17285872? ago

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17268079? ago

I am NOT going into the light when I die... and this is my last round here

17267951? ago

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17178528? ago

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16208384? ago

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15901162? ago

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15867298? ago

its about the ET puppet masters behind the human puppet masters.

most religions (unknowingly) pray to the ET overlords. christians, muslims, and (real) jews would be shocked to pieces if they realized that yahwe is the same entity as allah, a role that is interchangingly being played by lucifer/enki and his son marduk/satan/baal/moloch.

15859857? ago

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15859736? ago

What some others said: Loosh. Sexual energy especially.

Start by asking some basic questions about reality: How is winter normal? Why would a planet want to destroy life instead of support it? Why should we need to eat other animals to survive? Why should we need to keep dying over and over again if we're eternal beings anyway?

Pornography and masturbation has been normalised in the past 25 years (alongside the internet) seemingly as a last resort. We're living in a matrix and time/linearity/cold/pain/degradation/death (and similarly bad things) are 'curses' programmed into our reality via the misdirection of our collective energy. We create our own reality and they've hijacked that power from us.

15854120? ago

What if it's something spooky but much more down to Earth than the ET/simulation theories?

Q said Americans worldwide would be put in the hospital. So it must have something to so with citizenship or something that happens at birth (99% born within the US).

What if there are documents explicitly describing the USA as a slave farm and the entertainment industry's active participation in this? What if the majority of the top entertainers and financiers knew just like they knew about 9/11? What if the reason the good guy couldn't do anything was due to something added by a corrupt vaccine industry to common children's vaccines?

What if 99% of Americans have spent their lives held at gunpoint without knowing?

15853436? ago

I am for transparency. We are more than 15k , check Q and also how many on Q map at once , plus hits on YT.
I know there is a helper , I have seen miracles and felt light and power and good. How does this God particle fit in? I think Armageddon and book of Revelations could very well be planted for fear and control . There is no way did all this and not mess with the bible hugely . There can be all this extra terrestrial beings , just show me if there is a creator, the light , the good, all powerful ? This is a question that needs to be addressed and clearly . Without this well planned and evidences based , well then you are not ready for the Christians . There also needs to be hard core exposure of this alternate history .
I also think this has to be built up to , layer upon layer, proof upon proof. And realize the bible ...... Says there will be a great deception in the last days and many will fall away. These are all things that have to be looked at.

15854239? ago

For me, it has to be something so bizarre and far from our worldview that it would mess me up to know.

After looking into the Nephilim and the fact that they did exist, makes me think it is something along those lines. The Book Of Enoch describes them playing around genetically. Maybe we're a part of that somehow. But even finding out that, would that send me to the hospital? Doubtful. So either it was an exaggeration, or it is something i can't even imagine.

15853234? ago

I took it as hyperbole

15853167? ago

let's start with the truth about what happened in Germany.

15852429? ago

I believe a certain level of truth must come out front and center. Many people believe, including myself, that we need to reset our society. Many thought an all out civil war would do it. However the Q plan is better and the reality shock is what can do it. The really dark stuff must be made available though. Many will not want to see that after a truth bomb, but would then believe it is that bad. Too much secrecy for so long is how we got into this mess. The truth shall set our people free. We who know must be there to calm them. We have been getting the word out and therefore they are better prepared than before. Trump has aligned with many other countries allowing the truth to prevent wars. No countries hands are clean, all had entrenched deep state. Yellow vests understand too.

15851648? ago

OK so we're all stuck in a satanic matrix ran by Satan himself. Hell isn't fire and brimstone, it's a matrix for satan's playground which is why the pedo and child sacrifice stuff persist and our reality is literally hell itself. UFOs are demon entities coming in and out of the matrix to corrupt existence. Every politician, priest, doctor, and kindergarten teacher on Earth has a personal child sex-slave dungeon in their basement. So the fuck what. Consequence be damned, release the TRUTH.

15851451? ago

The truth is there are baby parts in many of the products you eat, drink and rub on your body because they recycle them out into the masses in these sicko ways you don't want to know about. They have literally spread their filth to all of us and literally let us rub it on ourselves, consume it and live around it!

15854869? ago

I am surprised at the amount of replies saying mixed up human parts in our food. It had never even crossed my mind previously. I would definitely throw up if I found out it were true...

15850666? ago

"The Truth Would Put 99% Of People In The Hospital" - Q? Well then so be it for i am not going to live forever and i hate liars so give us the damned truth for once and for all. If people cannot handle the truth then too bad for them and if that sounds hard is living a lie is better?

15850267? ago

This maybe? Might be hard for many including here to wrap their minds around:

"Negative Aliens propping up the Controllers cabals have been manipulating the human world on earth for thousands and thousands of years, since the Atlantian Cataclysm for their own purposes to harvest human Negative Emotional Energy, as well as siphon consciousness energy and resources from the planet. See the Ages of Humanity. These are inter-dimensional and extra dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelics in ancient history and they use many AI technological manipulation methods to Mind Control and negatively manipulate the future direction of the human race by artificially generating False Timelines. These Artificial Timelines are means to recycle souls or are used as Consciousness Traps. Once such negative manipulation is installing the Armageddon Software into the planetary brain in order to install False Father Negative Alien Religions based on serving the Yahweh and Jehovian Annunaki Collectives. See Dark Force Manipulation Methods and Mind Control."

False timelines

15849938? ago

I've been thinking about this and something a very spiritual person said to me - we have spirits and other being surrounding us all the time. Just we don't see them because either our brain filters them out, or because of our dimensional level. Perhaps learning that things are floating or battling or moving around us constantly would cause psychosis. Apparently we have 'guardian angels' with us at all time, what are they protecting us from?

15852075? ago

Such could be a mix of good angelic and evil devilish. Which ever one you encourage and invite and entertain and nourish.... Also if you 'ask' for help, it is said your guides, whatever, will try?to oblige, be careful what you wish for, help towards your soul objective might NOT be coming first in the race that day.

15850035? ago

A few years ago I would have called you crazy for suggesting that we have guardian angels, but I've gone through several situations over the last few years that could only be explained by having guardian angels.

15849466? ago

At this point, nothing would surprise me! NOTHING!

15849101? ago

You are forgetting that so many people are still sleeping, we're 15k subbed on /v/QRV out of 8 billion people.

15849598? ago

Even 15k is an overestimate because it includes bots and doubles (people with second or third accounts). The real number is even less!

15849089? ago

Here is a little something from my experience:

My wife and I have watched the TV show 13 reasons why (spoiler ahead for those who still haven't watched and want to for some reason :P )

There is a scene by the end of season 3 (i think) in which one of the male characters gets ambushed in a school bathroom by bullies and gets raped by them with a broom up the ass. The scene isn't really graphic and doesn't really show anything excplicitly but it gets your imagination going nevertheless.

What actually surprised me was the way my wife reacted to the scene. She was absolutely horrified, genuinely horrified. She hugged me really tight, was shaking and shivering and started crying immediately... I have never witnessed this type of behaviour from her ever and we have watched a lot of shows and movies together some more graphic than others. Anyways i obviously immediately began consoling her and cooling her down, which she did and after she explained how she knows such things are happening and all but it all just became just a bit too much for her.

I've learned something from that experience, and that is that I myself have become desensitized to these things via 4chan, liveleak and some personal experiences i've had with some nasty people i used to hang out with, with who i have distanced myself from after i realized that what they do is not something i want because i see myself as a good guy.

I've also realized that normies (like my wife) are really sensitive to these sort of things and this is ok. These vile things that happen around the globe are not for normies, most people do not want to nor should they witness these things. We autists like to believe that everyone should be aware of all the evil that is around us. And I used to agree with that until that scene i was talking about happened. After that i realized that seeing evil and being aware of it isn't for everyone...

Having knowledge of evil and seeing images, videos and events of it can be burden for the mind and soul, a burden almost all of us here carry. While i can't speak for others i have personally felt weight of that burden on numerous occasions in my life through periods of depression and hopelesness for the world and the human race. Luckily I am now in an amazing state of mind and i feel my life is getting brighter and better day by day, but all that is a result of mindfullness, self searching and learning to appreciate and focus on the good things in life rather than the bad and evil.

If you read the welcome message on the 8ch q board, it says this is a battlefield of the mind. People with similiar experiences like me will know what i'm talking about when i say that the things that i've seen at a young age are definitely NOT for everyone, especially young people. But now after enough time has past i can see that i have endured this sort of "boot camp" for the mind and I'm ready to be on the battlefield where evil, lies and deceit is everywhere.

Darkness to light friends, we are all here to expose these motherfuckers so they get what they deserve all while trying to protect those who need it the most.

15855972? ago

Thanks for sharing.

I forced myself to read about and watch some horrific things most normies couldn't. Had no explanation of why other than feeling it is my responsibility to face the reality that not all is good in this world. That I had to at least peek and glimpse at it so I could recognize it and know deep within that it was not within me to commit evil acts.

I went through some depression and detachment from this world as well. Was very much a hermit for many months and I am now beginning to actively do my best to train myself mentally to see and have faith in the goodness of people in general. It's hard a lot of times and I still much prefer having little outside contact when I see so many unwell people who are drugged up on painkillers, obese from eating poison food, and foggy brained from bad health.

It truly is a battle for your mind, your free will and your consciousness.

15856742? ago

This has to be one of the hardest psychological times for our species ever.

The veil is being torn and it’s terrifying.

15852124? ago

Thank you. Love to you and yours, and all

15848776? ago

What if ....... the reason the search for the meaning of life is so perplexing is because ..... there is no meaning of life. Every living thing on this planet has to consume other living ( or recently living) things in order to see another sunrise. If we are to continue, something has got to die. We're just one big food chain. Whether it's a flea, a horse, whale, human or spider, all want to go to sleep with a full stomach after getting laid in order to insure the survival of its kind. In the final analysis are human beings any more noble than insects?

15849618? ago

If we build the beings that transcend the perpetual eating machine, then yes. Else, no.

15848650? ago

Same bullshit excuse we get for not revealing the UFO phenomena. "The truth would destroy us". Fuck your excuses. Anyone who would conceal this shit is EQUALLY GUILTY as the perpetrators, no matter the fall out.

15850054? ago

I'm for 100% transparency too.

15848185? ago

I'll be hospitalized from the boredom I've been experiencing all year, waiting for any of what this LARP strings us along for to actually come to fruition. The pieces of shit are smugly going about their lives, not worrying about ever being held accountable for their horrible shit. Trump is fucking amazing, but he can only do so much, up against this evil group of asshats.

15848154? ago

Here are a few things to think about. What if the Giza pyramids are actually the rooftops of really large buildings that are buried beneath the sands of time. No one can figure out what it does or what it was used for. That's because it's a roof. I know that's rather simplistic, but what if it's true? I think that one of the big things that has been hidden from us is how truly ancient human beings are. Everything has to fit into the model of evolution. If it doesn't fit then it's tossed aside. We live in an electric universe. We are electricity. That's a fact. But an interesting fact. What do the cabalists believe? From what I have gathered and pieced together here is the simple, condensed version: Infinite video playback loop. The eternal return. We are a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy....... Time is a flat circle. The Mandelbrot set. I'm confused with some of it though. Do they think that we infinately replay the same life or does our next life mirror our present life? Or the cycle of time has already happened...past, present and future...and we are infinately repeating it. Some of them are time jumpers. At least they think they are. Are they trying to jump into different time lines instead of repeating the same one over and over again.Sorrow, pain and suffering open the gate or time portal. White Men can't jump. I've actually found evidence for this. It can't be explained away with coincidence. Just some really weird stuff. I think they believe Lucifer and Christ to be the same entity. This life mirrors the next?

15848104? ago

The real reason the truth would put 99% in the hospital would be to lynch the doctors and staff that have been selling treatments over non-profitable cures. Letting their loved ones suffer in agony for money when they could easily and cheaply been cured at diagnosis.

15847428? ago

Rip it off like a band aid.

15847280? ago

I imagine it's something like there's babies in your Big Mac.

15849631? ago

Abraham Finkelstein admitted it on a Radio show in the 90s.

15848143? ago

How would going to a hospital help that?

15851182? ago

Treatment for strokes and heart attacks when people find out they and their kids have been eating baby meat a couple times a week.

15849643? ago

You're asking the wrong question, here. OP asked what truth would put 99 in the hospital. That doesn't beg the question that they necessarily become cured afterwards.

15847404? ago

A lot of people have something similar in this thread. It's possible and id definitely be horrified.

15847278? ago

BS! That's just an excuse to not do anything.

15847142? ago

Knowing it and actually seeing it happen is the difference ... many many things that cant be unseen !!! I personally have no interest in seeing the proofs I'm sure Q has !!

15847112? ago

Nigga, I can handle it.

15847068? ago

I freeaked out for a couple weeks after I found out about the Podesta Wikileaks emails. I just discovered the world was run by pedophiles.

15848147? ago

Did you go to a hospital?

15848222? ago

I wasn’t able to sleep and gad an upset stomach.

15848288? ago

Did you see a doctor for that?

15846617? ago

What if it’s more like going to the hospital for a vaccine or something, not necessarily for something they can’t handle, but rather preventative.

15848156? ago

More plausible than most responses

15846465? ago

Soylent Green is people.

15846093? ago

If they can't handle it, they're too fragile for this world. Break them, if breaking them is truly the consequence of bringing the truth to light.

Anything else is covering up for the deep state, no matter how you sell it.

15845424? ago

Honestly I hate to do this, because I know a lot are going to hate and say I am a shill for trying to discredit the movement. But the truth is, Bigfoot is out there in our larger, dense forests in the Americas. Stories of Yeti and Sasquatch have been around from native cultures since before our country ever existed. I have had personal experience in the forests of Sasquatch (multiple) and this has spurred me to do a lot of research. In my research I have learned a lot. I know many are posting their opinions hear, and this is mine. I think that the truth is so great and so untaught that it includes many different facets, one of them being the cover up of the missing link-- currently roaming our forests as masters of their habitat. Many speak of their ability to vanish into thin air... They are massive, stronger than 5 men, it's insane. Obviously we can not learn ALL of the truth in finite bodies / lives, but generally speaking I think it's accurate to say this this truth, along with MANY others (untaught) it would put many people in mental hospitals. Some minds are built on very weak foundations, lies perpetuated by media and social engineers for centuries. Maybe longer. It's a long fall for these minds.

15852200? ago

Yes and more I think. Hospitals will seem to be relevant when people become dysfunctional, then ill. Mentally, and physically. Society we live in depends on a dynamic balance of various continuous activities. If only a % of this slows or stops, the machine of society itself grinds slower and can crumble. That would be a bad spiral.

15848175? ago

99% of the people would go to a hospital cause Bigfoot is real?


Whats the hospital going to do? Hunt Bigfoot?

15852381? ago

I am in favour of a FULL disclosure and dislike the slow controlled roll out of drip drip truths over 10 or 100 years. Not least because the control is run by presumably, some who themselves are, were, bad or worse. The justification is naturally 'hospital....' etc. However, I see that our society is massively controlled, or at least very strongly influenced by the mass media, and it is corrupt as hell. To bring it down to sanity, along with the insane crowd which still has exotic weapons, not to mention the cabal and strings to the global financial system - to bring this under control of sanity and lawfulness - is like chipping away to create a Venus de Milo, but being extra careful it completes without accidentally breaking the arms off, which we need. Lawful structures first, Constitutionality as written, a glimpse of sanity on the horizon, with some magic technology spiced in. International settling down - America is the first of MANY. And a personal wish addressed to the Sun. Dear Sol, please be good for a while at least?

15847752? ago

If he is real, then he needs to be left alone. We owe him that much.

15864734? ago

This I agree with 100%.

15845435? ago

one more thing to add: the reason I think this is important is because of the implications concerning our theories of human evolution and timelines etc. Also the realization that we are not alone.

15845388? ago

There's too much new agey shit in this thread. I'll tell you what it is, OP: Do you remember when the frazzled.rip hoax happened? Did you have a moment where you thought "this is it" when you read about it?

I did. For a short while I thought it was real, and I read the description. The video was purported to be of Clinton and Abedin slaughtering a young woman and eating her flesh, drinking her blood, while she screams.

I felt a sinking sensation in my stomach and my chest. I felt crestfallen, deflated, physically depressed. Deep down inside I think most of us don't want to be right about all of this stuff, the sick things the elites do, the cruel things. We all pretend to be so hardened and conditioned to terrible things that it wouldn't affect us. I thought so too, but then I thought, when frazzled.rip came out, this is it, and for a few minutes, I felt horrible. And you know what - if I felt that way and I had been warned that something like frazzled.rip was going on, how the fuck is it going to be for someone who gets blindsided? Hospital visits indeed.

15846604? ago

What the fuck is a hospital going to do for someone who is not sick or injured?

Not a damn thing

15846760? ago

People check in to hospitals all the time for issues that aren't obvious sicknesses or physical injuries. Why do you think depression drugs are a multimillion dollar industry?

15846940? ago

You dont go to a hospital for depression. And drug addicts only go to the hospital of they overdose or they need more drugs.

15846215? ago

Wait until they find out about the human hunting parties. Torture, rape and murder of children in the forest; pictures taken and paintings made as trophies. Whew.

15845086? ago

Ehhh, it is Q’s pathetic excuse to justify nothing ebover happening.

