knight222 ago

Very good summary. Thanks you.

jay_howard ago

In what world are anonymous 4chan posts "evidence" of anything other than assholes?

Here's the real test: Can you find any reference to the "coded language" supposedly used in Podesta's emails before they got hacked by Russian GRU?

The_Crusader ago

shit. That news story with the symbols.....

ive seen the podesta pics before. clearly a sick fuck, no normal person has S&M kid drawings like that.

im subscribing to this sub because I need to look further in to this.

MrShekelstein ago

Except Trump now has the actual videos of that island which is something they have never had before.

Not to mention that Q gave us a nice little glimpse of them.

SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

I cross posted!

gamepwn ago

I appreciate that!

srayzie ago

I added more of more links to it. You should cross post this stuff that includes Q silly. I subscribed to your YouTube

gamepwn ago

Haha definitely :) I will for sure, I have been doing alot more Q related stuff lately. Looking forward to sealed indictments x) I want to see this country and world taken back and save these kids! Thanks alot of good stuff to come :D

truthdemon ago

Aint gonna happen in the debt currency system.. U cant have ur cake and eat it.. When u feed the debt system u will have to face its consequences.. U have the power to reduce debt ...and thats what they r afraid of..and hence all the tv channels , numerous dustractions , selling u Qs but no As,..

We all feed into this debt system by delegating and loaning responsibility and energy.. When u decide and act upon reducing debt the game changes from a war game to a peace game with u in control...those statutues wont touch u

srayzie ago

Good job. You’re awesome <3

gamepwn ago

You to! Keep up the good work on Great Awakening! haha I will post more their soon for sure.

srayzie ago

Great post gamepwn!

gamepwn ago

Thanks Srazyie!!!!

The1stLantern ago

Wait youve met a single shill that actually tries to disprove PG?

All Ive ever run into is claims it has already been "debunked" - nevermind how, by what or whom, fuck you - its debunked.

Would love to know what angle they push.

HelloDolly ago

I knew about the fact that they have to reveal what they are doing. I just think his background as poor working class was interesting. This is not a guy that grew up among the elites.

Otto- ago

I'm sorry, I have to point out the hypocrisy in this common claim of "soft disclosure" while blaming every hollywood name and production that you've ever heard. And you can't argue it's all part of the club while also citing the very people who testify to these things, such as CDAN, their list of white hats, their own informant, Robert Downey-Junior, who is still an active actor worth $300 million.

Sure, maybe you're saying there's good people, but truthful productions never get passed without a corrupt crew. If so, can you confirm anyone in these shows? The reason I'm responding is because the blame on Pizzolatto has never seemed warranted to me, ever. Read his books, his references, interviews, inspirations... If any truth is gonna be used to blame the creator, no matter who, then how the hell can you trust any disclosure or testimony?

-(This is in defense of HelloDolly and directed to VulgarChristian, respectfully)

HelloDolly ago

Thank for your post. I really want to believe Pizzolatto is a good guy. Spoiler alert if you haven't seen the show, in the last episode of the first season the main character portrayed by McConaughy says something like it's always comes down to the same thing, the struggle between dark and light. He later has something of a near death experience and the very end of that same episode has him reacting to Harrelson's comment that there seems to be much more darkness by saying (paraphrasing), "No, I think the light is winning." I really want to watch the ending over. It's intriguing because the McCaunaghy character is very Nihilistic throughout.

Otto- ago

Hey man, just wanted to say that we're probably both quite similar. I'm most likely hoping the best of Pizzolatto because I had such an emotional connection to his material. I already know most everything about TD since I'm a huge fan, but to Vulgar's credit, this obviously makes me quite biased. In looking at his character, his past, notes and commentary, I'm trying being as honest I can.

HelloDolly ago

I actually did research to see if his name was actually Pizzolatto (it is). But in so doing, found out that his self described working class background is as the son of a lawyer? I'm not sure that's what most people think of when they hear working class. Even so, he was a complete unknown when he pitched True Detective and his ability to get the deal he got SEEMS to have come exclusively from his manuscript and talent. I noticed watching Season 3 (I skipped 2 will go back), that McConaghey and Harrelson are now executive producers. A little freaked out that McCanaghey is a Nununu fan, but I guess it's possible that not everyone connected to Nununu clothes is a pedo. But the skull stuff and their satanic symbolism is a bit worrisome. Does he not get what they mean? And if not, how so?

