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15903845? ago

Qanon told us about the clock in a couple posts. He even calibrated it for us as well. The Qlock is very real.

15903895? ago


15904070? ago

I can't seem to locate the posts at the moment but he said to start the clock in a post and even calibrated it. Maybe someone will have better luck searching his posts.

15904611? ago

Sweet, thanks!

Not one reference to the Q clock, no matter how many times Q talks about starting a clock.

Looks like somebody was trying to send us on a wild goose chase with the Q clock, just like that stupid Google books crap.

15905457? ago

Are you a retard?

15906217? ago

Are you?

15904774? ago

You were always the slow kid in school, right? Just a little below average, huh?

Keep trying, you'll get there eventually...

15904820? ago

Not a single reference in your whole list ever talks about the fake Q clock.

No wonder you have to attack the image of a little boy in school!

15904832? ago

You can't tell what Q was implying? You need him to spell it out for you while he jerks your tiny cock? Come on man, the stupidity of you is ridiculous.

15904962? ago

Q said the map is important.

Q said save the posts.

Where did Q say draw a clock?

Where did Q say spiral it this way?

Q gives shoutouts and hints ALL THE TIME.

Where did Q give even a single shoutout to this fakery? Never.

This is as fake as the Google books trash.

Why are you attacking little boys and talking about small penises? Makes it sound like you're a pedophile. I'm sure you're not, but you're getting so mad at me pointing out the clock is fake that you sound like a pedophile.

15905540? ago

The first post describes how to build the clock.

Timestamp. Decipher. Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers. Relevant. Future proves past.

The second post calibrates it.

Clock started - 10 days.

Thirdly, Q confirms the clock and explains its importance.

MPORTANT: Do you understand what just occurred? POTUS Tweets [15 min] between. POTUS missing "Q" in select word. DEFCON [1] POST HERE POTUS mods Tweets [1 min] between. POTUS adds "Q" in select word. This was not meant to signify AUTH / established. This is to train you how to understand the correlation between posts and Tweets. Future proves past. Wind the CLOCK. The CLOCK and the GRAPHIC are ESSENTIAL.

Last but not least, Q FUCKING STARTS THE CLOCK!


You cant be this dumb, or can you? I probably just wasted my time on a spook or AI, but oh well, maybe one other person will read this and see the importance.

15906255? ago

Use the Q clock to tell us what the next Q post is about.

Go ahead, I'll wait.

15906353? ago

Future proves past you fucktard. You just don't grasp it lmfao.

15907225? ago

That phrase isn't a excuse to prevent you from thinking, friend.

Learn our comms.

15907482? ago

That's your problem, you think that Q is a guy that's supposed to be making predictions that come true, when in fact he's simply dropping crumbs so we can connect dots.

15907514? ago

No, you're confusing me with the fake Q clock. People think it predicts the future.

When Q makes a prediction, it's clear:

SA > NK > Iran > EU > US

15906143? ago

Thanks. I'm flyag you took the time

15904673? ago

So ignore it. Why do you gaf what interests others?

15904697? ago

Q said Trump is actually a bad guy now and Q is working with Hillary and Obama to overthrow him.

If you don't like that LIE, just ignore it.

15904736? ago

At this point, anyone who still can't see the truth is hopeless. I'm cool with letting them believe whatever nonsense keeps them from throwing a tantrum, shitting all over the place and ultimately burning the country down.

15904779? ago

I'm sleepy, aren't you sleepy?

Let's all ignore the enemy propaganda poisoning the Q movement and just sleep.

Just believe the Q clock, goy.

15904804? ago

Who's the enemy who poisoned us all with a fascinating clock?

15904972? ago

The people Q is working against.

The Deep State and their globalists masters.

15905049? ago

And when/where did they insert the clock to divide the movement? Where has Q said it's not real? What were the clock posts referencing if not the clock referred to by the OP?

15905084? ago

Q ignores it because it's trash.

Q points us to useful things.

The list of fake BS is long. The things important enough for Q to call out is short.

Q specifically called out AJ [MOS]. The fake Q clock hasn't been worth the time to even call out.

15906139? ago

Hundreds of thousands of views. Some people may catch on

15908699? ago

One has to wonder why this person is so invested in changing minds? It's like the thought police, who cares?

15904408? ago

Thank you, Anon.