15844785? ago

Just look at the people who know and see how they have handled it and themselves over the past year or 2. That should give a pretty good picture how the rest will handle it. Most people can't handle the truth and will fight like heck to save their known / comfortable little world.

15844738? ago

What ever is about to happen i hope it involves the US army arresting all FBI agents and shooting all FBI agents in the chest and head twice each.

15844582? ago

Reasonable people (conservatives) know this, and we can calmly handle it. Wait until the crazy liberals actually realize they've been duped by a bunch of narcissistic murdering gun-runners that have been secretly using them as a tool against themselves to enslave them. That will be the day, watching antifa turn against their masters.

15844559? ago

Did you see that video of that NPC melting down because somebody was wearing a Trump shirt?

That's just a shirt.

Q wasn't exaggerating, it's real.

Our reality is what you perceive reality to be. You create your own reality, based on your thinking. NPC don't think for themselves. Brainwashed. You think and ask questions. Your reality is seeking the truth.

People can in fact create their own reality. Believe it? Think red. Look around. How many red do you now see? Was it there before? Imagine if you remember to look for red all day, what will happen? Will you see red everywhere?

Change the idea of looking for red, and replace it with your goal. What happens when you remember to see your goal all day long? You'll see pathways to reaching your goal. Amazing?

We all create our own universe.

Our souls have spirit energy. When we die, our physical body dies, but our soul/spirit lives on. There's no prison per say. Just life lessons we have to learn, and we go where our spirit needs to go to learn whatever it needs to learn.

15861479? ago

My god there is a lot of red in the room right now.

15844407? ago

That everything around you is designed to poison you, to weaken you, to force you not to think for yourself, and all so someone else can benefit.

That's what the truth is.

15846626? ago

How is going to the hospital help with being forced not to think for yourself?

15848778? ago

It's not. It's a metaphor for when one finds this out - that they will have such a divorce from reality and be mentally fucked up that they will end up being involuntarily committed.

15849661? ago

He's asking everyone that question. I think he thinks it's a clever rebuttle or something.

15844402? ago

So much we know about the world today is a lie. People will need to come to terms with this 1:1:1:1. Seven stages of grief... https://www.recover-from-grief.com/7-stages-of-grief.html

15844357? ago

Was again wondering the same thing just the other day when it hit me that I think 50-75% of what’ll put most of the normies in the hospital is finding out that there’s humans mixed in our ground beef, etc....

The reason I came to this conclusion is bc of the fact that for the past 10 years my hubby and I have noticed that hamburgers aren’t what they used to be in that if it isn’t high-quality beef we feel awful after eating them. AND what I’ve said to my kids as a deterrence to never eat hamburgers & the like at McDonalds.... that aside from the fact that most of what’s in a McD burger, think about ALL the burgers and steaks that are fed to people all across the world on a daily basis and ask yourself if the world has a large enough cow supply to sustain it. Even if horse is added to ground beef, are there enough cows AND horses to provide that many burgers and steaks across the world EVERY DAY!???

15846643? ago

Whats going to the hospital going to do about that?

15855075? ago

Lmao many people missed the point of the thread, yes. Maybe I didn't make it clear enough, but I agree, 99% will NOT go to the hospital if they learned they ate human meat. I was really curious as to what could be so bad, but maybe people are generally weaker stomached than I thought.

15844327? ago

Your post resonated. It's very interesting and likely true.

It's not what we know that'll put us there. Is what we don't know.

15844198? ago

Causing diseases intentionally, perhaps even cancers, diabetes, aids, ebola, etc.. Then having the cures available for the elites only, but making trillions from treatments and pharmaceuticals from us "feeders". Producing addictive drugs for profit, Bush, Sr. and the Afghanistan poppy fields. CIA helping network the drugs through cartels in all nations. Fentanyl -700,000 deaths this year just in USA-population control. The one truly disgusting info that is cycling dark web is if these evil food corporations used aborted babies, or tortured infants and children, in our processed food chain as part of their evil cult stuff. Having us eat human tissue and blood without our knowledge gives them more power. I pray that is NOT it, but can you imagine if something you eat every day is ground up baby? Now that would put ME in the hospital. I have been reading that for several years now. Imagine what would happen if the pink goo they USED to make McD's chicken nuggets was made from that...it has been changed to real chicken in recent years. I am NOT saying it was, that is just a "what if" example of a psychiatric horror show for most of us. Worse than that? Vaccines to change us genetically in some way? That we really are just hooked up into a matrix and feeding alien species while our brains are being input with fake life video images. Q is waking us up and when we finally are strong enough in numbers world wide, we get unplugged and take our planet back. WWG1WGA... Okay, that is a bit crazy, but so was that movie. It made me question everything years ago and research more rather than swallow the MSM feed.

15846696? ago

What would you expect the hospital to do about your having consumed human meat?

It doesnt make any sense at all to go to the hospital for that. Whats the injury? There is none

Now at the beginning of your post about having cancer or disease causing agents poisoning everyone would definitely make sense.

15850031? ago

The hospital would be psychiatric not medical. But an anon post that made a lot of sense was saying that the deep web researchers and even Trump and Qteam know everything. How do they not end up in psych ward? They are wide awake and have the most Light in their souls to shine in the darkness. Light removes that darkness, so we are also enlightened and digesting it rationally. We choose to go deeper. For me after just seeing Podesta art and Epstein Island made me sick enough. The cannibalism and sex torture of children video must be horrific.

15844073? ago

The Soul Trap experience at death, is pretty hard to take. (look if up) They push us with, " go to the light in the tunnel" propaganda, but it's a trap. They trick you at the light by telling you how great it is gonna be here in fake heaven. Then they wipe you memory, and throw you back down to the prison planet, born to the next pregnant random woman. You have no choice in it. (who would choose to come back as an aids baby) They cycle never ends. Live a horrible life on the prison planet, then, get forced to go back down with no memory, so you can be controlled. The elitists get to keep they're past life memories, so they come back and can crush you, with what they know. That's the worst of it that I have heard of. Death does not even set you free. So sick.

15847900? ago

whatever you read that gave you this idea is absolutely wrong. Any of us can access our past life memories accurately. This planet is not so much a "prison" as it is a "school". Yes, we do choose to come in - and we do have what can most easily be described as a "mission" here. But we choose how we live, we choose love, we choose light over darkness. Good people will come forward when the truth comes out to help many through the shock and fear. Some of us have been preparing for decades. the truth will be very ugly and truly shocking... but many will recover. sadly, many walk through life with closed minds and closed eyes living their life in fear and shackled by an antiquated belief system designed to keep us in servitude. it will be the hardest for them.

15844256? ago

How people tend to react quite emotionally to this just makes it seem more true.

15844024? ago

That there is no such thing as free will.

15846732? ago

What is going to the hospital going to do about that?

15849411? ago

Nothing. You'll just end up there. "Why bother getting out of bed and going to work to feed myself?" you'll ask yourself. "If I just laid here and starved or if I went out there and murdered anyone I supposedly wanted to, it would ultimately be God's will."

You would have 99% of people give up on normal life. And the 1% would have to hospitalise them for their own safety.

15843969? ago

Hundreds of babies are brutally dismembered, spinal cords severed, and murdered daily in the U.S. "LEGALLY", and it's been going on for YEARS! The absolute HORROR of this does not seem to upset LEFTISTS in the slightest, so why would pedavores be that much worse for them to accept really. The average DEMOCRAT has already given their allegiance to the Synagogue of Satan...

15843962? ago

Dead, raped children buried in Arlington Cemetery?

tap tap

Is this thing on?

15846759? ago

And going to the hospital for that is going to do what exactly?

15843936? ago

It's funny, I thought he said about 80% of us could take it but the rest could not. Surely they would become depressed at the thoughts for example of how their lost children might have suffered and for some, they would seek revenge. That's how I see it. I could be wrong. It's my opinion and my interpretation but I am often wrong. Do your own research and draw your own conclusions.

When I heard this, I said well I want to know it all, and I asked Jesus in prayer to show it to me. Well, I don't ask for favors too much since I work for him, not him working for me. He's not my servant. But I asked and before that day was over, I started finding links to some very disturbing info. I guess you'd call this the dark web. And I started seeing what some children were suffering. I read about and saw some vague images. More was yet to come but at this early stage, I was so disturbed that I had terrible dreams and I was moved to tears, real sobbing tears and I'm no soy boi. But the realization of their suffering was a heavy burden. Then I was a little bit obsessed and kept returning to those places and found even more. I saw a snuff film that was supposed real, so it said. And then it got worse. I started to realize, I just knew a little and it was not easy knowledge to carry around but each day seemed to go deeper. Finally, I sat and prayed, alone in personal space, a closet I suppose, and I thanked Jesus for showing me what I asked for but I had to ask him to limit that to what I could handle. I had to admit it was so disturbing, that I had trouble with it. Now, look I'm no wussy guy. I've gutted out many an animal and killed various creatures but this was really hard on me, to see children treated this way and that's just one thing. What about all the cancer cures that have been suppressed? What about releasing AIDS and ebola in Africa? What about the elites causing world war one and two? The suffering of so many people. I just couldn't allow myself to feel their pain. It was too much. It was more than I could bear and I don't have a father or a son who suffered this way so for me, it was just plain empathy that all good human being should feel for each other. I couldn't take it and I thanked Jesus and I asked him to stop when I reached a point that was my limit. Well, I must have been there because it stopped. I stopped stumbling across these links where things were revealed. And I'm thankful to be spared. I also thank Jesus for all he does to keep me an innocent. Imagine the horrors he sees?

15846777? ago

What did you need medical care for after learning what you learned?

15847085? ago

Oh I didn't but many people could become depressed. Think about it. Your kid is missing and years later you learn he was sexually tortured, killed, and eaten or adrenochrome taken and his organs all sold, T-cells, and anything else. You minimize such things I think it could send people over the edge.

15847125? ago

In your scenario a medical hospital can not do a thing to help that

15847342? ago

Did you know all psychiatrists are medical doctors because they have to be in order to prescribe drugs.

15847372? ago

Not many work at a hospital

15848744? ago

Most psyche emergencies, which is what happens if someone reports you as a suicide risk, are handled by a psyche ward at a major medical center or else a psych hospital. This called Bakerizing or Baker Act someone. It's pretty standard and it's the same everywhere in the US. All medical doctors serve their internship in a teaching hospital and most remain somehow a part of ... are you just not a very careful reader or something?

15847329? ago

They didn't say it was medical but you are wrong. There are both actual psychological hospitals for psych patients and every major medical center has a psychology section. Where I used to work, it was called P6 and that was the psychology department on the 6th floor. P6 was famous. I'm surprised your thinking is so limited to your first impressions. Expand your thinking. don't always assume others are wrong. What if they actually know what they are talking about. Do some research. Open a phone directory and look up where a psych ward or emergency facility is located in your nearest big city. Suppose someone you knew said they felt suicidal. Where would they take that person? Answer, to a psych facility at a big hospital or medical center or else an actual psych hospital.

15847393? ago

I dont think 99% or the population is going to ever seek psych treatment.

Thats simplynot plausible

15848769? ago

Nope, someone's doing some twisting of the numbers here. I don't believe Q ever said that. Q said only 80% of the true story could be told and that some might even need hospitalization. Look up Baker Act and you'll see it merely takes someone being reported by concerned relatives for being a possible suicide risk or else being a danger to others--suppose they start issuing threats and then take their weapon and go hunting someone. This is why people are hospitalized. They don't walk in with a stomach ache because they learn their child was raped, tortured, and murdered and the body parts and chemicals sold and even cannibalized. It's because the knowledge drives them into a murderous rage.

15843734? ago

The reality is that American Hospitals couldn't handle even 5% of the population.

15843657? ago

Have we been idolizing clones? The body can be cloned, but not the soul. Every star shall fall.

15843589? ago

Good question. Knowing what we now know bc of PQTUS (pun intended), what If a major purpose of their power was for us (our children) to be food for the elites. This is besides takiing control and robbing us of our wealth / freedom. Just a thought when I look at movies like the Hunger Games

15843512? ago

What if we're hooked into a simulation of sorts and what we see is what's being shown to us. And the reason why it'll put 99% of people in the hospital because they would wake up to the reality of being drained for all their energy. Their emotional energy. Physical energy. All of your energy just drained as it generates.

Idk about you guys, but there's things within myself that I even have trouble comprehending, and the feeling of my energy being "pulled" away from me, is one of them.

15851776? ago

Consider - people say that prayer is you talking to God. Meditation is God talking to you. Translate according to taste?

15848658? ago

It is a simulation, but you aren't entirely limited in what you're allowed to see. It's a world of smoke and mirrors.

15846803? ago

What would the hospital do about that? Whats the injury in need of medical care?

15847343? ago

Has to do with inner focus and intent. If you're aware of what's being done to you and you focus on it, shit happens. Honestly typing it out makes me sound absolutely batshit insane so I don't expect to be believed.

But please understand that there is shit in this world that if uncovered on a mass scale, would scare the absolutely light out of 99% of us. Me included.

15851852? ago

At an ultimate level, energy, 'spirit' 'soul' whatever, is yours to keep. Finding yourself in relation to that is an ultimate 'truth', under your control, regardless of what is imposed from outside. However, feeding and watering frightened confused people would still be needed until most were able to make their own bed...

15843664? ago

You're on the right line of understanding/inner-standing.

15843473? ago

What those of us that come to voat know and believe is light years away from what the normies know and are willing to believe. It would be an extreme blow to have the naked and evil truth revealed to many of them. Their reality is a false sense of a righteous world. Our reality is very different. You can't compare how the awakened would take this information to how the run of the mill sheeple would take it.

15846820? ago

And going to the hospital without any need for medical care is going to do what?

15843429? ago

The NWO wants 500Million on the earth because, quite frankly, the excess ppl are using up resources. Going to be a nice surprise to those who support them that they themselves aren't included in that 500M. Jokes on you shill fuckers. Lol

15843481? ago

500M is easier to control than 7.6B

15843428? ago

Clintons and other elites have set up the SOS orphanages all over the world. How easy would it be to disappear quite a few? After seeing the Rachel Chandler "Night Island" image from her Instagram that is a copy of CRTV footage, I believe they arer harvesting babies and children. It's all there. They are evil incarnate. The evil fallen "angels" who bred with human women. Ref: Book of Geneses and Acts 7. This is their bloodline. Destruction and murder fulfills the vile instincts inbred in them. It will take more than Q or POTUS to defeat them. God himself will have to come back. IMO

15846838? ago

The clintons eating babies is going to send people to the hospital? For what?

15843310? ago

Since we have such a narrow range of spectrum for our vision there could be lots of things we would not see. We only see through a tiny slot in the broad spectrum of light. Kind of like a single radio station on the shortwave band. Your single radio band of vision, can not see all the other stations and what is going on there. So now think that there are all sorts of creatures all over the place that would freak people out like giant snakes wrapped around light poles and demons riding on most peoples back controlling what they see and do and harvesting their sexual energy. that is just the tip of the iceberg. that add aliens and mind control into the mix and our little human minds would be totally overloaded if we actually saw what was going on on this planet. thank god you can only see one tiny slot of light in the vast range of possibilities. there was a guy that took pictures of some of these things with a special camera setup that blocked out all visible light and only let through infrared, and he photographed many creatures and flying things that we do not see with our single narrow range eyes. Book" they live in the sky"

15848867? ago

Archons. Ankle biters. Spiritual parasites.

15843286? ago

Earth is a loosh farm.

15843276? ago

Its all a lie, and if we find out the extent its mind boggling. The cures and technology they have hidden from us and the power we hold as spiritual beings being constantly suppressed. Think every conspiracy you have ever heard of x 10, now imagine that's not the worst of it.

15843258? ago

When Enki returns claiming to be Christ performing miracles the 'church' will be deceived. No matter what you do... DO NOT accept the first(Enki) in the reconstructed synagogue(3rd Temple).... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBGLwhb6dp0&t=798s

15843096? ago

I’m going with an elaborate Zionist system meant to slave all but the elite. It’s a horrible thing and honestly everything else is afterthought. Fake disease, man made virus, artificial race wars, all that shit that is used to torture our entire existence.

15843045? ago

My money is on reptilians controlling the world

15846858? ago

What the hell is going to the hospital going to do about that?

15842999? ago

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Magnetic_Pole (Read the part with header geomagnetic reversal ) www.amazon.com/gp/product/1883218101/ref=x_gr_w_bb_sout?ie=UTF8&tag=x_gr_w_bb_sout-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1883218101&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2

Make sure you read the reviews. And the whole discription. World in Peril: The Origin , Mission & Scientific Findings of the 46th / 72nd Reconnaissance Squadron

A.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hL9OHXw_-A8 B.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jTUJ7GtEx0Y C.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wvjJqIXYT1w


11 years = 60 light years divided by speed of light. I presume what we are seeing now is the start or precusor to what is coming.

15842997? ago

It's amazing reading through the replies here, there are so many things that we're all aware of now but none of it has put us in hospital, yet.. One thing I didn't see mentioned was the spirit cooking which seems to be a requirement to join the so called elite.. Maybe the reality of everyones favourite actor or singer having to take part in these sick rituals might put some people in a distressed state. Plenty of people worship these celebrities after all..

Thinking further, we have the fake world of finance, fake Central banks that are run by the Rothschilds and other families for their own benefit. Federal Reserve etc all fake. Taxes? All fake, and theft..

