16026276? ago

@srayzie The fbi was alerted of your death threats. James Coney will be knocking on your door soon. Agent peter strok has already arrested the attempted doxxer.

Toot toot Beep beep

16026341? ago

You’re dumb.

16026423? ago

@srayzie Maybe tone it down. Nobody is doxxihg you honey. Relax baby girl.

16024872? ago

how do you prevent false flags when there is a corrupt faction of the govt that does not respect the chain of command ?

I'm sure Trumps team stops the ones they can. Sometimes I imagine they get some intel as a forewarning, but not enough to pinpoint the where / when /how to prevent it

16019555? ago

So go to @srayzie on Twitter. Do a reverse look up using her pic and doxxx away!

16052692? ago

@thisistotallynotme here. Reported post for Dox.

16052590? ago

@thisistotallynotme here. v/ProtectQRV does not condone or promote this type of behavior. This post was created by a mole purporting to be in our team, who has recently shown their true intent to sabotage. They were called-out by the BO of /qresearch/ himself for spreading drama, and I support the BO in his message. This will be the only time I post in this thread, or in v/QRV with a mention of the subverse I own.

16019954? ago

What kind of person asks that? I have a family.

16020171? ago

Take down your sub and we will stop doxxing.

16054283? ago

whoever you are, whatever war you're fighting - youve LOST, if this is what you are reduced to

16021618? ago

@kevdude here. @srayzie if you decide to step off I will hold it and keep it open for as long as Voat exists. Actualy, better yet, @PuttItOut, can you consider making v/greatawakening a system sub?

You stupid faggots will reeee across the site like autistic comets but you will never get your way. To the person I am replying to: Fuck you. You don't matter. You are 100% impotent. v/greatawakening will not close no matter how much you stomp your feet and cry like an antifa pussy throwing a tantrum. @crensch we have a faggot on our hands that has decided to threaten people because he can't get his way. Hope he doesn't get tired of losing. Now that we know what he wants all we have to do for lulz is make sure he never gets it.

16023308? ago

Thank you @Kevdude. I know you guys would keep it safe.

I would want you to keep @Shizy and @MolochHunter too. We wouldn’t be where we are without them. Best mods ever. You could add @Crensch. I would just make him promise to be nicer, lol.


This is just SOME of the dox attempts, threats, and requests to dox.



16024305? ago

I would want you to keep @Shizy and @MolochHunter too.

I would not touch a thing. It isn't my sub. I would ask @shizy to make my flair a giant middle finger so that anytime @neonrevolt or one of his fuckbuddies playing dox games looked at the sub they would see me sitting there giving them the finger while the sub continued to THRIVE

16023628? ago

Just to make sure you Faggots get this thru your thick fucking heads...

@NeonRevolt @NotHereForPizza @YoullRememberMe @ThisIsTotallyNotMe...

You can continue your shit, and showing what fake patriots you all are. It’s destroying your credibility. That’s why you hate “Name Fags”, because you’ve all ruined your reputations. I’ve kept my name, therefore have proven I’m the real deal and Q can verify.

If I ever leave, I will never stop working to expose you guys. As long as you try to divide this movement, and you continue to come after us mods... myself and other anons will not stop what we are doing to expose you. So butt out. If Q doesn’t want us here, Q can post it.

16052394? ago

message received, srayzie.

16032665? ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @srayzie.

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16024546? ago

LOL idk who the other guys are, but they aren't with me, and they're not my sockpuppets.

I'm happy to have you continue wasting your time and energy and other finite resources chasing ghosts and calling everyone you hate NEEEEEOOOONNN. It's pretty fun to watch, tbh.


16029910? ago

they aren't with me, and they're not my sockpuppets.

So you have sock puppets?

You wrote that you have an old account to try and get cred for being an old goat, yet your @NeonRevolt account is only six months old?

For the sake of transparency and keeping QVR from seeming shady, you should publically state the name of your alt account!

16037908? ago



Get bent, faggit.

16037997? ago

I do love dick so I guess I'm a faggot. Is that how you knew you were one too Neon?

16026389? ago

Hey NEON - what are you going to do when @PuttItOut makes v/greatawakening a @system sub? Doesn't matter what you all do to @srayzie then, v/greatawakening will be put permanently beyond your reach.

