USAF_Patriot ago

Big list! I don't think I saw in the compilation, but here is Mel Gibson talking about the same stuff.

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darkknight111 ago

The author of the videogame series Danganronpa made an entire chapter of “Ultra Despair Girls” dedicated to outing the existance of Hollywood pedophile rings.

Said game came out 2 years BEFORE pizzagate.

The_Savant ago

I may have missed it, but it seems you haven't included former head of the FBI Ted Gunderson's effort to uncover the pedo elite.

He died as a result of bladder cancer, but a private autopsy from revealed that he showed signs of arsenic poisoning.

darkknight111 ago

Mueller was the one who sabotaged the investigation.

Mueller = black hat CONFIRMED.

Helbrecht ago

Good work, sir

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Wow, great post. Great work anon ✌🏻

42641 ago

gamepwn. you kick ass. This is a great thing to have during red pill administration.

PGLiterati ago

Thanks for posting. Am nearly finished with reading Nick Bryant's The Franklin Scandal and it is also important reading. The FBI was very complicit in the cover-up.

Cc183 ago

@Notch is 100% good guy. Im completely sure about it.

Pocket_Warlord ago

Excellent Post, Thank you for all the work you put into it...

NonexistentNihilist ago

Adam Baldwin of Firefly is dropping some nice red pills on his Twitter.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

I liked him in Chuck. That show was good.

ridleychozo ago

This is 99% controlled opposition, friend. Hollywood blanketly defends pedophiles. Just off the top of my head (didn't read the whole list):

Kutcher admitted to a sexual relationship with Mila Kunis when she was 14 and he was over the age of 18.

James Woods played a lawyer in a film that ridiculed the children who rightfully accused McMartin preschool staff of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

Corey Feldman claimed he would name names of Hollywood pedophiles but only after he had collected $10 million in donations first.

Notimportant36 ago

There are decent celebrities who were good people in hiding, the problem is that there are many who are evil who will hide themselves as good when they realize the tables are turned...

Whit3_rabbit5 ago

This needs to be pinned to top. Awesome post.

lightmeup77 ago

Wonderfull compilation. Great work patriot.


TippyHome ago

Ask anyone in the medical profession. They are the key who could unlock this subterfuge by elites. But, many are frightened into silence. Someone needs to stop this sickness. I remember reading in December 2016 about the hopes for Tillerson--to help about a little toddler in a video found who was wondering in a room looking for anyone to hold her, crying for attention, and every adult ignoring her, because she was either going to be raped or used for organs. I cannot get that thought of this horribleness out of my head.

MykaLove ago

OMG! Shudders... there are no words.

TippyHome ago

Yes, commodities. I honestly think if it is all exposed and confirmed/believed, it will be riots--unless people have turned into unfeeling machines. Last Oct. Q said it is horrible beyond comprehension/words.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

RIP Prodigy (of Mobb Deep) Seth Riched.

Statusfaction ago

Thank you very much for compiling all this info. Valuable too have, people do NOT believe this could be true, its just too far outside of their comprehension. I believe that Trump team has eliminated a huge percentage of this evil practice, and it is just not well known yet.

TippyHome ago

I so sincerely hope so.

Hermeticism ago

I think you have made an amazing compilation of dedication in attempting to bring to light a dark and disturbing topic.

You have done a great job OP. You have shown us that while the media may try and spin the topic with fury and unlimited funds/vigor they can not hide the facts.

And the facts show that there is a serious and unstoppable force that allows people in positions of power or influence to victimize those below them or those within their sphere of influence.

Dont let people confuse you when they say "Everyone that is a part of Hollywood or that is an Influential Liberal Democrat (or what ever other group term those trying to discredit may use) is a Satanic Witch eating babies!". This is just a way to emotionally block people from wanting to logically entertain learning about this issue.

Keep up the amazing work friend. We all can come together and show that we no longer will let people be victimized by those who think they are above us.

Where We Go One, WE GO ALL.

MatildaQ ago

On three seperate drops, Q has told us to ARCHIVE OFFLINE.

Kekalicious ago

And yet the posts keep coming. You mad 2 month?

KimnanaT ago

I remember a story about Justin Bieber being introduced to pedophilia ...etc...anyone have the entire story on that.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Ashton Kutcher is not one of us

derram ago :

Notch on Twitter: "(pizzagate is real)" :

James Woods on Twitter: "Put more walnut sauce on your #pizza and shut up, #Skippy. You're lucky you're not in jail yet. I stress "yet..."" :

Prodigy cause of death: Mobb Deep member died from choking on an egg, coroner confirms | The Independent :

Elijah Wood Clarifies Comments on Hollywood Pedophilia - The New York Times :

Corey Feldman details horrors of Hollywood pedophile ring | Daily Mail Online :

Twitter / ? :

Jenna Jameson on Twitter: "#pizzagate… " :

Jenna Jameson on Twitter: "I bet you believe their is no such thing as pizzagate… " :

Sex Pistol John Lydon on when he tried to blow the whistle on Jimmy Savile | Daily Mail Online :

Kesha Sues Producer Dr. Luke for Sexual Assault and Battery – Rolling Stone :

AndrewBreitbart on Twitter: "How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me." :

275,000 in Belgium Protest Handling of Child Sex Scandal - The New York Times :

Ted Heath would have been questioned over abuse claims, police say | Politics | The Guardian :

Liz MacKean: television journalist who worked to expose the crimes of Jimmy Savile | The Independent

This has been an automated message.

squataclops ago

Damn good post. I'll have to save this for later.