Entertainment world - spirit cooking, satirists etc. All fake.

Health - vaccines, screwed up food chain, 'big Pharma', all fake and cheating people out of their lives with cancer and other diseases..

Environment - fake global warming designed to con people into thinking that we need to pay more taxes to combat climate change. All fake..

And so much more..

The whole world as we know it and the world that is being unveiled to us by Q is all fake. Everything we currently know is fake and designed to benefit the crooks who are thankfully being rooted out..

Of course, everything that we might mention to loved ones are deemed to be conspiracies, a term invented by the C_A I believe to ridicule anyone who questioned their narratives..

Then we get to the far fetched stuff, aliens, tech etc.. What if our bodies are really supposed to last 1000 years and we're being cheated out of that? The system forces new borns to have vaccines otherwise they threaten to take them away. what do those vaccines really do? Our families who have passed away.. Are we really only using a fraction of our brain power?

So if all this and more is suddenly dumped on the sleeping public at once, it could cause the 'brain freeze' of sorts where people just don't know what to do and how to handle it.. Will they be able to process it? Will they look back on their lives and not cope with the deceit..?

It's difficult to think of something new that we don't already know of..

15842752? ago

Interdimensional beings, adrenalchrome, pedovores, satanism... People's world view would be shattered.

15846879? ago

What would going to the hospital without an injury do about any of that?

15851755? ago

Mental breakdown and physical illnesses.

15848140? ago

Those funny hospitals where they give you comfy white jackets and the honor of trying out new "treatments"....?

15848198? ago

Those are more like warehouses for the incompetent. Not real hositals. Nothing has ever been cured at one of those places

15851586? ago

Unfortunately, you are probably accurate. Horrible places those, hurting and using up the weaker just because they could. I bet the cabal owned most asylums as well.

15851744? ago

Trouble with hospitals is that they are full of sick people. Not good at all. ;-)

15865787? ago

Yes, people should avoid them.

15842747? ago

We as the digital Army, our duty is to put stuff out there and soften the target. So when the Truth does come out, they may not believe at first but it won't be as shocking as it could have been. What ever social circle you are in on the internet just start with what you know. Continue to post what you know, people are reading it, not sure they believe it as yet, still they are being soften for the blow. Military tribunals now are being accepted, where last year I don't think so. Now teach about the human trafficking and who all is involved. Then the satan stuff, pedovores. As you learn teach them, whether they accept it or not, they still have seen it and are getting softened up on the subject. Do what the Mockingbird Media does, repeat, repeat and repeat. Brainwashed people respond to that. LOL. You will see more and more people accepting the truth and start posting themselves about it. They may even message you and ask questions. Onward Digital Soldiers. WWG1WGA!

15842670? ago

Read Revelation! The time is at hand! We are at the end of everything as we know it! We are about to witness evil on a scale we can't even comprehend. It's going to get real bad, but the world isn't ending, the end of evil is here, but they aren't going down without one hell of a fight! You are going to see things that aren't possible as far as we know. And if you are right with God you will live the Millinium with the Son Of Man. Most people can't handle this level of truth. Everything in life changes once you know what's coming. Nothing in this life matters..except for your relationship with God and OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST! Sorry to preach, but this it THE TIME! Satan will soon give his power to the Antichrist, Trump is her to save as many of us as he can by waking us up and making us find the truth! It's the only weapon we have! We ALL have to put on the armor of God! Bless you all!

15846898? ago

And going to the hospital will help this just how?

15875886? ago

Didn't say it would help, just that it would put people there.

15843426? ago

Now this is truth! Without the Book you know nothing. The Devil is coming down to earth and will indwell a man: a hermaphrodite ( not male, not female) follow the transgender line it shows the way. Demons will be loosed from the bottomless pit. The world is going to be tossed like a ball. Read The Exodus of Moses and then read the plagues of Revelation. That is all future. The fit is going to hit Shan.

15846053? ago

The demons are already here and they are getting stronger, and really angry! Look at the leftist, I don't think humans are controlling that! Everyone of them has lost their minds and and are getting a lot worse! I'm looking forward to seeing who the Antichrist ends up being! Q was right, it's just like a movie!

15842647? ago

The pedophilia, child sacrifice and child rape and adrenochrome and terrible. However, what would put most people in the hospital is the complete destruction of their view of reality, which would be destroyed, when they realize that Satan and demons are real and that they are behind this evil. It completely wipes out the view that our world is more civilized. It destroys the idea of humanism. It would force people to struggle with the fact that everything that they have been told about human nature, spiritual matters and the purpose of life is a complete lie.

15846907? ago

What injury is the hospital going to treat here?

15848050? ago

It's called psychological shock, or what people often refer to as a "nervous breakdown". The body releases catacholamines (such as adrenaline) in reaction to trauma or witnessing something traumatic. It's exactly the same response as being chased by a bear. Medical attention is needed for psychological shock as it evokes a physiological response. Often such patients are treated by both psychiatric and medical physicians.

15848078? ago

Do you really believe that 99% of people are that weak that they would need medical attention for learning the truth?

15877087? ago

Since I'm not privy to exactly what Q is referring to, I cannot determine that. It sounds like hyperbole though, likely to make the point of how terrible it is. But people do experience psychological trauma (shock) when learning what has happened to a loved one if it's terrible enough. Such acute psychological trauma is what many call a "breakdown" and it often does result in a stay in a mental health facility. Long term exposure to psychological trauma typically manifests as PTSD, but sometimes results in an acute episode that requires hospitalization.

I don't think it's meant to be a literal 99%, but people are regularly hospitalized for psychological trauma (without concomitant mental illness).

15880010? ago

You might just be on to something there, thank you for the well thought out answer

15895659? ago

You're quite welcome.

15848698? ago

People wanted to commit suicide because Trump won. What's so hard to believe about it?

15848706? ago

How many went to the hospital because Trump was elected?

15842607? ago

People/families tricked into accepting a "job of a lifetime" and taken to Mars and living as slaves for an evil tech corporation. People recruited into the secret space program and ordered to do horrible things (transport and sell their human counterparts as food and slaves) and then blank slated when their tour is over. Finding out that the Star Wars movies had it basically right - evil Empire, service to self vs service to others universe. That the Time Machine movie is basically a reality, too. Negative entities (Ciakar and the Draco) that feed off of us - our children. The Matrix Movie....nothing is as it seems - they keep us ignorant so we don't know we are in a prison. Jupiter Ascending....we are part of an empire (and we have the power to kick them out with our free will by the way). A universe loaded with different kinds of humans and human hybrids, reptilians, etc. Finding out the Earth is a farm and humans are the crop.

I think finding out that that kind of stuff is true would put a lot of people over the edge.

15842922? ago

Film Avatar is interesting too - abuse of indigenous race etc

15843558? ago

I remember that movie triggering (almost-)suicides. Legit. Like our collective memory was poked.

15842584? ago

This thread is so uplifting, despite some of the grim subject matter. Excellent discussion anons thank you all :-)

15842532? ago

Epigenetuc changes to our DNA that won’t manifest for a generation or more.

15842512? ago

This is a very good post. Excellent discussion folks! Thank you. I pray for all of us to stay strong and not fall into depression or isolate ourselves completely. I pray for President Trump, Q and all Patriots behind the scenes trying to bring about this new world. Here's to 2019 being "Glorious"! I will hold up my glass and toast all of you on New Years Eve! Keep the Faith Patriots!

15842461? ago

The only answer that makes sense to me is Aliens. All the occult pedo shit isn’t that shocking, a lot of people already know this. What would shock people so badly they need hospitalization? Aliens

15842668? ago

Exactly. That revelation would threaten people's "world map". Everything would have to be reconsidered and rearranged in their minds. Yes, I do believe it is something not of this Earth that Q is referring to. Nothing could be more shocking.

15842424? ago

No, he was not exaggerating. We have all been slowly red pilled on this stuff. One expose after another. It's not until I mention the word pedovore to a normie that i remember they aren't anywhere near as exposed to this as we are. I think that's why the increase in the run-of-the-mill creepy human trafficking arrests. That's why we are seeing so many stories about one or two kids in non-cabal homes who are being caged or harmed or sexually assaulted. The white hats are letting the mainstream population in on the dirty secret. Once they are slightly numbed to some of this, then when it turns out some of their favorite celebs are part of the problem, it won't trigger massive coronaries from cognitive dissonance.

I want to start a thread on this article I read, but I don't have enough points outside QRV -- this is apropos of this conversation, though - and it should be required reading for us all https://fee.org/articles/the-mistake-you-make-in-every-political-argument/

In short, we need to think about what the normies value and couch all information sharing in that way. We can't make blanket accusations without building up the structure around the information. "You know we both agree that kids need to be safe and people who harm them are bad people, right?" --- get agreement. "Isn't this awful about all the human trafficking arrests? What kind of monsters would do that?" --- then maybe you leave it. Don't come back to it until the next conversation days later. You have brought it up. They will now start to see it.

Just as we need to keep reminding them that it wasn't Trump who put those kids in cages, but Obama and GW, we need to gently nudge them towards their own conclusions. If we don't, then Q is right. I saw the beheading video, I saw the HRC video. I was incapable of motivating myself for a couple of days. And I've been around law enforcement my whole life. It's not like I think the world is filled with unicorns and fairy dust. I read the posts on Neon about Anderson Cooper and the red shoes. I couldn't even walk past a place where they had the TV on with any of those fucks. Tread gently. Be clear. Drop breadcrumbs. Point them in the right direction. Send them to posts by people they wouldn't expect to be talking bad about the dems -- like the Mexicans in TJ who were pissed about the caravan and want them to go away. The ones who figured out what we've been facing. Or go on 8chan and download some of those maps from yesterday that trace the routes of drugs and human trafficking. Good sources.

One baby step at a time. One drop. One bit one byte. It's taking care of the ones you love.

15851652? ago

HRC video: I decided to avoid seeing it, however, i read a summary of alleged content. It had an awful ring of credibility all things considered. That night was the only time in my life (I am old) that I cried before sleeping with difficulty. It still brings tears to the eyes.

15870502? ago

me too. I have kids and grand kids. She makes me ill. Let's hope they get her!

15846059? ago

Agreed. It really needs to be packaged in the right way to reach the normies and these are good suggestions. It's also good to have it drip, drip, drip so that normies have time to assimilate it. If it comes out too quickly it causes trauma which gives the bad guys a boost. It would be really good if the Alliance would start releasing the tech that helps with PTSD so we could set up clinics to treat these people as they come to terms with the TRUTH. Hint, hint, Mr President.

15842350? ago

The truth about the satanic/pedovore stuff is horrible. The gen-pop won’t know how to deal with that. What’s worse is when the start with the disclosure about the food supply and what we’ve actually been unknowingly ingesting for all these years. SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE.

15845862? ago

What you’re saying is exactly what I first thought that’ll send people to the hospital,... finding out that we’ve been Soylent Greening!!

15842332? ago

Toxic Vaccinations that are delibrately designed to hurt/kill little babies is a pretty tough pill for many to swallow

15842128? ago

Those that dont fear HELL,dont understand HELL. Sin's penalty is DEATH and it will come for all living humans.

15842107? ago

Because when a delusion breaks it can cause severe depression and possible suicidal tendency.

The delusional cannot be talked out of a delusional belief--and trying to do so will often just entrench the delusion--it's better to let them come to the conclusion that what they believe is not true.

Part of the plan is to dampen this..?

15842098? ago

I'm guessing knowing about a heinous crime isn't the same as seeing a video of it. For example, I clicked a link about a beheading. I knew these things were going on out there in the world, but as I watched the video, I broke down in tears. I had to take several days away from QRV or GreatAwakening, whichever one I saw the link, just to try to forget what I had just seen. Who knows what my limits are? Because apparently I don't, even though I'd like to think I do.

15842030? ago

aliens? Ive been wondering the same thing since Q posted that.

15842021? ago

Remember solyent green (Charlton Heston) great movie. Old man his helper (Robinson?) Went to a clinic to end his life when he found out. But i have a feeling that something else far more terrible is at hand and brave men hearts will fail them. But it is something we have to face,pray to god for strength.

15841911? ago

Well, Jesus DID say that He came to set the captives free . . .

15841888? ago

This one got me

Q#1870 - This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!)

Makes you wonder how big it can possibly be (the annunaki stuff would be pretty big!)

15843126? ago

"The Truth would put 99% of the people in the hopsital." - Q


Q#1870 - This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!)

Ya .... See this makes me think this goes beyond anything Q has already shared. The Q Army is not the 1% out of 99%. We are much bigger than 1%. Q has already told us repeatedly that there are more of us then we realize. Based on all the comments I see on Social Media, MSM online comment sections and live chats it sure as hell looks to me like the Q army or at least its message is now the majority. With that in mind if Q says this is much bigger than even Autists can imagine....I'm thinking this is more a reality busting kind of Truth. Example- What if our world leaders sold out the World Wide population to some Alien species a long time ago in some kind of twisted deal and these Aliens are keeping us in a simulation like in the matrix while they feed of our energies....etc...etc. Now what if breaking the simulation too quickly means the person loses their mind or damages their body in some way.

99% of the world population is a HUGE number and many of those folks are pretty mentally desensitized. There are entire Conventions of people that attend some fucked up shit and even something as mainstream as the horror conventions has some pretty gnarly stuff going on. There are a lot of Christians in this movement who may not be aware of all the fetishes out there alone but news flash...all the sick Pedo shit we research in the Q army isnt even close to horrid enough to put 99% of the population in the hospital. So many people out there are so narcissistic and self centered they dont give 2 shits what happens to young children as long as it doesn't effect their own world.

No...these Q posts seem to indicate its something on such a massive scale we may not have even theorized seriously about it yet cause Q wouldnt say something like this lightly.

---> Q#1870 - This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!)

15846173? ago

Giants would freak me the fuck out.

15841757? ago

I've seen this quoted many times. This is referenced by Q in 2 separate Q posts. The full statement, between Q's 2 posts is "The truth would put 99% of Americans, worldwide, in the hospital".

Now that that has been clarified, My hunches are: 1. We have been exposed to something already.
2. What have we been exposed to? Who the hell knows, but i'm going to guess that we have already been genetically modified. The
genetic materials could have been fed to us via food. All that needs is a trigger, in a liquid. Like super soldier modification, but not necessarily for that purpose. 3. How were we exposed? Well, what have 99% of Americans been exposed to?
Food? Treated Water? Vaccines? Products in Stores?

15850979? ago

'but i'm going to guess that we have already been genetically modified.' Many times...many many times..... one way then another way then back again, then sideways... Yet we have almost grasped what civilisation is about... LOL

15852614? ago

You are what you eat... how many times were we spoon-fed that line as kids?

15848575? ago

Maybe he just is referencing genetic weapons. Or a virus that could affect anyone not inoculated.

Revealing the full truth too quickly could be a catalyst for use of said weapon/virus. Slow burning a take down prevents it as a dead mans switch.

15847936? ago

It changes the whole conversation if it says "99% of Americans world wide". It couldn't be about modified food or water or chemtrails as those are global problems, not just here. Also, Americans that live overseas for decades at a time like missionaries or whatnot would not be exposed to the same things as us but are still Americans. It's got to be something we don't know about our citizenship. Are American citizens owned by Dracos or something? This just got way more intriguing. Thanks for pointing this out.

15845459? ago

wow shit

15850985? ago

Very succinct! :-)

15843305? ago

Smart dust is scary stuff.

15841728? ago

Sex joins one soul inextricably to another. You're all a cult intellect if you're not a virgin or not faithful to your wives.

Like the zep said "if you listen very hard, the tune will come to you at last. When all are one and one is all, to be a rock and not to roll."

15844433? ago

Led Zeppelin were one of the most Satanic bands ever. Reject their music, or don't. It's up to you now that you know the truth. Don't believe me? Research it yourself and hear the song lyrics reversed to come to your own conclusion.

15846127? ago

That was the point

They're way in on the destruction of the soul and have been laughing in everyone's face

15841685? ago

Because 99% of us have altered DNA and need to be repaired...

15841533? ago

The fact that we are all slaves and the globe is a human slave population. The cabal has turned this planet into the plantation. When that clicks with people they will realize “what’s the point of it all”. People minds will melt. Everything down to the core of covalisation itself is a lie, science, religion, money. All a lie to keep us contained.

15841840? ago


WTF is this? A search indicates it might have something to do with supersonic flow dynamics in rocket engines, but how does that relate to anything?

15844101? ago


15843525? ago

Looks like a typo of civilisation.

15841468? ago

If that George Sherff deal has any veracity to it.....

15841455? ago

The earth is flat.

15842858? ago

The Flat Earth Society is big. It has members all around the Globe.

15846220? ago

Read that again SLOWLY.

15882253? ago


15841450? ago

The world is in a shittier state than everyone's normalcy bias allows them to see. Evidently way more bad than good once you see this place for what it is.

15841419? ago

So many woman mindlessly getting the botox and fillers. Wonder what in THAT shit? Wasn't Cindy Crawford bragging about baby penis stuff in a beauty cream?

15843848? ago

Sandra Bullock was on Ellen talking about it.

15844045? ago

Ah, thank you. Got the wrong brunette.

15841392? ago

We know the elite rape and torture children already

99% of the public are not aware of this.

