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16831797? ago You were so critical of q not so long ago? What happened, why are you here now?

16831959? ago

While your little crush on me is cute it might do you well to understand (not that you can) that one can both be critical of Q and still support the awakening.

16832063? ago

You seem so sure of yourself that all of these comments are the same person arguing with you. You already outted yourself in the comments. Anyone who reads them can see who you are. All i did was folllow a link.

16832136? ago

You seem so sure of yourself that all of these comments are the same person arguing with you.

I happen to treat all morons in the same matters so don't flatter yourself kiddo.

16833144? ago

I happen to treat all morons in the same manner so don’t flatter yourself kiddo.

That’s mighty Christian of you, treating all people you categorize as morons (for having a different perspective) with the same level of love and respect — as you so perfectly follow in the footsteps of Christ and do your best do emulate Him.

You’ve made a convert, where do I sign up and send my tithe?

Just one more self righteous hypocrite illustrating that the church really serves Lucifer.

16833217? ago

Christ separated the wheat from the chaff don't think you are that special kiddo.

16833692? ago

What do you think we’re doing here with your fake patriot just wants a good community bullshit?

16833782? ago

  • Supporting strong cohesive unified communities against an impending doom through logical means of strengthening the whole.

yeah must be fake patriotism.

16843272? ago

As you viciously attack people who explain why it wouldn't work for them?


16832222? ago

So that line about my supposed crush on you was? What exactly if not implying i was one of these other commentors?