one finds God first and then loves their fellow man. You clearly have not accomplished either.

16833917? ago

Those who truly serve do so altruistically, not for show.

Nothing worse than shills making Christians look like hateful hypocritical nut jobs except maybe fake patriots who trick people into giving them money.

Stop preying and start praying Bitch.

16833945? ago

Nothing worse than shills making Christians look like hateful hypocritical nut jobs

You mean like yourself?

Those who truly serve do so altruistically, not for show.

You mean like someone introducing himself to his neighbors to see if they need any help and as a direct result bring a community together under a common bond of love and kinship? Like Jesus taught?

16834025? ago

I’m not claiming to be Christian while attacking people becaus my ego got triggered that my post isn’t 100% upvoated. You can talk a good game but I’ve read all the purple comments and stand by my comment.

16834068? ago

attacking people becaus my ego got triggered that my post isn’t 100% upvoated.

Proof that it has anything to do with ego?

You can talk a good game but I’ve read all the purple comments and stand by my comment.

Meaning you agree with the premise but because of your sandy vagina you're going to keep bitching about how im right but that i hurt your precious snowflake feelings? Like you suffer from cognitive dissonance?

16843113? ago

Proof is available for all to see by simply scrolling up. Unless you’re reacting with such vicious intolerance out of insecurity due to not being quite sure you’re right? People secure in their beliefs have nothing to prove, and judging by the viciousness with which you’ve been responding to numerous people on this submission, that’s not you.

You didn’t hurt my feelings (and what kind of Christian uses the term “sandy vagina”), you continue to demonstrate that it’s the charming pedos and serial killers who are always looking for opportunities to be “of service.”

You’re giving genuine Christians a bad name, which no doubt is your intention.

16832785? ago

A lot of people think this is a good idea but many of us live in low trust communities, that is communities full of niggers, spics, or moslems.

Even so, when your neighbors are hungry and they hear that you've been stockpiling food for years, good luck.

16833037? ago

Or elite progeressives teetering on the brink of sanity.

16832840? ago

Obviously if you live in nigger town you've made a mistake that can be rectified by hard work and smart planning. You chose a weak foundation and nothing will work for you in that circumstance and those hungry masses will swarm your castle like moths to a flame.

The wise man chooses where his castle is built and when it is done he does not weaken the land around him but only supports it so that there is no one with the desire to harm one another for everyone is in a castle of their own.

Silent divided communities are a death trap for your family no matter how much you prepare. The more silent you are now the more deafening it will be when your children are dead.

16832870? ago

I live in a small down in the middle of nowhere, you POS.

Fuck you. You hear me cunt?

16832908? ago

500 reads and climbing. 91% upvote ratio.

16832931? ago

What is the average IQ on this sub?

Around 95. lol

16832965? ago

Far higher than yours.

16833000? ago

If yours was high, you'd know that appeal to popularity is a logical fallacy.

Walked right into that one dummy.


16833102? ago

no one wants to hear your little garbage lecture.

500 reads and climbing. 91% upvote ratio.

Appeal to popularity would be assertion that the augment is correct based solely on its popularity. So no this is not an example of a logical fallacy, thanks for playing and revealing your double digits.

16833109? ago

Appeal to popularity would be assertion that the augment is correct based solely on its popularity.

Which is exactly what you did in that post, retard.

16833173? ago

Your reading comprehension is incredibly low.

If, for example (i'll hold your baby hands for now on) you said "your argument is invalid" and i showed the numbers you would be correct in stating fallacy. However you did not say that, you made a measurable claim that

Get it through your worthless head, no one wants to hear your little garbage lecture.

The key term being "no one" and the motion "wants to hear" to which the number of views directly disproves. "no one" , being disproved by the fact that there is more than one and "wants to hear" by the fact that there are views and comments stating the opposite of your claim.

I see that your IQ is far too low to get deductive reasoning so you'll have to try harder kiddo.

16839850? ago

I wasn't referring to the OP but the "garbage lecture" directly above it. lol

16832902? ago

Oh precious did someone hurt your little feelings? Are you going to cry now because you keep reading the lecture and you're contributing to it right now snow flake.

16832906? ago

No, you're the nigger lover with the sensitive feelings about their neighbors.

You're the virtue signaling snowflake and you're a communist.

Fuck you.

16832915? ago

Im a white supremacist but nice try kiddo.

16833245? ago

Even more Christian. Please do keep going.

16832918? ago

Then start acting like it.

16832954? ago

By promoting the unification of communities and strengthening the bond of neighbors. Im well ahead of cucks like yourself kid.

16832974? ago

No, it's not a good idea for most of us to be friendly with our nigger neighbors.

I live in the middle of nowhere and there are indians, niggers, you name it.

16833007? ago

If you have nigger neighbors i think i found your problem.

  1. relocate

  2. Find fellow patriots (by doing what exactly? oh yeah)

  3. Keep bitching and die when the hungry masses overwhelm you no matter how tough you think you are.

16833031? ago

So I'm going to move, just because they decided to rent the house next to me.

Are you insane?

I'm not bitching, I simply don't care to know them.

Now go fuck yourself and quit trying to tell me what to do you little cock gobbler.

16833068? ago

You are bitching and in denial. Enjoy your untimely end because it was "too hard" you lazy boomer.

16833083? ago

No. You're a lazy, virtue signaling boomer who is bitching that I don't care about my neighbors.

Fuck you and ugly cunt of a mother that whelped you.

16833187? ago

Oh you're still here? Still crying?

16839906? ago

You're door to door nigger dick sucker, if you're not crying now, you will be. lol

16832736? ago

I don't trust my neighbors that much and nobody ever trusts me. Good theory though!

16832746? ago

I wonder why

16832818? ago

I'm too easy a target. :(

16832705? ago

I don't love my fellow man, sorry Charlie.

16832414? ago

Hell to the no, this is the last thing anybody should do. Put a target on your back, it's not safe for Trump supporters to identify themselves where I live. This has to be a shill post trying to harm Trump supporters IRL.

16836756? ago

That's absurd. Nobody said you had to wear your political affiliation on your sleeve. Just be a decent fucking non-hermit human who gives a fuck about his neighbors.

