16430611? ago

The latest two episodes of Gotham have scenes in the Vanderbilt pool -- where supposed pedo "stuff" happened.

16358787? ago

You should post this in v/pizzagate to troll Esotericshade, TTT, AWS and all the rest.

We know someone at Comet is watching us closely...it'll really chap their ass :-)

16358981? ago

Just did ;) I like your thinking.


16359633? ago

Ha. You got a downvote. Over the target!

16358755? ago

Nice index, GP! Rock on.

16358737? ago

Thanks for the ping. :-)

16358704? ago

Thank you it's mine!


16370172? ago

I know! This is Srayzie! đŸ‘đŸ»

16516176? ago

Dont fucking lie, you are FoT bitch.

16370227? ago


16358573? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment by @16358563.

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16309656? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @gamepwn.

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16136034? ago

i'm not a techfag but this would be great: anyone with skills, make a compilation of what happened to the hempstead cover-up. it's stunning and selfexplainatory how they work; first the kids speak freely exposing devestating evidence for their satinic father, than father appears w bbc journalist crying how his kids lied on everything (bad actor).next the children have been masonically programmed (tortured/ threathened w. dead?)and deny everything they previously stated, then the children are taken away from the only one that could protect them; their mother (who lost custody over them). Mother needs to flee the country cause her life is endangered. The father now has custody over the kids and years later pop- up with two "happy" smiling heavily abused, children in a commercial. It's stomach turning evidence how these sick personalities get away with it all. And this exposes (((their))) system and network. a compilation could tie it together in just a few minutes. Just as a reminder AND a red pill, why we fight fight fight !

16127830? ago

Great list, TY. So good I had to archive it. https://archive.fo/j17KK


16125950? ago

Add this fren. Avicii. Died at 28 under mysterious circumstances. Watch it if you haven't already. MAKES ME FUCKING SICK, it shows the truth.


16124725? ago

Theres actual evidence to support pedogate. Q alarp, not so much.

16124676? ago

Post your stuff in QRV where it was recommended Q people go. The mods in pg and the name pg are ____

16123144? ago

I read somewhere a day or 2 ago that they follow an agenda that believes they can become Gods by raping young virgins in a Universe the act supposedly generates and seemingly, they believe this implicitly...

16122512? ago

EXCELLENT post, please archive videos if you can

16122464? ago

On the most recent Survivor tv series (CBS), fall 2018, the immunity necklace had metal circles along the edge and each had a pedo symbol (like the fbi symbols)

16122285? ago

speaking of the whole pedo thing - anyone else see this? Man - my spidey senses went all haywire reading this supposedly innocent story - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6591577/World-told-12-Thai-cave-boys-swim-freedom-lie-soothe-parents.html

The whole time that was going on, I was getting weird vibes about it from the get go. Then they talk about a Doctor who was skilled in sedating boys, the handcuffs and knocking them out, etc etc. I know we got them out, but I can't help but feel there's more to this story. Anyone else??

16122046? ago

Hence the recent post re sedition being the least of their problems

16120450? ago

Are they rotating us like crops of humans for harvesting? The last time North America was clear cut was the genocide of Native Americans https://youtu.be/Tg-BiN6egmg https://youtu.be/gTAzkX8i9KM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvzfvycIjg4 And collecting our DNA data to know where we are. The arm "moderate rebels" ISIS, MS-13, Fast and Furious, Libya, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc... Produce slaves and donors...

I think this is the "treatment" RBG and other elites had available to her that isn't available to everyone. Their quickest wait for a transplant was 4 hours but they average a week or two. I can't imagine buying a human for organs is much more expensive than the $100 average price of a live slave. Why is no one talking about the UN taking testimony on organ harvesting by the White Helmets in Syria?

16120063? ago

Nicely done anon... questions (I probably should know).

1) Who are the WHITE RABBITS? (Saudi's?)

2) Where is the island in this post?

https://qmap.pub/read/1001 (not Epsteins is it?)

16118294? ago

Fag John Kiriakou supplied a kid to one of his informants after his informant requested a child. Stop posting this creed name and video.

16117399? ago

Let's all watch the ACB confirmation.

The DEMONcrats are literally going to be begging to keep their human-child sacrifice.


