spaceman84 ago

They're boomers so I'd rather let the nigs have em.

Landrictree ago

I have a black thug with a white girlfriend to the left and a fat Iranian with a white girlfriend on the right.

I'm not introducing myself to shit.

baneofretail ago

All my neighbors know me, most don't speak English. I'm the o ly one in my building who knows how to shoot. The vet in the building carry corner shoots, and the vet in the building next to mine too. I scared off the resident meth head 2 months after I moved in.

Mostly mexicans who are quiet, they let me make noise in the garage and are nice to the wife. So it works out.

ozmliadozmliad ago

look im sorry for being assholish i dont mean it, im just pissed at my neighbors right now, i understand you have a job to do here and im just blowing off steam

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Its all good man i don't ever take offense just entertainment.

ozmliadozmliad ago

but the whites in my neighborhood are busy harassing my family for moving in .....i have a democratic single middle aged cat woman next door on one side, she "introduced" herself to my husband, but when she ran into me her face fell and her jaw dropped, she could only muster the courage to say hi to my dog whom i was walking at the time, shes the bitch who loves to periodically put up a sign in her window that reads "what part of meow~! don't you understand?" the other neighbors are bikers who wanted to buy this house and thought they had it in the bag with their constant covert harassment of the previous owner by calling the house into the city housing authorities for minor infractions, you see the previous owner had an employee live at the house and fix it up for sale and this employee drank and hung out with the neighbors and told them what the boss was doing, so they started the campaign that culminated with the owner being forced to paint the house in the dead of winter (im not shitting you, they fought and fought, the owner is a home builder so he knew what they were doing and resisted), so when we moved in suddenly they stalked us cause they did not know for sure what we were doing in "their house" (yes folks the "not you's" got the house you were contending for, and we got it for peanuts as the owner was so fucking motivated by this time)by the time the city GIS map updated to show ownership was in deed ours they had run into our yard several times a day to say "what are you doing?" and check out what we did to the house and "ok" it and say "that's good" (like when we called the city to trim back the trees, or fixed a window), but when we put mirror cling onto the picture window to reduce glare they went nuts like they were a tribe of ubange with bones in their noses ... their disc lipped mouth's flapping in horror .... why the ignorant savages never seen mirror window cling and thought it was voodoo, so they brought mirrors out off their walls and put them on their porches facing my house ~! OMG!~!!! HAHAHAHA, stop talking about persons of color being the only racist ignorant prejudiced tribal baboons on the planet, these cretinous baboons made their girlfriend follow me home in my car and she almost died by my hand, i have a strict policy of sacrificial assault or kamikaze in these situations, i figure my life is over and go to the nuclear option, wanna play chicken on a dark culdesac at night? never go to the secondary crime scene, i will take die in the parking lot for 500 alex .... this same group of albino baboons don't know i can shoot with both hands and can do field surgery are harassing me but also telling me that they are glad im white .... the evil ignorance greed and crazy knows no racial bounds, in this white city before they had migrants they used to kick my family about whenever possible because being 3/4 hungarian and 1/4 polish was too "ethnic" for them, dutch, german, belgium peoples

SocksOnCats ago

I know my neighbors three doors on either side of me. Everyone is friendly except for the jews. The jews were rude assholes to us the month we moved in (over some really petty stuff) and they’re still rude. Nobody in the neighborhood likes them.

I know a lot more neighbors than this. Just wish we could get rid of (((them))).

Hand_of_Node ago

You could if you wanted to.

flashrucker ago

But the third door down is a nigger. Hope they move out soon. They leave trash fucking everywhere. I know it's then. Never caught them in the act. But this only started to happen once they moved in. The trash is always by there car.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I know all my neighbors. They all know me. I'm the guy with an open carry 1911 that got the white nigger meth heads shut down.