The fact that you are all focusing on that sub and the fact that you yourself said you might start posting there sort of confirms that it is the main Q sub on Voat. And you can't steer it. And the people who have the keys to it won't censor it to your liking.

Eat a dick. You lost. The TRUE patriots won. WWG1WGA fuckface.

16037835? ago

Nah, QRV is already bigger than v/GreatAwakening. We already won.

Maybe I'll start my own subverse on Voat, too. Pretty sure I could outpace your disinfo-faction in short order.

Don't tempt me!

16068808? ago

Nah, QRV is already bigger than v/GreatAwakening. We already won.

So it's only about sheer numbers to you and nothing else? That's winning? Is this just a game to you Neon?

16120470? ago

When will you idiots learn?

I always win.

16039101? ago

QRV is already bigger than v/GreatAwakening. We already won.


Take down your sub and we will stop doxxing.

Pick one faggot. If you won you wouldn't care. Why not have the reddit mods shut down v/theawakening? Are you threatening to dox them? Even after they pulled their bullshit with the ccp to deliberately frustrate users and drive them off of Voat?

Maybe I'll start my own subverse on Voat, too

Maybe you already have.

16035097? ago

I don't think it needs to be a system sub. @srayzie has worked hard to make it the great sub that it is. This dickless punk isn't a real world threat despite his tough talk online. She's not going anywhere!

16035195? ago

Agreed. I am just illustrating the ways that we can ensure that their goal of taking down v/greatawakening can not be achieved even if @srayzie an heroes her account.

Also, this bitch claims he is meeting me in North Hartford tonight at 8pm. I will report as to whether or not the pussy shows up.

16036527? ago

Gotcha. Let us know if he shows!

16033009? ago

16026082? ago


I'm happy to have you continue wasting your time and energy and other finite resources chasing ghosts and calling everyone you hate NEEEEEOOOONNN. It's pretty fun to watch, tbh.


Sure you think it’s funny! You were busted. Your blog post implied that v/GreatAwakening was infiltrated. Blog Post link. WE were NOT the ones infiltrated. The board owner confirmed that 90% of the Reddit mods, that YOU ENDORSED, were Retarded or CLOWNS.

This is also interesting... You said yourself that you have an an older, established profile here.

I only have a personal account I made back in the Voat Alpha days (contrary to your speculation that I’m not part of the community here.)

You sure as hell are not a Goat. That just makes you look even worse. You could have informed the v/Awakening mods how much of a mistake they were making in the beginning when it came to CCP, bans, and all the deleted posts and comments. Shame on you.

So it’s very suspicious that I was sent private messages, by a user named @NotHereForPizza, saying you guys were moving here from Reddit. Depending on my cooperation, he may tell “the others” that we were compromised. He said that I was being tested. As the conversation went on, he was posting on 8chan, saying I was under questionable status. He was telling them I was censoring because I removed his post where he tried doxing the Pizzagate O, @Crensch. Not once, but twice.

You can read the private messages yourself. I asked the owner of Voat what is considered doxing. It is only considered doxing if someone posts things about someone’s real life. Name, location, etc... This is NOT doxing.

Start on part one and read from bottom to top like you would your own inbox.

Isn’t it funny that it was THE VERY NEXT DAY, that you posted on your blog, that v/GreatAwakening was likely infiltrated? So the Reddit Mod Team, where 99% turned out to be “Retarded or Clowns”, THAT YOU ENDORSED AND TRUSTED, had a good excuse to make a new Q sub, instead of joining the already established Q sub. Just Wow. Then, after v/QRV was created, you failed to mention in your blog post why, what used to be 13 mods on v/TheAwakening, are now down to 2.

Furthermore, several people have said that NotHereForPizza is YOUR main alt. The fact that NotHereForPizza contacted me, and blackmailed me, THE DAY BEFORE you made your deceptive blog post, and the fact that you cannot stand @Kevdude, all make perfect sense. All 3 of your angry comments last week, after 3 months of silence, were aimed at Kevdude.

Still having fun Neon?

16039720? ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @srayzie.

Posted automatically (#18421) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

16032249? ago

"Neon" confirmed as a glowfag. Maybe that's where he came up with that gay handle.

Time for a Costco trip. I'm going to run out of popcorn!

16030131? ago

Smacked down!

16026331? ago

Needs its own submission.

16026334? ago

I agree. I’ll add to it first.

16026307? ago

I edited to add links to the following section...