16117016? ago

If anybody wants to wake anyone up, tell them to watch "The Keepers" on Netflix. That documentary provides just a sampling of how the Catholic church, police officers, doctors, and politicians have been involved with raping and molesting children. Also, how people are murdered when they try to prove it.

16116969? ago

This is what angers me the most out of all of it. More than anything these sickos could do. Kids man. Kids! I want them to SUFFER for what they've done to children. Ain't no sense lying about it, God knows my heart. It sickens me to think what they've done to kids. As mentioned, I also know God knows all about it and then some. I trust His plan and I trust the plan. I can not claim that I understand either but I know enough to be sure of both.

16116024? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=wRfLK2KX-t0&t=133sYouTubeYouTube :

Corey Feldman on Hollywood pedophilia - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=YncP-VEOu8UYouTubeYouTube :

Elijah Wood on Hollywood pedophilia - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=5S0gcS5HQcI&t=541sYouTubeYouTube :

Former CIA agent Robert Steele exposes Pizzagate - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=qZ0uII_Hxgk&t=16sYouTubeYouTube :

Former CIA agent John Kiriakou exposes Pizzagate - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=gvNXbNlY2vA&t=15sYouTubeYouTube :

Wiltshire Police Chief Mike Veale on U.K. Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath elite pedophilia - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=44NZK7IizzQYouTubeYouTube :

Member of U.K. Parliament Tom Watson exposing British elite pedo cover up - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=aggYUDIW700&t=623sYouTubeYouTube :

Belgian Member of Parliament Laurent Louis on elite child sex trafficking - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=WbxoTMe-qxk&t=71sYouTubeYouTube :

Former U.S. Department Of State official Steve Pieczenik - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=GBa6CgkZI9k&t=1970sYouTubeYouTube :

An Interview with Senator John DeCamp on the Franklin Cover-up - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=fSEBAV4ZueA&t=100sYouTubeYouTube :

Member of U.K. Parliament Barbara Castle exposing British elite pedo cover up - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=CBPEwSPisLI&t=47sYouTubeYouTube :

Former CBS News reporter Ben Swann on Pizzagate - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=0Hxd_sRmEvU&t=52sYouTubeYouTube :

True Detective Pizzagate - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

16116008? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Pr75sVEtBcuw - ( Member of U.K. Parliament Tom Watson exposing B... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/rcnY79eLg2A2 - ( Former CIA agent Robert Steele exposes Pizzagate )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ee6bipJzpFrG - ( Former CBS News reporter Ben Swann on Pizzagate )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/ijieDsAz2pAU - ( An Interview with Senator John DeCamp on the Fr... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/iZscogoj0SlB - ( Former U.S. Department Of State official Steve ... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/WHDq3eU6o5li - ( Elijah Wood on Hollywood pedophilia )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/NCTH4D40uePe - ( Belgian Member of Parliament Laurent Louis on e... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/oZFODP2XN3p0 - ( Member of U.K. Parliament Barbara Castle exposi... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/L5kFrHEmglTi - ( Wiltshire Police Chief Mike Veale on U.K. Prime... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/0TzWqaFtmQXp - ( Former CIA agent John Kiriakou exposes Pizzagate )

16115973? ago

How has Mark McGrath(sugar ray) not been arrested yet?

16115679? ago

do you want to play a game? imagine what kind of inspiration would cause this art https://imgur.com/a/Ol3jJ/all

16115202? ago

The only people who've forgotten what those sick fucks do to children are the ones who should be prosecuting those sick fucks. But nope, they just walk away free and continue to rape and murder kids to this day while you fucking Q tards keep saying "any day now."

16116556? ago

trust Sessions.

16123979? ago


16114931? ago

Thanks for the reminder. We need to stay vigilant. Normies keep saying I need to lift my spirits... I don’t understand how normal fucking faggots are not outraged by the child abuse. Our society fuels outrage for the most insignificant fucking issues in the world like plastic straws and Islamophobia - but organized child sex trafficking and ritual abuse is ignored!!!!!

16114907? ago

Over the target anon!!! It's getting mighty shilly in here.

16114542? ago

Too much walnut sauce on the map

16114366? ago

Did Q forget? He's the one dragging this shit out. What the Fuck are we waiting on now? Does he want kids to be raped into dust? Went through all the bullshit with kav. Went through midterms. ( I won't even bring up the dems showing up with votes after the fact ) after that it was gotta get to jan 1st. Now no one even mentions the eo and suddenly some anons are actually starting to talk about 2020 which is absurd.

