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15903342? ago

Excellent post. This is very interesting, more anons should look into this. It would be naive to assume there are no more unfound connections on the Qclock.

15904308? ago

!UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 15:52:55c9daa0 (7) No.7958>>7975 >>7976 >>7977 >>7979 >>7983 >>7986 >>7991 >>8001 >>8009 >>8022 >>8037 >>8058 >>8069 >>8122 >>8135 >>8427 >>8488

7935 Timestamp. Decipher. Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers. Relevant. Future proves past. Q

15905670? ago

Has anyone ever looked into the numbers Q quotes?

Are they random? Do they mean anything?

15905877? ago

That's how the chans link replies to comments. The comment is numbered so when you type ">>XXXX" it points to the comment/reply

15905968? ago

Yes, I'm well aware of how the chans work and that these "numbers" are just comments.

What I'm trying to say is has anyone looked into if these numbers that are specifically chosen by Q mean anything? If they are somehow related, even though they are just the comment number.

Qs pulled off some crazy numerology bullshit before, but this would be on another level of "how the fuck did he do that" if theres any meaning or correlation or something behind the numbers.