I’m dethawing “Operation Yep Yep Yep” (failed due to lack of ammunition) to expose the existance of Hollywood pedophiles to the masses once and for all. I’ve learned from previous mistakes and have learned how to craft basic memes, so all we have to do is spread them like wild fire.
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2945876 The entire 1 year long investigation that leads to this very operation.
https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/01/blind-items-revealed-37.html?m=1 The original CDAN Blind.
Operation Name: Operation Yep Yep Yep.
Objectives: Raise awarness about Hollywood pedophiles by correlating Pedowood with a death that broke the hearts of millions of Americans. Raise awareness of a Pedowood case that gets WAY less reporting among patriots than it rightly deserves. Finally, forceably tear off the shield protecting elite pedos that is Operation Mockingbird.
Target audience: Normies. Which means any memes you want to create need to be normie friendly!!!
Scope: Take the memes that I have created below and spread them across social media, 4chan, /pol, and 8chan like wildfire. This needs to get VIRAL!!!
Hashtags to use in your posts: #Pedowood #MeToo (we are going to hijack the left’s hashtags and repurpose them against the pedos), #HerNameWasJudithBarsi (thank you @Vindicator for this idea), #OperationYepYepYep
Timing: Fuck timing. Just start barraging. Full scale arming of the meme cannons, for this is full scale war against Hollywood pedophiles and Operation Mocking Bird.
https://imgflip.com/memegenerator If you want to create your own memes to use, here’s a nice template site. Set to private and download the image for OPSEC. Then upload the image to maga.img, then post link in this thread if you want to share your memes with the rest of us.
http://magaimg.net/img/6zc7.jpgJPG Pedo Predators are Real
http://magaimg.net/img/6zc8.jpgJPG Media lied.
http://magaimg.net/img/6zcb.jpgJPG Spielberg’s associates.
http://magaimg.net/img/6zcc.jpgJPG Ask Steven Spielberg.
http://magaimg.net/img/6zcd.jpgJPG The fire.
http://magaimg.net/img/6zcq.jpgJPG CDAN. Arguably the most important one to use, for it establishes credibility to the claims of these memes.
http://magaimg.net/img/6zlh.jpgJPG Revolvers can’t be silenced.
http://magaimg.net/img/6zlz.jpgJPG Rate of decay.
http://magaimg.net/img/6zm2.jpgJPG VA
http://magaimg.net/img/6zm3.jpgJPG Michael Caine
@gamepwn we could use your channel’s help to spread awareness. Hell, anyone with a youtube or bitchute account should jump in and do the same:
view the rest of the comments →
NeonRevolt ago
Not a bad idea - but in need of MUCH better memes, and better hashtags.
Will help any way I can, through my various channels.
Gotta drop the #Pedowood hashtag, though. That's... a really unfortunate hashtag.
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
fuck off, carpetbagger.
NeonRevolt ago
lol No.
Cry some moar about it.
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
Keep your money grubbing face out of v/Pizzagate.
Fame whores like you are a dime a dozen.
Like my salty tears? Shall I cry moar for you?
NeonRevolt ago
Still here, faggot.
Nothing you can do about it.
Screech some more, loser.
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
You do realize that by attacking the v/pizzagate archivist the more your narcissistic personality disorder shows.
For everyone to see.
NeonRevolt ago
I offered to help and didn't attack anyone, which everyone can see.
You attacked me first, which everyone can also see.
Get your facts straight, numbskull. Sad they would put such a mentally unstable individual in charge of archival duties, but I guess that explains your lack-of-success on this front.
srayzie ago
So because @shewhomustbeobeyed can see right thru your fake Paytriot Fame Whore self, she’s mentally unstable and shouldn’t be in charge of archival duties?
That’s what you said to me on Gab. Who the hell do you think you are? You’re a fucking blogger. That’s it. Go cry about it there. You have no authority here. Why don’t you use your older established account that you admitted to having? Show us you’re a goat.
NeonRevolt ago
Nah, I'm going to shove it in your face, here, scumbag, through this account, and any way I please.
Get used to it.
srayzie ago
Because you don’t want people know that you are Nothereforpizza, and you blackmailed me?