Ask Q about the fucking kids.

16114982? ago

What is the current focus of Q right now? Why aren’t we taking matters into our own hands?

16114317? ago

The REAL question is: "When is Q going to arrest the pedos and put them in jail?"

16124388? ago

Why do you think Q is going to arrest anyone? If you do a search, you'll see how many have been arrested since the 2016 election. The Trump admin is on it, and most who do their research know this.

16117968? ago

Has to all be done at once. Arresting anyone high level now tips off the other perps who may have counter measures in place.

But you knew this, didn't you shitshill?

16118799? ago

Which also brings the question: Why not 'out' them and be slow to respond to 911 calls for them?

I get this is a military operation and all, but if you make them known publicly you take away their freedom. They have no choice but to hole up in a secure compound and move in armored columns. Restricts their movement and ability to communicate.

16125157? ago

Why not 'out' them and be slow to respond to 911 calls for them?

Soo.. we out a bunch of pedophiles, suddenly we have open warfare and crazy vigilantes running amok all throughout the country.

We're slow to respond to 911 calls, well, government officials don't respond to 911 calls, emergency workers do. We can't tell everyone to be slow to 911 calls because it's immoral as fuck. Someone could've been hit by a car outside one of these properties or a kid could grab hold of a means of defense and hold a perp hostage waiting for police to arrive, only for the perp to overpower the kid in the time they waited.

It's not an easy situation, but all the same, action should be swift and more conclusive than it has been. Maybe we just don't have all the facts yet.

16128476? ago

One way of seeing a solution to a problem. We don't think the same way. Quite frankly, I was seeing it as an opportunity to change the terrain upon which the pedo are deployed from one that provides concealment to one that is hostile.

Pedos, from your next door neighbor to someone with a Secret Service SHOULD live in fear of being victims of vigilante justice...the law almost ensures they'll walk.

As for the morality involved...we're at war. Rules of engagement in theaters of operation differ somewhat than most think. Tragic, to be sure, but an operation can't be compromised due to 'feelings.'

16128863? ago

Pedos, from your next door neighbor to someone with a Secret Service SHOULD live in fear of being victims of vigilante justice...the law almost ensures they'll walk.

The problem is that you can't trust vigilante justice. It's like the Salem Witch Trials all over again. And you have to think that a lot of these people are going to be looking for 'payback' on actually innocent people. It's just not worth it.

16151948? ago

That's assuming vigilantes actually succeed in exacting their form of justice. Capability is just as important as will and ability. The mere threat of it changes the terrain they're deployed upon.

Those with the means fort up behind walls, both physical and legal. Those without...who oftentimes prove to be part of a supply chain as opposed to end consumer may end up feeding the beast they unleashed. We're all ultimately responsible for the repercussions of our actions and choices.

If you're lucky, you pay for mistakes up front. If you're not, you pay with compounded interest. That's how life works.

16118602? ago

Where can they go? Are you telling me that a few old rich fat fucks can outrun the CIA, FBI, NSA and US Military? You freeze their assets and hunt them down like dogs. We have satellites in space that can read license plates. Where they fuck are they going to hide?

16114299? ago

Even if shills are being paid, I honestly can't fathom how they could work for people like that and still look in the mirror every day

16114734? ago

And yet, some of these people that are mostly protect the pedos and shills on Voat. Pretty fucking sickening.

16114140? ago

The Pedophiles that have been busted has nothing to do with the FAKE NEWS Pizzagate. Pizzagate was cooked up conspiracy theory by a conspiracy theory follower.

On 4 November 2016, Reddit user u/DumbScribblyUnctious published a thread titled “Comet Ping Pong – Pizzagate Summary” to subreddit r/The_Donald (a community of Donald Trump supporters), which appears to have touched off a complex and detailed conspiracy theory involving WikiLeaks’ release of e-mails from former Hillary Clinton presidential campaign chair John Podesta, child exploitation, and a Washington, D.C., pizzeria called Comet Ping Pong.

None of this elaborate conspiracy theory was true, as all media and news papers reported. Including Bill O'Reilly, Hannity, and other well grounded and critical thinking people.

