17018513? ago

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16400711? ago

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15918809? ago

12 Signs of the Zodiac. 12 Months in a year. The day is divided into 2x12 hours 12 of light 12 of dark. 12 Inches in a foot The planet is 24000 miles at the equator. Or 2x12000. 60 minutes an hour, or 60 seconds a minute. 5x12 is 60.

There would seem to be a lost system of caculus based on a duodecimal system.

The giants of antiquity are said to have had 12 fingers.

Tesla said there is magic in 3 6 and 9. Perhaps if 12 is added in this means something.

12 is the lowest number with a high number of factors: 1,2,3,4,6,12. Multiplication tables are regular in base 12 math.

Something important was lost a long time ago, but we have traces in our day to day lives.

15918496? ago

I keep thinking about this post. I feel like I'm trying to swim in the deep end and can't quite reach the edge of the pool. There's something here that I can't quite reach.

I keep thinking...




15917823? ago

I live in Oklahoma City, the tornados are real!

15918371? ago

It's extremely unlikely that a tornado hit the same place 3 times in 10 years

When the pics of the 2013 tornado came out, they were just the same pics as a previous tornado, recycled as if they were new

15917570? ago

https://www.businessinsider.com/canada-arrests-huawei-cfo-at-us-authorities-request-report-2018-12 Can someone make a post for this link please. I have Not enough cup!

15916815? ago

Interesting angle. TY!

15915658? ago

Amazing how intelligent this is, and how stupid we've become.

15915606? ago

The Q clock is technically offical. While Q themselves did not "make" the clock graphic, what they did do is tell anons how to make the clock and how it "ticks." https://qmap.pub/read/477

The Q Clock was planned from the very beginning.

15914931? ago

I am so confused. I dn know. Just arrest the bastards.

15914513? ago

How does Q know the future?


15914451? ago

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15913374? ago

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15912958? ago

Very Interesting Indeed

15911636? ago

Does the Q clock ever show anything actually happening? Because so far, it's been zero, zilch, nada.

Please tell me the date from the Q clock when something will actually happen. Let's see if your right or full of shit. Of course, you won't respond with an actual date, you'll just attack me for being a "shill".

15911371? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/RtjaQ2wUVbyW - ( REDEMPTION!! Deadlifts - Cycle 6 Week 3 )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/HlkfRU65ntqu - ( Did The FBI Admit The Six Week Cycle Is Real? )

15910867? ago

The number 3, 6 and especially 9 have very odd properties in mathematics.

15910556? ago

So it's not the Tesla time chair technology then?

15910060? ago

You're scaring me but I'm in for the whole ride.

15909957? ago

This is a good dig anon. Well done.

15913389? ago

Wow, now I can get on this info. Thanks!

15909928? ago

You need to search out old books on the subject in comparison to what you find on the internet. Historical facts are changing rapidly on the internet, yet everyone is digging there.

15909412? ago

Can some Patriot tell me where I can find the Q Clock without everyone else's explanation. I had it at one time but lost it somehow

15908061? ago

"Even today, we have 60 seconds in a minute, and 60 minutes in an hour, yet our education seems to deliberately gloss over this numbering system, even though we use it every second of the day

So why would the establishment want to keep us in the dark about base-60 ?"

The base sixty is based upon the rotation of the Earth around the Sun (or vice versa if you are geocentric). Either way, a circle is 360 degrees because before the Flood there were 360 days in a year based upon the 12 thirty day lunar cycles. This is still the basis of the Hebrew calendar, which had to be adjusted when the orbit expanded (and still is) to 365 1/4 days in a year. This is why longitude and latitude are measured in minutes and seconds. Likewise the 60 minute hour was built upon the sun dials that tracked the shadow of the sun on the dial to tell the time of day.

I know this has nothing to do with the Q clock. I am cautious about the Q clock. I watched IntheMatrix's video on the Q clock but I am still skeptical.

15907809? ago

Base X means that's the least common denominator. We had base 8 for millennia, our parents were taught it on abacuses and it's used in computing. We have base 10 for most financial math.

Then we have base 12 for time as there's 12 hours in a day (that's why its 1-12am, 1-12pm, and military is still base 12 with 1-24) every 5 minutes is 1/12th of an hour, 12 months in a year. It's not base 60, I believe that's more toward pi and why we have 360 degrees in a circle

15907516? ago

I always felt like there had to be some central communications system between democrats and the media. It seemed impossible that they all had precisely the same talking points everyday. All you have to do is change channels and you can see it.

But it sure would make a lot more sense if this explained what all the think tanks do in Washington on a daily basis.

http://www.6weekcycle.com/ RIP apparently

15907486? ago

If you look up Vortex Based Mathematics it’s pretty interesting . All about 3,6,9 and how very weird stuff happens with the numbers. Like any multiplication of 9 can be reduced back to 9- for example 9x2 is 18, and 1+8=9

15907472? ago

He can shove his clock straight up his ass.

15907810? ago

Anal fixation?

15906998? ago

Every word Q spoke was for a purpose the lion is awake.

15906906? ago

OK, So where did this "Q" clock originate? Who introduced it to the community? I don't recall it being from Q himself. Does this person still maintain it? Do they have any more insight into it's use? Sorry if these questions are too obvious they seem relevant though. I can't recall Q ever confirming or promoting this clock. It's seems a weird side tangent but so is the way you can search post numbers in google books and appear to come up with relevant book lists. I mean, how do you even plan shit that deep?

15908399? ago

Nobody is replying because you look like a shill. Yes, the clock is directly from Q -- not sure what drop, but I think its listed in the Qclock itself -- one of the first few, probably?

15910447? ago

Ha! And there it is. Just when the critical thinkers ask questions, the shill-sayers try to shut him/her down. This V board is a fucking joke now.

15909959? ago

Thanks for your kind response. I'm not a shill, just a lousy poster. You spurred me to not be lazy and answer myself best I can The clock appears to be created by Neon Revolt in response to Q drop 477 which says "Timestamp. Decipher. Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers. Relevant. Future proves past." There are 11 posts referring to clock, post number 506 says Wind the CLOCK. The CLOCK and the GRAPHIC are ESSENTIAL. a couple good videos if anyone interested explaining clock Qclock Explained Understanding the Q Clock

15906801? ago

I always thought the Q clock was a calender for us to see that they wag the dog.

15906761? ago

Here’s a link to info on the Q Clock https://www.qproofs.com/q-clock.html

15906516? ago

which admittedly looks retarded at first glance.

lol yeah, it do.

15906323? ago

tick tock, someone alert hannity!

15906254? ago

You fucking idiots patriots are not in control.

Cabal operatives like Trump & Qfraud are in control.

15906153? ago

There could be other reasons Q can predict things. Ever hear of remote viewing?

15910383? ago

Oh for fuck's sake.... some of you have lost your goddamn minds.

15912256? ago

And some of you refuse to use yours. Someone challenging your worldview can be a difficult thing.

15906355? ago

Perhaps Q team has access to the alien tech deep state has been hiding and using against us.