The white niggers that used to be here know me extremely well.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

carry on and fuck the kikes

syme_newspeakagent ago

we stay inside here where i live in a “diversified neighborhood” &peek out windows when we hear noises- -i dont know what my neighbors look like except the fat guy across the street who i see carrying a case of beer every other day home frm the nig infested krogers at the corner -i have 2x4 across all my entrance doors-

based nigras roam the streets here w impudence- -its racist to call police if you see them acting up-& theres like a 1/2 hr response time on calls & creepy st people know it- honestly trying to figure out how to sell this once nice white neighborhood house & flee to the mtns somewhere-sick of paying &watching my taxes being used to prop these ‘people’ up

we live in fear in my neighborhood &everyone has ‘protection’ -honestly can say id rather not meet any of my white neighbors there getting as bad as the nogs ... -im on my own here-this is the lowest vibrating ‘community’ i have ever experienced w its form of ‘diversity’ more like nig nog lawlessness -the whites here are all on pills,alcohol,heroin,crack,meth ... -whilst the nogs run rampant within 10blcks of me-half the crime or more doesnt get reported but we are seeing the police drive around more &there is hope because more people are being affected by the lawlessness &getting pissed-i live in the #1 worst city last yr in usa-can u guess my location? -i’ll give you a hint: theres somthin in the water that makes people retrded here ...

TheWorstImaginable ago

Yea.. most of the white people I've met in my life have been trash. The jew propaganda works!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

How did it get that way? The neighbors got silent and stopped working as a team.

syme_newspeakagent ago

the men were worked to death & farmed for taxes ... -theres a few widows on this blck (3-4) but the rest is like i described -welfare ignorance &low IQ to blame-im starting to realize thats what the werd ‘poverty’ really means not just a poor person-or poor area-serious deficiencies in life skillls or gumption- the widows are obviously trapped but theres a serious amount of LIF white folks in this area-[low intellectual functioning]- i think its by design tho for the most part-this WAS one of the 5 richest cities in usa at one time-before the auto industries pulled out-im getting close to naming this place now—too much info-lol

i see this in alot of once industrialized US cities -the caste lines are being drawn daily -once thriving blue collar towns are nothing but nog infested ghost towns where everyone has a ‘hustle’ to get by -its like were in weimerica ....

Beorn ago

Move out of cities as soon as you can afford to.

tokui ago

Don't work when they're all libs.

mrpapagiorgio ago

My neighbor across the street already is with me. So is across to the left. Across to right is for sale. To right is Guamanians (Chomorrows), good people. To left is Mexican gang friendly/affiliated guys that keep it low key, take care of the house, don't cause problems. to rear is mixed white/mexican family. Don't trust them. I have 9 years and 7 months til retirement. I'm outta this ghetto ASAP and off to greener pastures. Idaho, Utah, maybe even some Southern enclave.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Utah is going to be the last bastion of the white race.

mrpapagiorgio ago

Well, at the rate they're importing Mexicans, muslims, and islanders they might be 10 years behind Idaho.

Assburgersandfries ago

Mormons are basically Islams with fewer stupid hats and more sunburn.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Don't forget the mandated year food storage and ammunition hoarding.

Assburgersandfries ago

I mean, that's just good common sense.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You'll find that despite all the crazy things with the Mormon church we have a surplus on common sense. Some members still believe in santa, as for those in the real club we couldn't care less what others know about what we know.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Civil_Warrior ago

And let niggers and nigger lovers know your employer and work hours? Nigger please.

CameraCode ago

member for 16 days

Don't try to go out and influence and build your community, goy.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You think thats bad you should see the shitshow over at the QRV version for normies.

CameraCode ago

Yeah, I've seen it. Not really a surprise because shills love anonymous posting to appear as multiple users, and they see Q people as much more able to be influenced. The rest of us goats are pretty much a lost cause to them.

I really think you're on to something with building and influencing your community, shills know it's how we actually make an impact and respond as such.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Maybe you should man up and move where your neighbors aren't niggers.