None of it was true. While [Comet Ping Pong pizzeria owner James] Alefantis has some prominent Democratic friends in Washington and was a supporter of Mrs. Clinton, he has never met her, does not sell or abuse children, and is not being investigated by law enforcement for any of these claims. He and his 40 employees had unwittingly become real people caught in the middle of a storm of fake news.

“From this insane, fabricated conspiracy theory, we’ve come under constant assault,” said Mr. Alefantis, 42, who was once in a relationship with David Brock, a provocative former right-wing journalist who became an outspoken advocate for Mrs. Clinton.

Although the original “Pizzagate” post was deleted at some point between 4 and 21 November 2016, archived versions of it contained what appeared to be the original post in its entirety.

There is no enormous Refrigerated room under Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria as local law enforcement and the FBI reported.

Edgar M. Welch, a 28-year-old and avid AI Q follower apparently concerned, Mr. Welch drove about six hours on Sunday from his home to Comet Ping Pong to see the situation for himself, according to court documents. Not long after arriving at the pizzeria, the police said, he fired from an assault-like AR-15 rifle. The police arrested him. They found a rifle and a handgun in the restaurant. No one was hurt.


16114815? ago

Gosh, this is either John Podesta or his BBF James Alefentis that wrote this comment.

We found the basement you fucking tards, it was somewhere else in an art gallery down the street.

16114886? ago


Photo shopped and the Art Gallery said there was no such thing and the Law Enforcement Authorities and FBI said it doesn't exist there either.

Woooooo Hooooo look at the NPC Q-tards monkey see monkey do mentality.

16114997? ago

Oh ok pedo diddler, come out of anonymous bitch see how much shit you talk then.

16115073? ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah .. how many times are you going to bloviate that line of pea sized analogy?

Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth?

Ewe me so scared ... NOT!

16115116? ago

Wow so smart yet you said nothing worthwhile..

16115455? ago



Report the Podesta boys.

Lets see what reply you get. Dim wit. wit.

Unlike you Q-tards I actually reported it.

I was informed it was a conspiracy theory. Good luck dumb fuck.

16115868? ago

Someone is running a bot, everything you spew is nonsense..

Lol, analogy..

16115997? ago




I suggEst you contact these folks and report the Podesta boys. I already did.

I was told in a letter sent to my home.


Good luck.

You have two parts of brain, 'left' and 'right'. In the left side, there's nothing right. In the right side, there's nothing left.

16114604? ago

So what is a "Pizza related napkin with a map on it"?

Why was it so important for those random kids to be playing in a pool for John Podesta, for "entertainment"?

And what are "dominoes on pizza"?

16115129? ago

Holy shit, it's not that hard to figure out.

1) Podesta and friends rented a house in Martha's Vineyard, after they vacated, the realtor who arranged the rental noticed that they left behind some sort of napkin on the kitchen island. The realtor told Sandler, and Sandler emailed Podesta to see if he wanted it back. Podesta said it was his, but not worth worrying about.

So the question for you fucktards is: What do YOU think it was? The consensus among the retard community is that it was a Satanic child rape cum-rag... which Podesta was so unworried about, he allowed a realtor (who he didn't even know) to do whatever she wanted to do with it.

2) The kids weren't in the pool for "entertainment", you stupid fuckstick. It was a standard party invitation, with 9 women and 8 men on the invite. The host was letting the other guests know that they were welcome to let their own kids swim in the pool, and it would be heated because during the fall, pools are generally not warm. It's a common courtesy to give your kids' ages when you invite other people with kids... it helps your guests to know if there will be other kids for their kids to play with.

To top it off, to a normal person "entertainment" means watching kids play around in the pool. To a latent pedo pizzatard like yourself, it means jacking off while watching kids play in the pool.

3) John and Mary Podesta usually send 83 year old Herb Sandler an Xmas gift of pasta and sauces. This year, they surprised him with a cheese assortment. Since the Podestas (John, Mary and their daughter) routinely get together with the Sandlers to play dominos. Since he got "skunked" last time after they played after a pasta dinner, Herb wonders if the cheese will improve his luck.

Again the question is: What do YOU think they're talking about? Don't say "I don't know"... that's a cop out. Own your pedo fantasies, you sick bastard.

Here's the part where you jump in and call me a shill or pedo-defender. Because you're projecting.

16116241? ago

Oh yeah.

You are triggered.

So no explanation for what a pizza related map is then?