15841937? ago

Yes but Q was implying that 1% would not be hurt by it. Hmmmm, are the 1% the annunaki or whoever infiltrated or created us?

15841887? ago

Kuru disease...?

15841390? ago

Most people don't know any of that stuff.

15841948? ago

Most people know that evil like that exists, they just don't know who. Finding out who wouldn't necessarily send them to the hospital. Shocking, yes, but not debilitating.

15844544? ago

Yeah, the hospital thing always sounded hyperbolic to me.

15841387? ago

Eisenhower forced German upper classes and elites to tour the camps.

Hospitalization or not, I hope the Left and corporatist GOP NeverTrump types are forced to see what they've been defending.

I hope it makes them all ill. Screw them.

15841343? ago

Whatever "The Truth" he's talking about is, none of us know about yet because more than 1% already know everything Q has told us and we're not hospitalized. Also, Q didn't say we would be in the hospital from heart attacks. Maybe the Truth will turn everyone against each other and we'll put each other in the hospital. Maybe Truth is the name of weapon they've created that they wanna use on the masses. In any case, the Truth sets us free so I wanna know it. I'm ready for the next dimension! Bring it!

15841906? ago

None know? Some might know some of it already but - is it discussed here?

15842304? ago

You're right. There must be some that know. I was just thinking that in a population of 7.5 B, the few who do know make up such a tiny fraction as to be negligible. I hope I'm at least somewhat prepared but looking back over my years here I've never really been ready for life changing events, I just deal with them when they happen. This thread sure helps me put things in perspective, though. I need to get back in tune with myself so I can distinguish my inner guidance from the other, chaotic voices. Kinda makes me want to meditate for a week straight haha

Do you have some ideas on what he's talking about? If so, do you mind sharing them?

15841334? ago

Look at psych meds that many think they need. They are truly just unhappy. The meds make you passive. I'm a former medicated. It was an extreme withdrawal but I see clearly now.

15856540? ago

I have been smoking weed for 2 yrs just to deal with this shit. I know that seems like an excuse but i never did it before. Mid 40s. This is all too much. I love truth but I fear I’m a weaker man than I thought. This shit is consuming and depressing.

15877492? ago

That just goes to show you have decency hardwired into you... Imagine if you could learn all this and move around like everything is normal. I'm down to sleeping only 3 or 4 hours a night. My husband asks what's bothering me - I tell him if he knew what I do he couldn't sleep either. But I am thankful I've had time to get adjusted...I feel truly sorry for normies who will have it thrust upon them. I keep throwing out redpills to family & friends - knowing they think I am a conspiracy nut - but figure they'll know who to come to when it breaks wide open. I see that as one of my main objectives which keeps me humming along. That - and prayer. Best wishes to you~

15893920? ago

Thanks for the words of encouragement; you are kind to even respond. All this stuff has called me closer to God somehow. Haven't been here in a long time.

15864527? ago

It helps to sometimes realize there are things outside our control. Do what you can for you and yours and have some faith. Perhaps tomorrow will be calmer, perhaps tomorrow I will have to fight. Sleep now. Rest. For that is tomorrow and worry is not a property of efficience. Our life is temporary and we are sure to be forgotten. Let us try to enjoy what part of the ride we can without giving in to darkness. We are free so long as we never surrender.

15893932? ago

Needed that. Thanks.

15841329? ago

I went back to see what the context was when Q said this. It is in two posts, actually, #111 and #142, posted November 5 and 12 of 2017. Is it just me, or did the Q posts seemed a lot edgier a year ago? On #111 Q had been talking about the 'investment' put into grooming Obama before he was ever a candidate, and in #142 the implication is that both the Titanic and the Hindenburg were staged accidents to cover deaths. The only thing I can speculate there is that people are far more controlled by evil puppet-masters than we can imagine, and that part of that included rigging elections. They probably didn't want Hillary to win by an overly large margin that would make us suspicious, and they erred in the opposite direction when fixing her extra votes. I speculate that The Evil has devised so many options for control that—if they were combined—practically everyone would be significantly affected.

But something else stood out in post #142 (where Q asked about Soros and about Merkel...) "Who is A. Merkel? What is A. Merkel’s family history? Follow the bloodline." I discovered that at some point in the past year, the online bio for Angela had been edited. When I first researched her, it said that she had been adopted by a Lutheran pastor. I got stuck at that point and could not follow the bloodline, but before long, the Hitler's daughter rumors began appearing. Frankly, that always seemed a bit dogy, so I counted it as a dead end for me since I don't have access to those records and couldn't read German even if I did.
But Now, in the altered bio there is no mention of adoption; only that she is the daughter of Horst Kasner, a Lutheran pastor and a native of Berlin. Certainly most who read it now would assume she is his biological daughter, even though it does not explicitly say that. The family did move shortly after she was born, which would be a good way to cover an adoption, if that is what it was. Anyway, the idea that someone edited an online bio to offer less information is weird.

Similar Q posts

"20% public. 80% private. The world would otherwise collapse." from #189 November 21, 2017.
"deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail" from #15 October 31, 2017.

15841322? ago

We wuz kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnngz an sheeeit

15842081? ago

The 'Law of One' work clearly suggests a three way outcome for individuals, depending upon their spiritual development at the time of a (galactic?) event, even the Bible mentions it. The military and others, do not rely on spiritual development in their prognostications. (Spoiler - kindly nice people have more chance of a future than nasty evil selfish dudes), 'Aliens' exist, 'souls' exist, 'reincarnation' is real. Ben Rich (Skunk Works fame) 'Anything you can imagine, we know how to do'. Discuss.

15891370? ago

I've been on an Odysseus level Epic journey of Spiritual/Consciousness/Scientific Awakening and Understanding in the last 6 years. I found Cultural Marxism had subverted my entire thought process and ruined what I thought I new of all those subjects. So I have started over and MY GOD my Universe changed from shades of grey to a vibrant mosaic. Aliens, sure God is experiencing itself throughout itself, Aliens visiting Earth yeah probably beyond that...got me I do not know I await to see what definitive info comes out. Souls yes, I will not bore you with my personal experience I have no way of proving to you but for me I now know my cosmic soul exists beyond doubt. Reincarnation....well when I realized I have an immortal soul I figured I should find out more about what these different faiths and belief systems had to say and yeah it seams like an acceptable answer to a bunch of observational instances and examples from history of people born recalling past lives. I do believe the Tech and more importantly the Knowledge that the World Order has kept from us is Earth changing ans Societal shifting.

15898734? ago

Wow much like my journey! Most of the stuff I used to positively ignore or outright reject, is now not only on the table, but a lot is my active belief following levels of credibility being looked for and discovered. One turning point was to realise that ridicule and debunking, and such were likely pointers to something interesting(!)

15900635? ago

I look forward to our final victory securing our Democratic Republic so I can continue the more Esoteric portion of my Journey, I have found it hard to move further to the Resonant frequency I'm looking for while still engaged in this battle. Course that is why I am here and on Reddit in the end, I see our work as creating the wave others did and are continuing to resonate with.

15904978? ago

My wishes too. I have the added fun of being in UK, where people have little background in freedom, because they just believe they ARE free. No struggle, just is. But it is not 'acceptable' to push the cage edges. UK 'First' is largely seen as extremist in some way. Only colourful characters get publicity for this, and the loudest get arrested. Interesting speculation re controlled opposition etc. It was very interesting to see Trump and the Queen where she deliberately walked just behind Trump. Royal protocol is everything, it was not an accident I am sure. Many good people are genuinely frightened about leaving Europe, lots of fear porn in both major parties. Oh my! we are in for a ride! #WWG1WGA

15841266? ago

Imagine you are an 8 year old trying to cope with an imaginary monster under your bed. Now be 8 and be bombarded with what you MAY know now.

15844035? ago

"Adult" is synonymous with brainwashed. When you're a kid you're simply just awake, but without external knowledge to piece things together as quickly. You feel everything is wrong but just don't know. It's why so many kids grow up with anxiety "disorders" only to end up obese and hooked on SSRIs after being crushed by the harsh reality they ignored throughout high school.

15842002? ago

99% of the world is older than 8. You think Q was exaggerating about the 99% then?

15843127? ago

Can't be. The median age of the world population is right around 30. If fertility rates plummet, it is projected to age to a median of 40 years around 2050.

I don't think that the monsters under the bed are always all that imaginary, however. A percentage of them are demonic entities that children are especially sensitive to. Parents ought to take the child seriously and rule that possibility out. I once had a neighbor who tried to send demons onto our property. Once we figured it out, they were unable to cross the fence. When she left her house, they went with her. True. If I had not lived it, I'd be skeptical; but necessity causes one to learn new things.

15842463? ago

I would like for all or as much of these crimes to be addressed as possible. I also think there is a way to do it where disturbing pictures, videos and testimony are shared in an appropriate forum with the intention of truth and justice while protecting victims, young or fragile minds, etc. The financial, election, war, etc crimes… bring it on. The egregious child/sex crimes and their images/vids will need to be handled with care and sharing them could be illegal and unethical. "Today _____ ____ was convicted ofsex crimes with a minor… Video at 11" ? Not going to happen, I hope.

Some of the things I have read, seen, imagine, have changed me irreparably. Although I am MORE by knowing some of this, I wish and hope that the ones I love, and strangers, are notes burdened as I feel now. Exposure yes. Gory details … to a degree. The one mostly audio vid allegedly of John Podesta abusing a child haunts me frequently. At work… there it is. Trying to sleep… there it is. Do I think it's important for these crimes to be addressed? Hell yes. Do I want my kids/youngers doing the same? No. "JP was convicted today of ____ sex crime. No video at 11" will suffice.

15841235? ago

I'd say that less than 1% of the population know/believe that they're raping and torturing children. So if that came to light then 99% of the population would go into shock. That's how I understood that particular Q post. If it's something worse than that then my God I can't even image.

15842017? ago

C'mon, that's just a simple indulgence of evil desires. Of course it would be 'worse' than that mundane stuff.

15841231? ago

Its to do with reality. And how it can be manipulated. People would lose their minds and question their reality. For eg maybe the Mandela Effect is deep state funded test for mass memory manipulation technology. Cos I swear dolly (jaws girlfriend in james bond) had braces and was a metal mouth too.

15841179? ago

Where is this a Q drop? Linkage?

15842133? ago

Q #142 Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 99LpGawB No.149122955 📁 Nov 12 2017 12:16:24 (EST)

15842421? ago


15841167? ago

Something to do with vaccines is my guess...

15841073? ago

I tend to look at it this way: Most people cannot handle just one single "truth" so they label it "conspiracy theory" so that they can give their imaginations a little safe space to help shield their fragile little brains. Now, imagine EVERYTHING that EVERY single so called "conspiracy theorist" said became TRUTH all at ONCE. People would start dropping like flies in the streets from psychotic breaks because they couldn't handle "truth", much less "ALL the truth".

15841065? ago

Just reading some of these responses is making me ill on the stomach. I've been here from the beginnings so God help the normies.

15842808? ago

Be at peace. I had a few weekends when I felt bad. See the good that there is in the World, see that we all have a choice. Kindliness and care is all around us, and we can choose to add to that. We can set our own agenda, we are clever, not dumb followers. It can get religious but I found it better to be what I wanted to be not what someone told me to be. Remember that kindness, love, and forgiveness is light and light dispels dark?

15840978? ago

I can feel it, Coming back again Like a rolling, thunder chasing the wind Forces pulling from the centre of the Earth again I can feel it ...

The significance of this song will be monumental at the time of the Mass Arrests , Full Disclosure, then The Event 🌄

15840977? ago

The most realistic explanation I can think of is that release of information would cause riots, or our (((enemies))) would cause them anyway.

Everything else just gets further and further 'out there' but there are still some theories that sound legit. I doubt Q could have been talking about depression or suicides.

15842156? ago

Maybe it is the 'out there' stuff which would blow the mind!

15840976? ago

"We know the elite rape and torture children already..."

We do, but the world doesn't.

15840965? ago

"GUARDIANS" of intelligence. IT won't allow us to know the truth without consequences. Maybe something implanted in most of us from birth that can be activated?

15846106? ago

Holy shit man, I just thought of something...

Did you ever read the High Level Insider from 4chan? He was constantly saying that humanity lost consciousness at one point and gained it back. He kept pushing the book 'The origin of consciousness in the biacemal mind'. Many suspect HLI was Qanon testing the boards and response. Maybe you're on to something here and consciousness can be activated or deactivated.

15848760? ago

In light of this I feel like the drops regarding 11/11 don't get enough credit. Something pretty amazing happened I think.

15850075? ago

Totally agree and the thought of 11.11 sends chills down my spine.

15846962? ago

Hmmm very interesting. This verse from the Bible takes on a whole new meaning if what you're saying is true. 1 Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the TWINKLING of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

15850080? ago

Very, very interesting and fitting Bible verse...

15844387? ago

IT won't allow us to know the truth without consequences.

Or so it thinks. Sounds an awful lot like a big scary red button scenario. We already influence our reality to a degree -- but not to the degree we're able. That's what all the talk about an "event" alludes to. Perhaps it's something so horribly psycho/exotic that upon collective discovery it wouldn't actually work because there's no longer any consent, karmic or otherwise.

15840956? ago

It's aliens and hotdog is a sandwich.

15840878? ago

Okay. Here's the thing. All of us and a lot of normies could see hildabeast doing nasty crap to kids. No problem. But what are folks gonna do if they see say a Walter Cronkite or a Betty White sucking the life blood out of a screaming crying begging for mercy dying 3 year old child! I'm not accusing either one of these, I'm just saying some like them, those that many look up to, hold in high esteem! These are the ones that are going to hurt! These are the ones that will take a toll on people! Even the crazy libs know that bummer, his boy mike, the bushes and clintons, are all nasty evil people. They just don't care because they want to be in their "red" shoes some day. But the ones that will hurt everyone are the ones you don't suspect.

15840877? ago

Be right with the Lord Jesus Christ. Knock and the door will be opened. The human Christ is the gate keeper, him knowing you will open the gateway to God. Jesus will be the judge, he is the only one who is one with the Father. Don't stress out about human created annunaki stories, it is all speculation at this juncture. Knock and the door will be opened, ask Jesus to help you understand God. That's how I got woke two years ago, I got baptised and the veil was lifted. Suddenly, I saw all the evil I never saw before - because seeing it is the only way to know it, and by knowing it, only then you can FIGHT it.

Everything is in the Bible. Including alien disclosure. I recommend searching The Timothy Alberino Analysis or GenSix Productions on YouTube. I also watch Dr. Gene Kim on the BBC International YouTube page. Sorry to send you to YT, but, what Satan intended for evil God will use for his good. Both those individuals and channels have opened my eyes to a lot, and they stick with the scriptures and only make commentary on the word of God of the Bible. Very interesting, educational, easy to relate these mythical ideals to modern day theories and biblical fact.

15845498? ago

Could not agree more, thanks Anon + patriot. WWG1WGA God bless you.

15841380? ago

How comfortable would you be if that all turned out to be fake? Not that I believe in Q, but if you learned that everything you believe is a lie, would you go on living your modern life as usual?

15841585? ago

Well, everything I believed in as far as the world around me turned out to be fake, and a lie, which is how I landed in the QRV. Why are you here? Genuinely curious.

As far as my belief in Jesus Christ, I don't know how to answer how I would feel if I found out it was fake. It all depends on "how" I found out. What way do you think believers would learn once and for all, that this Jesus thing is fake? Answer that, and I'll explain to you how I imagine I'd feel in that situation.

15849773? ago

"What way do you think believers would learn once and for all, that this Jesus thing is fake? Answer that, and I'll explain to you how I imagine I'd feel in that situation."

OK, please read this page and see how you feel: http://www.exminister.org/Bushby-forged-origins-NewTestament.html

15843953? ago

Why are you here? Genuinely curious.

Mainly because the Qcumbers came to voat, and their posts appear on the front page. Am also "fairly conservative", but my belief in stuff like this is tempered by a high level of skepticism, no small amount of that resulting from extensive cult proximity and contact over decades in California.

What way do you think believers would learn once and for all, that this Jesus thing is fake?

I don't know that would happen, and "tend" to doubt it would, but I'm more skeptical than ever about promoted narratives these days.


Text search: Quite the crew, eh? These four men had an ENORMOUS impact on Law & Christianity. They authored the King James Bible #KJV (roughly 1/4 down the page, then again 2/3rds down)

This link was dug up by one of the Qcumbers and posted in one of the Q subs here. It's very likely to be disinformation, but deception is often a multilevel affair. Fake information masquerading as deception that's designed to be exposed as... Wait, which side was real? Anyway, the Biblical aspect was somewhat adjunct to the main theme of that expose(?).

To directly answer, I suppose something like the second coming turning out to be the landing of alien space ships could be a strong indicator, but I still think the traditional (Biblical) ending is more plausible.

15844076? ago

The principles of mathematics are divine; and quite provably. For many like myself, this represents "God". This is by no means a coping mechanism. On the contrary in fact. But.... devils advocacy aside.......I DO hear ya.

15841782? ago

I disagree. Good luck with your atheism.

15840869? ago

The liquor knows!

15840844? ago

Probably just how much influence beings from other worlds have on our planet and our lives. The realization of just how much of our lives are nothing but lies and deception. Being confronted with one powerful revelation after another can have some effects on people's minds.