16833049? ago

Exactly! OP is antiQ

16832453? ago

Staying in divided communicates sounds like a shill concept that Q has directly outed as a shill concept. The post never claimed to anything but introduce yourself and help your neighbors or are you so toxic you fear retaliation?

16832832? ago

THESE PEOPLE WONT BE ABLE TO WALK DOWN THE STREET - Q, referring to us, Trump supporters because as of now still, we can't walk down the fucking street without fear of violence. It has nothing to do with personality, it has to do with your political beliefs, dumb fuck. You are trying to get people hurt or killed, fuck you shill faggot.

16832754? ago

You still don't get it.

They're gonna fuck you up and take everything you've got.

16840153? ago

Its ok let him believe everyone is honest and nice, fools get what they get. Stay frothy and such.

16832806? ago

Maybe your neighbors would treat you that way, you reap what you sow.

Mine are prepared like myself and have no need to try and take what is mine for they have enough for themselves. My neighbors and i have a bond, we know eachother and instead of the cruel fate you and your kind will meet at the hands of overwhelming force, we will stand united firmly in our community.

You don't get it kiddo. After you build your castle you don't weaken the land around you but im sure all of this is far above your ability to understand.

16832814? ago

I live next to a nigger and a coalburner.

If I have any doubts about them, believe me, it is they that will reap the godamned whirlwind.

16832245? ago

Absolutely! WWG1WGA

16832239? ago

Become a block parent. I used to see those sign all over the place growing up in the '80s. Other than my house, I don't know where there are others.

16832061? ago

AGREE, AGREE and AGREE... I have all sides covered. It's essential.

16832121? ago

When a man is finished building his castle does he look around at the land around him and desire it to be weak? Im glad you get it, expand the borders.

16831797? ago

https://voat.co/v/politics/3027301 You were so critical of q not so long ago? What happened, why are you here now?

16831959? ago

While your little crush on me is cute it might do you well to understand (not that you can) that one can both be critical of Q and still support the awakening.

16832063? ago

You seem so sure of yourself that all of these comments are the same person arguing with you. You already outted yourself in the comments. Anyone who reads them can see who you are. All i did was folllow a link.

16832136? ago

You seem so sure of yourself that all of these comments are the same person arguing with you.

I happen to treat all morons in the same matters so don't flatter yourself kiddo.

16833144? ago

I happen to treat all morons in the same manner so don’t flatter yourself kiddo.

That’s mighty Christian of you, treating all people you categorize as morons (for having a different perspective) with the same level of love and respect — as you so perfectly follow in the footsteps of Christ and do your best do emulate Him.

You’ve made a convert, where do I sign up and send my tithe?

Just one more self righteous hypocrite illustrating that the church really serves Lucifer.

16833217? ago

Christ separated the wheat from the chaff don't think you are that special kiddo.

16833692? ago

What do you think we’re doing here with your fake patriot just wants a good community bullshit?

16833782? ago

  • Supporting strong cohesive unified communities against an impending doom through logical means of strengthening the whole.

yeah must be fake patriotism.

16843272? ago

As you viciously attack people who explain why it wouldn't work for them?


16832222? ago

So that line about my supposed crush on you was? What exactly if not implying i was one of these other commentors?

16831446? ago

Iv’e been thinking a lot about a future day when evil is defeated. In those thoughts I’ve been bumping into some interesting moments that made me stop and wonder. I thought about the last days of the good fight. What will it look like right before, at, or after the moment of glory? Will it feel different? Will they be the same? Will we? And in those cloudy questions is a funny thing to ponder? How is Q going to sign off? After awkwardly laughing through several options it appeared to me that there are only a few ways he can end it… and my bet is on [Q] @ 00:00:00

16831518? ago

Deltas are weak. Proving Trump is Q+ is weak.

There is no doubt to anyone who has eyes to see whats going on, the real question is what the end result will be and if they have the balls to achieve it.

16831392? ago

I'm not in service to fucking anybody.

16832360? ago

Service and worship are not words of pure intent.

Truer words could not be spoken; the world is so fucked up because of the hypocrites who need victims to help and "be of service" to.

I do not trust, and genuinely can't stand, people who are predatory in their helpfulness. If no one's asking, don't make people weak in your mind because you need to score points to get into "heaven."

16831411? ago

You are not adding to the fabric of society and without service you're just a leech.

16832413? ago

Maybe it's you who's the leech? Needing people to be poor victims that need your help so you can score points to get into heaven? Genuine service is very rare because it unfolds along a natural flow.

People who need other people to need them in order for life to have meaning, need to self reflect on the world they're really creating.

"We do not serve the weak or broken what we serve is the wholeness in life and the wholeness in each other, unlike helping fixing or rescuing service is mutual" Rachel Ramen

16840173? ago

My service is living by example. If you cant observe me and copy what i do maybe try getting a clue, or your not ready for a better way yet. Service isnt bowing to people. Try not lying to them or being hypocritical its a start but much harder to do then say. Walking the walk. It can be baby steps.

16841141? ago

My service is living by example.

So is mine. OP, otoh, is antiQ and here attacking people who point out the fallacy of her assumption that life's meaning comes from keeping people in the position of "needing you to be of service" to them (or makes up needs to tend so she can tell herself she'll be safe in a SHTF scenario) rather than empowering them and developing a direct relationship with the divine that isn't "transactional."

All the "of service" Christians in our church sure creeped out the kids, and the "service" NGO industry is a huge element of the human trafficking problem on this planet. Service is a natural flow, it's not something to predatorily seek out for those who think they're going to get something out of it.

If no one's asking, respect their sovereignty and empower them until your "service" is invited.

16841089? ago

So is mine. OP, otoh, is antiQ and here attacking people who point out the fallacy of her assumption that life's meaning comes from keeping people in the position of "needing you to be of service" to them (or makes or needs to tend so she can tell herself she'll be safe in a SHTF scenario) rather than empowering them and developing a direct relationship with the divine that isn't "transactional."

All the "of service" Christians in our church sure creeped out the kids, and the "service" NGO industry is a huge element of the human trafficking problem on this planet. Service is a natural flow, it's not something to predatorily seek out for those who think they're going to get something out of it.

16832426? ago

Who said anything about scoring points to get into heaven? Your view is incredibly distorted.