And yes that rmail accentuated those children would DEFINITELY be in that pool.

16117134? ago

Here's one possibility. Infinitely more plausible than anything pizzatards have come up with, and would explain perfectly why he didn't care about getting it back.

Let's hear your latent pedo theory about what it is. I guess the question is: Will you be able to get all the way through describing it without busting a nut?

Kids like pools, stupid. If there is a pool around, it doesn't matter how cold it is outside, or how cold the water is... kids will DEFINITELY get in that pool. I guess you don't have any kids, right? Probably a good thing.

16120190? ago

The person not engaging in insults is generally the one with the stronger argument.

Keep insulting lol!!!

So what is that pizza related napkin with a map again???

16120379? ago

The person making the stronger argument has the stronger argument. Insults have nothing to do with it... they are just the gravy on top.

You've posted three stupid "questions" that have each been batted down with minimal effort.

You lose.

16121854? ago

Only a logical answer can address those questions and you have not provided such.

So what is a pizza related napkin with a map on it?

Why was it sooooo important that those children were in the pool for entertainment?

16124476? ago

Jesus fuckin' Christ, you're thick.

Here's a napkin with a pizza-related map on it. Sandler never saw the napkin/handkerchief, she was only going off of the realtor's description. We aren't privy to the conversations she had in the interim with the realtor... only what she emailed Podesta. Judging by his reaction to it ("It's mine, but it's not worth worrying about."), it almost sounds like it just might be... something unimportant.

I'd really, really like to see one of you faggots just for once detail your theory about this email exchange. You cunts are always like, "uhhh... I don't know, it's weird..." but you're too chickenshit to offer up your alternate theory. What is the pizza-related map in your pedo fan-fiction? A little kid? A cum-rag?

It wasn't "sooooooo important" for the children to be in the pool, you daft fucking cunt. Luzatto was just telling the other guests that a) her grandkids were coming to the party, b) one of the other attendees (Bonnie Levin) would be giving them a ride to the party, c) since it's late in the season and chilly, the pool would be heated, and d) kids really enjoy swimming pools, so they are probably going to be in the swimming pool.

If you think "entertainment" refers to something sexual, I'm going to need you to elaborate exactly what kind of perversion you are imagining in your sick, pedo mind. Nine women and eight men, and their spouses and their children, at an afternoon picnic... abusing Luzatto's grandkids in the swimming pool?


You are one sick fuck.

16126680? ago

Damn Podesta, you are annnngry.

Where did the realtor say it was pizza related? Or that it had a map on it? Oh right she didn't mention that.

And again why were the ages of those kids so important? And why so important they would be in the pool for entertainment?

16127401? ago

How are you ever going to masturbate again once this stuff fades away?

16134350? ago

John P, let's grab lunch. I would love for you to explain those emails and not just falsely claim they were debunked.

16136724? ago

No thanks. I don't hang out with pedos.

Here's a lunch suggestion, though... put a shotgun in your mouth, pull trigger! :-) LOL

16136784? ago

Ok so many replies deep and you have no answer for my questions.

No shocker from a pedosupporter like yourself.

You are dismissed.

16136840? ago

You have been provided replies over and over again in this exchange.

You just don't want to see them. You'd rather continue to fantasize about child rape.

Kill yourself. Do society a favor.

16115293? ago

Well this commenting fag is on my ignore list, and only GA and PG mods are on it so it narrows it down to 1 person. Thank you for outting yourself dumbass!

16115552? ago

Really? Who am I dweeb?

16115633? ago

You think I am going to dox you so can cry you are a victim?

Don't be a dumbass.

16115869? ago



Contact the FBI about the Posesta boys dweeb. You'll find out what answers you get.



Calling 800-4-A-Child connects you with the Childhelp National Abuse Hotline.



Go for it MR. Obvious.

16114733? ago

Hey, if you choose to believe a lie that is on you. Ever heard of PHOTO SHOP?

16114892? ago

Its from podestas emails..released by wikileaks...they are real.

16114976? ago

Mmm hmmm ... gotcha bruh.

Tell ya what slick. Get ahold of these folks and lets see if the Podesta boys are arrested. Aye?




I have a 1000.00 that they are not arrested because it is all bullshit.

16115671? ago

So you are going to bet your EBT card on this? Pathetic.