Angelis_Solaris ago

I honestly think it's kinda sick to watch a movie about that kind of content, just reading about it rots my brain

Dauphin ago

Oh it's real... I dont watch TV much but I have talked to my parents about Pizzagate etc. My mother watches "True Detective" and mentioned to me yesterday she thinks this season is about pizzagate. I started watching last night and shit this is getting real. They are in Arkansas, mention Ozark Childhelp charities... "chicken" farms and a reporter flat out mentions the Franklin scandal and speaks of pedophile rings. I mean I almost feel like they are preparing people for reality. The thing is this, my parents live in a major city with a lot of older people. My parents mentioned since the shutdown, older people seem to really be waking up. Latinos and blacks are waking up at a super fast rate as well.

Pablolove ago

Do u mean series 3?

patriotmatriarch ago

Now that I am awake to Pizzagate, I find symbolism everywhere. From a Carters Onsie for an infant, with a picture of a slice of pizza and the large words.....HOME SLICE, to watching old Friends episodes and finding things I never would have noticed before. One example: Season 8, episode 1, @ 16:06. Joeys speech at the wedding reception. Behind him the gold wall art, the flame has a screaming face inside! Many others, Rachel and Phoebe playing with a Quiji Board. It's not Hollyweird, it's Hollyevil. These freaks can't be put away fast enough!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Shills are paid to doubt it. Pizzagate has nothing to do with Hollywood. DC elite, CIA, FBI child rape, torture murder. That topic is dead in here. The online investigation was deralied and re-routed to find the pedophile anywhwere in the world. That was not Pizzagate. It was covered up by the authorities because it is their opperation. The media is directed by the CIA. CIA is a subsidiary of British intel, as are all the worlds spook operations. Brith intel is a subsidiary of the Bank of England. Bank of Enlgand is owned by Rothschild. Alefantis may well be a Rothschild. rothschild co-owns the IRS and you pay your income tax to them, not our phony gov. Rothschild co-owns the Federal Reserve. Rothschild created the UN along with Rockefeller. Agenda 21 is a UN agenda, therefore Rothschild agenda. Agenda 21 is live, Egenics, Genocide, Relocation, All politicians work for and are paid for by Roothschild and the co owners of the IRS. Pizzagate never stood a chance. This forum was always subverted, there is no investigation in here. Look at the threads.

Vindicator ago

Death, you do realize Q has spread almost everything you've said here to millions of people who would never have believed it otherwise, right? The "shills paid to doubt it" are the same ones attacking anyone who tries to talk about Q. Why do you suppose that is?

srayzie ago

I don’t get why people spend so much time on a forum that the don’t agree with

Vindicator ago

Only one reason.

kestrel9 ago

Q has been exposing why it is, that even if everyone believed and had irrefutable evidence of the world's pedo problem and how PG is part of it, nothing could be done about it (short of military intervention) because corrupt DOJ/FBI/CIA etc. The more people wake up, the harder it is for MSM to make people believe the lies. Except for the IQ redardants pushing socialism of course, they don't care about pedophilia anyway.

Vindicator ago

IQ redardants

LMAO. Socialists are like glyphosate for the brain.

Pablolove ago

Yet still no mass arrests

Landwhaleonline ago

Why would baddies arrest themselves?

Pablolove ago

Good point

duncandog ago

Nancy Schaefer, Jill Dando Monica Petersen, Jenny Moore. We must not forget them.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

So yeah, i guess you guys did not hear about the gearbox ceo's thumbdrive of porn? it allegedly had under age material on it, which explains why only ars technica is only talking about it....

Citing "information and belief," Callender alleges that the USB stick in question contained "Randy Pitchford's personal collection of 'underage' pornography," in addition to "sensitive corporate documents of Gearbox and business partners like Take-Two Interactive, 2K Games, Sega, Microsoft, Sony, etc."

Otto- ago

Woah, that's so weird. I didn't hear about this, but I've known about Randy Pitchford (could never forget his name) for over a decade. I never liked the freaking guy, and I only just realized how unpopular he's been with certain groups for so long. The comments on this article are interesting:

The site itself is my least favourite when it comes to biased news and moderating, as anyone who's familiar will know to what I am referring, but I often check it to see how reception and censoring is going along.

think- ago

We had a post about it recently.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Kids must be REALLY sexy! Even ugly kids? Acquired taste? What do kids have that I don't?