16832471? ago

I prefer empowerment. If your service is empowering then good on ya.

Too much "service" ends up putting children in harm's way when a better focus is to fix the cause of suffering, which is why we're all here.

16832503? ago

Again, who said anything about scoring points to get into heaven? You are clearly projecting some misunderstandings or grievous affairs you've had with the christian faith in the past.

16832566? ago

Why else would you be predatory in your helpfulness when it's not invited? It's one thing to be on good terms with your neighbors and another altogether to start doing things they're not requesting because it makes YOU feel good to be of service.

Just at least admit that you do it to make yourself feel good, like life has meaning.

16832611? ago

Why else would you be predatory in your helpfulness when it's not invited?

Again, who said this? Why are you so intent on finding offense that you create strawmans just to justify your toxic behavior towards others?

16832801? ago

Perhaps this is a bit too deep for you.

16834178? ago

Its clearly beyond your ability.

16845974? ago

Found ya. Now I can block your sugar coated gas lighting shit posts.

16848947? ago

Hey kiddo if you think QRV is anon you're in for a surprise.

16831354? ago

Respect, OP. Good idea.

16831395? ago

Take care of your houshold and when that is done (as it already should be) expand your defense by building up those around you. When the tough guys in the comments stay selfish they only weaken the area surrounding their castle, instead of logically building up the area around with a defense equal to your own. They will be overrun because their people don't have a bond, and their people are not prepared and will easier turn on eachother.

Whereas my neighborhood has no reason to turn on eachother because we are all prepared and know eachother. No one will take from another.

16831310? ago

Yes, you are right. This is wise words. Weak bonds in closest families should be rebuild. After that it is time to care of our neighbours. In fact we all are one big family.

16831358? ago

Exactly. After our immediate household is secured and prepared (as it already should be, tho by the comments people seem to be lacking in the brains department) it is only logical to expand on that barrier of defense by supporting and building up your neighbors. This builds upon itself and magnifies the stability of the structure which turns into the fabric of our very nation.

16831279? ago

This is great advice. My husband and I enjoy a great quality of life because we are friends with our neighbors, many on each side as you say. It's a small working class neighborhood, we look out for each other, I know we'd rescue and fight for [and with] each other. Most people are good. Most I meet think in the same way as us. God wants us in the light. When I feel down [as in too far down the rabbit hole] I remember my circle, my safe town, my people and my church, it grounds me in a safer reality. God bless you today, Patriots.

16831068? ago

Are We The People not All made in The Creator's image?...

Look at the world around you, See The Creator feel how Loved you are.

Look in the mirror, See The Creator.

Now Look at the face of an Other, and See The Creator.

The Creator is The Source of everything. It's because We are All made in The Creator's image, that WWG1WGA. As a wise man once said "Remember The Source will be with you, All-Ways" WRWY Patriots! Good hunting (for fellowship with your neighbors), and Godspeed!

16830942? ago

No need to prep! When the SHTF we must all pray and god will bring us food, water and love. Love is all we need. Amen

16840304? ago

Agreed what comes this way is wicked and the only thing youll have is in your mind and on your back. Took the black pill. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wvjJqIXYT1w&t=0s&index=2&list=PLHSoxioQtwZfY2ISsNBzJ-aOZ3APVS8br

16830901? ago

My neighbor is a hilary lover. Do I really want to do that?

16836497? ago

YES. Especially if she's a Hillary lover. She'll need you later on to talk her away from the ledge.

Never underestimate people's ability to change. Even I was sporting a Bernie shirt 2 summers ago, but I sure as hell came around quickly enough.

16832157? ago

This is an anti-christian shill just FYI.

16832946? ago

OP is an antiQ shill, so there’s that.

16835375? ago

Q is an antiOP shill.

16832670? ago

Yup I restated OP's original intent with supporting Quotes, bastard down voated me on every comment. Hypocrite shill! "You will know them by the fruit of (((their))) labors"!!! WRWY Patriots!

16830923? ago

Staying in silent and divided neighborhoods is worse. One day she might change her mind as so many others recently have.

16830879? ago

I need that smoking hot 19 year old 2 doors down to service MY needs. I hope she reads this thread and comes over.

16840188? ago

Id like to place an order. Pure blonde f racist intelligent and sexy. Theres alot more but this for starters. Hhaha

16840204? ago

Oh she is a 9.5, surprised a modeling agency hasn't snagged her for si at a minimum.

16831964? ago

Invite her over

16830873? ago

Fuck your god. Do good things for people because it is the right thing to do, not because a book written by bronze age goat herders tells you to.

16832057? ago

This should be the most upvoated post on the sub, but you offend the tender sensibilities of the Jesus freaks here. It fucks them up to acknowledge that non-believers are good, moral people, too.

I live in a highly Christian and "red" suburb of a major metro area. Most of the cunts in my 'hood patronize "prosperity gospel" megachurches, where the BMW-driving pastors are happy to tell the rubes that Jesus wants to get them a BMW, too, if they could just provide a small, recurring token of their faith via cash, check or credit card.

As you would expect, most of the congregants are the most vapid, shallow assholes you can imagine. No thanks.

16837886? ago

Those aren't Christians.

16846652? ago

“No true Scotsman” fallacy.

I’ll be sure to tell all these people that they’re not Christians.

By their fruits ye shall know them. If you attend a Christian church, with a Starbucks and a merch shop in the lobby, and your fellow congregants gush on social media about how “blessed” they are by Jesus because of their Lexus SUV, or their jewelry, or their fake tits, or their new stainless-steel appliances... then you are a prosperity gospel Christian, and you are figuratively spitting in Jesus’s face.

16853385? ago

Mixed message? Your first two lines seem to disparage the idea of criteria for being Christian, but then you take the opposite side? It's hard to say from a pic, but from the size and style of that 'church', chances are high they are on the fake Christian side of things. But then you acknowledge that fake Christians are a thing. Here's an example of a ridiculously fake Christian.

Feminist pastor, 49, proudly unveils a sculpture of a VULVA that she had made from old purity rings - before giving it to a delighted Gloria Steinem as a token of respect and gratitude - https://voat.co/v/whatever/3043532

Probably 5% of people claiming to be (or categorized as) Christians actually are. It might be less.