15906269? ago

Remote viewing is fucking bullshit.

It's real you say? Fucking prove it!

15909564? ago

I knew someone was going to say that and I can predict that no one will supply you with proof.

15907538? ago

Go check out some of the CIA experiments on the topic.

15907127? ago

"Remote viewing is bullsh*t. ....prove it!"


15909400? ago

Proof: Check out https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingo_Swann. Early RV 'er and ~90% accuracy. Helped the US army set up their training program. The Army put out much disinfo for nat sec reasons.

15906046? ago

Wow. Thanks for this post.

15906023? ago

How is Q able to predict that RBG will be in the news, down to the day?

How is Q able to predict death of GHWB?

Q already answered these questions in the last Q/A: Control. It's not magic, it's control.

15905918? ago

Q basically says they control the future Q2606 https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/#2606 so...Kind of substantiates your thoughts here imo

15905789? ago

Great thinking!! Excellent questions!!!

15905606? ago

CNN reporter found Osama Bin laden, took a news crew, interviewed Osama Bin Laden

3 Weeks later 9/11 happens

15904973? ago

It makes sense as a lot of their Satanic God's, like Baal, go back to Summerian and Babylonian times. They get off on that stuff. Like Q said, symbolism will be their downfall.

15904912? ago

Oh for fucks sake. If Q knows he should simply tell. Mind games are just discouraging and causing a rift in the movement.

15907843? ago

A rift in your movement..

15904791? ago

Time travel explains it all...

15904728? ago

How is Q able to predict death of GHWB ?

Because Q is a military intelligence operation and GHWB's death was the result of our military acting in secret, outside of our constitution. THEY KILLED HIM. Look at the Q&A and you have your answer for how Q can predict things: Control. i.e. Q causes the events that Q predicts.

It's not fucking magic or ancient number systems or some secret code that can be fucking unlocked. It's our god damn military running the entire country.

Does this mean that Trump has full control over our media, and forces them to attack him every day in order to give the appearance of a fight happening? I don't see how it could mean anything else. I mean Q has already told us MANY times that they are fully in control. I don't know what else "fully in control" could mean, and besides, thanks to laws signed in by Obama the president has LEGAL control over the media. Seems pretty simple to me.

After all, Q has told us we are watching a scripted movie, and the world is the stage.

15906271? ago

Yep, media companies have contracts with the government to publish propaganda

15904593? ago

OP, i think that you might be correct. The approach of the base-60 system is well documented by the mystery schools, and the "last magi", Isaac Newton set much store by it. His approach to these things seemed to cause him to anticipate the future and to some degree predict it. He altered the system of money and helped to set the system of the whole world. It is fucking eerie.

Bill Cooper also implies as much: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fHmWcRZ72A

15904504? ago


15907853? ago

Looks like a lady.

15904480? ago

For something to be a proper theory, it must be testable. That means you need to make a prediction using the Q clock and see if it holds true.

15910399? ago


15906208? ago

I predict that CNN will publish something deragatory about Trump tomorrow

Will you move the goalposts tomorrow ?

15907137? ago

How does that use the clock?

15909577? ago

the future proves past.

15905008? ago

Get your science out of here. The Israelis are trying to turn the Q movement into a cult of morons.

15907725? ago

The Israelis are

Get your Israelis out of here..

15904458? ago

So why would the establishment want to keep us in the dark about base-60 ?

Because it was not invented by humans. The elite use the system of their masters. This all ties to alien disclosure, which the establishment does not want. The work of Sitchin has been out there for a long time.

15907769? ago

Some call the Atlantians that survived the Great Flood aliens.

15904345? ago

Good post faggot.

Don't forget they hide anthropological data to make us think the world is result of Sumerian progress, have you read the foundation series by issac asimov? Pyschohistory, calculations for mass social dynamics is akin to a garden having a master gardener. When you know how a population will react to a given situation you can design the chaos so as to predetermine the state of order that will follow.

15906476? ago

Going down that rabbit hole, I might tangent with the Velikovsky stuff, doomsday, the creation of the Greek/Roman/(literally every advanced civilization of that time) legends and heroes... Symbols of an Alien Sky stuff.

15906438? ago

Issac Asimov - Scientology - Pedophaelia - Nuff Said

15911749? ago

Died of AIDS too.

15904324? ago

Is it so hard to understand this one simple fact?

Qanon and Qteam are Angels. Time is fluid to them.

They can see what they need to see in the future to save us all.

We drove down this rode. God knew we would

God loves us all and will save the faithful.

The rest are screwed.

15904287? ago

Must be over the target, your link to reddit is already not found.

15904214? ago

This was answered in a Q post:

How can you predicted the future?


15905002? ago

They control the media and direct them to attack Trump.

They control the sleeper cells and direct them to conduct false flag attacks.

They control the Democrats in congress and direct them to obstruct the policies we desire.

They control the department of justice and direct them to continue hiding evidence.

They control the military and conduct secret extra-judicial killings of their political opponents.

15904116? ago

Q "has everything" because Q is DS.

Q "predicts" using "control."

We " have more than you know" because Q is communist and sees us as spoiled.

15904155? ago

Speculation. Just like the opposite argument. At this point we just have to wait and see.

15904893? ago

Yep. I put that out there to get/give perspective. We have to flip flop scenarios because at the end of the day, we are both the ultimate target and the most vital force, regardless of Q.

15905067? ago

we are both the ultimate target and the most vital force, regardless of Q.

Wholeheartedly agree!

15904099? ago

You just reminded me of something I read before. It was about (I think) base 6 mathematics and how using that system makes a lot of stuff possible that simply can't be figured out with base 10 math. It may have been David Wilcock who was writing about it. The idea was that our system of everything is based on base 10 math exactly for the reason that it keeps a lot of knowledge and potential hidden and unreachable by those who are limited to it.

15918884? ago

Its base 12 math that was lost. Check what I wrote here:


15919272? ago

Interesting. Thanks.

15905696? ago

I read that the base 60 is related to base 12 and finger counting. If you count using knuckles or finger bones...3 bones X 4 fingers = 12 then tabulate those using 5 digits of other hand giving 12 × 5 = 60 for base 60. I think I had wiki'd it.

Note, some researchers have warned that using this method and at the same time using it with your toes may lead to imaginary numbers.

15907055? ago

How about imaginary toes?

15904695? ago

There was an episode of "Outer Limits" called "The Sixth Finger" back in the early 60s. David McCallum was an evolved human with a big head and 6 fingers on each hand. At one point, he is playing a piano and tells someone that it's mathematically easier because of his 6 fingers.

I watched that episode when it first aired.


15906852? ago

That's pretty cool, and you're probably close to my age. Look up Valiant Thor, a human looking ET with 6 fingers on each hand. He was around just before that time, during the Eisenhower administration.

15904021? ago

An Anon asked Q how they seemingly can predict the future, to which he said "they're in control". Maybe they're in control of the simulation? They can control outcomes with AI and quantum computing? We are entering (or exiting) a very freaky time now with all of this shit. CERN, quantum computing, AI, EMP's, etc. We really dodged a massive bullet with Hillary and the cabal.

