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NeonRevolt ago

Not a bad idea - but in need of MUCH better memes, and better hashtags.

Will help any way I can, through my various channels.

Gotta drop the #Pedowood hashtag, though. That's... a really unfortunate hashtag.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

fuck off, carpetbagger.

NeonRevolt ago

lol No.

Cry some moar about it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Keep your money grubbing face out of v/Pizzagate.

Fame whores like you are a dime a dozen.

Like my salty tears? Shall I cry moar for you?

NeonRevolt ago

Still here, faggot.

Nothing you can do about it.

Screech some more, loser.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You do realize that by attacking the v/pizzagate archivist the more your narcissistic personality disorder shows.

For everyone to see.


NeonRevolt ago

I offered to help and didn't attack anyone, which everyone can see.

You attacked me first, which everyone can also see.

Get your facts straight, numbskull. Sad they would put such a mentally unstable individual in charge of archival duties, but I guess that explains your lack-of-success on this front.

srayzie ago

So because @shewhomustbeobeyed can see right thru your fake Paytriot Fame Whore self, she’s mentally unstable and shouldn’t be in charge of archival duties?

”If you're somehow not compromised and dishonest at this point, you're far too egotistical and unstable to be entrusted with such a role in the community.”

That’s what you said to me on Gab. Who the hell do you think you are? You’re a fucking blogger. That’s it. Go cry about it there. You have no authority here. Why don’t you use your older established account that you admitted to having? Show us you’re a goat.

NeonRevolt ago

Nah, I'm going to shove it in your face, here, scumbag, through this account, and any way I please.

Get used to it.

srayzie ago

Because you don’t want people know that you are Nothereforpizza, and you blackmailed me?