16859544? ago

fair enough... my original comment was to skewer prosperity gospel. If you don't subscribe to that particular variant, then please don't take offense.

16832148? ago

This is an anti-christian shill... He larps as a christian then is a colossal asshole to everyone causing everyone to hate on Christianity. I wonder (((who))) would do such a thing.

16832208? ago

Not a shill, fuck head... Just a genuine hater of "prosperity gospel" Christians. I want to see them burn in their churches.

16832240? ago

MY bad... Not you, the person you were talking to. I tend to agree with ya TBH. The OP of this post. God these anon threads are annoying.

16832296? ago

sorry mate.

Yeah, I'm happy that people have faith. I'm dismayed when people use it as a cudgel, or as a mechanism to enrich their bank accounts.

16832489? ago

Yeah, this guy is a larping shill I think. Just calling him out and ruining all his work. Anyway, Keep your faith and WWG1WGA...

16831234? ago

You think the pyramids were created with bronze do you? Thats cute.

16833784? ago

The pyramids are made from limestone. Quite easy to work with bronze.

16837029? ago

Unbelievably wrong.

First of all a significant amount of the pyramids are made of granite which came from a quarry 500 miles away. And no, the limestone cant be cut with any reasonable amount of speed & precision using bronze tools. 2.3M blocks over a 20 year span is cutting moving and placing a block every 4.5 minutes without rest going 24h a day - and these numbers are for only one pyramid. Delusional to think this was accomplished in a bronze age.

Nobody with modern technology can even build a house sized pyramid with the same construction as the Great Pyramid of Giza. Without a doubt in my mind none of the Giza Pyramids, Machu Picchu, Easter Island, Pumapunku, were developed by a bronze age civilization. This is just another lie we have been told.

16830937? ago

Who said otherwise?

Projecting your hate onto others because of the inadequacy you feel in your life?

16831305? ago

Have you tried looking in a mirror? Look at your responses to 90% of the comments in here.

16831428? ago

Separation of wheat and chaff, you make it so easy to do.

16831640? ago

You should rid yourself of all this needless anger and self superiority. Every time you posture or lash out you look weak.

16831726? ago

Fuck your god. Do good things for people because it is the right thing to do, not because a book written by bronze age goat herders tells you to.

Go on

16843312? ago

Do good things for people because it is the right thing to do, not because a book written by bronze age goat herders tells you to.

No need to go on, that about says it.

16831775? ago

That wasnt me, but i do agree with that person. Do things because theyre right not because youre afraid of hell.

16831971? ago

Who said otherwise?

16832297? ago

You and your holier than thou attitude.

16832366? ago

Keep projecting kiddo i think its working

16833147? ago

Im the one ferverently being an asshole to anyone to comments against me yeah?

16833202? ago

Not sucking my dick = fervently being an asshole. Wow how do you get dressed in the morning with grade A logic like that?

16834341? ago

What logic are you talking about? Youre being a fucking prick to anyone to says anything thats not "wow what great insight to meet my neighbors". Did your mommy love you too much? Cant handle anything thats not overwhelming praise? Or is it "Projecting your hate onto others because of the inadequacy you feel in your life?"

16834379? ago

So you're going with "op is right but he didn't suck my dick so hes an asshole" approach? I mean its certainty within your limits. Are you used to everyone holding your precious little hands that the moment someone doesn't wipe your ass they must be a bad bad right?

16834418? ago

Youre outright combative with almost every comment. Enjoy your sad life of trolling anon boards if thats the only thing that can make you happy zoophile

16843328? ago

Pedo desperate for a fix, wants to return to the good ole days when neighbors let any old creep job babysit their kids.

16834507? ago

Strange, when i say to OP that he is a fucking prick he doesn't love me back.

Your world must be as dramatic as my 4 year olds is.

16834572? ago

"Reap what you sow" you said that didnt you? Dont worry racist anti q zoophile you can have the last word, i wont respond again

16834604? ago

OP isn't caving in to my genius argument and i have no further reply, i better sign off real quick to save myself further embarrassment.

16830800? ago

Make your neighborhood GREAT AGAIN
AWESOME IDEA Going to try a block party this summer in the hood Good food, music; and people

16836426? ago

I've totally been wanting to do this as well!! We have the yard for it too.

16831339? ago

Awesome! I've been thinking bout doing one too.

16830756? ago

I do evil deeds every day but repent to Jesus every bedtime - giving me a clean concience to do evil again. Rinse and repeat !!

Jesus is fucking great, died for out sins so we can do what the fuck we like lol - be forgiven and still get into heaven the same as all the preachy biblefags - WIN !!!

16831272? ago

and still get into heaven the same as all the preachy biblefags

Ancient Chinese curse = "May your fondest wishes come true"

'Merica version: "Be careful what you wish for....."

Bible version: "You reap what you sow"

Good Luck with that. (Better thee, than me.)

16830680? ago

This is also good advice for the coming SHTF scenario that is gonna play out across the Western world. Know your neighbors, find out who you can trust and who you need to watch. Lone wolves won't do very well but clusters of like minded people will.

16834549? ago

Until those hungry neighbors with 5 kids come knocking on your door looking for food. Then what?

16836010? ago

Eat the kids

16836184? ago

And end up with Kuru?

16840247? ago

No trade it for gov handouts.

16834775? ago

Hungry? I live in a fairly upper class neighborhood where the elementary school gives free breakfast and lunch to students. I wonder how much money it takes for these parents who aren't willing to feed their own kids.

They have money.

16834796? ago

I'm talking about after the SHTF and they run out of food. Then what? Do you still love your neighbors and give them all your food?

16834987? ago

well, I wouldn't shoot anyone, but I think they are lying.

16835076? ago

Do you not understand the concept of "SHTF"?

16835197? ago

I actually do. If your neighbors know you have a stockpile of food everyone will be at your door.
And everyone will do whatever it takes to get to your stockpile. Kids or not.

16835411? ago

And I'm not trying to be the bad guy, but the government gives everyone minimum food and water they need to have on hand. If you decide not to follow the requirements, then why would you be responsible for someone who is used to handouts when the SHTF? This is why men should be responsible for their families.