15910325? ago

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

15906286? ago

I know this sounds pretty out there but if it was a simulation then could explain the so called mandela effect theory. Perhaps they can also alter the simulation and are altering small details of the past for certain groups of people to see if has affected their memory sufficiently.

15910138? ago

Mandela effect is not affecting your memory! You remember as it is, but the Mandela affect changed the 'past' to what you see at this current time.

So those that's growing up now, will see the 'past' as the changed version.

Maybe CERN has altered the current history when those idiots are playing with dark matter, dangerous stuff.

15908118? ago

Part of me also thinks that our reality is more like playing a movie on your Blu ray. If you were to ask the actors while they were making the movie, they would of course say they were in the 'now', but when we watch the movie after the fact, we are now and that is past. I think I just gave myself a headache.

15908103? ago

This is probably not far off, but keep in mind, many people challenge that time is not what we perceive it to be. If our collective conscious lives in a 'now' where we collectively share a history, changing the 'now' changes our perceived past. This shit is way over my head for sure, but I had never heard of these simulations theories until recently, now they are everywhere. If you can change the memory of the collective conscious, then the future dictates the past. Weird shit.

15910950? ago

Maybe why they spend so much time and effort into controlling narratives and pushing propaganda through their consolidated media empires?

15905639? ago

I don't know if you're a shill or not, but it drives me nuts when people continuously mis-remember or intentionally spread disinfo. Q never said "they're in control", he responded: "control" which is clearly more open to interpretation: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4279775.html#4280202

It reminds me of the people who spread the stupid "follow the white rabbit" meme when Q never said any such thing.

15938587? ago

"Patriots in control" Try to keep up

15911574? ago

I recently read a post by srayzie that mentioned one of the Shill tactics used is to post content that contains only Half Truths. This is being done to divide the community and steer sub members to believe what is essentially a lie.

15908175? ago

I'm possibly a shill for mis remembering one out of thousands of Q quotes by adding a couple of minor words? Q was implying that Q/Trump was in control, which was the jist of it.

STFU. You're whats wrong with this community, constantly being a pompous dick to people for the smallest of errors. Sorry we're not all perfect like you. I'm busy, working, providing for my family, fighting with actual shills here, so for you to say I'm possibly a shill for a minor error is a fucking douche move. Fuck you.

15910645? ago

God Bless you , I know you are a Patriot. We should give one another the benefit of the doubt and correct with dignity, aren't we all on the same team? Who is the enemy ? United , united is powerful , divided is what they are about to become with their slim house majority (weakest in years) and our increase senate majority , best senate mid term for incumbent president in years.

15909136? ago

Whoa there - you aren't being called a shill (yet). The anon is correctly trying to help you understand that your imprecise communication is not helpful in searching for truth, and is indeed a common tactic of real shills to derail useful discussion. Lighten up or fuck yourself off.

15908515? ago

Shills use this very tactic to throw the curious on the fence off to disown the movement. A couple slight words or "edited" Q posts can make it seems like Q was 'wrong' on varied subjects, casting doubt. I'm not saying you're a shill, but you need to recognize this.

15909248? ago

Trust me, I get it. I've been in the trenches for years fighting shills. I know all of their tactics. I suppose that's the problem with being anon, you can't exactly search my post history to see that I'm on point 99% of the time.

Please try to lighten up before going into attack mode next time. What you did there is potentially more harmful to the community than misquoting Q slightly. Just saying.

15909565? ago

correct - you beat me to it! seems to be a lot of thin skin today (me too). maybe q withdrawal / expectations not fulfilled? i dunno

15914438? ago

The expectations are often caused by those misquoting Q or our own misinterpretation of what Q means in a drop. I was as guilty as anyone else until I came to the conclusion that we aren't supposed to be expecting anything on a day to day or week to week basis. We are simply supposed to "trust the plan" and "enjoy the show." Some of the things Q has said didn't come to pass for almost a year later, "future proves past." Many things we thought he said meant something else entirely. We just didn't realize it until after it had happened, again "future proves past."

So now I just enjoy trying to figure out what the drops mean but I never reveal my personal translation of the drops. That way I don't leave myself standing on thin ice and I don't entice others to think on what or when. In other words I don't share my ideas on drops. I keep them to myself. Hell we aren't getting points for being right. But we can mislead others by sharing our guesses as to what the drops mean. Which will discourage them and potentially sour them on Q.

15904981? ago

I’ve always had the gut feeling they have AI on the team. Enemy could have it too? Google?

15907705? ago

Think about the AI we know about, that these companies have toyed with. There has to be more advanced tech that the public isn't privy to, yet...

15911653? ago

Ever read "Influx" by Daniel Suarez? Excellent book whose theme is:

"The future is already here ........

Are smart phones really humanity’s most significant innovation since the moon landings? Or can something else explain why the bold visions of the 20th century—fusion power, genetic enhancements, artificial intelligence, cures for common disease, extended human lifespan, and a host of other world-changing advances—have remained beyond our grasp? Why has the high-tech future that seemed imminent in the 1960’s failed to arrive?

Perhaps it did arrive…but only for a select few.

15905982? ago

Army AI is the only place on Earth that CIA AI has not infiltrated yet.

15906072? ago

How do you know ?

15909898? ago

Holy shit that is the most ignorant thing I’ve ever heard. I’m not trying to defend Palantir, but they weren’t trying to get into any system. They wanted to get in on the Army’s data analytics contract. Palantir is not AI.

15910250? ago

"The only early investments were $2 million from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's venture capital arm In-Q-Tel, " CIA all over it's creation. And you want it's tentacles in our Army's system? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palantir_Technologies What the hall's wrong with you?

15910557? ago

Palantir used feedback from CIA analysts to build a really effective data analytics platform. It’s high quality software. It’s also completely useless without human input and users to query it. It’s not AI. It’s not anywhere near as capable as you suppose.

15911368? ago

I'm sorry but I don't believe you. The CIA did not invest in Palantir to just give innocent "feedback" and if you believe that then I'd have to say you're more naive than I. They had a use for them just like they had a use for fb, Google earth etc etc. You probably believe fb was developed by Zuckerberg in his basement right? And that the CIA just "helped" their start-up out of the kindness of their hearts right?...lol You seriously don't believe this do you?

15912511? ago

They may have a backdoor. I don’t know. I don’t think they’d need it though, since they’re all working on the same data. Do you seriously think CIA doesn’t have access to DOD info?

CIA helped develop Palantir so they could use it to analyze their own data.

Palantir used the govt to give them analyst feedback. “Hey change this, tweak that.” When they built their software into something useful, they sold it to other organizations that had large amounts of data to analyze.

15910089? ago

I'm confused as to what you think is ignorant. That the Army doesn't want Palantir to touch their junk? Seriously? Palantir is poisoned w/CIA AI no? Palantir in any way touching the Army system equates to injecting CIA AI tentacles into Army's system is my understanding. Why the hell would you defend Palantir? Bc they want the damn $$ contract? Seriously? No concern at all for the army having control over who/what has access to their data? Wow.