15842048? ago

*other dimensions

15842153? ago

That too. Possibilities are endless.

15840807? ago

I think I know. It almost drove me insane. Maybe it did.

15840703? ago

Maybe we are the woke one percent. It's taken a year of Q drops and reading brilliant anon research with many a sleepless night to swallow all I've learned. The other 99 percent may have to swallow it in perhaps one pill. That would have possibly put me in the hospital. Just saying.

15840608? ago

I’m with you. I think it’s something more than Q has told us. Because otherwise, we would know. Is it Anartica, Reptilians, Satan, owned by Britain, aliens? Everything we know is a lie? I wish I knew.

15841824? ago

And more, I believe. Supposed alien skulls etc have DNA which does not match ours very closely. Another way to view that is to consider the (unlikely?) possibility that we have a lot of 'alien' DNA... Unlikely? If true, then why?  

Experiencers say that we are a deliberate mix of the DNA of others. A grand experiment. Odd eh? Are all 'aliens' good, bad or what? We (Earthlings) are easily and repeatedly capable of beheading others of our kind, doing most awful things imaginable. Nuclear etc etc also. Pollution etc.  

If we are part of many 'aliens' families, then we will hardly be rated as a 'good' or benevolent would we? Many of us eat flesh without a second thought. Almost a ritual? If there were to exist a spectrum of beings out there, from angelic to devilish, then where might we fit in that range? If our DNA is as reactive as some insiders state, (I note the DNA of a caterpillar is unchanged for its butterfly form...) then the cyclic Solar events are no surprise to relate to leaps in evolution. Spirit body?  

Science, nature of a fractal universe, Quantised red-shift implications, Einstein fallibility, how our spiritual form individual and aggregated affects our perceived existence etc etc - all mind blowing. Add to that the deliberate nastiness and orchestrated corruption we see nationally and worldwide, including organised spiritual control (religions), that we could be in a slave situation with non informed 'consent'. We could be in a hostage situation?  

Conversation between farm animals: 'If he means us harm, then why does he feed us so well'? If 'thoughts' are not confined to our physical skin boundary (telepathy, remote viewing etc etc etc) then could thoughts, emotions, be beneficial or nutritious 'wifi' for parasitic entities? Why so many wars, so much orchestrated grief and agony? The victims do not want the wars.  

But aliens don't exist. Soul is just an idea, not real, reincarnation is a myth, the 'devil', 'angels' etc are just legend, you can trust those who lead you, no need to think, test, reason, examine. Debt is ok. Starvation (of others) is ok. The street beggars are away over there, missing children - who...? Someone cuts you up on the freeway, they are a dick! It is completely ludicrous that reptilians could exist. The ancient Egyptian deities are only myth.  

Aliens will not look anything like US - even if they? DID exist! The Hopi people say they were saved from catastrophe by the underground 'Ant people' (Pause for breath...)  

There are a lot of issues which I do not see happily discussed in this board. Aware of the Serpo Project? Why is David Icke so ridiculed? Why is Antarctica so protected? Who did win WWII? Why is Corey Goode being blacklisted in Alternative circles (and elsewhere?). It has taken me a bunch of years of avid 'research' to even begin to uncover some of these issues, any single one of which blew my mind at first, and the list seems endless. If such things - and many have a basis of truth - hit us rapidly at once, I think massive civil and health problems would be possible. Oh, and new technology, health, energy, food - we have been laughed at and toyed with, for a long time. (To be continued sometime. Maybe...) ;-)

15848689? ago

Great post. You sound like someone who would be fun to exchange ideas with into the wee hours of the morning over a brew or two.

15842513? ago

You have researched a lot! I’m just starting and I don’t know what is real and what isn’t. Glad I found you to explain a lot! Thank you.

15843013? ago

Good luck - it took me a couple years at least to see thro the disinfo and false debunking and ridicule. Not 100% sure but consider that disinfo and ridicule are a pointer to something which might be useful!

15840600? ago

40,000 vertical ft necessary. in the vastness of space ..... Mirror Space Force.....FORCE SPACE... We dont live on a giant spinning ball of water, I'll shove the globe directly up thier deepstate ASS

15840776? ago

Yeah I'm starting to doubt the 'globe' too. When I look into the sky, it doesn't seem to be that big or far away, especially the sun.🧐

15846037? ago

I don't think things are half as far away as they tell us.

15841821? ago

The earth is not flat. It is however very cavernous; hollow if you will. Look up Admiral Byrd. Get ready to go down the literal rabbit hole. If fish can adapt to the depths of the ocean by creating their own luminescence, other life can as well. The caverns of earth teem with life.

15845716? ago

thanks I'll check out Byrd and hollow earth😇

15840588? ago

From what I've seen, it's that bad.

15840582? ago

When America finds out that everything they've been told by our government is a lie; when they realize our freedoms are eroded; when they're told that everything they've worked for may now be lost; when the civil war is upon us and the clueless are forced to pick a side, whether or not they are prepared; when that what they thought was a conspiracy, a fairytale, is now our life. The truth is going to mortally shock many. THIS IS AMERICA, THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN HERE. Except - it does.

15844132? ago

No, this is earth, silly. It's bigger than just your country.

15846272? ago

The non-Americans here (myself included) are passengers. If America falls, the world falls.

15840880? ago

when they're told that everything they've worked for may now be lost;

Ha Ha jokes on them! I'm like $100k in debt. I have nothing to lose!

15840506? ago

(1) The Illuminati Objectives (2) The extent of child abuse / pedovore (3) DNA manipulation / suppression (4) Poisening of food, water, and vaccines (5) Electromagnetic Satuaratiom (6) Earth as a Prison Planet / Soul Trap and the Luciferian objective (7) Mind Control / Targeted Individuals (8) Saturn Emissions lowering the human operating frequency

I’m open to all of it and trying to become mentally and spiritually prepared the education of its meaning, purpose, and the future of it all.

I don’t even broach this shit with the majority of my friends and family- will share Q with a few “fringe” friends.

They don’t care. They don’t care to care. They think it’s conpletely ridiculous.

I will be there for them when their mind fails them.

15856229? ago

I’ve been an idiot. Blabbing at work about theories (not using Q) that I’m sure makes me look nutty. I can’t help it. People know NOTHING about what’s going on and it’s beyond frustrating. Even if you tell them something mainstream like the fact that China has purposely been given the keys to the globalist kingdom and America is in the crosshairs, you get crazy looks.

I think we are fucked big time in a way we don’t even understand yet.

15857436? ago

Absolutely clueless. No matter what you say, the CANNOT hear it. Listening to Robert Stanley a little bit more recently and he proposes that plenty of good people will never have their souls awakened and are destined to live in ignorance of truth for eternity.


15840601? ago

I can get behind all of that. And yes, it's lonely being awake. I don't even talk about this stuff with people IRL who consider themselves awake.

15849979? ago

I feel ya. That’s why I’m on this site so frequently. Even my husband (who is aware of a lot of this) doesn’t want to talk about it to the extent that I do. He doesn’t dwell on the horror, but I want to know more. So I go here. It’s lonely for sure.

15840497? ago

All the anti religion horse hockey . Do you not listen to Q? Would Q bother to repeatedly implore you to pray if it were a lie Ya'll need to come up for some air. Go have a meal and a few beers......over thinking in here is a pandemic

15841021? ago

Q can prove he is a pawn near POTUS, but so far, and until SHTF, has not achieve anything else than forming a cult.

Q not being omniscient, why should we blindly accept religious nonsense ?

15840493? ago

Q jumped the shark. Again.

15840491? ago

If what they're hiding is more mind blowing than those theories, I might be part of the 99%. I can't imagine what could be more crazy than that

15841871? ago

(see No 15841824? above?)

15840483? ago

What about Jade? AI possibly rounding us up...why Obama was getting rid if military. Any dissention and AI Robots find and kill us. JADE” is an AI quantum computing technology that produces holographic battlefield simulations and has the ability to use vast amounts of data being collected on the human domain, to generate human terrain systems in geographic population centric locations, to identify and eliminate targets, insurgents, rebels or whatever labels that can be flagged as targets in a Global Information Grid for Network Centric Warfare environments. The JADE II battle field system is cognitive and intuitive. It can examine prior executed battle plans and and devise ‘new and better’ strategies to increase the ‘kill chain’. The II generation of JADE has the capability for two way communication with drones through the OCCOM technology which is one of the next generation integration to this system....

15843060? ago

A way out experiencer is adamant that AI is a galactic real threat, and we can easily be enticed into following our curiosity and fascination into a no win situation and losing control.

15854334? ago

I think Generals and military were going to be replaced...to hunt down and kill dissenters. I think this was one reason Mattis, Pieczenik, Kelly, Dunford, etc decided to go forward

15840438? ago

Draining their blood and drinking it to get high while they're torturing the kids. Processing their parts into the food chain that people eat. Yeah I know a lot of people who would just off themselves if that came out.

15841376? ago

If heard mention of that before, but I don't know any details. Is it a certain type of product like the sweeteners/Pepsi, or is it in multiple foods?

15847414? ago


15853696? ago


15840428? ago

I always interpreted this to mean biological warfare. I.E. the main thing holding back disclosure right now is that the cabal has bio-weapons ready to go the moment they lose control, and JSOC has to track them all down and neutralize the threat before they can pull the trigger on this thing.

15840416? ago

What is truth? I don't think they know what truth is, if their dark secrets were put out in the open; how do you know that would be the truth?

15840366? ago

The dinosaurs were not all dumb, and they never completely went extinct.

15841941? ago

I just got back from Home Depot. I couldn't find any Velociraptor-proof door knobs. I know...I'm fucked.

15841194? ago

What if we're the dumb ol dinosaurs?

15840348? ago

I woke up slowly after the pulse nightclub shooting. I remember how disturbed I felt after learning about 9/11 and the possibility that our government was behind it. Then the horror I felt during pizza gate. I couldn’t imagine learning all of this in one shot, would be very overwhelming.

15841431? ago

Yeah I think many of us are so old and jaded (I've been into 'conspiracies' for 30 years), that we FORGET what it was like BEFORE we knew the world was EVIL😱

15861351? ago

I really want to experience the world I once thought existed. I want my republic!!!

15840332? ago

Mental breakdowns and PTSD. Also, people would be rushing to the hospital to chelate the toxins out of their bodies. Viruses - part of the equation of cancers. Keep your zinc storage UP, folks!

15840325? ago

Look underground rivers... the water very high concentrated gold particles Many of those river beds are gold.......

15840324? ago

"The Truth Would Put 99% Of People In The Hospital" - Q

...when it is revealed that 99% of the population has been injected and/or sprayed with nanotech that will be receptors and activated with 5G microwaves...

15846301? ago

good one.

15840321? ago

I believe is not only what but whom, can you imagine wake up one day and know that every single person on entertainment, politics and high positions around the world, raped, eated and killed children? every. single. one., some of them are not even humans, some of them are clones, androids or aliens. And that beings with snake heads are the one that control the price on petroleum

and much more.

15840279? ago

Wtf could be so bad or strange that would do that?

The organization behind the worldwide pedophile ring, 9/11, the JFK and Lincoln assassinations, both world wars, the entire Communist movement, the Italian mafia, and everything that the Rothschilds do is the Catholic Church. They have formed an alliance with al-Qaeda to conquer the world. Al-Qaeda controls the education and national security agencies of most NATO states and is carrying out KSM's migration plan while indoctrinating children to support Islam and using their security authority to outlaw public dissent.

15840268? ago

Maybe it's not actually a bad thing. Maybe we'd all end up in the hospital to get the poisons cleared out, or get some sort of antidote or detox. Get the toxins out and then we'd start to get our humanity and strength of character back in order to deal with the aftermath of our society.

We have been dumbed down and degraded for a very, very long time. We need healing.

15840220? ago

Just where I'm at right now. I'm full into the ETs, yet wondering where the truth is. Just to put Christians into the same position as others because they are so sure to be right where I think we must all be wrong, it'd be to find out that God is a Goddess, that Jesus is a mere man, that religions have their doctrine wrong, even Christianity. It'd suck to find out that the cabal's spirituality might get it more right than us, just that they've twisted what they got right to have the wrong conclusions, whereas the sheeple have the wrong data to get to the wrong conclusions.

I guess the hard point for me to think about concerning the ETs is the possibility of a galactic human slavery trade, all sanctioned by our governments. It's hard to think of the possibility of breakaway civilizations, more technologically advanced than our "reality" but where humans are at the same time slaves of all sorts, even food to some ETs. We are just cattle, from birth to death. We are lower than slaves from that viewpoint.

15855596? ago

I'm just getting into the ETs myself. The hardest part is coming to the understanding that Christianity has been used to manipulate and that the Bible has been edited and concocted. I want to know the truth about Jesus the Christ.

It'd suck to find out that the cabal's spirituality might get it more right than us, just that they've twisted what they got right to have the wrong conclusions, whereas the sheeple have the wrong data to get to the wrong conclusions.

I agree with you very wholeheartedly. This is the worst part about all of this for me. Knowing that the cabal has all the knowledge and that we have been fed lies and misinformation.

15842539? ago

Maybe Governments had little choice if they were tricked and later blackmailed with (continents?) being held hostage by advanced weapons? Thinking of ETs - have you come across Vril and Thule Societies? And Hanebu stuff? Dr Michael Salla books (ref by Q trips too)

15840211? ago

Were acclimated. Sometimes I try to imagine what would happen to some utterly oblivious people I know if they got a brain download of what's in my head, but with evidence. I think that'd probably do it. I think these guys are setting the stage for something like "jesus didn't exist, and the church was a control mechanism from the beginning". But I know that's the exact sort of deception I'm expecting for an "end times" scenario. So if that what Q comes out with, it will cement for me that Q is anti-human.

15840202? ago

Perhaps the rabbit hole goes way deeper than we think. Perhaps we have only WQKE up to the surface layers. Perhaps (((they))) are far more diabolical than our simple minds can comprehend. Perhaps Q was referring to two years ago when only a handful knew the truth.

15840200? ago

What would it take to convince you that everything you believe is wrong? The only thing I can think of is for each human being to be shown an unknown and untapped potential within themselves. It must be a personal epiphany and not the words of another What if our dreams are a glimpse into that reality but our environment is a prison meant to block our abilities

15841483? ago

I agree and think Q is giving us the tools we need to have our personal epiphanies through Q's use of the Socratic Method, Q is teaching us how to THINK! QUESTION EVERYTHING! AND THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE on both a MATERIAL and SPIRITUAL LEVEL😇

15840197? ago

WE know the above mentioned things. But the sheep...like my Dad...they will freak the fuck out. I've tried to tell him a few times and he looks at me like I'M the crazy one. lol...He may need a shrink but I doubt he will end up in the hospital. His line is simple. If what you say is true they would have been arrested already. Or I would have seen it on the news already. Sheeeeep...just another pathetic sheep...following the herd

15840239? ago

Or I would have seen it on the news already.

Anyone who says that is definitely a full blown sheep.

15840176? ago

I think the US GOV Coming forth that sects within Said GOV Murdered 3000 people on 9/11/2001, Would put plenty of people in the hospital. The people would lose all faith in the gov. Q already told us we aren't alone and that its of the highest classification. Im a firm believer in reincarnation.

15840131? ago

It might mean that if the truth comes out the deep state would attempt to poison our entire population.

15840097? ago

What Q meant was the things you mentioned ... the child abuse, human sacrifices, human trafficking, organ harvesting, eugenics... the people who read Q, and participate here, are very strong people... hearts like lions. Q was referring to the general public who don't understand the satanic criminal cabal... who don't know there is a spiritual battle between good and evil. They would be shocked and horrified. Christians in general truly understand the presence of evil in the Earth, we have no trouble at all believing the Q drops... in fact, it's all in the Bible. The sleeping public has to be awakened to this reality, but only to the extent they can handle it. Q has said to some in posts "Don't come back here." There are some who can't handle these realities, and that is ok. On the flip side, there is a Holy Spirit in the Earth... the Spirit of God is here on Earth, as are holy angels. We've read the last chapter of the Bible, and God wins. For the last eight years Christian churches have help prayer meetings praying-down evil and petitioning God for a change in Government. God gave us an outsider... whose only loyalty is to U.S. citizens, and our families and well being.

15840224? ago

They would be shocked and horrified.

Yes, but put in the hospital? If Q was serious about that, it would have to by much worse than that.

15840806? ago

He was referring to nervous breakdown, anxiety, depression, brought about by public revelations of the extreme evil being practiced by the elites. Allow Q some license to exaggerate for sake of emphasis. It was clear he meant "overwhelmed", "grief stricken", and in some cases actually hospitalized with depression.

15844130? ago

Not buying that. Global warfare isn't waged for "overwhelmed" and "grief stricken" level events.

If this entire story breaks down into Q is working with generals to keep the populace from going into a tizzy - then Q and his team need to be cleansed too.

Look at the fruit. Don't buy what's rotten.

15844441? ago

"Q is working with generals to keep the populace from going into a tizzy"

If Q is legit, and there is ample evidence... and there is a satanic Global cabal of evil being dismantled - that's a good thing. Q was simply stating that what the cabal engages in is so incorrigible, it's beyond comprehension, so much so, that to prevent mass hysteria and disbelief, or worse, some events will have to be held from public view. That's a good thing. Read Q189: "The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult). 20% public. 80% private. The world would otherwise collapse."