16835348? ago

Exactly. That is why it's a stupid idea to go around advertising that you're a prepper to your neighbors. Get ready to shoot them. Otherwise you're not going to survive long.

16836910? ago

Introducing yourself doesn't include sharing your fetishes. A simple hey im retard if you ever need a hand let me know.

16840255? ago

And bitch about those people who are preparing for something, that way you aren't suspected of having guns and food stores.

16830768? ago

If we kept strong communities from the start we wouldn't be in such a dire situation to begin with. They import multiple cultures for the same result, silent and competing individuals staying divided willingly. Those in the comments who think they are tough don't understand that its going to take some intelligence as well, creating a buffer zone within your community against the insanity is a matter of self perseverance.

16836393? ago

They also imported every electronic device known to man so we'd become anti-social house rats.

16836480? ago

Good observation i agree.

16832936? ago

Not everyone is surrounded by patriots in a red state.

16832973? ago

  1. Relocate

  2. Identify fellow patriots

  3. Keep bitching

16833840? ago

No way. Some of us have been here generations and want our state back.

16833900? ago

How did you lose it?

By staying in cohesive united communities with a common bond?

Or by letting that dream die through lazy passive idleness?

Maybe it was by criticizing anyone who said you should change and get to know your neighbors again?

16833991? ago

I do know my neighbors and anytime there’s a storm or power outage I check on the vulnerable people.

I just dont like very many of them. Still cordial and friendly, but not interested in them or their lifestyle.

They moved in around us, house belonged to my grandfather, bought it in my late 20s and have lived here since.

All y’all are good at projection and intolerance, the whole reason we have such a problem with progressivism is because all the college kids traumatized by the crazy form of Christianity that gives Christ a bad name are so ripe for ANYTHING else that they’re the easiest ones to brainwash.

16834711? ago

All y’all are good at projection and intolerance

As you sit there, projecting.

16843138? ago

LOL, big difference btw projection and response. At least if your IQ is over 115.

16831542? ago

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who comes near that precious jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. When you give up that force, you are ruined." ~Patrick Henry


"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."~ Benjamin Franklin

Equals: "Patriots have no skin color" "WWG1WGA" "WRWY" Patriots Unite! Godspeed!

16830536? ago

My neighbor is an asshole because our dog barks at his weed eater.

16830832? ago

Guess you should attack your own dog with a sword to be a good neighbour.

16831249? ago

I just don't let the dog out when I hear him mowing the front to avoid the confrontation. He is just an angry old guy

16830615? ago

Have you ever introduced yourself or do you willingly choose to live next to strangers?

16831761? ago

You just finished reading about John Titor the time traveler didn't you? If not, your gonna LOVE IT! He says the same thing, and suggests being suspicious of our neighbors is part of what our society is doing wrong right now from his view point (from a much darker future than we are living in right now). There but for the grace of God go I, We are so blessed that 'she' didn't win. #WinningBigly

16833175? ago

Yes but some of us in blue urban environments really do have dangerous asshole neuighbors.

16833272? ago

Rodger that, like V said (in Q's drop) we're All to blame, we All played a part, your neighbors have the same problems. "United We are strong" This has been going on a LONG time, I'm not saying it'll happen overnight, but we'll know things are fixed when we can trust our neighbors without much worry anymore.

16834186? ago

The inaction and fear is what furthered the divide. What fixes it? Going out and introducing yourself to your neighbors.

16834388? ago

Thank you for your offering of negative catalyst, you do me a great service. I cannot consent to your invitation to feel guilt and separation from Others, or judge them in a way I wouldn't want to be judged. You've helped me see the One Infinite Creator better in Other-selfs. I choose to be of service to them by not feeling separate or different or special. Thank You. WRWY WWG1WGA, because All is One, One is All.

16834473? ago

I cannot consent to your invitation to feel guilt and separation from Others, or judge them in a way I wouldn't want to be judged.

Where was that invitation?

The only invitation was to introduce yourself to your neighbors, the rest of what you said is all in your head buddy.

16837244? ago

"Obviously if you live in nigger town"

"Oh precious did someone hurt your little feelings? Are you going to cry now because you keep reading the lecture and you're contributing to it right now snow flake."

"Im a white supremacist but nice try kiddo."

"Im well ahead of cucks like yourself kid."

"Deltas are weak. Proving Trump is Q+ is weak."

"Is it your baseline IQ holding you down?"

Shall I continue? Your racism is IMHO an extremely limited and uninformed view point. One You've earned your-Self by judging yourself 'superior' to others of a different genetic coding. The literal "darkness" you see in others is in your own heart. Not hard to believe a mere mortal would judge Others by outward appearances, but its a tragedy for an infinite fractal that is a living image of The entire Uni-verse (One-song)! I foresee a Being of color bringing you greater Humility, but only if your Soul is ready to find out the rest of the story. What story? The story of (You). "This is bigger than anyone can imagine" ~ Hive Mind of Humanity.

The Oracle at Delphi said it best...

"I warn you, whoever you are, Oh! You who want to probe the arcana of nature, that if you do not find within yourself that which you are looking for, you shall not find it outside either! If you ignore the excellencies of your own house, how do you pretend to find other excellencies? Within you is hidden the treasure of treasures! Know thyself and you will know the Universe and the gods."

I wish (You) the best possible outcome, but you won't like it....at 1st. It's All unfolding as it should. All is One, One is All.

16843373? ago

Unless you're rh-, they're YOUR species.

16837871? ago

"you don't even know who you are talking to faggot."

Yes. I do. You are Other-Self. You ARE me, at a different space/time coordinate. I wish you the best possible outcome, because IMHO you are me.

Is your little archon hand holding bullshit going to progress the human race out of enslavment?

Yes. However the language I used was addressed to the 'archon' (demon) on your shoulder. The same One Trump was addressing in his tweet about criminals of "All Dimensions KEEP OUT" . Unless that is YOU directly, then do as you've been commanded demon! Go now to your place of highest expression, you are not welcome on this plane! You are healed In the name of The One Infinite Creator.

Projection is rampant on the Earth, you are a PRIME example, so Am I. If you are a Being with a Soul, I have Agape Love for You. You bring division while preaching Unity. Just. Like. Satan. I ask you WWJD?