15910501? ago

No. Palantir is not AI. I’ve used it. More than that actually. They did get their start with CIA. It’s a program used to analyze intelligence data.

I literally said I’m not defending them. Anyway, they just won a huge contract for the Army with Raytheon. They’ve been with SOCOM and USMC for years.

They don’t have AI. The only analysis done in Palantir is done by people.

Palantir lets you bring in multiple datasets and translate it into one database with one ontology. There’s no AI.

It’s just a fancy GUI interface on an Oracle database.

15911429? ago

Yeah and they send "their" people in to "help" with the analysis right?..lol Seriously, I think you are underestimating the CIA's capabilities/motives.

15912394? ago

You’re dumb. Data goes to a server the customer owns, whether the Army or Marine Corps or whatever. The data goes to the server over the govt owned network. It’s intel data. Doesn’t traverse the public internet.

Palantir always runs on a customer owned server.

15914206? ago

Cloudflare & this concept of chaining is what happens w/giving Palantir your data. The data does not stay on the customer's servers. I know that AIM is talking specifically about election fraud here and ZI think they clowns but they do give some valid info mixed within the disinfo. Just linking you to give better perspective of where ZI'm coming from. https://youtu.be/mehDPfrKs7A?t=218

15918917? ago

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and I'm not watching some fucking YT video. No one GIVES Palantir their data anymore than you GIVE Microsoft your data when you use Microsoft Word. User data is stored on a local server. Palantir makes their money on selling them the server.

16054227? ago

Wow you seriously don't believe Palantir accesses the data? Just..wow

16060286? ago

No they do. They service the customer’s server, update ontology, etc. But they don’t own the data or the server, which was your original claim.

Also, I’ve met them. They understand computers and coding, not analysis.

16064368? ago

I don't think I've ever stated that Palantir "owns" the original data did I? I said they get "access" to the raw data via "their" (Palantir's) network/servers so that they can manipulate that data and send it back to the customer in the form of whatever analysis the customer is looking for. Palantir does not leave all data only on the customer's server. If you want to call that "owning"..? My point being that Palantir ends up with a store of 'every' customer's raw data who they service, that you as the customer has to "trust" never goes anywhere. Palantir keeps access to it all. And you think it 'rude' that our Army would not want Palantir grimy hands on their data?

And I'm also not saying this involves mean IT agents...lol These IT people can be the nicest people in the world. Their job simply to teach & effectuate the input of that raw data into the system. They are probably unaware of what Palantir does or doesn't do with customer data in the scheme of things.

15913602? ago

I don't believe you are correct on this. The "original" data is on the customer's server. The "analyzed" data is stored by Palantir and given to the customer. Like you (or whoever said) Palantir is just a GUI right? You don't honestly believe that the actual analysing capabilities are installed onto the customers computers do you? Maybe I'm wrong but my understanding is that the GUI is only the enduser's way of getting the raw data "to" Palantir where Palantir then takes that data, analyzes it, and gives the result back to the customer. You seriously telling me that nothing leaves the customer's server?

15918840? ago

You are VERY misinformed.

I wish it were legal for me to discuss in detail. But suffice to say, if you work at an organization that uses Palantir, please ask these questions of the Palantir rep. They can explain in detail.

Palantir does NOT do automatic analysis. They take data from different databases and datasets, which are all in different formats, and translate them into one ontology, one database. That's it. The software provides lots of ways to visualize and query this data, but it does not DO any analysis of it.

It is not cloud-based on Palantir-owned servers. In fact, the way Palantir makes so much money is by selling the server to the customer. Could these servers have a backdoor in them? Sure. Could Palantir be piping all that data back to some centralized, enormous data center somewhere? I guess. But if that's the concern, then you'd have to have the same concerns about the government using Microsoft Outlook too, because after all, maybe Microsoft is capturing all those emails and feeding them to an AI.

15910646? ago

Well you probably know more than me technical-wise but I'm not saying that Palantir "is" AI. I'm saying that CIA AI is in the Palantir system. It'd be like plugging your cellphone into a Trojan infected pc which then grabs all the data from your phone unbeknownst to you. Once Palantir "plugs in" to the Army system it's over imo.

15912562? ago

Ok dude. What you’re saying literally makes no sense.

The CIA doesn’t need a backdoor to the Army’s data. They can already go through the front door.

15913854? ago

Obviously not or DS would have never lost their footing like this. I think we are in the midst of a war between CIA AI and Army AI.

15918614? ago

Oh. I see.

Well, I can tell you that the Army's data analytics software called DCGS is a piece of shit and doesn't work. And THAT is what the Army wants to use instead of Palantir, even though it doesn't work. And if you look into who built DCGS, you'll find that it's the mega defense contractors. I can't remember which ones, but I mean the huge names that you'd recognize, like General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin and stuff.

So if you're hoping that the Army's software that Odierno was so intent on protecting is the GOOD guys and that Palantir is the BAD guys, I think you might be better served looking elsewhere. Believe me, I have no love whatsoever for Palantir as a company, but my personal feelings are irrelevant. They aren't the boogie man they've been made out to be. And the Army is utterly incapable of building a better product.

15909193? ago

nice! i had no idea

15905047? ago

Doesn’t Google have some secret lab on an oil rig out in the pacific somewhere?

15911720? ago

Why would they need to locate the secret lab on an oil rig? Google could by any number of private islands could they not. Or better yet, they could hide their secrets in plain site. No one, not even Google understands the code that drives their AI according to the documentary, "Do you trust this computer".

15904194? ago

But something's not quite right either. It's like we're living in a simulation. Or else our thoughts really do create our reality moment to moment and collective thought is rapidly diverging and we're no longer holding the "same" reality together.

15910841? ago

Could base 60 ciphers be a clue to how the construct operates? I wonder about Tesla and the Chronovisor sometimes too. I have no doubt our energy is real it's just this reality I have a problem with.

15911152? ago

I have no doubt our energy is real it's just this reality I have a problem with.

Well said.

15903893? ago

Interesting thought. Well done, Patriot.

15903883? ago

The clock is the plan.

15903877? ago

Q clock is fake trash never endorsed by Q at all.

It's as trash as that gematria bullshit Q never endorsed, either.

15905340? ago

It's as trash as that gematria bullshit Q never endorsed, either.

This 100%... fuck that gematria bullshit and the autistic clown that craps it out.

15903845? ago

Qanon told us about the clock in a couple posts. He even calibrated it for us as well. The Qlock is very real.

15903895? ago


15908276? ago

He took what the anons were working on and monetized it for dissemination to us regular people. Claimed someone else did it unawares to him.

15906277? ago

Oh god, the NeonMerchant?

LOL how are his t-shirt sales going?

15907659? ago

Please just shut up about fucking t-shirts. Or go sit at the kiddee table. Adults are trying to do stuff.

15907979? ago

You wish (apparently). No ; just someone who really tires of hearing obsessives obsess over some guy who did something they didn't.. and mygod, they just can't get over it. They just need to set up their own reddit forum so they can endlessly chat about him all day, every day, without bothering us with it.