15841869? ago

Yes, Q is speaking figuratively in that regard, in my opinion. Taking everything literally is an Achilles heel of this movement. Same with "no coincidences."

15840087? ago

Hollow (Swiss cheese, cavernous) earth is real. There are multiple races of beings that share the earth with us. Star gates are real. There are other races of intelligent beings throughout the universe. Gravity is not what we think it is. We live in an electric magnetic universe. There is a source but not a god as portrayed in the Abrahamic religions. Children are being kidnapped by aliens. Pedovores roam the earth and kill children. We are in a type of mental prison. We are light beings in biological suits. The different races on earth are all genetically modified through alien experimentation.

15840036? ago

Exactly! The mental state induced by complete understanding of the truth would be appropriate and healthy. I can't even buy this "the truth is too horrible" line. Possibly America committed crimes (apart from all of the ones that are obvious? Maybe it would start a war?). IDK, that'd be a weak excuse too.

15839984? ago

The average person is not really intelligent enough to be considered fully sentient.

I wouldn't worry about it.

If they act up, bury them.

15840259? ago

The average person is not intelligent enough to be considered fully sentient.

Lmfao, I can't argue against that. They literally cannot think for themselves or have an original thought.

15839979? ago

Seriously folks I don't give a shit. This might as well be a threat. Only way the system gets cleaned is to get the truth out. You want a full clean? Get the full truth out. Quit thinking we won't be able to handle it, we have our own incentives to survive by etc.

15839961? ago

Maybe, we all are just a hologram.

15848388? ago

We ARE holograms.

15839955? ago

Pedo shit will be a lot far and wider than leaked. We are told this is dark web stuff, but I have a feeling a veil will be lifted and it will be right in front of our faces. Every leader that has been praised as “person of the year” “most admired” etc will be unmasked. Instead of the “there is more good than bad” there will be more bad than good.

Our “financial system” is an illusion. Everything. The imports, exports, trades, tariffs, even the stock markets. It was specifically setup to make people struggle for the core needs near the end of this society and the start of the “new” society: food, water, warmth (shelter), safety, and security.

15839935? ago

I think it may be a combination of many things, including the fact that we are not a sovereign nation since the 1800's and that all our taxes have been used to support Great Britain...

15840298? ago

So then you think Q was exaggerating then? Going to the hospital for just know the truth is pretty serious and I doubt anyone is going there because of taxes or sovereignty.

15840123? ago

Nah, added to GB taxes & passed on to the globalists

15839843? ago

Very unlikely Q was exaggerating. My guess is that it will get this deep before this shit wraps up... That said, most people will not end up knowing what I am going to write here because it would put them in the hospital. Their kids and grandkids will "discover it" organically but only anons will know that it has ALWAYS been this way. This is a guess and could be WAY OFF, but this is an example of the SCALE of what we are talking about here.

What would put 99% of the people in the hospital? We have been in "First Contact" for over 100 years. Perhaps for much longer but 100 years at the very least. This first contact event was fucked up... hugely by both the aliens and by our asshole leaders. The "B Squad" of alien first contact people fucked up over and over for generations and left us where we are today. In fact they had no idea whatsoever how much trouble this little blue planet was going to be and were not prepared AT ALL for what they got themselves into.

Well, the big boys have showed up (probably far higher inteligence aliens who look at us as if we have the mental ability of cats relative to them. Like their 2 year olds could get 10 phd's in advanced math and engineering after studying for 30 minutes-tier intelligence. Well, This is what Q is referring to when they say "Nothing can stop what is coming" because they probably have a 4 digit IQ by our measurements.

Next. There is something going on in Antarctica. This could be many things indeed BUT probably the biggest most extreme Antarctica story that I can think of is the one put forth by Admiral Byrd. This guy basically claimed that the earth is HOLLOW, essentially a Dyson Sphere with a tiny star inside. This matches up with viking stories and other ancient stories about "Traving north to paradise from Greenland which was already green" Stuff like that.

Wow right? Boom right? Now if that shit came out in some exploding sloppy mess of secrets busting out like a smashed dam pouring out into the Internet and news media along with everything else then a A LOT of people would probably drop dead. All the Geologists sure as fuck would ha ha.

Lastly we can toss out the Loosh story. This is basically an idea from a few sources that says that there are psychic vampire aliens that feed off of negative psychic energy called LOOSH. These aliens swung a deal with the Illuminati families to turn the entire planet into a massive hellscape. The worse for us the better but not actually kill us. This way our suffering "in the form of loosh" can be harvested.

15850850? ago

I first came across loosh in a book by Robert Munroe called “the ultimate journey.” It was the third in a sequence. Munroe was an engineer who experienced out of body (OOB) episodes. At first he thought he was physically ill but docs could find nothing wrong. Then he thought he was mentally ill but docs could find nothing wrong. So he decided to just roll with it and, being an engineer, study it. His books are his first hand accounts. Fascinating. I was puzzled and a bit worried about the loosh stuff which didn’t show up until book 3. But, according to Munroe, loosh is not just negative energy, but ANY emotion. He didn’t call it love for this reason but love energy is also harvested. It seems that emotional energy is valued but can only be produced when we occupy a physical body. Disembodied entities do not have emotions. Emotions are bodily responses to experience and beliefs about experience. So, whoever is harvesting the loosh doesn’t care if it’s love or hate or anything in between, just keep it coming. If there is a slowdown, a nice war or famine to step it up. Perhaps Rothschilds and their ilk are only the middlemen, making money and control and power while keeping the loosh coming. In turn they create middlemen under them to do the actual controlling (politicians, movie stars, CEOs) and Rothschilds control them through their weaknesses and carnal desires. To all of them, we are just cattle. This is why they do not care about our suffering and actually encourage it.

15851221? ago

My take is a slightly different I think. Negative energy is lapped up, even required, by the negative 'entities', and presumably the positive energies (love, joy, etc) are welcomed by the positive lot. It is said that if the world had every single person feeling happiness for a period of 24 hours only, then the negative entities would literally be gone, die, whatever. In addition there seems to be a leaking of psychic signals from us, so if it can be arranged that we all feel really sh*t a lot then even without technology, we spread the bad vibes silently (morphic field?). Media may encourage dark thoughts. I note that many tabloid papers dose out a daily doom death destruction and disaster. Addicts lap it all up, think it is entertaining. They do not realise they feed their own demise, it is like a secret Faustian deal, unspoken. OMG and I have a background in science....

15851427? ago

I also am a scientist. Kek. That’s why I liked the Munroe books so much. He explains things in terms of frequency, resonance and Fourier Transforms. Much more comprehensible to me than the airy fairy shit. Anyway, I am only reporting what I remember from his book about what loosh is.

That said, you are correct. It is how (((they))) control us. Much easier to control scared, depressed, physically ill people than happy ones. So they make sure we stay that way. Distract us with propagandized movies and electronic devices, poison the food, water, drug us with pharma, while controlling the narrative to keep us dependent on them and their version of events.

15845097? ago

"Loosh" theory is not quite correct. They are not psychic vampires. They are insect like aliens who have been given limited permission to collect human DNA in an attempt to integrate our emotional ability into themselves. The problems are dual in that the integration hasn't worked, and that they overstep their boundaries.

Yes, this sounds insane. I'm aware of that. But I also believe what I've seen and heard with my own senses corroborated by other witnesses and physical evidence.

15846069? ago

Yeah I kinda pulled it out of my ass from the cobwebs of my memory a few months back. thanks for the correction. At first I didn't subscribe to it too much but at this point I would believe it tbh. The only thing that WOULD surprise the shit out of me at this point is if Jesus came back. That would be an unexpected surprise. Mantis aliens stealing my DNA so that they can have some emotions would surprise me not-at-all. I just hope the aliens are not complete assholes honestly. It would be sweet if they were cool and funny and stuff like that. I bet they got some weird food. Probably got some cool music and shit like that. It would be fun to party it up with some doobies and some aliens. That would be the day.

15851370? ago

Mantis and Draco in an expereincer's 'family' is a fascinating thing. A UK insider, MI5(?) Cia family too. I needed to suspend my disbelief a LOT to clock the information. Weirdness and then some. However this guy was an elected UK Local Government Councillor (representative) in a London area and later by request in a Whitby area, even though he had outed himself in the press who initially rubbished him. He even was on morning TV where he confirmed he had been 'shown' about human sex as a kid by his mantid soul 'mum'. Why do they always ask about sex?? He was later given a closed tour around a UK secret radar base, which shocked the raving press, who did not know what to make of it all. He is a reliable source for the things he is in contact with IMO. https://www.simonparkes.org/ In his opinion, the Mantis have a long term benevolent association with humans, and cooperate with the powerful Draco with a long spoon, as the saying goes.

15849583? ago

Have a read of the following web page. It confirms what I've known for a long time - that the Bible was "cobbled together" as a means of controlling the sheeples. Of course it contains a fair percentage of truth but also a bundle of misinformation. Interesting what the page says about the name "Jesus Christ". See for yourself:


Interestingly, the Farsight Institute did several Remote Viewing exercises in which it was perceived that a "Jesus" being did exist but he was not himself crucified. A "patsy" died in his place.

15842837? ago

Said to be honeycomb more than just hollow.

15839842? ago

Truth above all. Veritas. Tell the full truth of our reality to everyone now. Stop digging in ridiculous ancient texts and superstitions for truth.

15839830? ago

Dude, have you seen the mental damage a mere election of an unlikely candidate has caused in the heads of millions of libtards? People are still going insane over the simple fact that Trump became president two years ago. So, ask yourself, if a simple, single event that just happens to be incongruent with the world as you expect it to be, causes so much mental mayhem, what would finding out that almost everything you think you know about the world is untrue cause?

15851445? ago

The fault in your argument is that we should some how give 2 shits what psychological trauma it will cause these piece of shit libcucks.

15842470? ago

A great awakening.

15843030? ago

A great awakening from the fog of Q.

15841014? ago

An epic freak out on a societal scale.

15842479? ago

Popcorn time.

15840075? ago

Yes, they'd be upset and triggered, but put in the hospital? I don't know....

15841284? ago

That would actually be the best place for them; they live in an alternate reality.

15843019? ago

Yes, they need to be in an asylum. Libtards in one wing. Qlowns in the other. What a circus that would be.

15840530? ago

yeah but remember their first instinct is the need to be coddled, babied and MEDICATED! Victims to the very END😱

15839806? ago

"Was Q just exaggerating?"

The term is LARP'n.

15839797? ago

Let's just go over some basics.

  1. Most, if not all modern politicians, are pedophiles. Whether they wanted to be, or not. It seems to be a job requirement.

  2. Secret Societies have been in control of the world since time immemorial. If you honestly question this as a possibility, guess what, you've swallowed one of the most insane lies ever told to mankind. That the being that mastered "Teamwork" could never possibly be combining that ability behind the scenes throughout time in order to maintain the Illusion of Control.

  3. Everything you've ever been "given" in this world is Disinformation. The [Clowns In Action] made sure of that. Everything from your Medicine to your science is flawed in some form or other. In many cases, it's upheld literally with nothing but personal pride and a "legacy" on the line. Pathetic really. Millions of men and women are currently Obese because of a War using food. It's not "eating too much" it's eating the wrong shit and being fed a terrible diet that is 8 fucking times more addictive than fucking cocaine.

  4. That's not even going into the other sick shit that has been going on regarding fetal tissue and china and food.

  5. There's been an ET presence since the creation of mankind, we are not the first beings on this earth

  6. History is a lie, provably so. Just look at the vatican monk orders who were re-writing history.

I mean fuck, just there alone is reason enough to have to take a fucking breather if you're any sort of normie.

15844326? ago

Re: obesity--medical coding ICD-10 has a specific code now (E66.1) for pharmaceutically induced obesity. No one wants to talk about that elephant in the room.

15839792? ago

I've been trying to understand this too. It gets closer and closer to "The Matrix" or some shit like that. What is REALLY going on?

15839791? ago

If 99% of people freak out and stop eating, driving, showering, shitting, then this would be more effective in reducing global warming than carbon taxes. Seems like a great liberal idea.

15851999? ago

If ppl stop sh*tting they would explode. Which would be a bad thing. (A quote from someone)

15840935? ago

Glowbull warming http://joannenova.com.au/2018/10/first-audit-of-global-temperature-data-finds-freezing-tropical-islands-boiling-towns-boats-on-land/

Nothing to see here... Nothing at all. What ever you do DO NOT look at the info in the above link.

15839777? ago

The whole reptilian/tall whites and other ETs would kinda blow my mind.

15839745? ago

Not even close to the tip of the iceberg.

15839737? ago

Are you sure you want to know?

I can tell you. You will not believe it.

God is first. Get with God before you learn more.

You must be spiritually prepared for the knowledge.

Watch "I pet goat" on YT. That will start to prepare you.

Pay attention to the Snake inspecting the baby in the egg type thing.

Do you really want to know?

15849815? ago

Link pls.

15841716? ago

Please explain I pet goat.

15841332? ago

Ain't no finding any "I pet goat" on YT. Only "I pet goat II" and usurpers.

15843329? ago

I Pet Goat II is the one you want to watch then delve into the respected people who have already analyzed it.

15841208? ago

There are about 500 I pet goat videos. Where do I start?

15841045? ago


15840319? ago

Yes I do. I feel like I already know part of the truth but even supposed awake people get triggered by it.

15840575? ago

They think being awake to the corruption is being "Awake".

We know it's being spiritually Awake that counts.

If they really knew the truth, there would be no ill feelings on this board or anywhere on Earth.

They would realize God is the only thing that matters now.

15839731? ago

Maybe the fact that who we refer to as ‘Aliens’ are really running this planet. Or that the world is flat and there are many more continents & races other than us ? Who knows, but everything we know is a lie, so what’s the worst thing you can imagine?

15840329? ago

I don't know, maybe it's beyond our imagination. Our Overton Windows are extremely small.

15840504? ago

By the way, again not knowing what you’re talking about I had to look up Overton Window.

15841998? ago

Me too. This for others who didn't know:


15842230? ago

Sorry, being attacked elsewhere for being a redneck/hillbilly... Great point...

15840467? ago

How would that be beyond the imagination of people like you? That was the 1st thing that came to mind when I first saw anything about Q well over a year ago, especially when I saw people all over the world posting & holding up Q signs and I am not formally educated. Hell, I don’t even own any electronics other than a phone that was a present.

15840628? ago

I'm not saying that what you said is beyond my imagination. I'm saying that maybe the truth is beyond our imagination. TPTB have swayed so far away from our starting point.

15840812? ago

Has it gone so far off course that we should be really worried or it’s just biz as usual.

15840753? ago

As in out of control or just too far off the beaten path? Either way, sounds like a government run plan.

15840699? ago

TPTB as in spraying?

15839728? ago

I believe for those not awake the totality of the truth will be too much to comprehend at once. For me, I get stuck on how everything I’ve learned, the beliefs I’ve built my life upon and my complicity has been difficult. I’ve stopped engaging spiritual practices as I am afraid they may not be of the light. There is also the possibility of other worldly elements and all of this threatens our false sense of security IMO ✌️

15839712? ago

doubtful, but whatever it takes to NOT tell the truth. or we could wait until the CONTROLLED Media never asks the Q. Trump works 18 hours a day, can't fit in a call into a podcast or something along those lines?

still waiting to see some evidence. :)

15839710? ago

Remember that just because we are awoken to the realities of what is going on, the majority of people still wouldn’t believe it. So if this stuff was proven as fact and people couldn’t deny it any longer then it would prob screw a lot of people up

15839689? ago

Maybe everything we eat has some inert poison in it that that stays in our bodies and can be activated at any time. If something like that came out, where would people go? Would the 1% be in the know about all this?

15839651? ago

People around me still worship every word of The NY Times, never heard of chemtrails, adore and trust Big Pharma, have flu shots, love allopathic medicine, think politicians have their best interests at heart, think Satanism is a conspiracy theory, and that child and human trafficking only occurs in Third World countries. They are white collar, educated, naive, and totally programmed with normalcy bias for starters. You show them a video of a Satanic ritual with those in Government and Hollywood and yes, they would be in a hospital. You have no idea how uninformed many are. It’s pathetic. I’m in New England and have only one friend with whom I can discuss reality. Gotta give the DS credit for and excellent propaganda, mind control operation. School and media have been key. Bless us all: this is going to be huge when it all comes out!!

15850338? ago

Well at least you have one friend so consider yourself lucky! Your world view very much mirrors mine but here in the banana republic of Broward, Trump supporters and Q followers best keep their views private.

How I long for the perp walks to commence!

15843515? ago

In New England also, and I agree with all that you have said. Those in other parts of the country just can not fathom the cloud we live in. But it is true. Consequently, I do not say anything to my family and friends anymore. Having people think you are "crazy" has its benefits (I think) and I figure the truth is coming out soon enough so why bother. But I do have two friends I can discuss all this with and it makes all the difference!