I remind you from your proclaimed, alleged, religion:

"As you do unto the least of these, you do also unto Me"

16837971? ago

this is weird. I think i'm missing some background here.

16837912? ago

Miss me with that big gay

16838006? ago

I don't care if you're gay, Agape means unconditional, not sexual. Project much?


16838024? ago

Hey boomer, i wasn't referring to your word choice of agape i was referring to that giant dong you dangled out in hope to be sucked. Now that its gone unsucked i notice your mood has soured.

16838076? ago

See? Homosexual projection, its OK to be sexually attracted to me, I Am made in The Creators image. Thanks for the compliments on the size of my penis too! My GF agrees. You think I sound older than I Am, like a 'boomer' (20yrs off friend). Thanks Buddy! No souring here, made my day infact.

16838117? ago

So for some goofy enlightened archon fuck you really just come across as a drug addict who thinks he found truth in a chemical. Get help kiddo

16838528? ago

Well if that explanation helps you sleep at night go for it. I already got help though, that's why I Am still able to converse with you even though you spew ignorant hatred at me. Remember "WWJD"??? You "claimed" to be a "Christian" in the OP, so I might have wronged you by assuming you knew what it meant, sorry friend. WWJD = What Would Jesus Do?

See what I Am doing? I show you Agape, and it seems to "heap hot coals on your head". Sorry friend, I don't mean to hurt your feelings with my Agape. Try screaming some more obscenities at me, see if it helps, I can take it.

Here's some more ammo for you:

I'm a veteran, but no combat experience.

I can't find an 'employer'.

I sleep on a couch.

I have acne in my 40's.

I'm out of shape, lost too much weight from being 'round-up' sensitive, can't afford to eat organic.

There you go, now you can REALLY insult me. .... aaaand GO!

16838063? ago

Damn it! Now i have water all over my screen. Fucking funny as hell!

16830808? ago

This isn't my house, I'm homeless. Not my dog, I was just thrown into this situation because reasons. Everyone else around here I have met, when I walk around I chat with everyone outside around my whole block. It's just the one guy has an old grudge from long before I got here.

16830377? ago

I would love to but my home is illegal and if they knew I was squatting here they would likely call the cops because my cabin will lower their property values and they are all limousine liberals from California... Plus, most people really don't like me so to do that would be a really risky move and I don't feel like being homeless again. Sad to day but I've been spending most my life living in a liberal paradise. I live in fear every day that my neighbors will realize that I exist. The LAST thing I am going to do is let them know I exist.

16840253? ago

Humble people arent trash they are the soul of everything correct in this world. Tc patriot youve been noticed.

16832108? ago

No person who has EVER EVER had power over me has treated me with even a modicum of respect or honor.

Think mirror Patriot. You've reaped what you had previously sewn, somehow. I don't judge you, you have a VERY valuable lesson right in front of you. What that lesson (about learning to Love unconditionally) IS, is up to you and Your Creator. No Man is an island. Maybe your neighbors WON'T call the coppers, or maybe you'll meet a really Patriotic cop, or maybe your neighbors have a spare room you can stay in, or maybe you're supposed to just #walkaway to find real neighbors I don't know, but YOU will if you look for it, you'll just know when it habbens. Remember Patriot WRWY. In this Uni-verse (One-song) everything tends to unfold as it should. "Not for nothin' "~Big Joe. Much Love (Agape no homo) to (You) Patriot! Good hunting, and Godspeed!

16832234? ago

Purple hair...

16834964? ago

No. You've confused me for the OP. Pay attention to the [S] and his purple user ID. I'm not "christian" I Am 'Quantum Mystic' (closest you might know, same as Einstein). My ideals are based on Quantum physics. "All is One, One is All" Why is it that "people don't like you" from this perspective? Because you don't like your-Self. Read Karl Jung and his ideas about our collective consciousness.

I Am telling you only what the (pagan Greek, NOT 'christian') Oracle at Delphi would say to you (who kings would travel from all over the world to consult, because they were a deep source of proven wisdom) ....

I warn you, whoever you are, Oh! You who want to probe the arcana of nature, that if you do not find within yourself that which you are looking for, you shall not find it outside either! If you ignore the excellencies of your own house, how do you pretend to find other excellencies? Within you is hidden the treasure of treasures! Know thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods.

16830412? ago

Perhaps you should stop making excuses and set your life on a better path and relocate legally to a better situation.

16832821? ago

You WILL reap what you sow. What comes around goes around hypocritical shill. You say "fellowship" but you practice division! Gaslighter! You got me this time, I'll see you comin' next time. Down voting quotes from our founding fathers, is NOT a good look for a "Patriot", makes sense for a pay-triot though. "Don't tread on me!"

16830834? ago

Ohhhhh So I should follow the rules the Cabal and the Satanists and etc. in the world have laid out before me? I know! I can borrow a million dollars and go to college! There I can learn all about how I am evil (white male) and how I should never ever reproduce and should instead adopt black children? Because thats what I remember being told when I was there. How about I suffer through that anyway and get a JOB! Nice! I will be so busy I can't take care of myself. I can't grow my own food and will slowly balloon into a fat pile of shit because I am working 12 hours a day trying to pay rent and gas and buy fancy clothes to impress people. No worries I CAN BORROW THE MONEY RIGHT! Better path huh? Sure. Great idea.

No thankyou. I will happily live as a free man. I will happily raise my kids as free people. No, I will not relocate legally and leave my land like a good slave. I will die on this ground one way or another. Enjoy your invisible chains.

16830904? ago

So your children are at risk every day because in your own words,

"I would love to but my home is illegal and if they knew I was squatting here they would likely call the cops because my cabin will lower their property values and they are all limousine liberals from California... Plus, most people really don't like me so to do that would be a really risky move and I don't feel like being homeless again. "

Whereas, if you owned your land legally like a man they would have actual security instead of the imaginary "freedom" you profess to possess. The chains are around you too buddy and from what you've shared even more so.

16831012? ago

I own my land legally. Free and clear. It is just not legal to build on it even though it is hundreds of acres because of ZONING. Nothing like a response without all the information. Try again...