16115688? ago


16114790? ago

You seem angry at my request. Facts and tough questions are usually triggering to NPCs.

So you have no explanation for those emails?

You do know that wikileaks has never released anything not genuine?

16114851? ago

Uh .. the links are above.

Angry? LOL

No , I am quite happy thank you very much.

The only NPC's I see around here are the monkey see monkey do AI Q followers.

Photo Shopped. Deal with it.

16115029? ago

Faggot shill fucking piece of shit. Your days are numbered

16115063? ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah .. how many times are you going to bloviate that line of pea sized analogy?

Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth?

16114972? ago

Those links do not provide any evidence the emails are fraudulent.

What else ya got?

16115725? ago

Donna Brazille thought the same about those emails, but she had to admit she was wrong, and your Master DWS had to resign over the DNC emails, so keep thinking that retard.

16116220? ago

What are you talking about?

I am pro Q and challenging the shills to provide evidence that the podesta emails were fraudulent.

16115034? ago

Tell ya what slick. Contact the folks below.



Contact these folks and see how much you do not know.

16116253? ago

So dodging then eh?

16116444? ago

For most people truth is what they think it is. It’s easier to lie to someone than to convince someone that they have been lied to. There’s no one bluff than he or she who will not see the truth that is totally present in front of them.

Many people in this reality are still under the spell of what I call the False Reality. What's so ironic is, a falsehood only needs one juncture and a lot more shielding falsehoods to make people believe it. Conditioning is what makes us believe that which you believe is totally palpable.

In denial. I get it.

Why don't you actually put in the work and contact the authorities.

Nah .. you'll pass because you do not want your delusions destroyed.

16120216? ago

Why would I contact the authorities? They already have it and are probably investigating.

But all this is you dodging my questions.....I wonder why that is

16122056? ago

If you were really serious about any of this you would get actively involved. The authorities already investigated. Contact them. Find out and see for yourself if I am full of shit.

16122451? ago

The FBI and DOJ do not comment on ongoing investigations.

You should know that by now.

Yet you still dodge my questions.....Is that you John?

16122605? ago

Report the E-mails to them. Yeah they answer.

I got a letter pal.

"Conspiracy Theory."

Investigation is over.

I answered your questions. You're just that dull.

Nope. Not John.

16123098? ago

Share the letter.

Let's see it.

And you answered nothing. Try again.

16123123? ago


Yeah I answered.

I'm glad to see you're not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance.

16123140? ago

Still no facts from you refuting the podesta pedo emails.

Just insults.

How is Hillary?

16123719? ago



Make sure you read the whole article.





Cybersecurity experts interviewed by PolitiFact believe the majority of emails are probably unaltered, while stating it is possible that the hackers inserted at least some doctored or fabricated emails into the collection.

16124048? ago

I love how each of those links do nothing to explain the emails in question.

They just attack the lack of a basement, which was never in the emails to begin with.

You're gonna have to do better chester.

16124162? ago

I knew it. I called it.

I don't think you are stupid. You just have a bad luck when thinking.

16126688? ago

I am still waiting for your explanation Podesta.....

16114871? ago

Look at how you went around that users question on Wikileaks. Little scared shilly bitch.

16114897? ago

I don't engage in mental combat with the unarmed. I don't do research for lazy fat people either. Got a computer? Do the research Q-tard.

16114994? ago

Translation: I have no evidence and Q + wikileaks triggers me. My only recourse is to call you lazy.

16115079? ago

You're lazy or so stupid you do not know how to do research on a computer. So which is it?

16114919? ago

Wikileaks is alot more credible than you stupid fuck.

16115022? ago

Tell ya what slick. Contact the folks below.



See how far you get with your conspiracy theory.

16115095? ago

I'll do you one better if you want to see links.

Oh yeah because Corey Feldman, Elijah Woods, Former FBI director Ted Gunderson, Former CIA agents Kevin Shipp, Robert Steele, and John Kiriakou, Senator John Decamp, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, U.S. Department Of State official Steve Pieczenik, Former FBI agent Sibel Edmonds, U.K. Parliament member Barbara Castle, U.K. Parliament member Tom Watson, Wiltshire Police Chief Mike Veale, U.K. Parliament member Laurent Louis, and multiple others are all conspiracy shill.

All I posted on my YouTube channel.











The same symbols in this video are in True Detective.