15907799? ago

Ah haha!

NeonMerchant appears!

15906741? ago

Idk, I don't follow him ever since he freaked out on Q. I don't trust him..at all.

15907247? ago

NeonMerchant is a total scammer.

Q specifically said don't trust anybody making money on this.

If NeonMerchant made the fake Q clock, that is big evidence to not trust it.

15907322? ago

Not sure that he actually made it. He never linked to the author/s on 8chan. Just said "thanks anons" and brought it out into the social media masses.

15907439? ago

Part of the trick with anon is I can make an anon post then immediately promote it via my website (please by my official merch).

15907762? ago

I don't have a problem with someone selling merch. I have a problem with a supposed Q supporter dogging Q out like he did. I did a video on it at the time outing him as a clown https://youtu.be/kIAu-_aDHec But then so many ppl just think it was ok what he did. That he was just "questioning" like we're supposed to do...ugh Sorry, but newbies question Q himself h the plan, not long time supposed Q soldiers.

15904070? ago

I can't seem to locate the posts at the moment but he said to start the clock in a post and even calibrated it. Maybe someone will have better luck searching his posts.

15904611? ago

Sweet, thanks!

Not one reference to the Q clock, no matter how many times Q talks about starting a clock.

Looks like somebody was trying to send us on a wild goose chase with the Q clock, just like that stupid Google books crap.

15905457? ago

Are you a retard?

15906217? ago

Are you?

15904774? ago

You were always the slow kid in school, right? Just a little below average, huh?

Keep trying, you'll get there eventually...

15904820? ago

Not a single reference in your whole list ever talks about the fake Q clock.

No wonder you have to attack the image of a little boy in school!

15904832? ago

You can't tell what Q was implying? You need him to spell it out for you while he jerks your tiny cock? Come on man, the stupidity of you is ridiculous.

15904962? ago

Q said the map is important.

Q said save the posts.

Where did Q say draw a clock?

Where did Q say spiral it this way?

Q gives shoutouts and hints ALL THE TIME.

Where did Q give even a single shoutout to this fakery? Never.

This is as fake as the Google books trash.

Why are you attacking little boys and talking about small penises? Makes it sound like you're a pedophile. I'm sure you're not, but you're getting so mad at me pointing out the clock is fake that you sound like a pedophile.

15905540? ago

The first post describes how to build the clock.

Timestamp. Decipher. Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers. Relevant. Future proves past.

The second post calibrates it.

Clock started - 10 days.

Thirdly, Q confirms the clock and explains its importance.

MPORTANT: Do you understand what just occurred? POTUS Tweets [15 min] between. POTUS missing "Q" in select word. DEFCON [1] POST HERE POTUS mods Tweets [1 min] between. POTUS adds "Q" in select word. This was not meant to signify AUTH / established. This is to train you how to understand the correlation between posts and Tweets. Future proves past. Wind the CLOCK. The CLOCK and the GRAPHIC are ESSENTIAL.

Last but not least, Q FUCKING STARTS THE CLOCK!


You cant be this dumb, or can you? I probably just wasted my time on a spook or AI, but oh well, maybe one other person will read this and see the importance.

15906255? ago

Use the Q clock to tell us what the next Q post is about.

Go ahead, I'll wait.

15906353? ago

Future proves past you fucktard. You just don't grasp it lmfao.

15907225? ago

That phrase isn't a excuse to prevent you from thinking, friend.

Learn our comms.

15907482? ago

That's your problem, you think that Q is a guy that's supposed to be making predictions that come true, when in fact he's simply dropping crumbs so we can connect dots.

15907514? ago

No, you're confusing me with the fake Q clock. People think it predicts the future.

When Q makes a prediction, it's clear:

SA > NK > Iran > EU > US

15906143? ago

Thanks. I'm flyag you took the time

15904673? ago

So ignore it. Why do you gaf what interests others?

15904697? ago

Q said Trump is actually a bad guy now and Q is working with Hillary and Obama to overthrow him.

If you don't like that LIE, just ignore it.

15904736? ago

At this point, anyone who still can't see the truth is hopeless. I'm cool with letting them believe whatever nonsense keeps them from throwing a tantrum, shitting all over the place and ultimately burning the country down.

15904779? ago

I'm sleepy, aren't you sleepy?

Let's all ignore the enemy propaganda poisoning the Q movement and just sleep.

Just believe the Q clock, goy.

15904804? ago

Who's the enemy who poisoned us all with a fascinating clock?

15904972? ago

The people Q is working against.

The Deep State and their globalists masters.

15905049? ago

And when/where did they insert the clock to divide the movement? Where has Q said it's not real? What were the clock posts referencing if not the clock referred to by the OP?

15905084? ago

Q ignores it because it's trash.

Q points us to useful things.

The list of fake BS is long. The things important enough for Q to call out is short.

Q specifically called out AJ [MOS]. The fake Q clock hasn't been worth the time to even call out.

15906139? ago

Hundreds of thousands of views. Some people may catch on


15908699? ago

One has to wonder why this person is so invested in changing minds? It's like the thought police, who cares?

15904408? ago

Thank you, Anon.

15904093? ago

So you're a liar, cool.

Happy Chanukah.

15904273? ago

Lazy! You can seriously just search the word "clock" on qmap and see he's NOT lying.

15904329? ago

This magical image people keep putting up never shows up in a single Q post.

Q never talks about a "Q clock".

No message referencing clocks is talking about this "Q clock".

Searching is super easy - and produces NO HITS for this made up "Q clock" bullshit.

Prove me wrong, dumbass.

15906155? ago

"Follow the pen"

15906177? ago

Stop trolling.

15904472? ago

Never mind reality when you can just pretend everyone else is the dumbass


15904579? ago

Did you even read those posts he cited? They prove Q clock is trash.

They are posts talking about clocks, and specifically NOT EVER talking about the Q clock.

In all those posts you'd think Q would, at least once, mention the Q clock. Except the Q clock is made up to mislead patriots.

15904655? ago

No, I didn't read them because I've looked into it myself.

The real question is:

Why are so many of you (or maybe you're the same guy, and it's full blown diarrhea today) so triggered by other people seeing things differently than you do? Who cares? Discern for yourself and let others do the same.

15904738? ago

No, I didn't read them

Then you're speaking from ignorance.

As for me, I'm pointing out facts. This drawing of a fake Q clock was not made by Q and is not sanctioned by Q in any way. You are being misled.

If me pointing that out upsets your worldview, you are no longer thinking clearly.

If you can't handle your worldview being challenged, you're not thinking for yourself anymore. Q told us to ask questions and you're attempting to stifle any opposing views.

15904769? ago

Wait. I'm the one who posted the links to the q posts. Yes, I read the ones re: the clock. It's too mch to get into, if you don't want to follow the clock, cool. Don't.

I'd focus more on why you get so triggered by people taking in all the information and discerning for themselves. That's how you collectivists always give yourselves away: you expect us to give the same shit you do about what others think of us, etc. We don't.

