SearchVoatBot ago

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alakai ago

Trump could get trust the plan and Q Tattoo on ass f****** forehead and these people would still say that it's all fake like they just don't want to leave us to our LARP

alakai ago

I don't trust people who fuck dolphins

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Go back to reddit you little bitch

ScoDux ago

DOITQ.jpg is pretty solid proof you nigger jew aka black Israelite

VandalayIndustries ago

It’s human nature to want to be part of something big, that will ‘change the world’. It’s the same pull on human nature that causes faggots to join Antifa, think gommunism is awesome, think prior generations were not nearly as smart as you, etc.....

Qtards and Antifa are two sides of same retard coin. And news flash, both sides are stupid to the point of becoming insane.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Alright go ahead and show me a better proof. The "happenings" and "detla" tweets are are for cuckolds but please be our guest and enlighten us actual autists who have spent far more time on Q than you Qtards have. Thats why we are the most critical.

a_fucking_dude ago

Kids are being eaten

It's like an epidemic! And only Q, with it's long history of getting the truth out and setting tings right, can help us now.