They also appear in Law and Order.


Eat shit faggot.

16115270? ago

You Tube?! Bwahahahahaha

Oh yeah those are great links. PFFT!



Get a hold of these folks and you'll find out everything you don't know.


Get educated.

If there was any tuth to it the Podesta boys would be in the clink dumb shit.

16115282? ago

Stay ignorant dumb fuck. We are not going to stay quiet any longer for sickos and you will hang with them for defending them.

16115329? ago




Report the Podesta boys with all your so called evidence.

Listen slick, if it were true they would be in the clink.

You have two parts of brain, 'left' and 'right'. In the left side, there's nothing right. In the right side, there's nothing left.

16113767? ago

How is asking a single word question downplaying child trafficking?

Oh, I asked OP a question, am I a kiddy raping shill now?

16115050? ago

Because it doesn’t contribute to the conversation. Imagine walking into a board meeting with all the directors and asking “when?” Or “why?” Questions that don’t add anything of value.

I’d ask the annoying faggot to shut the fuck up and leave this to the professionals.

16115084? ago

well maybe if your boardroom wasn't filled with ignorant retards they wouldn't be askin questions!

16115377? ago

Then the CEO should fire you for being a reknob then.

16113696? ago

Pedo arrests have skyrocketed under Trump.

If the animals at the top are not taken down, what is the point?

Satanists will still hold high office and Hollywood will still be ran by them. They will not be deterred from their evil practices.

The masses will never know.

16125554? ago

Do you have sources on pedo arrests going up under trump?

16127161? ago

Hard to find. Nothing MSM, nothing since 2015 from FBI or DOJ. Tried to reply with links and encountered an error repeatedly.

While looking for information it became clear to me there are powerful people who do not want information on human trafficing and pedo arrests to be common knowledge

16122322? ago

This article seems to imply the process has begun - https://m.beforeitsnews.com/v3/celebrities/2019/2475565.html

16122974? ago

Not the best resource.

Sure would be sweet though.

16149953? ago

Thx, I don't know a lot about that source. Just thought I'd check with this group.

16116276? ago

As SGT Report pretty much said in their latest video yesterday, if we can't even protect our children from being corrupted and abused, wats the point - all is lost!

We have to expose these monsters and destroy their sick corrupt world. And SOON!!

16116451? ago

We have always had corrupt politicians. We still managed to flourish because these corrupt politicians feared the people.

Now they do not fear the people because they have successfully blinded them to their evil deeds. THAT must change. They must be in fear of their very lives for committing atrocities even Hitler and his minions shied away from.

16117100? ago

Politics as a career is the problem. Perhaps once the dust is settled we can form a new government in that no one could hold office more than 4years. Period. Not 4 as the dog catcher and then 4 as the mayor and then 4 as the comptroller. 4 and done. Make is mandatory like military service in Israel. Every eligible adult serve in some capacity and then get a REAL JOB. Make people accountable and FOR THE PEOPLE, not for the few.

16114799? ago

Arrests of Traffickers as well. Which is a source of their income to fund black budget ops. That's why the border wall is such a huge deal, it will effectively cut off their income on all the shit that's trafficked across the border. Schumer and Pelosi know this. You can't just go after Those at the top first. You need to cripple their supply lines, and throw out bogus dates of "happening" to get the DS to expand their cash reserves on false flags and other delay tactics.

Bankrupt the fuckers so they've nothing left to retaliate, then replace the whole damn system of control (Central Banks) with actual currency. After their pockets are empty, then you can safely perpwalk Clinton and the like.

16114475? ago

Why are you still here, then? To demoralize the user base?

16114854? ago

Yes. Mostly noobies. They understand that they won't have any affect on the hardened anons. We've seen too much. They want to get the fencers. They want to consensus crack and astroturf.

The next thing they do when they get called out is "im just questioning! Are we not allowed to question Q? Youre a cult!" And "I just do this for fun"

Theyre very predictable as if it's a top-down operation where they are given scripts..😉

16123772? ago

By the replies, you’re over the target with the truth bombs. Nicely called out. Good work!

16120272? ago

You people really are insane.

You're as bad as the leftists and their intolerance for independent thought.

16115479? ago

Theyre very predictable as if it's a top-down operation where they are given scripts.

And a boatload of alts and 4 or 5 devices for the DV brigade.