15904876? ago

Wow, you're a psychiatrist? Very interesting diagnosis you're making about me based on 10 min of conversation!

Oh, you're not any medical professional? You're speaking from ignorance again?

No wonder you're depressed when I point out your being lied to by the fake Q clock.

It'll pass soon, though.

Read the Q posts, not some youtuber's analysis. Are you Catholic? Only the priest can interpret the Bible FOR YOU?

Read it yourself, it's all there.

15905017? ago

Read the Q posts, not some youtuber's analysis.

The analysis I initially read was on the boards themselves. Again, why are you so triggered that people find it fascinating? Peace out, can't give a shit about your perspective with all that projection of your own depression, etc.

You're not sharing anything constructive, just flipping out and calling names because you can't handle that no one but you cares what you think.

This is my favorite, from a guy who wants to make sure his way of following Q is the only way:

Only the priest can interpret the Bible FOR YOU?

15905139? ago

The analysis I initially read

Think for yourself, faggot.

just flipping out and calling names

I presented facts.

  • Q never posted a clock.

  • Q never said good job oh that fake clock.

  • Q tells you to think for yourself.

  • Q doesn't say go to Google - Q is working AGAINST Google, this is explicit.

If you can't handle your ideas being challenged you're not free.

15908559? ago

Think for yourself, faggot.

I do that by taking in all of the information and running it by my own inner bullshit detector as part of the synthesis, nigger.

15909307? ago

opening your mind

I came in open-minded and am still open-minded at this moment. Nobody is providing any evidence that Q supports the fake clock.

Because no evidence is presented, my mind doesn't change. That's simply a reflection of how weak the fake clock is. If Q posted tomorrow about how great the clock is, that'd be very strong evidence.

But Q never posts about it - it's as fake as Alex Jones.

15909347? ago

Blah blah I'm not leaving until I change everyone's mind blah blah blah

15909410? ago

It's ok if you're trying to change somebody's mind. You don't need our permission.

That's fine, that's your right.

But you should start presenting evidence that your clock has any value. The longer you argue without presenting any support, the faker your clock looks.

15909492? ago

I'm not here to change anyone's mind, just to defend people's right not to give a shit about your ramblings and demand for evidence, etc.

15909543? ago

Huh? Your post is incoherent.

You're not some first amendment avenger, you're just poorly presenting your argument.

Nobody's rights are being trampled by the big meanie with different opinions. Are you a special snowflake?

15909627? ago

Nobody's rights are being trampled by the big meanie with different opinions

LOL, it's just fascinating that you're so invested in a thread about something you supposedly think is nonsense and could therefore skip all together.

15911285? ago

Almost like it's poisonous fakery designed to lead patriots astray.

What value does the clock have? None whatsoever. Anybody can already read ALL the posts on 8ch.

You probably believe the gematria BS too. Just play with numbers until you like what it says.

Or are you feeling attacked by opposing opinions? Welcome to Voat, baby.

15916398? ago

You probably believe the gematria BS too. Just play with numbers until you like what it says.

Dude. You are the king of straw man arguments, and you're still here demonstrating that you literally can't handle the fact that some people simply find it to be interesting information, and all speculation.

15921780? ago

Sounds like everybody here is doing just fine now.

I've exposed multiple people to the utter lack of support the fake clock has.

What're you still doing here, besides frantically struggling to maintain your lie?

15924553? ago

What lie? That people have the right to expose themselves to information you deem unreliable and discern for themselves? Are you under the impression you're conversing with the OP or something?

15924909? ago

The lie of "Q clock is real"

15925872? ago

No dude. The lie you're telling is:

don't talk about the Q clock! People can't be trusted to take in information and discern truth for themselves.

15927143? ago

I never said that lol

God, you're bad at this!

15937670? ago

Sincere apologies, I have other things taking my attention right now. E.g. All the lost souls trying to overrun the pearly gates! What happens on earth is a reflection of what happens in my Heaven after all.

15937630? ago

Your refusal to let it go when that's all I was calling for from the beginning means I'm bad at this? You're still projecting, fuckwad.

15909655? ago

Let's see how invested it is after business hours.

15904439? ago

Ok. You win, oh supreme being here to shit all over the Q boards because they're more interesting than anything else going on at Voat and that triggers the over-educated low IQs into straight up mental illness where they have to pretend to be a pigeon who has somehow mastered chess.

15904498? ago

Don't get mad, jew. Get better

Stop lying so much. Q clock is fake.

15904105? ago

So you're a troll faggot, cool.

Go fuck yourself, kike jew faggot.

15904239? ago

I'm calling out liars like you who try to discredit Q.

If you think that makes me a faggot that's very interesting.

Q clock is bullshit invented by Q's enemies. You just proved it.

15904399? ago

You're fucking retarded and must be here to divide Q followers.

15904531? ago

I'm here to divide Israelis from the patriots.

If anything you said was correct you'd be able to back it up.

15904281? ago

15904451? ago




That's literally the entirety of one of your pieces of "evidence" you're providing?

These three lines convince you that some bullshit picture with dots is officially sanctioned?

Can you explain how those lines where Q happens to mention the word clock are supposed to convince us of anything?

15904801? ago

You picked one post out of all of them and act like it's the only evidence. You need to learn how to see the whole picture. Some of you just can't unfortunately. You can only look at each piece individually and can't piece things together and connect dots.

15904892? ago


None of those posts talk about the fake Q clock at all. Go read them.

15904632? ago

That's actually really definitive.

Multiple hits for a clock but not a single mention of this image or the "Q clock" interpretations.

"Q clock" is fake.

15904687? ago

Ok. Glad we've settled that. I'm still going to pay attention to it, even though it's fake. Ok?

Or not?

15904758? ago

Do whatever you want. You could listen to AJ if you want. I still call him a Mossad shill anytime anybody posts his stuff.

15903842? ago

Ahh another off topic slider post.

I see the PAIN and FEAR!

15903834? ago

Here is some original content.

Nice post take my upboat.

15903833? ago

Good post. Very interesting. Just an FYI, linking directly to Wikijew/reddit is quite the fox pas here on Voat. Consider archives at Archive.is of these locations then post the archive link or better yet just screenshot it and put it on Imgoat.com. Cheers and cryptography is cool as fuck. http://www.cs.utsa.edu/~wagner/laws/pad.html

15903781? ago

Great post...

15903667? ago

It's missing the time when the McRib comes back.

15915816? ago

Inverted pork rectum, It's the truth, enjoy

15915866? ago

Pork bung is actually a Chinese delicacy. I like my pork mechanically separated from the scrotal tissues and hooves.

15905039? ago

Weird, Look at number 4. https://bunnyears.com/middlename/

15906529? ago


15903878? ago

Mickey D's not Maccas

15903648? ago

Not enough supportive info for this clock concept. Sounds like a tangential waste of time.

15903814? ago

Good for you. Now recreate a clock that is as precise as today's clocks.

15903991? ago

That isn’t relevant to what we’re discussing.

15906198? ago

than simply ignore it, when you can't see past your own nose.