16832878? ago

This guy is a shill, Patriot don't waste any more breath on it. The founding fathers are on your side, you're abiding by the law of the land The United States Constitution. Godspeed Patriot WRWY because WWG1WGA!

16831058? ago

So again, if you owned your land legally and lived in a legal home you would have actual security instead of the imaginary freedom you claim to have. Since you are breaking the law your family is one phone call away from homelessness. Tell me again how safe you feel.

16831169? ago

THIS IS WHY I WON"T GO MEET MY NEIGHBORS! ha ha ha ha This is my point exactly!!! Keep following the law... Good slave. All laws are good. The government knows best. Lose your job and see what happens to your fancy house and all your security. You live at the whim of the US dollar. I wonder who controls that? I am safer than you are. I need to stay quiet and not piss people off and make maybe $200 a month and I can stay here indefinitely. In truth we are both chained to the same chain gang arguing endlessly over who's position on the chain gang is better. You know that right? Thanks for proving my point in this thread though which was my real goal. I hope OP sees this.

16843395? ago

Not to mention that OP is likely a pedo longing to return to the good ol' days when neighbors let any "helpful" person babysit the kids.

16831245? ago

You've been talking to the OP the entire time but you've more than demonstrated your IQ level. I own my land and home legally. I'm debt free. I can produce 1,500 LBS of home grown produce per year without using more than 50% of the acreage.My home is run off solar, wood gasifier and my own clean well water. You can't take that away with a phone call where as your situation is merely the illusion of safety and you had no real goal only back peddling.

16831393? ago

No, not unless you have 2 accounts. OP's information will appear to me in purple text not blue to dissuade people from replying in secret to their own conversations. oops. Which makes me wonder about the truthfulness of this reply :p. Mine is complete bullshit as well and I like to come here and piss people off. I live in a city in the mid-west and work as a welder in the field. I do some equipment maintenance as well. All the stuff about me being an asshole is true though. Most people don't like me.

16831491? ago

You need to check your glasses. Purple replies this entire time. Your little property won't be of much use to you when its taken by overwhelming force in numbers due to a lack of community and bond. You said it yourself, most people don't like you and you've set your home on a weak foundation.

16838124? ago

Just a note, your replies were purple in the top part of the comments, but down here they're the same blue as everyone else. You do still have your [S] though...

[–] 16831491? [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 6.9 hours ago

16838151? ago

There was a time where a mirror existed of this particular exchange in tandem with the original, after i was done it was returned to normal. During that time you may have seen the tandem which did not recognize me as the OP

16838543? ago

Purple again...

16831751? ago

Very Christian of you! Man... I WISH YOU WERE MY NEIGHBOR! I wish I had you as a member of my community and had a tight bond with you! Like I said in the beginning of all this. If you let your neighbors know who you really are or what you are really doing or what you are really all about they will attempt to destroy you if you are even slightly different than they are. It is a system of control and like all systems of control I like to avoid them.

16831985? ago

You've chosen to stay divided. You'll reap what you sow.

16843403? ago

You'll reap what you sow.

Yep. Non-traumatized/molested/raped/eaten kids.

16832128? ago

Its funny... You make a big flowery post about being a Christian then proceed to act in the EXACT OPPOSITE WAY a real Christian would act. Why? I wonder if it is to discredit Christian values and norms and actually make real Christians look really really bad. That is what you did and I feel it was not by accident. Pretty good delivery though. It would make people say "GOSH I would never want to meet my christian neighbors they will be AWFUL just like this guy! Is there a big HOOK NOSE behind this post? Perhaps a purple haired ham planet with an STD? Inquiring minds want to know...

16832161? ago

You make a big flowery post about being a Christian then proceed to act in the EXACT OPPOSITE WAY a real Christian would act.

Flowery? You should really get out more. Yes goyium a JIDF agent that is being paid is actively promoting unified neighborhoods and prepared communities. Being a christian does not equate to entertaining and appeasing dumb bullshit.

16832216? ago

Ohhh common now, turn the other cheek! Its good for your soul! You guys are not supposed to be out judging and condemning people! Jesus wept! :p I nailed the purple hair didn't I?

16838150? ago

Ohhh common now, turn the other cheek!

It's pretty common for moderns to misunderstand this.

16830362? ago

Gulp. I am too scared. Requires actual effort. I don't wanna

16831387? ago

Be a man. Otherwise somebody else is always gonna be taking care of you.

16831415? ago

Alright. I'll do my part.

16830348? ago

https://voat.co/v/politics/3041588 Power level revealed.

16830367? ago

Over the target! Why do they want to keep your communities separated i wonder

16830830? ago

They? Qrv is no place for your antisemitism.

16830327? ago

Look at the shills crawling out of the woodwork almost as if the enemy doesn't want you to build strong communities and relationships during a difficult time and for the future.

OVER THE TARGET. Thanks for confirming your hate for the family unit.

16831302? ago

Indeed. Their colors truly shine in these internets fringe boards. Idiots.

16830605? ago

Oy vey

16830642? ago

The goyium know they should know their neighbors, shut it down! Stay strangers shalom

16830711? ago

More like convince the goyium im one of them by crying shill

16830151? ago


My neighbors are annoying.

I'll keep to myself and expect them to do the same.

16830161? ago

How Christian of you.

16830258? ago

Not all of us are Christians, or even religious.

16832172? ago

He is an anti-christian shill so that you know.

16830280? ago

Oh it clearly shows you wont survive.

16832771? ago

Your neighbors are going to jack you up.

16840147? ago

Yea people arent always what they appear to be and most xhristans are hypocritical at best. Not saying some arent pure but heck watch your back imho.

16833185? ago

No way, HE is going to Jack them up.

16833302? ago

Im going to see that they have their needs taken care of so that when it goes bad they wont have a need to resort to behaving like lunatics. Im going to create a bond with them (already done by the way) so that we can work as a united team against those who are willing to act like lunatics.

Im going to raise them up to be strong. When they are strong i am stronger.

16833647? ago

Your comments are all over the board on this submission, don’t believe a word you say even when it sounds sane like ^

16833733? ago

Its been sane the entire time i just don't entertain niggers.

16833939? ago

You'll be the first one they eat.

16833974? ago

Correction. YOU will be the first because you did not raise up the land around you.