15853393? ago

I’m in Florida, and work at a (liberal) university (I know, goes without saying). I’m surrounded by liberals every day. I have a Qanon sticker on my car-mostly to see what others do or say. I’ve only had one person comment (she’s gay, and she laughed at it), but otherwise, I really do t think anyone is even remotely aware. I feel like quite isolated knowing what I know, and having supported Trump when there was still of field of 16. I started waking up after 9/11, when I started looking into all the info available on false flags. Then, when obama ran for president, I really woke up because there was SO much info about who he really is, and absolutely none of it was ever reported in MSM. I had always suspected that what we are presented with is more controlled illusion than anything, but I was ridiculed if I brought it up. Thank God, that today, I gave 2 sisters that see what’s going on. As for anyone else in my life, not so much. I only inject what I know as “what if” statements into conversation than let it go. I’m hoping to st least plant seeds of knowledge with everyone whom I interact.

15853901? ago

Same here live in central Fl. Have qanon sticker on my car. Only one person has noticed it. Swear to God, I live with ignorant, uneducated, liberal bat shit MSM zombies.

17272670? ago

Nature coast here. I placed a letter Q on my rear window 3 weeks ago. Nada.

15850323? ago

The people from New England I've known for many years live on another planet. They read shit like the Economist, recycle trash as if their lives depended on it and believe they are 1000x smarter and more sophisticated than the rest of the country. They use phrases like "Allow me to disabuse you of the notion that...," and are firmly convinced that businesses need a constant inflow of zero-skilled immigrants to fill jobs and grow. They live in a frozen smugbubble 10 months out of the year. Norwich, Hannover and many other surrounding areas are overrun by self-appointed intellectual communists. In short, I frankly don't care if they end up in the hospital as long as we don't have to pay for it.

15853864? ago


15853545? ago

Fucking based.

15842767? ago

Has Q come out against chem trails? Maybe this is why Trump has his own plane?

15842518? ago

Agree. And instead of believing a video, they would just think it was a horror movie and dismiss it. Oh, now, don't be silly, Hillary wouldn't do anything like that! She's a god-fearing woman. And look at how beautiful Chelsea turned out. And those grand babies. You are so full of it! You read too much conspiracy websites. Good LORD. (And yeah, it would take The Lord himself to present himself in the skies all over the world declaring this all to be true... and even then they would say it's a hologram.)

So my lovely fellow QFags, can we just pool our money and buy our own country and lock these fuckers out of it?

15847118? ago

Would love that! So tired of living in the People’s Republic of Illinois. Our votes mean absolutely nothing. Cannot wait to leave and planning for that day.

15842906? ago

It won't work. They have to be destroyed.

15840861? ago

Perfectly stated!

15840542? ago

Such a great comment I have to copy it down because that is exactly what I’m up against with my family and friends . This should be made into a meme IMO

15841161? ago

You guys need to either get more compelling arguments, or find new associates.

15844053? ago

WHY argue with anyone? Ask them a few questions that will get them to look into the rabbit hole; examples: "What is the 'Mandrake Mechanism?'" "WHAT is Money?" "WHAT gives paper money any value?"

15854349? ago

That will work with some, but most are to lazy and need spoon fed

15840229? ago

It will not come out: 'The choice to know will be yours'.

15851860? ago

It needs to come out! I don't care if people will be horrified! What about the people and children that had to suffer horrible things? They weren't spared!

15846183? ago

It won't come out that 911 was really an inside job.

All of the shooting and bomb false flags will stay in the dark.

Insider assassinations will remain in secret.

Michelle Obama = man will never be revealed.

16219744? ago

Who is Micheal Robinson?

15863776? ago

Tell them to just look at the title of his book: Becoming Becoming Michelle Obama

15872548? ago

Excellent point.

15845866? ago

It MUST come out, fren. I was traumatized by HEARING the helpless screams of agony & torment from that small child on a youtube someone had put out- it was just a snippet, and only a sound- dear God, dear God...they must ALL be done away with. There is no mercy for such as those .

15843680? ago

That is only for the 60% that doesnt come out. But 40% will come out. If it doesnt we are all wasting our time because people have to know what is going on in order to make sure it never happens again.

15849580? ago

I'm afraid there are plenty of lefties that would be ok with whatever horrors the dark side commits just because they hate Trump.

15853831? ago

Agree totally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15850246? ago

Not true. If they knew the truth they would come around. The are just brainwashed at the moment. Good people brainwashed.

15850767? ago

Let's hope you are right. One of my fears is that the left will say that the evidence is manufactured and fake.

15851344? ago

Well the MSM will certainly say that. And the brainwashed are still believing what they are told. This is why Q said MSM is the biggest enemy and why he and POTUS have had to take to the side channels to communicate with us (Twitter, 8Chan). How much would you know/understand if you only had info from MSM? Most of us are too busy being slaves to the system to research for ourselves. My cousin only got woke because he had operation and was forced to take 3 weeks off work. Started fucking around on the internet and fell down the rabbit hole. Kek.

15851679? ago

Fell in the hole 20 years ago, after having peeked inside for 10.

15851804? ago

Well most of us are newcomers comparatively. Cousin only woke last year. I first started waking up around five years ago because of the poison in the food. Started pulling the string and the whole cloth started falling apart. Before that, I was a liberal. Keep the faith.

15855112? ago

Amen Anon. Keep the faith!

15842104? ago

“The truth will put 99% in the hospital” refers to things from recordings of ISIS beheadings to recordings of your favorite politician doing even worse to a child in a ritualistic fashion.

“The choice to know will be yours” refers to your choice to view these things.

We may hear of the truth but to truly know it would be horrific to even us.

15857172? ago

I hear where you are coming from but 99% isn't too large of a number when you consider how many brainwashed people there are and I'm speaking beyond the 4-6% brainwashed forever (SJW leftists).

If I poll 500 people, I'd be lucky if 3 followed QAnon. Now, of those that follow QAnon, how heavily invested are they? Have they been here since PG/CPP or the Podesta Emails? Are they just learning things as they hear them or have they witnessed everything real-time? Is it interesting to them (friend feeds them) or do they dig and discern?

For those that are in the latter bunch, these are the types that are on this train for the maximum exposure so the world knows the truth. Videos included if necessary.

I, for one, remember looking up the Nick Berg beheading when I was in middle school. I've seen Faces of Death clips in the past as well but nothing stains my mind like the terrible video quality and gurgling sounds in Nick Berg's death.

Chances are, the Q team will opt to be pansies and will not expose the truth of Fluoride in 1947 or Vaccines but instead will opt to have the exposure as an organic happening. I believe it's already happening with the Alzheimer Vaccine... this may be promising and yet another delivered promise in Trump's inauguration speech but the method of how it's rolled out is simply fixing vaccines rather than exposing the truth of the adjuvants, causes, and CDC assassinations.

15846353? ago

People only knew about ISIS beheadings because the MSM told them about it. Did they know about the White Helmets killing children? When the Trade Union Building massacre happened in Odessa, it was filmed on multiple cellphones and uploaded on multiple youtube accounts. The MSM didn't bother to report it and people chose to be spoon by the MSM. When MH17 got shot down over a battle zone with ground attack aircraft and anti-aircraft missiles firing, did anybody ask how it got there?

People ignore pedophilia like they ignore war crimes. All the orphanages in Canada and Ireland where children were mass raped and murdered were located in urban centres. Our parents and grandparents chose not to know.

15843067? ago

yep this makes so much sense - ignore my reptilian comment below

15843320? ago

Well now I have to check it out!

15842589? ago

Recently I watched the video of the horrific beheading of the Scandinavian women in Morocco. For the next couple of days I was puzzled by all the admonitions not to watch the video as it was too horrific. I kept thinking why not see the truth? Now I am beginning to understand: we are being groomed not to see the truth. Don't look, don't verify with your own eyes.

15842920? ago

No, I really dont think that’s the case. I’ve seen the video you speak of and others like it. I tell everyone not to watch these videos. I wish I could unsee them. There is nothing wrong with keeping these images away from your head.

15863788? ago

Okay, so you saw one and then watched others? No wonder you can't unsee them...

15863818? ago

Well each time I think that surely I am seasoned to such things.

15864738? ago

Just stop, okay? Even though I don't know you, I am concerned for your future mental health if you keep watching that shit. And kudos to you for telling others to stay away from them~

15853267? ago

I don't need to watch the actual beheading happen to believe it did happen. Reminds me of the "dead cat in a box" experiment and whether or not it was really dead until someone actually PERCEIVED it.

15842958? ago

I read many detailed narratives of the video and caught a glimpse at the thumbnail. It was already a lot to take in.

15841886? ago

I hated this Q post when it came out ... seems to me there will NOT be an “inescapable truth bomb” that will penetrate Cali and the Northest corridor collective

15842873? ago

Nothing that will penetrate MSM. Thus there will be no truth bomb. Just little heard truths dismissed as conspiracy theories.

15840479? ago

Up to 40% will be released, the choice to know part of that will be yours.

15839720? ago


15839644? ago

Most people have no slightest idea what's really going on on the world. They are not even able to admit to themselves that organized pedophilia is a real phenomenon. The more so that pedophiles are among the ruling elites, cinema stars or music. I think that this would be a good reason - realizing that throughout their lives the world in which they lived was one big lie that they accepted uncritically.

15839642? ago

THANK YOU for asking this because I have wondered this too; WHAT could be SO TRAUMATIC?? After a lot of thought, I'm also starting to think of it as a type of 'prison' and (((they))) have been hiding the way to ESCAPE because OUR light energy is needed to keep this Matrix/their home 'alive'🧐

15839635? ago

what if we find out that we've been pedovores ourselves? we have no idea what is in our food. what if McDonald's burger and Nuggets are mixed up human body parts? or our sodas are flavored with fetal cells?

15848358? ago

Ummm...Have you researched senomyx? We are already there.

15847516? ago

To me, this is the part about Q that's no bueno. I think the people need to have their asses shook up with all the truth.

The more everyone knows, the more they'll be on board for the Luciferian genocide.

15844437? ago

Vaccines are full of human and animal cells. Look at the ingredient list, easily found online.

15844273? ago

This is inevitable.

15843974? ago

I've thought about that for years and try to make as much of my food as possible from raw ingredients.

On the other hand, fried green tomatoes go well with barbecue. They need to reap what they've sown.

15843546? ago

Exactly what I've been wondering. It's in the feed for meat animals.

15842911? ago

They’re worse than being made of human body parts. Much much worse. You see, a good chunk of the time they’re prepared by niggers.

15841643? ago

I've been wondering about all the pepperoni on the pizza porn.

15841201? ago

That's one more reason to choose our food wisely....whole, clean foods--as clean as we are able to find. That includes properly raised animals for our meats, eggs, raw milk....

15841773? ago

Get back to local farmer type food distribution.

15840996? ago

What do you think they do with all the aborted babies? Parts of them wind up in some food. Grow your own!!!!!

15840490? ago

Umm... that's a given.

15840460? ago

The elite are obsessed with their bloodlines and they intend to destroy any bloodline that's not their own.

It was discovered during WWII that isolated tribes that practiced cannibalism had altered DNA.

They have been altering our DNA by putting human meat into our food.

They get the flesh from body brokers. People too poor to bury a deceased loved one can donate the body to a broker who can do all sorts of things with it.

15840453? ago

Every time I eat, that thought crosses my mind now . I never buy preground meat, I have the butcher do it in front of me . I will never touch a fast food hamburger again and haven’t for a few years. All I can think of is how we are nothing but cattle to them!

15840357? ago

This is what I am expecting at this point, it would horrify me but not surprise me.


15840103? ago

Pink Slime

Knowing all of the crap that they put in our food, why do people think they did major damage control when pink slime started being discussed?

It's people.

15839822? ago

That's a small part of it (most folks don't know that some diet sodas in the US are made with kidney cells taken from aborted fetuses - that is kind of a shocker, along with how the rest of the aborted fetus is used)! Remember , Youre Loving It.

15847390? ago

Senomyx - banned from foods in 2012. Aborted fetal cells still used in vaccines.

15854912? ago

More than just that

15840199? ago

Not made, tested using the cell line for taste. Still abhorrent, but facts matter

15841747? ago

Why test it if your not going to use it.

15842973? ago

They use it as a horrific taste test, based on how the cells respond to the flavoring or something like that

15840183? ago

thank you for linking this. I've seen it before but couldn't remember the name!

15840015? ago

Yet another reason not to eat fast food crap.

15839740? ago

Ever seen the movie "Soylent Green"?

Came out many years ago.

It is what you are describing.....

15841425? ago

It’s on Amazon now, along with a lot of the 70s post apocalyptic movies I watched as a kid. Logan’s Run, Omega Man and others.

15840413? ago

yes the anon is.. and yes there is proof some food products use FLAVORING from companies that BUY aborted babies.....

15840127? ago

Yep turning people into crackers. Always wondered what name a person think that or make a movie about it.

15842533? ago

I'm already a cracker

15840040? ago


15840157? ago

Yep. Lol. Shocking at the time, no?

15839837? ago

Absolutely. but watching a movie about the possibility versus finding out we ourselves are ignorantly guilty of the act are two different things. just throwing out ideas. I just watched a video of a guy throwing a tantrum because a dude wore a Trump shirt into his store. if that clerk finds out he's eaten a baby he'll suicide himself

15841142? ago

That would be the deciding factor: ignorance. We would NEVER commit such acts knowingly. I would be enraged and grossed out if I found out such a thing but I would never ever choose to eat or drink in such a manner. We do the best we can with what we have.

15841049? ago

Nope. If katty perry and pmsnbc told him it was cool he'd be fine with it.

15840982? ago

I dont think he would be able to accept it. He would deny it. We would see many like him talking about the Trump conspiracy to frame the Democrats. There will just be a certain number that are not capable of coming to grips with a story so horrible.

15840840? ago

That's a great video!!

15839886? ago

Art mimics life. Just saying that these sick fucks foreshadow in movies.... Just saying you might just be right in that perspective.....

15840106? ago

There is a list of the companies that have purchased and used the additive in their products...of course it isn't called "fetal kidney cells", rather Senomyx.

List of products: https://vaccineliberationarmy.com/2018/03/07/senomyx-list-food-companies-using-fetal-cells-aborted-babies-flavor/

15839620? ago

The "elite" are controlled by The Archons. This reality is a simulation. We are slaves. We are food. Time exists only in the simulation. When most people find out the truth, they won't want to leave.

15845607? ago

Jesus was born into the matrix and taught us how to ascend. The Bible was written before Plato's Allegory of the Cave. It's all in the Bible. I would have known this 15 years ago if I hadn't been so stubborn, refusing to read it. It's all in there, though.

15855375? ago

I'm just now beginning to arrive at this same conclusion after delving into this.

Would you be so good as to share some links to Bible passages or other reading materials that would help me?

15849805? ago

Am reading the bible now (old and new). So much weird stuff in there. So many layers to Jesus’ teachings. Need to get a copy of book of Enoch...

15843313? ago

Hence the spiritual blackout. The amnesia isn't "normal" in the sense you're supposed to forget absolutely everything. We've been inhibited to a point that most people couldn't accept it without going insane. All the icing on the cake in the past 25 years (GMOs, chemtrails, etc) isn't a coincidence. Their 'time' is growing short.

15845616? ago

Angels with amnesia.

15847350? ago

We are the fallen angels?

15850822? ago

Like to think the fallen (ones) turned bad. Others much later in the timeline incarnated in larger numbers to help give a shove to the stuck vehicle of (nicer) humanity. Legends anticipate a cyclic event also, associated with Awakening, & it is said that some also incarnated as deeply interested observers and tourists to participate and witness (upcoming?) events of spiritual evolution, and changes. #Solarflash etc

15848550? ago

ding ding. though some of us haven't "been here" for very long.

15840583? ago

I totally agree about it being a simulation (big Tom Campbell fan!), but WHY wouldn't they want to leave??🧐

15844318? ago

Get yourself a copy of "The Congress" on DVD. Loosely based on "The Futurological Congress,' by Stanislaw Lem

15845670? ago

sounds interesting thanks!

15841647? ago

The reality above this one doesn't have paychecks, Wal-Mart, porn, Marvel Movies, or Facebook.

15847776? ago

Or negative nancies. That's what keeps this going. I can't wait for the day when love rules, where heavy, mirey vibes can't reach. I can't wait to feel the difference in myself...to not worry, have fear, judge others, etc. EVER. To feel emotionally light as a feather and never consider survival as a challenge. More light than flesh. That's how I see it anyway.

15839785? ago

Yes we are Loosh cattle. Ask yourself, with all of these powerful forces in play, why are we allowed to exist? Our emotions produce a valuable product that cannot be perceived by our five senses.

15849784? ago

Yes. Like that guy Cyper in the Matrix. He wanted a steak even though he knew it was an illusion of a steak. He didn’t care. You are right. Many people will choose the illusion because it is familiar. I find it demonic. God bless.

15844847? ago

This is truth. So few know. Fewer understand.

15845356? ago

Only this year did I learn about loosh and research it.

15844332? ago

Consider that Humanity is just caught in the middle, between two or more extra-terrestrial factions!

15839756? ago

That's the CIA psyop version....

15840203? ago

It's the Gnostic Christian version, which also lines up with the original teachings of Gotama Buddha in the Pali Canon, and the models espoused by G.I. Gurdjieff.

15845648? ago

Gnostic Christians = Catholics = Serpent Seed Theory

15846504? ago

What's it like being retarded?

15850919? ago

Very comfortable, thank you

15844755? ago

Invention of the mind of man. Fable.

15845059? ago

The creation is fake. The creator and co-creators are real. Wake up.