15903619? ago

Great post and research that you did. Thank you!!

15903618? ago

So tell us what's gonna happen tomorrow, not what happened yesterday.

15904524? ago

Well I can tell you that there will be a presidential election on a certain day

There will be a Super Bowl on a certain day

School will start on a certain day

Christmas will be on a certain day

CNN will bash Trump tomorrow

The list of predictable stuff is long

15904052? ago

You can look ahead and see which Qposts align with coming days, which could indicate what could be in the news.

Check this example from yesterday to see how it works: https://twitter.com/StuffSamKoSays/status/1080520907532263424

15903641? ago

No one can tell you what's going to happen tomorrow, we can only tell you what's going to happen today. Anyone who tries to give you a date or tries to demand a date is a fool who does not understand how reality works.

15904018? ago

So what use is the Q clock?

It's like Nostradamus... can see the future but only after it has happened?

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

15909839? ago

When Nostradamus is happening nobody wants to see it. When NATO was bombing Belgrade, on behalf of Muslim terrorists, nobody wanted to admit that we were "the Great King of Terror who would appear in the sky of the Septieme month of 1999 to resuscitate the Mongol king". Two years later, our proxies blew up the WTC. Meanwhile, Sergei Shoigu, the Buryat general who fought the Muslims terrorists in Chechnya, became Russia's defense minister in charge of its nuclear arsenal and the development of hypersonic missiles.

When "in Russia, the law of all things in common (en commun) between comrades was cast aside", no one wanted to admit that the globalists' golden boy, Boris Eltsin might be the same as "Boris Tsin, the first to fail".

15905035? ago

Fake Q clock made by mossad.

15903757? ago

do you not even 'looking glass'?

15903734? ago

Logical thinking, something useful.

15903449? ago

Very interesting. It could be.

15903421? ago

So by your own post dating the clock before Q/Trump would make it not the Q clock then?

15903417? ago

Power is about control. Control is about limiting information and knowledge. Base 60 = old long hiddened information. Study this.

15906052? ago

What are you people expecting to find with base 60? Like OP said, we use it every day with time, but also angles: degrees, minutes, seconds.

Numbers just represent quantities that are the same no matter which numbering system is used

15907937? ago

I came across a youtube channel last week where a guy was trying to promote rational trigonometry. Basically he wanted to replace angles with cosines, which would eliminate the need for trig tables and trig functions on scientific calculators... problem is all survey instruments use angles and you have to print out his protractor.

Our system of 360 degrees in a circle comes from the 365 days in a year. According to the Book of Enoch we once used a 364 day calendar with a leap week every 5 years.

In the military we sometimes used compasses with 6400 increments, because it was convenient for rough tacheometry.

15908065? ago

Yeah, I'm a surveyor and I don't want to work in 3cos/4*45, or however that would look. Of course I don't want to use the sun either, though that would be the most accurate

15910070? ago

I used to do mining and layout surveys. One of the mining surveyors refused to take a calculator underground and used trig tables instead. He said "What if the batteries die?" I said "Your head lamp battery is more likely to die, then you're really hooped" He was quick on his calcs though.

If they made theodolites that gave you a ratio instead of an angle, one step is eliminated from all your calculations,.. but I couldn't see much other advantage. You would get used to it though, just like using an artillery sighting device that works on the 6400 system.

I watched one of his videos but I didn't bother studying it, because unless everybody used it, what's the point? https://www.youtube.com/user/njwildberger/playlists?sort=dd&view=50&shelf_id=7

15907720? ago

Not exactly true. Numbers are also music, art, language, emotions, movement...the entire universe. Everything is determined by numbers. To dismiss that which you don't understand instead of learning what it is... well isn't that just what we are fighting against? Isn't our purpose to waken the people to. truth and knowledge?

I'd ask what can't we find with numbers? Check out the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE https://math.temple.edu/~reich/Fib/fibo.html

And why do we go by the foot instead of the meter? 12's instead of 10's? Why?.. and where did that length come from? How did ancient people use math?

15910812? ago

Didn't the Lord Jesus say that All of our hairs on our heads are Numbered? Why would that be needed Unless there is a Specific purpose for it? Everything Has a Purpose and a Plan to it, we are just now getting the Tools to know what they are & mean.

15907882? ago

Take your item advise to answer your questions: those are easy questions.

Numbers aren't magic, but they describe things, quantities, that often seem like magic.

Those quantities and their interactions with other quantities are universal constants regardless of what number base we use.

What you are hoping exists, is not numbers and how they are used, but you guys are searching for magic. Secrets of the universe.

Any quantity or interactions of quantities are the exact same in any base. They will have different symmetries, and will look as though they are behaving differently, but that is just the style we have given them.

If we spell pi differently, say pie, the quantity is the same and it's relationship to the circle is the same. It's the same with base n number systems: just labels given to universal constants.

15909191? ago

I didn't say I hoped anything existed. I said math is everything. That's a proven fact. Ask any mathematician worth his/her salt.

Magic is simply something not yet understood.

What's the problem with exploring and digging and testing theory? Why does that disturb you enough to try and stop discussion on the topic? Just because one doesn't understand doesn't mean a topic is worthless. That's when one should start asking questions, isn't it?

I try to remember that I've been raised in an agenda driven world and fresh eyes are always a good idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHj2slKBF98&feature=youtu.be

15910350? ago

Good share.

Math is the core of everything. The universal language. Everything you see around you is maths.

If you like numbers, look up Martin Armstrong and Pi. He went back in history, and all events correlate to Pi. BOOM!

15912628? ago

Looks really interesting! Thank you. I'm off looking for that BOOM now!

15914375? ago

Good luck to you. Here's a clue, Armstrong has it correlated with Pi, and he converted them to years. Eg 8.6yrs, 51.6 yrs, 309.6yrs,

I don't agree with everything Armstrong says, but I keep it in mind and MOST of his stuff is strongly correlated. I don't fully understand it myself, but can follow along somewhat.

This is his blog, like I said, I don't agree with everything he says, but he's more accurate than the MSM https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/blog/

This is him in April 2018 predicting WW3, but I think this was what would have happened IF Hillary had won (remember the cabal's 16 year plan) https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrong-economics-upcoming-events/world-economic-conference/the-coming-pi-target-will-it-bring-world-war-iii/

Armstrong predicting the weather, he's spot on https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/markets-by-sector/agriculture/solar-minimum-biggest-decline-maybe-ever/

15909634? ago

Because you are framing it wrong.

It's like this thread is about how words in English have no power but the ancient Sumerian translations of the same word are magic.

Numbers aren't magic, but they describe magic. And when they describe magic, that's when that magic becomes something other than magic.

It's not the numbers or the labels we give them, it's what the describe: waves, force, dimensions etc

15907552? ago

But not all numbers are the same. Not all numbering Systems are the same.

