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16019555? ago

So go to @srayzie on Twitter. Do a reverse look up using her pic and doxxx away!

16019954? ago

What kind of person asks that? I have a family.

16020171? ago

Take down your sub and we will stop doxxing.

16021618? ago

@kevdude here. @srayzie if you decide to step off I will hold it and keep it open for as long as Voat exists. Actualy, better yet, @PuttItOut, can you consider making v/greatawakening a system sub?

You stupid faggots will reeee across the site like autistic comets but you will never get your way. To the person I am replying to: Fuck you. You don't matter. You are 100% impotent. v/greatawakening will not close no matter how much you stomp your feet and cry like an antifa pussy throwing a tantrum. @crensch we have a faggot on our hands that has decided to threaten people because he can't get his way. Hope he doesn't get tired of losing. Now that we know what he wants all we have to do for lulz is make sure he never gets it.

16023308? ago

Thank you @Kevdude. I know you guys would keep it safe.

I would want you to keep @Shizy and @MolochHunter too. We wouldn’t be where we are without them. Best mods ever. You could add @Crensch. I would just make him promise to be nicer, lol.


This is just SOME of the dox attempts, threats, and requests to dox.


16023628? ago

Just to make sure you Faggots get this thru your thick fucking heads...

@NeonRevolt @NotHereForPizza @YoullRememberMe @ThisIsTotallyNotMe...

You can continue your shit, and showing what fake patriots you all are. It’s destroying your credibility. That’s why you hate “Name Fags”, because you’ve all ruined your reputations. I’ve kept my name, therefore have proven I’m the real deal and Q can verify.

If I ever leave, I will never stop working to expose you guys. As long as you try to divide this movement, and you continue to come after us mods... myself and other anons will not stop what we are doing to expose you. So butt out. If Q doesn’t want us here, Q can post it.

16024546? ago

LOL idk who the other guys are, but they aren't with me, and they're not my sockpuppets.

I'm happy to have you continue wasting your time and energy and other finite resources chasing ghosts and calling everyone you hate NEEEEEOOOONNN. It's pretty fun to watch, tbh.


16026082? ago


I'm happy to have you continue wasting your time and energy and other finite resources chasing ghosts and calling everyone you hate NEEEEEOOOONNN. It's pretty fun to watch, tbh.


Sure you think it’s funny! You were busted. Your blog post implied that v/GreatAwakening was infiltrated. Blog Post link. WE were NOT the ones infiltrated. The board owner confirmed that 90% of the Reddit mods, that YOU ENDORSED, were Retarded or CLOWNS.

This is also interesting... You said yourself that you have an an older, established profile here.

I only have a personal account I made back in the Voat Alpha days (contrary to your speculation that I’m not part of the community here.)

You sure as hell are not a Goat. That just makes you look even worse. You could have informed the v/Awakening mods how much of a mistake they were making in the beginning when it came to CCP, bans, and all the deleted posts and comments. Shame on you.

So it’s very suspicious that I was sent private messages, by a user named @NotHereForPizza, saying you guys were moving here from Reddit. Depending on my cooperation, he may tell “the others” that we were compromised. He said that I was being tested. As the conversation went on, he was posting on 8chan, saying I was under questionable status. He was telling them I was censoring because I removed his post where he tried doxing the Pizzagate O, @Crensch. Not once, but twice.

You can read the private messages yourself. I asked the owner of Voat what is considered doxing. It is only considered doxing if someone posts things about someone’s real life. Name, location, etc... This is NOT doxing.

Start on part one and read from bottom to top like you would your own inbox.

Isn’t it funny that it was THE VERY NEXT DAY, that you posted on your blog, that v/GreatAwakening was likely infiltrated? So the Reddit Mod Team, where 99% turned out to be “Retarded or Clowns”, THAT YOU ENDORSED AND TRUSTED, had a good excuse to make a new Q sub, instead of joining the already established Q sub. Just Wow. Then, after v/QRV was created, you failed to mention in your blog post why, what used to be 13 mods on v/TheAwakening, are now down to 2.

Furthermore, several people have said that NotHereForPizza is YOUR main alt. The fact that NotHereForPizza contacted me, and blackmailed me, THE DAY BEFORE you made your deceptive blog post, and the fact that you cannot stand @Kevdude, all make perfect sense. All 3 of your angry comments last week, after 3 months of silence, were aimed at Kevdude.

Still having fun Neon?

16039720? ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @srayzie.

Posted automatically (#18421) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

16032249? ago

"Neon" confirmed as a glowfag. Maybe that's where he came up with that gay handle.

Time for a Costco trip. I'm going to run out of popcorn!

16030131? ago

Smacked down!

16026331? ago

Needs its own submission.

16026334? ago

I agree. I’ll add to it first.

16026307? ago

I edited to add links to the following section...

I banned him and removed his post where he tried to dox @Crensch, the Pizzagate O. Not once, but twice. Here, NotHereForPizza makes a post on 8chan bragging about his 2nd post that day, where he tried to dox Crensch. He even posted the link. Isn’t that cute? This one even says Round 2.