HelloDolly ago

Watching True Detective now. It's really something to see this series now, after I have read so much about this. Impossible to look at the Nununu stuff and the symbolism you see everywhere and not wonder how in the world this has become so prevalent and hidden in plain sight for so long. I wonder about the True Detective author and creator, Nic Pizzolatto. He's not originally a Hollywood guy, grew up poor working class Louisiana. Is he a good guy trying to expose something he knows about? I wonder if he has family or someone close that was in the police department. The idea that a local policeman would run up against the very powerful forces that keep this kind of thing from being exposed is all too believable. Just look at Hillary killing the story of pedos at the State Department. One of the non-fiction books he cites as inspiration for the show is described as having a theme that the most horrifying stories are in fact, not fiction.

Vindicator ago

It's possible his creation is being used as a tool of the pedovores, but they're the ones who decide what to broadcast on the idiot box.

gamepwn ago

So much redpills in True Detective. Read what I added that's in the show "Carcosa" It's from the episode of the clip I posted.

""In the HBO original series True Detective, 'Carcosa' is presented as a man-made temple. Located in the back woods of Louisiana, the temple serves as a place of ritualistic sexual abuse of children and child murder organized by a group of wealthy Louisiana politicians and church leaders. The main characters, Rust Cohle and Marty Hart, storm the temple in the final episode of the season, where they confront a serial killer, who is the most active member of the cult. It is understood that the cult worships the "Yellow King", to whom an effigy is dedicated in the main chamber of 'Carcosa'. The series hints at a larger conspiracy which continues beyond the show, which is in line with Lovecraftian horror, as is a vision experienced by one character that underscores Lovecraftian themes like cosmic indifference."

realnstuff ago

Those faggots would even deny it, if their own child is raped, killed and eaten in front of them. Thats how disillusioned they are.

PGIsDumb16 ago

Completely false.

This is a lame illogical attempt of broadening the definition of pizzagate from that retarded, obviously fictiouos conspiracy theory made up on reddit and 4chan during the 2016 United States presidential election, to pedophilia among the elites or whatever the fuck you feel like it.

None of the clips you posted relate directly to the pizzagate conspiracy theory. This ones do:


Enjoy living in a world where pizzagate is a ridiculous and obviously fictitious conspiracy theory.

WHAMMO63 ago

Found another shill!

gamepwn ago

Pedophilia among the elites is Pizzagate you stupid fuck.

Vindicator ago

Hmmm... Why is Rob the Pedo LARPing as @Are_We_Sure? Or, is it the other way around? Interesting!

Are_we_sure ago

You're drunk early this Friday aren't you?

I understand. A lot happened today.

Vindicator ago

Nope. Just now sipping my Friday evening gin and tonic. Definitely plenty to celebrate this week!

Are_we_sure ago

did you hear? They finally arrested someone for the Hillary emails!

PGIsDumb16 ago

Pizzagate = pedophilia among the elites.

Pizzagate = also a debunked conspiracy theory that went viral during the 2016 US election.

How do we differentiate between the two?

Blacksmith21 ago

Only a shill uses the word "debunked". Red flag warno.

PGIsDumb16 ago

Only a shill uses the word "debunked".

Only a retard would claim such a thing.

Look at this and cry:

anon262 ago

Care to explain how it’s been debunked? And don’t use an MSM source. Not one person can explain the weird text in Podesta’s emails other than it matching the accepted terms Sick fuck pedos use to communicate openly.

The initial info dump started an intense search into two Washington DC pizza joints, CPP and Besta Pizza, both rife with occult and pedo symbols and not surprisingly connected to DNC. Since then, pizzagate has expanded and become more of global pedo epidemic and is also referred to as pedogate.

GTFO shill.

PGIsDumb16 ago

Not one person can explain the weird text in Podesta’s emails

First of all, this is 100% false, and the fact that you believe this shows your detachment from reality.

other than it matching the accepted terms Sick fuck pedos use to communicate openly.

False. The "accepted terms Sick fuck pedos use to communicate openly" you're talking about, only exists in your imagination. That code was made up on 4chan.

The claim about FBI dicovered code words is a lie(among other dozens of obvious pizzagate lies).

What's the point of living if you just don't give to shits about what's true or not?

muzzieniggerjew ago

Tel Aviv is working overtime tonight! Oy VEY! anti semite! cries the smelly hook nose kikes as they fondle jamie lynn spears

auralsects ago

There was ample evidence and admissions that it was real before Q, which isn't.

So why do you insist on leading with that, you stupid faggot?

And Sibel Edmonds specifically said there's no "satanic cult" only "the deep state." Because it would have to be a Jewish cult and she's Jewish.