There's a reason the Sumarians were fixated on base-60. They were taught this from the surviving Atlantians. They were really super big on the number 12. 12 hours in a day. 12 hours in a night. 12 months in a year. The basic units of time (60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours) are evenly divisible by 12 into smaller units.12 jurors in a jury trial. 12 zodiac constellations. 12 Tribes of Israel. 12 Disciples of Christ. 12 Days of Christmas. 12 is the smallest abundant number. 12 is a sublime number. 12 is a semiperfect number. 12 is the smallest weight for which a cusp form exists.

60 (Base-60) is divisible by 12 (it's .. 5).

15907746? ago

Mostly arbitrary except for the divisibility, which is why they were chosen, and for months, tribes

How many moons between winter solstices?

It's not hocus pocus, it's just how we figured out how to quantify things where the multi-divisibility (new word?) helps, and before we knew pi.

Numbers aren't magic, but what they describe, quantities, often seem so when they interact.

15908208? ago

You're arbitrary.

How many moons between solstices? 365.

Hocus Pocus? Magic? Clarke's 3rd Law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

15908325? ago

Sufficiently advanced is subjective. Read "mathematics, from the birth of numbers" and watch the magic be replaced by the beauty of math-understanding.

  1. There are 12 moons in a year. Eventually we created months to describe moon phases' order but the days didn't match the time between winter solstices, so we added days because we realized the dollar calendar was more relevant to an agricultural society. And then leap years.

15903658? ago


Knowledge->Love->Wise Action

???->?Might be logic, might not be->Who the fuck knows what chaos this would sow.

Wonder which of the three we find ourselves with.

15908768? ago

Duality. It is the lesson of this act.

15903342? ago

Excellent post. This is very interesting, more anons should look into this. It would be naive to assume there are no more unfound connections on the Qclock.

15904308? ago

!UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 15:52:55c9daa0 (7) No.7958>>7975 >>7976 >>7977 >>7979 >>7983 >>7986 >>7991 >>8001 >>8009 >>8022 >>8037 >>8058 >>8069 >>8122 >>8135 >>8427 >>8488

7935 Timestamp. Decipher. Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers. Relevant. Future proves past. Q


15905670? ago

Has anyone ever looked into the numbers Q quotes?

Are they random? Do they mean anything?

15905877? ago

That's how the chans link replies to comments. The comment is numbered so when you type ">>XXXX" it points to the comment/reply

15905968? ago

Yes, I'm well aware of how the chans work and that these "numbers" are just comments.

What I'm trying to say is has anyone looked into if these numbers that are specifically chosen by Q mean anything? If they are somehow related, even though they are just the comment number.

Qs pulled off some crazy numerology bullshit before, but this would be on another level of "how the fuck did he do that" if theres any meaning or correlation or something behind the numbers.

15903890? ago

Can you show where Q first gave us the Q clock?

15913481? ago

This video explains how the Q Clock came about, I think, and how it works--but honestly, I'm still trying to work my way through it.

15915409? ago

So... According to your video this clock thing was made by some guy calling himself clock anon.

Not Q.

15923122? ago

Yes, it is merely several people deciphering posts by Q to make the clock. It references the first time Q mentioned a clock, and the whole clock cypher. I did not mean to imply that Q did it, merely that it was extracted from Q's posts.

15912406? ago

No, fuck off

15904426? ago

Q post 477 first refers to the clock cipher and 506 expands on it. There are several other references to starting the clock.

15904523? ago

But some other person misinterpreted that into a drawing, which Q has never once said is correct.

Q talks about clocks, but the drawing is totally unrelated and fake.

15905618? ago

You're obviously just trying to argue and cause dissemination. You're playing dumb to waste time because you think people here are too weak to fully explain things. However, you only embarrass yourself because these things are easily explained and you end up being the only one who is so emotionally invested and angry. If you were really trying to raise a genuine concern, you wouldn't be so condescending, like a child who says they're older or something so therefore "I win!". When you find yourself only trying to win in an argument, and doing things like playing dumb and using theatrics to make people feel small, you should probably look into therapy for clinical narcissism. Thank you, and sorry.

15906266? ago

these things are easily explained

Explain the next Q post then.

15905323? ago

The drawing is a visual representation, created by Anons. It helps many pile to have a visual representation. The clock clearly illustrated the cyclical nature of posts and topics.

I was at first thinking we could predict when Q would post next. Now I see that the topics at each time are linked. It is helpful to look at, though not as helpful as looking at the related posts at any point on the clock.

15906197? ago

created by Anons.

Exactly. Fake Q clock.

15910686? ago

Faulty logic. Shill confirmed.

15911170? ago

Oh, you found evidence Q supports your fake clock?

Please post.

15904346? ago

I believe it was anon-made. The visual chart, I mean. It was figured out at some point that Q's posts and their subject matter lined up with events that happened on particular dates of mathematical relevance.

15910695? ago

I wonder where deep state, white hat, & rouge AI fit into all this.

15905803? ago

That Anon could also have been a member of Q-team...

15904473? ago

Correct, it's total conjecture made by someone else. Then they add things after the fact.

Never mentioned by Q, never sanctioned.

15910003? ago

So you want Q to hold your hands too now?

15911251? ago

If you consider Q specifically calling out AJ as a Mossad agent to be "holding your hand" then clearly you have no idea the level of danger the patriots are fighting against.

Why do you think you have a valid idea when it's never mentioned by Q, never referred to by Q, never confirmed in anybway, but hundreds of other things are routinely confirmed and the anons who post them are told they are doing it right?

Why is your fake clock the only exception?

You sound like Neon now....

15914144? ago

Wow shill alert you are. Dumbass shill foff

15915414? ago

How are your shirts selling?

15905512? ago

We only add things that have direct connections and references to what Q referred to ominously. And he has mentioned the cyclical symmetry of the dates he references, which is what prompted anons to make a visual chart. See https://voat.co/v/QRV/2950074/15904308 How hard is it to comprehend that we only visually chart it? Using pre existing qposts that references specific events before they happen, events that eventually DO happen exactly in line with the mathematical date/clock phenomenon that was, in fact, explicitly alluded to by Q. Events that are easily described by the qposts designating their dates.

15906245? ago

You can add anything after the fact.

Use the Q clock to tell us what the next Q post is about. You can't.

Q clock is fake, you can't do it. You won't even try to predict the next Q post with your fake clock because your post would be a huge failure!

15910026? ago

That's the whole point! It's a 1 way cipher. Only future proves past.

That's how come it's being used. You can't prove anything in the future, but when it does happen, you can go back in time and see all the links.!!!

You understand why it's being used right?

15911208? ago

It's completely useless for predicting anything, that's why you fill in details after the fact only when it conveniently fits? Are you dumb?

Also, go look up what "cipher" means. This is not a cipher. This isn't cryptography, either.

15914159? ago

You DON'T use it to predict!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15910919? ago

Elaborate please for those who don't understand.

15914249? ago

I've got a few decodes here (I didn't decode them, I just collected for offline archive):




You can clearly see the Anon's decodes are logically presented. It just proves Q's in control, and have planned it and it went according to plan.

I hope this helps. I don't know how to use it, I just see straight lines, intersects the dates, and the events happens.

15905328? ago

Do you believe in coincidences?

15906203? ago

Trust Sessions.