I banned him and removed his post where he tried to dox @Crensch, the Pizzagate O. Not once, but twice. Here, NotHereForPizza makes a post on 8chan bragging about his 2nd post that day, where he tried to dox Crensch. He even posted the link. Isn’t that cute? This one even says Round 2.

16025720? ago

Srayzie, it's not just because you run such a great QAnon sub and won't bend to their attempts to control you that they're trying to dox you. You are a real threat because of your ability to document their bullshit and then demonstrate it to Voat. You keep feeding them their own testicles.

They did the same thing to @abortionburger when she published Alefantis' rape victim's account. They also doxed Will Craddick (@PleadingtheYiff) and several others, and succeeded in getting Disobedient Media's domain banned from Voat. They have tried to dox me repeatedly, but failed, because I had no social media presence before modding v/pizzagate.

@Kevdude making srayzie's sub into a system sub won't get them off her back. They want to silence her, personally, because she has taken them to the woodshed.

Pretty sure we are dealing with David Brock and his minions, here.

16026136? ago

making srayzie's sub into a system sub won't get them off her back. They want to silence her, personally, because she has taken them to the woodshed.

I agree. That’s why they are only going after us.

16025802? ago

So let's start doxxing David Brock. Who are his family members? Where does he live/own property?

16020957? ago

No. I’m not scared of you, I just think you’re a shitty person.

Don’t you realize that even if I resigned, I couldn’t shut this sub down? All anyone can do, is resign and someone else would claim it. @Shizy and @MolochHunter would take my place, unless I picked someone else to be an O. Like, maybe @Kevdude or @Crensch. Ones I know would protect it no matter what.

Besides, nothing would guarantee that you fuckers would not dox me anyways. You would accuse Shizy of being my alt. One of you faggots have already accused Shizy of being my alt. I believe in the 2nd amendment. My husband even has a license to carry. You begging people to dox me makes you look retarded, and I’m going to alert Putt every time. People like you should not be here.

The ONLY thing that would shut this place down, is if Q said to. Then, I would ask @PuttItOut to make an exception and remove it completely so no fake patriot like you could claim it.

You will never get this sub. You will never get this sub shut down. The truth will win. I invite Q to verify if I’m a true Patriot or a shill. I’ve invited Putt to verify if I’ve participated in vote manipulation. Shizy and and I have proven that women are perfectly capable of running a sub and not being weak. If anything, you hate us because you’ve never been so challenged.

You called me “little girl”, said that I played the girl card, and that it would be easy to bend my will. You all trying to take advantage of me when r/GreatAwakening was banned, the fact that Neon Revolt mislead people to believe we were infiltrated, and you thinking that you could try to make us look bad, has made me more determined than ever to prove you wrong, and to expose the fake that you are.

So, do whatever you want. Make us continue looking into you. I have a lot that I just haven’t written yet. We won’t stop. This shit makes me want to go write it all up. The fact that you come after GreatAwakening, and not TheAwakening, when Q chose QRV to be the Reddit Replacement, shows me that this is personal. It shows me that we are over the target and exposing the right people. Thank you for that.

16021513? ago

This is a first for voat: a poster threatening to get the husband to shoot and kill another poster. Why? We are on the same team and @shizy and @srayzie are welcome to QRV anytime. I believe q endorsed QRV because it keeps people annoymous similar to 4chan and 8chan. Your site is all about showboating “look at me” Q obviously knew your site existed but chose not to endorse it. He knows more about the site than you or me. Stop threatening to kill people.

16054341? ago

you're like those retarded SJWs who cant differentiate between people acting offensively and in self defence

srayzie has had threats by ppl coming to fuck with her family - ergo the hubby with a gun call is obviously in self defence

what a fucking weaselly worm you are to twist that around

16022613? ago

To be fair, this weirdo has been making attempts both here and on twitter to dox and go after GA mods. He also keeps making comments like "I'll see you soon" thinking he's scaring weak little women. Her pointing out she has a husband who will defend her and their family if needed is not a threat.

16026144? ago

Soon Q

16029967? ago

It'll be the last thing you do!

It's not worth it to you fucktard. That's a promise!

16031073? ago

@srayzie Check Twitter honey. You have been docxxed. Guess it wasnt bluff after all. Tough lesson to learn.

Soon Q @srayzie

16054356? ago


16022794? ago

Yes, and he keeps saying that Srayzie was raped. That feels like a threat.