My land and surroundings have such a firm foundation that we will stand united as a community against the storms. No one is unprepared, we are what you wish you could have.

16834023? ago

Stay soft and chubby, long pig.

16834200? ago

Projecting again?

16830111? ago

start telling them about the good word about how none can deliver from his hand because we live in his earth! here is your armor of god: be faithful for the lord will be behind you in dissemination of these facts:

glass sky playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFPLD4fV81aUQPM2qaSE6FU-r2W_zEgXj

D.U.M.B.s playlist: https://youtu.be/7XtdFfn6Z9s?list=PLFPLD4fV81aVv4XeTugc-njPuC6rPYAhG

16830764? ago

Lord Steven Christ's Concave Earth... Pfffttt nice fucking horseshit pile bro.

16830109? ago

Why did you leave out the part about patrolling for niggers like in your post to politics?

16830129? ago

You can't figure that one out on your own?


16830165? ago

Exactly as expected from this psyop sub

16830185? ago

Know your audience

16830144? ago

Pointing out your two faced nature is all.

16830176? ago

There is nothing two faced about my nature perhaps your thinking is limited? Is it your baseline IQ holding you down?

16830293? ago

posts to qrv, makes comments about iq. Holy shit thats a good laugh

16830303? ago

Oh you're still here?

16830320? ago

All day baby

16830352? ago

Lurks qrv, spams hate against posts uniting families and communities.

How much is JIDF paying you or are you dumb enough to do it for free?

16830365? ago

I lurk new actually. Qrv doesnt just post to qrv. What happened to that massive iq you were bragging about?

16832178? ago

He is an anti-christian shill

16830373? ago

So you have no life? That must be why you are filled with so much hate.

16830416? ago

Hate. But you hate niggers and said as much yourself. Sensing some hypocracy here. I wonder (((who))) else is known for tricks like these?

16830429? ago

There is that low IQ you are so well known for again.

16830512? ago

So no comment on the two faced nature? You were so quick to call me jidf too? Hmmm pieces all falling into place.

16830592? ago

There is that low IQ you are so well known for again.

Its been commented on. Try reading at a pace equal to your comprehension.

16830744? ago

Explain it to me rabbi

16830085? ago

Screw that!

Your first priority is to protect your family and your birthright.

Don't worry about what your neighbors are doing unless you've already stockpiled guns and ammo and supplies!

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16830093? ago

You don't understand that where we go one we go all. You wont survive the storm alone.

16840215? ago

What storm ? Can the storm be clarified?

16831661? ago

My first thought was this ^

16831863? ago

Its obvious and goes without saying that your household should be prepared. The next step separates those with low IQ and those with high IQ. Logically if your neighbors have nothing to want or need for they wont have desire to come after what is yours, logically if your neighbors are prepared and strengthened to the degree of your own household it only magnifies upon itself. Logically if their is a community and a bond your neighborhood will stand united instead of devouring itself.

Logic wins.

Logic says we are stronger together and those trying to find flaws with this are only flawed in themselves. My home is prepared for anything, i wont need to rely on anyone. If i make sure my neighbors are in the same position i only strengthen myself.

16830856? ago

The other guy is right.

Being a husband and being a father is a sacred responsibility.

It sounds like the only prepping you've done is preparing yourself to eat other people's food.

16830985? ago

The other guy is wrong and so are you.

My land and household is far more prepared than my neighbors. I have plenty of munitions and food and water for a year as well as being entirely debt free.

When you are done taking care of the things real men already took care of and if you have the meta cognition to understand this simple concept you'll see it fit to prepare others as it only strengthens yourself. You'll be raided by overwhelming numbers and you will have failed in your duty as husband and father because of your low IQ and ego.

16836939? ago


(out of upvotes, damn)

16830246? ago

Wrong again.

People will survive if they are prepared.

You have a primary duty to protect your family.

It won't matter how preachy you are - if you show up on my doorstep with your family begging for food and water then you should be ashamed and you deserve to be slapped like a bitch. You can eat your bible and your God-armor.

Grow the fuck up.

16830572? ago

Yeah your neighbors will be the first to loot your ass out if they get the chance. We don't have ANY communities any more. Just individuals competiting to see who can get more fake jew money so they can give it to the Chinese to make them fake plastic shiny shit that they can set in their fake shitty McMansion built by a herd of Mexicans. If you are not THAT then those people will look at your as if you are garbage. I know because this is my life. My net worth is way higher than them but I LOOK poor and have nothing fancy except for a pile of land that they covet. Yeah, I can't wait to get to know them better. Then when things go to hell they will all come looking to me to fix their shit because I will still have water and will still have food and will still have a bit of power and will live ok because I have my tools and my skillls and my land.

They will then realize that I got them whipped and will take what I have to sell me out. I know this because the interactions I HAVE had with them have all ended with them literally making fun of me openly in social settings. Great people ha ha ha Nope. I would rather show them the business end of my shotgun.

16830270? ago

Your low IQ is preventing you from grasping this concept and i don't think your family will survive frankly no matter how hard you try. Hopefully someone smarter than you takes care of your wife and kids for you.

16830335? ago

Wow - you went from "sincere love for your fellow man" to fantasizing about my death in record time.

Jesus would bitch slap you too.

16833199? ago

OP is antiQ

16830388? ago

You're not worth the effort for anyone to fantasize about. I really hope someone better than you comes along for your wife and kids sake, they don't need so much hate in their lives from a plague like yourself. Find peace brother

16830886? ago

Only Jesus can judge me.

16831030? ago

When your neighbors come for you because you did not see it fit that they too are prepared you'll find yourself alone and outnumbered and im sure in that day you'll be acutely aware of the judgement the lord has passed on you.

16838028? ago

What shithole do you live in?

16838034? ago

Provo Utah and i love the hell out of it.

16838527? ago

Drove though that state about 40 years ago. Was not impressed. The geography was cool, but the people and culture were the most stereotypical parody of "blandville" you could ever imagine. Food there appeared to consist of wonderbread, mayonnaise, and corporate meat.

16830053? ago

I love this.

16830069? ago

I love my neighbors and community and will fight to preserve it.

16830040? ago

QAnon is nothing without Gods armor! I pray for it every day