EricKaliberhall ago

Because it would have to be a Jewish cult and she's Jewish.

Sibel Edmonds is Jewish? Can you provide a link for that claim?

auralsects ago

lmao I just fucking told you she tells her listeners that it is ridiculous and insane to suggest theres a satanic cult. She also didn't explicitly name Israel as the "Middle Eastern government" that tried to recruit her even though it was obvious since the US govt prefers Sephardic Jews as interpreters.

Besides I've never misidentified a Jew before here. So fuck you, Qtard.

srayzie ago

Where’s the link faggot?

EricKaliberhall ago

So, is she Jewish or not?

auralsects ago

Why, are you saying being Jewish is a red flag for PG because they're behind it?

Cuz that's what your insistence tacitly acknowledges. LOL

EricKaliberhall ago

So, she's not Jewish then?

auralsects ago

LMAO put two and two together you RETARD. She's a gatekeeper shill who goes on InfoWhores, so she's obviously not a Muslim like a good Turk.

You want me to find a signed affadavit saying she's Jewish? I can probably find one saying you're a stupid asshole.

EricKaliberhall ago

You want me to find a signed affadavit saying she's Jewish?

Yes, that would be awesome. Thanks.

Vindicator ago

put two and two together you RETARD

Talking donkeys are bad at math. They don't even have fingers they can count on. LMAO

If (((@auralsects))) was serious about his mission, he would give such flimsy arguments!

srayzie ago

And Sibel Edmonds specifically said there's no "satanic cult" only "the deep state." Because it would have to be a Jewish cult and she's Jewish.

He has yet to give us a link to that.

auralsects ago

you stupid fucking cunt she said it on video.

but thanks for acknowledging its evidentiary value and that i'm right about her. jesus Christ you are stupid XD

srayzie ago

Videos have links you stupid camel jockey

argosciv ago

What in the...

Read that comment o' his a few times... does... I...

WHAT?! Do you see why I'm perplexed?

think- ago

Haha. Brilliant, lol. ;-)

MrShekelstein ago

We will never stop winning, not until every pedophile is dead.

Vindicator ago

Amen Mr Shekelstein, amen. I'm not tired yet, are you?

CowWithBeef ago

NXIVM was built on new members submitting blackmail material to a dropbox folder. Blackmail is how the rich and powerful trust one another. It's what allows them to work as an unbreakable team while pushing division on normal people to keep us weak. Child rape is the ultimate blackmail material and in all likelihood it's addictive.

fogdryer ago

But if they normalize it then what What’s next

madhatter67 ago

This is correct....especially now adultery and homosexuality aren't quite as effective as blackmail material

It also appeals to the power craziness that these sociopaths need to be admitted to the club

And of course many of the ones from elite families were fucked as kids themselces

usernameisnotthis ago

great work!

BitChuteArchive ago - ( True Detective Pizzagate ) - ( Member of U.K. Parliament Tom Watson exposing B... ) - ( Former CIA agent Robert Steele exposes Pizzagate ) - ( Former CBS News reporter Ben Swann on Pizzagate ) - ( An Interview with Senator John DeCamp on the Fr... ) - ( Former U.S. Department Of State official Steve ... ) - ( Elijah Wood on Hollywood pedophilia ) - ( Belgian Member of Parliament Laurent Louis on e... ) - ( Member of U.K. Parliament Barbara Castle exposi... ) - ( Wiltshire Police Chief Mike Veale on U.K. Prime... )

OuterSpaceIsHomo ago


derram ago :

Corey Feldman on Hollywood pedophilia - YouTube :

Elijah Wood on Hollywood pedophilia - YouTube :

Former CIA agent Robert Steele exposes Pizzagate - YouTube :

Former CIA agent John Kiriakou exposes Pizzagate - YouTube :

Wiltshire Police Chief Mike Veale on U.K. Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath elite pedophilia - YouTube :

Member of U.K. Parliament Tom Watson exposing British elite pedo cover up - YouTube :

Belgian Member of Parliament Laurent Louis on elite child sex trafficking - YouTube :

Former U.S. Department Of State official Steve Pieczenik - YouTube :

An Interview with Senator John DeCamp on the Franklin Cover-up - YouTube :

Member of U.K. Parliament Barbara Castle exposing British elite pedo cover up - YouTube :

Former CBS News reporter Ben Swann on Pizzagate - YouTube :

True Detective Pizzagate - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

EricKaliberhall ago

Share Flair Activated!

gamepwn ago

Thank you!