16022888? ago

Don't forget him saying both mods were raped and killed the day before their tribunals.

16022509? ago

Then tell that to all other Q subs as well. Q can tell us. It’s not your job to be the police. So butt out.

16021639? ago

I believe in the 2nd amendment. My husband even has a license to carry.

This is not a threat. She is just letting you cowardly faggots know what is waiting for you if you want to take this out of your basement and into the real world. I know you get off bullying women on the internet, but IRL there are consequences.

16000441? ago

Q doesn't have control but Q has the power of knowledge, proof and information, and working with the president ,is in the position to maneuver the people to gaining their rightful control under the constitution. Q imho didn't create false flags or do anything illegal, but through information knew when ff were going to occur then warn or attempt to legally prevent harm. If anons were warned in advance, do you not think that the right agencies were informed? That doesn't mean Q didn't provide disinformation to maneuver the DS to make steps. Keeping the enemy off guard is the best war move invented.

15996534? ago

Don't ask questions. Don't think for yourself. Trust the plan. Anything else and you're a shill.

15994730? ago

If God loves us why does he take us? Silly question man. POTUS and Q may be able to force FFs, but they cannot stop them, nor do they know with certainty from what specific direction they'll come from. FFs are expenditure of ammunition. POTUS and Q are forcing the DS to expend their ammo while keeping our own dry. GHW Bush's funeral for example. Q forced that by zeroing in a D5. Completely threw of the DS and they wasted valuable ammunition countering. And then Q re-countered with the envelopes. The DS no longer knows if they're coming or going - all due to Q's disinformation intentionally being put out there.

Are we winning? Answer this... who's responding to who?

15994770? ago

Fuckin' awesome response. Thanks!

15994565? ago

Q is full of shit sending people down endless rabbit holes. Trump is alienating America. Zionist have their puppet. You only got to look at Trump sponsors to see the story. I never knew how dumb y'all are till now.

16009486? ago

Q is teaching you to think for yourself. You have been spoon-fed by the Fake News Media for so long you do not know how to think for yourself.

16009565? ago

You're assuming, which one should never do, that I'm as thick as you.

15994785? ago

I never knew how dumb y'all are till now.

Same goes for you and your co-workers, pal. Try and be less obvious, unless you can't because you don't think for yourself and just act as a parrot. Maybe try thinking for yourself?

15993427? ago

Kind of like asking if God is control, why is there cancer?

15993712? ago


15993410? ago

If Q is who he says he is, he is just a messenger. He does not make things happen, he spreads the word.

15993367? ago

too many bad zombie actors.

15992931? ago

Maybe false flags cannot be stopped. No matter who is in control, free will still exists...

15992897? ago

If Q was in control how come we haven't had any mass arrests of the criminals?

15993437? ago

We have had plenty of arrests. Take the buttplug out you nigger kike.

15994590? ago

Dream on you fairy.

15993522? ago

"plenty of arrests" that nobody in the general public is aware of?

15993592? ago

The general public is stupid.

15993691? ago

Only because POTUS and Q keep everyone in the dark. If the plan is to wake everyone up, then let's start doing it! Tell the American public the truth! Wake people up!

15992826? ago

what does it matter if Q is real or not ... you aren't obligated to know anything ... if real then awesome, the good guys are making you aware that something is happening ... if not real, then just read the news and you can see for yourself that human traffickers and pedophiles are going down by the truckloads, monthly.

15992922? ago

It matters a LOT! Because if this isn't real, then what is the point? To get people to vote Republican? To keep patriots from taking action? If the big fish do not go down then it proves that Q really isn't real and that patriots really aren't in control.

15992625? ago

Can't stop all random acts of violence. Firing into a crowd etc.

15992679? ago

A ff is, by nature, not a random act of violence... It was planned

15992930? ago

And, if it's planned, that means patriots really aren't in control.

15992596? ago

You have a copy of the Deep State playbook, complete with names, addresses, their plan, people involved, the when and where you would like to share with the rest of us so WE can have the information in advance? Or? Once the act happens make it easier to identify all the above? What do you have?

15992593? ago

Q is not omnipotent. "In control" refers to his DS removal project, not rush hour traffic in Chicago.

