15918629? ago

once you know how [they] think and play by their textbook, it isnt difficult to predict how they are going to react.

15917155? ago

Are you saying Trump has achieved CHIM?

15915575? ago

Predictive Programming. They use our sub consciousness to bring forward what they want in future. There are fixed points in timeline. rest of it are carefully planned out to meet agendas by various people.

15914704? ago

Well, boy howdy this is going to open up a can of worms. Me thinking outloud. Trump was a gift from God. He is Gods anointed. Some of the things he has done point us into that direction. The embassy move as an example. Think, why exaxtly, (put a fine point on it) why are the dems hell bent for leather to fight him on every single issue and most especially anything to do with national security? Why?

Precisely because he is Gods anointed. Remember they threw God out of their convention in 2008! Booed him! They have backed every vile hateful person and group around. Havey Wienstein, is just the tip of the iceberg. Spirit cooking, look up the recipie!

So we have two diametric forces, one good and one evil. Many prophets called for Trump to be POTUS as far back as 2007, Kim Clement by Name. So if that is true. How the team knows the future and have control is either some very advanced tech or God has sent angels. We are at that point in history were the forces of good and evil come together in battle to hash it all out. Evil hates....hates good with a violent passion. So that's my take on that part. There is Devine intervention to save America for the purpose that it was intended. To save humanity.

15914664? ago

hahahahahahaha you faggots are lost. time travel and nothing much has happened?

15914597? ago

Control.... simplest explanation I can think of is the control of information, or ability to rapidlt process datasets. Palintir

15914529? ago

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15914446? ago

The Q Clock is much more than meets the eye...


15914024? ago

Quantum physics. One of the great discovers of the 20th century were Quanta, particles or waves and the astonishing boundary to smallness. The universe is made up of indivisible units. One called the Planck length 10-33 centimeters. That's 10 to the minus with 33 zeros behind it. There is also time itself, as an indivisible unit of measure, as a unit of time which cannot be further divided: 10-43 seconds. Again 10 to the minus with 43 zeros behind it. Think of it as a million, a billion and a trillion and how many zeros are behind those numbers. Now think 43 zeros ... So much so that the leading researchers in these fields now know that the universe acts very much like a simulation, a strange world of subatomic behavior that scientists have encountered the very boundaries of physical reality. Then there is the total mind fuck of non-locality (you don't want to even go there ...) so it begs the question what else do they know and what have they encountered and achieved? Time travel in the physical sense? Not likely with what we already know about the nature of time and its properties. But computerized time travel? Absofrigginlutely! Remember the universe IS without a shadow of doubt made up of indivisible units, even time itself is a unit of measure, that's a known fact. How they would/could go about this boggles the mind, but theoretically possible? Yes, its possible. I'm not saying Q is using computers to time travel, conspiracy theories aside, but it begs the question what might be happening behind the scenes at the cutting edge of science, top level projects and black budget programs, they may very well have figured out how to do it ...

15914870? ago

Yes, but then you have the problem of probability which involks possibilities of alternate timelines and which is the correct timeline and can you alter/merge timelines and what is the consequences. Calculate the probability in each of those variables. Only way to achieve time travel and or manipulation is to exit the matrix, aka dimension and enter into non time, eternity and select a time point to enter and view experience.

Cern? Its a devils portal

15913938? ago

I think so too. Magic forseeing

15913818? ago

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” - George Orwell

They are in control of the present.

15913776? ago

I think the answer is pretty straight forward. MI / NSA can capture / read / listen to everything.

You don't need AI.... Really comes down to bandwidth, storage and manageable big-data solution, like Hadoop.

Of course simple AI stuff could help determine probabilities of future actions, however so can instinct and good ol' fashioned cop work.

15915583? ago

more than that, they can control any 'technical reality' and by using Facebook and the like can manipulate those nearest to you also.

15913989? ago

Its not only the data collection but its also the Analysis of that data as well. If big brother is gobbling up all the data that we spew, then a few good analysts sifting through that data can come up with some good Information which the planners can then start to put in motion. Its not full on Magic, but to make sure that the plans don't fall apart, that's where the "magic" is.

15913754? ago

Q could be considered an Oracle of sorts, making forecasts and not predictions. Q proofs could be generated after the fact by MI and POTUS to validate a forecast that has their approval. For that matter, they could be validating things that any number of anons post and we just aren’t catching on. We all have a role to play. All the world’s a stage, remember?

15913699? ago

He knows nothing is going to happen so you can keep making vague general statements that anons can attach meaningless associations with.

15913592? ago

Not sure how many people are familiar with physicist Tom Campbell, but he has some great theories that help explain time travel, coincidences, etc. Basically WE are ALL ONE Larger Conciousness System evolving towards LOVE, so EVERYTHING is intertwined in this SIMULATION we call 'reality'😇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhMIz_iJtzQ

15913452? ago

Maybe he is the Cabal? Pretty easy to predict to someone, something you plan to do anyways.

15913325? ago

I don't see how it can be only one of those 3 options. Of course I hope it involves ETI over AI.

15913273? ago

Dig into the Montauk Project. David Wilcock Behind Majestic series of (6) videos on YT lays out the story. In particular #3. If you really want to expand your thinking, rent the documentary Above Majestic.

15913271? ago

Tesla's chair - that's why MI needed DJT.

15917272? ago

Nostradamus was a hydromancer, scrying into a metalic bowl full of water, to create a mirror.

15913126? ago

seemingly more and more likely Advance Looking Glass tech?

15913101? ago

We have several theories as well. A group of us have been studying so called conspiracy theories for many years. Many of them hold some truths and some untruths. We have been researching the Q movement for about a year now. Most of what he says, we already knew. Some of it is pure bullshit. However, we have decided Q is definitely not a larp. But we have yet to decide exactly what the end game is.

Many possibilities. As far as predicting the future, yes you could make it happen. Then you have to ask yourself why. Is time travel possible? Can we peer into the future? Perhaps.

We even discussed the idea that all of this is misinformation. If AI was in control, what steps would you take to win that war? Mass fake info overload? Memes? I suppose at this point in the game, anything is possible.

15915354? ago

2 were chosen, 1 was D Trump, now understanding he is a spoilt child that shares nothing with the entire mic behind him what do you think He did? used every single resource at his finger tips to destroy the other 1. why hasn't every part of the plan come off? why do you think?

15913222? ago


15913217? ago

Explain the Q clock

15914488? ago

Understanding the Q Clock - The Time is Now


15913934? ago

You get like 6 or 7 drops past drops dates mentioning people like spin the wheel. If one of them is in the news again at that time then it is 'Proven'. It is beyond random and Q has NEVER said it is real.

15913286? ago

You want to know the Q clock, look it up. It's very complicated.

15914403? ago

I disagree & think it's pretty simple. Clever.

15913496? ago

How complicated is it? Like trigonometry complicated?

15914096? ago

Lol. Trig is not complicated.

15913645? ago

No, not at all. I suggest you go read up on it.

15913064? ago

We are mere mortals with that said POTUS and Q have the best MI Patriots and Intel on the planet also have like minded patriots around the world helping. I don't believe in aliens or other if it existed we would have seen it by then.

15913388? ago

Have to agree there. Been all over the world and have never seen an alien or a space craft .

15912801? ago

Just like the oracle of Delphi he sits in a cave directly above a methane leak.

15912773? ago

It doesn't.