Crackrocknigga ago

Even Joe Rogan freaked out when he read the podesta emails. It's truly some creepy sickening shit. Does pizzagate exist to the extent many on here believe? Maybe, maybe not.

That being said, when you take into account podesta's emails and the powerful visitors to Epstein's pedophile island, there IS definitely a sickening conspiracy going on behind the scenes. Which can be proven with facts.

The problem is, you guys dilute the message by freaking out over every small arrest nationwide... And this ((Q)) garbage.

Don't forget, Trump has visited Epstein's island.

Hortance ago

You're a liar. Trump NEVER went to Pedo Island, ever. No news organization has ever even claimed that. Trump ONCE accepted a plane ride to Palm Beach from Epstein, because Epstein had a plane and house in Palm Beach, same as Trump. Pedo Island is EAST of Puerto Rico, in the Virgin Islands. About a thousand miles from Palm Beach.

kestrel9 ago

Regarding Joe Rogan...

He's suspect. Totally anti Christian / anti religion but has this occult tattoo

chilling out with grandson of Lavey

There's a video of him with excerpts of his spiritual experience using DMT, very bizarre. Yet he acts surprised to hear this on the set of his show, which looks like a Rothschild coffee hour (the antlers).

Alex Jones is a performance artist/controlled opposition, and so is Joe Rogan (imho). You can blame Alex Jones for the MSM's narrow definition of pizzagate and spreading it, while they ignore and hide the epidemic of sadistic child predation going on for decades. That's how controlled opposition works.

Baichu ago

Old Joe is part of horridwood.

Crackrocknigga ago

Ok you missed the point. I said EVEN JOE ROGAN.

kestrel9 ago


Vindicator ago

Don't forget, Trump has visited Epstein's island.

No one has ever provided proof of that, despite repeated attempts to push it here.

Cleareyes ago

I read some books lately by author James Patterson. He mentioned that incident in one of them, he also touches sometimes on subjects similar to pizzagate themes. I just did a quick google to confirm and notice he's a member of mar a lago

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Q has done no such thing. Nobody in here is red pilled, they all support politicians and pay their taxes. They think good guy politicians have an invisible behind the scenes war with the bad ones. They all are paid by the owners of the IRS. You deleted all Trumps connections to the controlers, they are unending. And again, he is paid by the owners of the IRS, it is not a government instituion and has Masonic symbolism on their buildings. Shills push unsubstantiated nonsense about arrest about to go down, year after year. This freezes people in place and has them watching a show that they can't see, that an anonymous person they don't know, recounts to them. People that are awake don't spend their time on ficition like that. Trump is pushing agenda 21 consisting of 5G,Weather wars including the cali fires, high speed rail and mega regions. The next 8 years are going to be historic fires year after year and nobody will be allowed to move back in and rebuild there homes. All the while they lie about the death count. I'm afraid USA is going to be thinned out and brought down for the next decade and pizzagate is not even on the radar. They are in genocide mode, the people that you think are fighting for you. Best bet is to get out of the USA before the Wall goes up. There are no arrest coming and no investigation. Wake up.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Yes, I think we will lose, I don't trust Trump (but I'm still grateful to him for certain things he's done), and I believe it's very possible we'll be culled. But we're all going to die anyway, so we might as well continue fighting through the forums and later, in real life, until we meet our ends.

I do think these people are redpilled, they simply aren't infraredpilled. Either one is fine with me. And I honestly hope the redpilled ones are right.

fogdryer ago

yea. lets go...……………………………………….go where ????????????

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't recall seeing Trump's name appear on the Lolita flight manifests either.

TupacsTattoo ago

And even in the Epstein’s black book Trumps name had a W next to it to signify that he could be a witness against him.

Kahlypso79 ago

Alexander Acosta now works for Trump... :c

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

And Trump banned Epstein from all of his clubs when he found out the truth. I'm willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt on this one.

MrShekelstein ago

Q gave us what that island really was.

We need Epstein alive no matter what.

He has dirt on every single high ranking pedophile in the WORLD.

Crackrocknigga ago

AHAHAHA. You are fucking stupid! A Jew will NEVER betray his kind, this is s blood oath.

Vindicator ago

You see a lot of Jews sitting in jail because they wouldn't out their co-conspirators, do you?

auralsects ago

Serious question: why don't you Q-tard stay in your own sub? Because it's a boomer Facebook newsfeed due to the absence of any moderation/curation whatsoever because it's run by retarded housewives?

Not our problem, faggot. We don't need you shitting up every thread with empty "Trust the Plan" garbage.


