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15863421? ago

How this person is allowed to post abusive threads against her own subscribers is beyond me and further proof that this sub is compromized.

How is a Mod, you know a representative of Voat like it or not allowed to abuse her own subscribers with basless accusations and then stickied to top of board like it is their personal soapbox?

15865096? ago

Fuck you!

15873481? ago

Someone is triggered.

15873617? ago

Fuck you!!

15878051? ago

Click click, pull!

15878065? ago

If you insist, go for it fuckwad!

15879927? ago

right into your mouth :P

15880279? ago

Har har you're so funny faggot!

15887074? ago

You werent laughing when you said fuck you earlier. Bi-polar much?

15887250? ago

Yeah I was! You really think no one laughs when they say fuck you? Well fuck you again!

15893962? ago

nope, not even on your birthday.

15864125? ago

You are the original poster. Why are you commenting as if you aren’t?

15864607? ago

They were talking about the mod, try to keep up to stay revelant.

15864717? ago

Couldn't edit it into their main post?

They have no trouble editing, they've shown that much over countless ree-filled comments.

15968706? ago

And... look who is editing now! Fucking stupid ass people. O i i, thanks for the laugh.

15969915? ago

I'm not MCS, silly - definitely not on that side of the fence. Interestingly enough though, OP deleted their account.

Burner account? Someone else suddenly missing?

Check around.

15970889? ago


Bullshit you are MCS because that is something he would say, nice try retard. Look behind you.

15864769? ago

Who cares who posted it? They should be applauded. Obliviously free speech is a pipe dream on Voat.

15863985? ago

Good, thank you for spreading it. We need to fight against the the infiltration of the Q community. These shills are doing the same thing to QRV.

15864355? ago

Tracking bots in a free speech forum. Q said we needed to be aware of the people we're supposed to trust the most. Looks like the chans are truly the last space for us.

15879942? ago

Oh fuck, look at this!

They are setting up tracking bots soon!

15880391? ago

I already sent screen shots to my email chain the day she made the deal. They'll send to their chains. The issue with this is the deception behind moving here, with the understanding Reddit was being left behind. She brought Reddit here. People in QRV said that Q had recommended QRV not great awakening. I can understand why.

15864635? ago

you are right 100% about Q, and Q was super right that eventually we would be pushed to 8chan.

I knew Voat was too good to be true, because it is. These mods must be from reddit too.

15864705? ago

I know The Crazy Tracker is, or was a Reddit mod. I wouldn't know current status, as I don't try to dox, track, and harass as she does.