16114796? ago

To enlighten the user base. I have in a very short four months seen a significant change for the worse.

16113621? ago

I wonder about the v/pizzagate mods myself. THey have buried or shunned topics related to the esoteric & harassed members until other members don't trust them.

16114873? ago

Crensch, srayzie, shitzy, mollochhunter are all one person and all of the accounts protect pedos and attack people investigating them.

I hope this fuck are also arrested too, copy that @srayzie the trannzy?

16130174? ago

srayzie and all that bunch over there are just obvious shills, I called them out well before the downfall of r/GA. Shills just have a very predictable behavior.

16118182? ago

OK, so The Savant must also be another alt of the same group because I noticed srayzie always calls peoplle a little bitch.

16115627? ago

Fuck off donkey, you cunt. Your name might be anonymous but I can smell your shit breath from here.

Sincerely, The Savant. (Because I won't hide like a little bitch, come at me anytime ESOTERICSHILL)

16113599? ago

Not one of the listed drops mentions anything about people eating children. Careless extrapolations and inferences do not help this cause.

16113637? ago

"Alex Podesta's Portrayal of White Rabbits Kidnapping, Torturing and Consuming Kids"


16113853? ago

Yeah that's not IN the drop. That's just some title an underling later added for a search term.

16113768? ago

You would do well to learn that the titles on qmap.pub are added by whoever runs that site. They are not generated or approved by Q, nor do they occur in the drops themselves. If you find a drop where Q actually refers to pedovores, as you claimed in the OP title, by all means let us know.

16114926? ago

I agree with the other commentor, pub is ran by NeonRevolt’s crew and Srayzie cries about how NR is a fake and yet trannzy srayzie pretends he is his nemesis, but cannot explain how theawakening and greatawakening is combined (along with qrv) and the faggot has no problem with that.

Let that sink in.

16113590? ago

Good job anon

16113535? ago

...oh, somebody here will find out about my INTEL !.......iguess...

I AM Q !



wwg1wga>Scott Free


Godspeed PATRIOTS !


16113485? ago

@realDonaldTrump 88 days for Jayme Closs.

Donald Trump numerology = 88 ... the suspect is being tried in BARRON county... what in the... !!!

16117605? ago

YES!! I brought this up 3 days back>>


16113784? ago

So Trump False Flagged Jayme Closs? I know he used to use the alias John Barron too.

16114006? ago

Or maybe something beyond our comprehension is happening ! ~~

16114959? ago

Ut oh, John Titor May be involved.

16114048? ago

Ever see that Lincoln / JFK one? Like Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln and Lincoln secretary was named Kennedy. That's a pretty cool one.

16124046? ago

There is a movie starring one of the peerage family members called ' The Lincoln Lawyer '. Recent flick.

16113477? ago

more Pizzagate Sub publicity...

Top Themes

Mockingbird / Fake News6.47%




Clowns in America (CIA)4.05%

Social Media / Big Tech3.70%

FBI / DOJ3.49%

DC Swamp / Deep State3.43%



North Korea2.29%

Fisagate / Memos2.27%

Pedogate / Human Trafficking2.08%

16113453? ago

Many of the shills themselves are guilty of pedophilia - even if not yet** convicted. That is why shilling is the only job many of them can even get. Stopping the Q movement is not just a job for them. It is the desperate attempt to delay the inevitable exposure of their own crimes that maniacally motivates them. Every shill on this board and elsewhere have an unrelenting fear of going to prison for their crimes if Q wins.

16113834? ago

Not really. I do it for laughs. I get bored at work.

16115611? ago

I was bored too so I made this for you!


16115004? ago

Shills say this.. Every time.

Funniest part is, they admit theyre at WORK...SHILLING...

LOL. Shills are fucking stupid.

16115589? ago

Yeah that was really dumb, already made archive of comment.

https://voat.co/v/QRV/2972267/16113834 https://archive.fo/SuHKE

16114509? ago

If you need to troll/shill an online forum on your work time to get a laugh, your life must be pretty fucking horrible

16123180? ago

Seriously. Wasting your time and your employers money. Thank you for your contribution to the betterment of humanity.

16114335? ago

So you can LARP as someone who's funny. Nice! Keep trying!

16114433? ago

Will do. Nice to get encouragement every once and a while. It gets really ugly on this site with all the eating babies stuff.