15992585? ago

What do we imagine Q could do? We cannot arrest people until they actually commit crimes, and if Q has informations which are not allowable in court then no arrests can be made even on known actions because courts broken/corrupted. Q is not LE, who would Q/POTUS use to make arrests, prosecute, interdict the government agencies who attack our Society?

Q does not possess every single bit of data in the Universe you know. Even if Q did possess it all, who would prosecute, who would make arrests/investigations? FBI...? DoJ, Broward County Sheriff...? Q would have to take me up on my offer to show up with legally borne arms to make a citizen's arrest, but even then the courts would not allow it...

I don't think Q is in control the way we want that to be true, his/her control only covers certain intelligence data and digital intercepts collected surreptitiously and I daresay illegally, spying. That is not usually good for a court. It is good for 'wet worx', but that isn't what we discuss here is it.

15992957? ago

We cannot arrest people until they actually commit crimes

And,even if they DO commit crimes (e.g. treason, raping and killing kids, etc.) NOTHING will happen to them. Just ask Hillary Clinton and John Podesta. We should have arrested these criminals over a year ago. Still waiting on that justice.....

15993070? ago

Who do you consider should have made the arrests? Comey and his FBI had jurisdiction didn't they? Isn't Mueller supposed to be handling that...the Russian Collusion and other matters? If obama the Usurper issued pardons what would 'we' do to go around that?

Our government was designed so as to work only for a moral Society, the founders tried to explain that in time government would likely corrupt itself because they can, and that is why we have the Second Amendment as a guard against that tyranny.

We have no checks and balances once Society allows corruptions to creep in, if FBI is Evil who then would do the deed? If SCOTUS is corrupt who then arrests them?

We are seeking to use the Military for a real reason here, after all.


15993256? ago

Our government was designed so as to work only for a moral Society, the founders tried to explain that in time government would likely corrupt itself because they can, and that is why we have the Second Amendment as a guard against that tyranny.

Agree 110%. Thank you, Patriot.

15992924? ago

You raise the same thoughts I have had. Although regarding

'wet worx',.

I do believe the Q team has wiped some people off this earth ex-judiciously

15993190? ago

Well...Jesus may wish to speak with me about this later but I do think such things are necessary, some crimes are such that summary executions are or should be legit.

If guilt is certain then execution of sentence should be immediate. People are wont to say, 'but you're making yourself judge jury and executioner'...if 'I' am there and see for certain that guilt is obvious and the sentence required is death, then it is more Humane for all involved if Justice happens in real time. Someone such as RBG or Sotomayor has absolutely no greater gravitas as a 'Judge' than do we honest citizens; after all we give them their powers, it all comes from us.

Yeah, I imagine wet worx still occur, some are disguised as school shoots or Vegas shoots or...suicides, but yeah.


15992571? ago

What false flags?

15992540? ago

So that people would awaken.

15992978? ago

So, why all the secrecy? If the point is to wake people up, why not just start telling them the truth?

15993786? ago

Imagine if you were a murderer. A sick one at that. The kind Buffalo Bill would look up to.

Now, I go and knock on your mother's door and simply tell her "Ma'am. Your son is a serial killer. The worst of them all." She isn't going to believe me.

But let's say later she found some brassieres and panties in your basement dwelling with smatterings of blood on them after our talk. Then the dots would connect.

Keep following along. It'll all make sense as to why a sudden revelation is not good for the country. Without a mass awakening there will be the claim of "it was a setup!"

15993894? ago

At this point, I don't care. Let's have a GIANT PURGE and get rid of the Democrats. That would make things 1,000,000 times better here.

15992524? ago

Well, I would contend that it would be impossible to stop all the FF. The DS would use FF as their ace in the hole and all the assets would be decentralized. It would be set up like independent terror cells with no connection between all of them.

15992889? ago

Good points.

15992443? ago

I guess it would be weird if they suddenly stopped.

15992985? ago

So, we better keep killing people just to keep up appearances?

15992995? ago

False flag also means no deaths, just cosmetic movie magic.

15993037? ago

True. Nobody died at Sandy Hook.

15992433? ago

False flags were stopped because Q team is in control.

15992483? ago

Did you forget about all the false flags last year?

15992479? ago

I'd like to believe this. Although it is true we haven't had a FF in a while, we still did have a few on Q's watch. Maybe Q just couldn't stop everything and had to focus their attention on stopping that which would cause the largest disruptions while allowing smaller events to take place?

Time will tell, I suppose.