MrShekelstein ago

You can't shut it down schlomo.

You never could.

auralsects ago

Lmao. I name the Jew, Q doesnt. You fuckin retard XDDD

PGIsDumb16 ago

And Trump banned Epstein from all of his clubs when he found out the truth


ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Dunno why I'm replying to an obvious kike shill, but whatever.



PGIsDumb16 ago

obvious kike shill

Making up allegations, deciding that they're true then be completely immune to any evidence proving the contrary is a common practice here.

About Trump:

  • Trump said of Epstein in 2002: "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
  • Epstein admitted to knowing Trump under oath, and pleaded the fifth amendment when asked if he ever socialized with Trump in the presence of underage girls.

  • Mark Epstein, Jeffrey's brother, testified in 2009 that Trump flew on Jeffrey's private jet at least once.

  • Trump was in Epstein’s “little black book" revealing the name of Donald Trump and listed 14 phone numbers including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.

  • Both Trump and Epstein are named as sex abusers in a case with an underage girl.

Also add in pictures like these:

If any of the things above could have been said about Podesta/Alefantis/The Clintons pizzagaters would have lost their shit.

What I'm trying to do here is to show you the obvious double standard of pizzagaters.

WhiteDragonMage ago

I will tackle this since no one else wants to correct this shill...

-Epstein pleads the 5th when asked if he has been in the presence of Trump and underage girls... so what? Epstein was in trouble for sex trafficking and was covering his own ass. Now anyone in the presence of a child sex trafficker is guilty? Ummm no.

  • mark epstein testified that Trump flew on Lolita Express at least once... Yet his name or initials are nowhere on the flight logs. Look for yourself.

  • Let’s not forget that the lawyer of the victims in Epstein’s case says that Trump was in no way involved in Epstein’s wrongdoing. So their lawyer withdrew Trumps subpoena. I guess the victims lawyer is in on it too?

Edwards, the lawyer for Roberts and about 10 other Jane Does, said that after he served Trump with the subpoena in 2009, Trump immediately contacted him.

"During the conversation, Mr. Trump was open and forthright," Edwards said. "I cannot discuss the substance of the conversation. But I will say that it was obvious to me that he was in no way involved in any untoward activity."

  • Trumps name appears in Epstein’s little black book... and? What exactly do you know of the little black book?It has the names and contact info for all kinds of stuff... doctors, restaurants, hotels, and rugs. It’s called an address book and was never admitted as evidence. A business man with an address book of phone numbers is not in any way unusual and we already know they knew one another.

  • James Patterson says Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar a Largo for making advances at an underage girl.

  • girl accuses Trump and Epstein of making her a sex slave. She filed and withdrew the claims 3 times changing her story at least once. It never went anywhere and I welcome it to advance. Otherwise it is meaningless and in case you haven’t been paying attention baseless claims made by people do not make it a fact. So until it goes somewhere its still a big ?????

Now unlike you I managed to actually provide sources for people to look at for themselves. I have looked through all of the “evidence” you laid out and while none of it is incorrect it is SPUN to fit your narrative. Anyone who cares to look at the whole story should be able to clearly see that yes they were friends and that there is no real evidence that directly says Trump is a pedo.

hatecrime ago

6 down votes for an excellent post. pathetic fucks downvoting this. not even a reply

Angelis_Solaris ago

You are him, it's made clear in your language. It reveals your mental status.

hatecrime ago

No I'm not. Your deduction proves you are brain dead.

The_Savant ago

Don't reply to yourself. Everyone can see through it, you spastic Arab. I can tell that PGIsDumb16 is EsotericSHILL and you love replying to yourself, don't you. I don't give a fuck about those unsourced piece of shit bullet points. There is no evidence that Trump visited Epstein's island or flew on the Lolita Express.

Despite earlier claiming "Jews will never sell out other kikes," you seem to blindly follow an unsourced quote from Epstein about Trump going on his private jet. You claim to see a double standard in our logic, yet your biased faggotry is palpable in every comment.

Keep it coming, we don't give a shit.

hatecrime ago

I'm not him you absolute retard...

The_Savant ago

Fuck you, cunt. Seems logic is too much for you, all you can do is downvote. When your own method is applied against you but instead shows your lies, corruption and filthy Muzzy nature you don't appear to have any valuable retort.

Your untruths won't penetrate this sub, the mods have too tight a hold. Go over to QRV where all your other accounts hang out anonymously.

hatecrime ago

You are nuts.

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