15845117? ago

Yes, the fabricator of the tale is real.

In your fable, where did the creator and co-creators come from. That is, how is it they exist?

15845264? ago

As part of an Intelligent infinite realising it's potential. Space/Time is a "distortion" of that infinity inside a compressed loop. Linearity is actually delusion.

15845328? ago

Define infinity.

15845471? ago

an Intelligent infinite realising it's potential.

As was already said, defining it is left to you. You only realise your self.

15850945? ago

I exist, because I post here (Descartes or similar)

15845682? ago

Sorry for your condition.

You've convinced yourself that you are living in a video game.

The creator is far beyond "intelligent". Such mundanity is not appropriate... Displays your arrogance. Which is the foundation of the error of your view.

15839607? ago

If you knew that a massive solar storm or other type damn near extinction event were going to happen, someone who thinks logically, would do all they could to save mankind. Suppose you could only save so many. You would create illusion, confusion, chaos to hide what you were doing.

Think about all that has taken place. Seed vaults, seeds collected from every species on earth. Underground bunkers or cities. Space station. All the statues being taken down and stored, where? Legalize everything because it don't matter no more. Lots of things have taken place if you think about it.The erection of the Georgia Stones.

What about all the missing children. I keep hearing about children found, like the other day, supposedly 135 kids. Yet no news interviews with happy parents being reunited with long lost children? ODD don't you think?

Where have all the CEOs of these companies went. It would take a wealthy person to gain admittance into a doomsday shelter.

Are there going to be arrests or just disappearances?

15847674? ago

If I was one of those happy parents I would stay as far away from any media as possible. Otherwise, they're a huge and easy target, and being kidnapped twice is just the kind of thing that would put them in a prime state for the abusers.

15845578? ago

What about all the missing children. I keep hearing about children found, like the other day, supposedly 135 kids. Yet no news interviews with happy parents being reunited with long lost children? ODD don't you think?

And what, pull attention to the state sanctioned CPS kidnapping? AHA. People would follow the trail too easily.

15845691? ago

Come on, there are many reporters out there that are not corrupt. Sarah Sanders for one... But still no interviews.

15846398? ago

Do you suspect zero children were actually saved?

15844262? ago

There damn well better be arrests and not just 'disappearances!' After George Soros and Henry Kissinger bit the dust, the Lizard people that were directing them might have to come out of the shadows further!

15844141? ago

There aren't any happy parents--those are children that were 'in the system.' Easily ignored and forgotten wards of social services. Tragic.

15844496? ago

Not all these missing children are in state care. Of the ones that are, many of them still had parents fighting for their children. Parents who haven't lost their rights still would be notified.

15844241? ago

Excellent observation.

15842603? ago

Ok - now you've given me another way to think about this... I never processed that thing about the 135 kids. Yeah, where the hell are the interviews with the happy parents? WHOA.

The rest of it you mention, wow. OK, I'm gonna log out now and think about this stuff. I can only take so much in one day! TNX

15844233? ago

You'd NEVER hear about that on the "news." That is truth, and especially due to the integrity and diligence of our President.

15841253? ago

or other type damn near extinction event were going to happen

https://youtu.be/wvjJqIXYT1w?t=428 (Link is to where the reading in the first video has just ended. There are 4 videos in the series so far.)

Earth crust displacement every 6.5k years or so.

15841733? ago

Interesting video.

15843976? ago

Yes, a bit.

15839594? ago

Probably the extent to which the elite have been lining their pockets and giving each other deals, how much they've undermined our institutions, how they've brainwashed our youth, how they've kidnapped so many kids, how so many news stories have been completely fake or told falsely, how so many of our wars were completely baseless to serve the elite, and so much more. That's the vagueries. Once it gets into the nitty gritty details, that's when the heart palpitations begin.

15839579? ago

The truth is that satan is making moves.

15839943? ago

Being intentionally setup for a long deadly Syria type foreign proxy war on our own soil by our own leaders is going to be hellish

15840138? ago

What a out Uranium being sold and split up between Russia(no threat), Northern Syria and Iran? Supposedly? Barack sold that so that when N. Syria nuked something like New York, the Russians would be blamed. Is that it? Barack was planning on nuking the US to fulfill the Payseurs ' agenda?

15849343? ago


15843070? ago

No uranium was sold, you conspiracy nutcase.

15854061? ago

Fuck you

15854289? ago


15854356? ago


15857128? ago

Yes. Yes I am.

15839987? ago

We must pray brother, set timers. If the muslims are praying 5 times a day we need to double it. Pray for exposure and revival.

15854050? ago

Pray for REVIVAL

15854102? ago


15855661? ago

Everyone needs to watch this

15855904? ago


15855550? ago

Pattern prayers to bind and loose. We must bind satan's demons of the cabal. Loose the spirits of God to fight them.

15855936? ago

Find strongman. And bind.

America is ruled by rebellion and arrogance it seems to me. Dont take that to the bank.

15839866? ago

Who do you think runs this planet?

Bible verses about Satan as ruler of this world


15839561? ago

That reincarnation is real.

15840672? ago

I do past life regressions, that is not the case. We come back as humans

15840386? ago

That would be horrifying, yes. I've thought that maybe that's why the elites keep their bloodlines pure because maybe they reincarnate back into their bloodline. If everyone from their bloodline is rich, they are guaranteed to come back to another good life.

15839686? ago

I wish.

15840359? ago

Seriously? Have you seen how humans treat lower life forms? You sure you wanna come back as a cow or something?

15839682? ago

What do you reincarnate as? A tulip or sea bass? Not being facetious, genuinely asking your opinion.

15847492? ago

Maybe a deep sea creature or worm as punishment and bird for reward? Or worse...

15839555? ago

The truth is there is no truth.

All truth is subjective.

15839652? ago

Nice absolute.

15839749? ago

Thus proving my point. All truth is subjective.

15839784? ago

Ill help you. Jesus is the Truth.

15839536? ago

Is selective truth not just another lie ? The whole truth and nothing but the truth ! Put out everything let those who want wade through it. If they want.

15846861? ago


15839526? ago

We are the 1%. Most of us have been on a journey of truth discovery for years - I’ve been on a path of informational awakening ever since 9/11. We’ve had years to process most of this, and the truly despicable stuff has caused us to lose sleep and become depressed. Imagine being an NPC and being hit with all of the truth in one fell swoop. There’s your mental institution right there.

Remember when Trump won and colleges shut down and handed out hot cocoa and coloring books and safe spaces for the nitwit sneaux flakes that couldn’t handle it?

15842960? ago

So you’ve been on the path of idiocy since 9/11, huh? Then I’ll just bet you’re really into this Q shit, too. Am I right? Hmm?

15842540? ago

We are much more than 1%. The elite perpetrators are the 1%. They’ll be someplace other than a hospital.

15840540? ago

You are the 1%. The few. The proud. The Qlowns.

15839523? ago

God's judgment. Apocalypse.

15840114? ago

God is Truth. The truth will become known worldwide and the judgement will be carried out by us. Dark (Satan / Lies) to Light (God / Truth).

15840225? ago

And somehow you don't realize you're working indirectly for them.

15839944? ago

Apocalypse, the uncovering. Death to Satan and his minions, freedom for everyone else.

15839670? ago

You'll be one of the 99% in the hospital. The truth would blow your fragile little mind.

15839962? ago

Correct, the religious are very susceptible.

15839844? ago

Tell us

15839763? ago

Unless your truth is wrong.

15839495? ago

Our evil overlords are reptilians. The illuminati/new world order people work for them.

15839465? ago


  1. This dimension of reality is actually hell but most can't recognize it because we're normalized to it.
  2. The soul does not exist. We are merely biological livestock for a more advanced species.
  3. Like depicted in The Matrix, we're physically in bondage, mentally partaking in a simulated reality merely for the purpose of being used as batteries by a technological intelligence.
  4. The extent of the suffering in the world is far more brutal that we realize.

15842450? ago

5. We are incarnated souls, coming by choice for our pre chosen expereince of our particular individual 'fairground ride' in this body, this timeline. A blank memory initially, a real learning expereince. A reality of much free will gives us the unsung learning option to CHOOSE how we live our life, (anyone here got kids...?). We can go to the dark side, middle grey side, or the light, early in life middle or late, whatever. There are hints about what is best - Jesus etc spiritual, ancient, and modern (BlueAvians?). The message is not new nor surprising. 'Be kind to others' 'We are all one' (fractal existence in space time).

15849624? ago

Yes, I agree with 5. I have read similar in many books, with slight variations. But all boil it down to a learning experience for the "soul" with amnesia (no memory of previous lives) in a physical body. As for the Blue Avians theory, that comes from Corey Goode and I have no reason to disbelieve it, although I haven't come across any other sources that mention them.

The main theory states that "God" is the entire conscious universe(s) and that we, as souls, spirits, whatever, are tiny portions of conscious energy - portions of "God". We choose to have experiences that will enhance our knowledge and, by definition, that of "God".

15851405? ago

we be like fragments of a fractal glitter bomb of the Creator

15849931? ago

Many doubt Goode’s testimony for exactly what you mentioned- he is the only one to have encountered these beings. From what I hear, usually alien species are sighted by many over a long period of time. And he was unemployed and on disability when he came up with his story, which was vague at first and slowly became more solidified and fantastic. I am not an authority in this subject but have listened to a variety of experts. Remember that some of these speakers are getting a lot of money to spin their tale. Time will tell who is honest and who is merely riding the wave.

15846018? ago

coming by choice for our pre chosen expereince

Where did you source this information? I have my suspicions.

15850948? ago

Inner self

15840571? ago

2 and 3 have the potential to cause the most depression. Accepting those would be the toughest

15841248? ago

Accepting or adopting a nihilistic viewpoint

15840171? ago

I have definitely pondered #1 many times and I agree, we could be in hell. With all the pain and suffering here, which we wouldn't understand if there were not peace and happiness, it's a very cruel place. Animals eating other animals to live. How bizarre if you really think about it.

15845269? ago

Strange. It seems the only completely rational answer. There is life and there is non-life. Life is fluid and ever changing and therefore requires life to continue. Only the form life takes changes. Which is more cruel - ever changing and adaptive life, or non-life?

No matter how small the biology used to support life, something died to create it. We are all Ouroboros.

15851510? ago

Non life? If everything is of vibrations, energy, in less or more complex forms, less or more complex 'transmissions' then everything is to an extent 'living'. As above so below, fractal form, fractal energy? The deal would be we are part of the greater whole. What we do with it, as we see it, from our personal perception is up to us, like a kid on a big sandy seaside. The idea expands that the universe, our frame of existence, is 'intelligent'. On different levels?

15854224? ago

Words have meaning. Everything is not alive.

Nor is life "me-centric" where we get to choose our nature. We are carrying the DNA our Earth requires for our existence. Straying outside its programmed boundaries will always result in illness or death.

The only deal is if we're lucky we get a gnarly wave to ride (born into a 1st world country). If not, probable wipe out. Either way we don't choose the beach or the waves. We can only prepare ourselves for the ride.

15850988? ago

Where is non life? Find it. According to quantum mechanics, elementary particles have some sort of consciousness or intelligence or awareness.

15854359? ago

An attribute is not the whole. If so, you are actually dead and should give up now.

You do realize quantum mechanics is largely theoretical and suffering from a universe sized helping of confirmation bias? It's the storytime area for physicists.

15860912? ago

I am a physicist. Quantum mechanics is THE MOST TESTED physical theory ever. Has never failed. The INTERPRETATION of what it all means is a whole other matter entirely.

How do you define live? Where do you draw the line?

15881127? ago

Kudos to applied physicists. Theoretical physicists, not so much.

It's the 50% problem with theoretical. When anyone slaps down a 50/50 finding as a "proof" of anything other than a coin toss all they've proven is they've failed at finding the right answer.

The line for what constitutes life is solid. Life = capable of stable biological replication. On Earth, that means organic molecules carrying a pass-through organic program (RNA/DNA). This is why a virus is life, while a cute AI silicone covered girlfriend capable of learning a snappy comeback is not.

15886605? ago

Mules, hinnys, and ligers are therefore NOT alive, not being able to reproduce. Most of the corn grown in the US is not alive (sterile) by your definition.

15889374? ago

They were created via viable life forms. Biologically, they are dead branches. An extinction event.

15890420? ago

The line for what constitutes life is solid.


15891263? ago

Yes, it is. It's only blurred for those who conflate sentience, the concept of soul, or elemental physical energies with life.

15841947? ago

Always thought that about animals eating other animals.

15845996? ago

animals eating other animals.

It's part of the Fall, the curse. Animals did not eat one another before Adam and Eve at from that damn tree.

Isaiah 11:6-8 King James Version (KJV)

6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.

15849653? ago

I don’t but that stuff bro sorry. Religion is a control system.

15855676? ago

Objective truths and wisdom are not control systems. They are self preservation systems.

15841588? ago

If true then the recent show 'The Good Place' could be a precursor for disclosure. The characters think theyr in heaven but theyr actually in hell. Movies and tv shows are commissioned depending on what idea of our reality they need to soften us up to.

15840314? ago

Animals eating other animals to live.

This as one of two litmus tests for gauging another person's cognizance of their inhabiting of hell.

The second, is their irrational compartmentalisation and deprioritisation of the matter of death.

15856476? ago

I’m very interested in your second thought and have some ideas but I’m not real clear on what you mean. Can you expand?

15897853? ago

Tell a healthy adult, let's arbitrarily say aged 30 , that they have 30 minutes left to live. They'd naturally experience panic, confusion, sadness, surprise, regret, anguish, terror etc. Bottom-line, the person does not want to die and the matter of dying has become their utmost priority.

Tell the same person that they'll die in 60 years time and suddenly, their concern and prioritisation of death diminishes to nil.

The difference between these two reactions is what I refer to as the compartmentalisation of death. I.e. Pretending it's not going to occur.

We have one priority and that is the perpetuation of our individuated consciousnesses. Though the soul is said to achieve this, the best we can provably achieve is reproducing ourselves physically (genetically). The individuated consciousness, what we mean when we say "I", is discarded in this process.

Consider the portion of collective human effort allocated to the entertainment industry in terms of producers and consumers. The cumulative duration is likely enough for humanity to have provably attained biological or spiritual immortality and indeed that of the individuated consciousness. E.g. If you were to die in 30 minutes time, the latest sports result or celebrity gossip would be insignificant to you.

Humanity is literally insane in this sense. When you see it, you'll see it as a terrible sickness and delusion on humanity's part. Those that can see it, are fully aware that they inhabit hell. Those that cannot are conversely unaware that they inhabit hell. Such is the litmus test.

15842010? ago

Every soul knows deep down that any kind of 'death' is the complete opposite of normal.

With that established, it's easy to assume we're quarantined in hell.

15846010? ago

Hell is worse. Satan rules Earth right now. You can see his handiwork everywhere.

15839626? ago

You need a nap.

15839447? ago

...humans are not the top of the food chain...never have been

15845671? ago


15846462? ago

So few understand that Genesis 6:4 is the source.

15840446? ago

we became it after the neanderthals went extinct.

15841553? ago

no...and Neanderthal wasn't the top either

15840118? ago

not without our technology, but with it we are.

15842698? ago

We are said to be genetic royalty from the deliberate result of many ongoing DNA tampering from (others) for their own benefit. We are versatile and creative, and our hybridized DNA therefore integrates easily with 'others'. We are telepathic (with practice) and if we control our thinking and intentions then as a planet we can be very powerful. We are very emotional, much more so than 'others', who are curious of our experiences. However our impressive hardiness and versatility makes us an abducted slave of choice by the bad guys. Note the bad guys are likely to be as much our fellow human dudes as much as dark side others. Some African American DNA searches have shocked their subjects by revealing their black ancestors were themselves black Africans. Humans can be pretty bad 'aliens' themselves, also other can be angelic and loving.

15849836? ago

Yes. I have read that we were originally 12 strand DNA reduced to 2 strand for easy manipulation. The remaining are called “junk DNA” but they are far from it!

15841593? ago

for all our technology, we are just beginning to catch up to where were thousands of years ago...the next cataclysmic event will start the cycle again

15841324? ago

Make your hospital reservation soon.

15839439? ago

It means the contaminant is already in all our bodies. It doesn't have anything to do with new information breaking our minds. It's knowledge of something we need to be cured of - hence, a trip to the hospital.

15852476? ago

Think this answers it.

15852450? ago

Like in The Walking Dead. If I recall, it was spread through the water and was in everyone, which is why when a living person died a natural (non-walker-bitten death), he/she turned into a walker anyway.

15841325? ago

That is what I am thinking too. Something from the "water" maybe?..Maybe Satan's DNA????

15844850? ago

Water is pretty much undrinkable by default, everywhere. It's well beyond "something" and "maybe". It's anything you can think of and an undeniable yes.

15842949? ago

Satan's DNA? Satan doesn't have DNA you fucking retard.

15854026? ago

You're a fucking retard.

15848052? ago

He never received a body so you are right. satan has no DNA.

15845504? ago


The Serpent Seed theory would say otherwise.

15841102? ago

This. Look up "Herxhiemer Reaction" - the human body can have significant trouble from detoxing too quickly.

Look up Monolaurin - documented in studies to kill HIV and Herpes and all other viruses and pathogenic bacteria. Very cheap and natural.

If people suddenly found out they are poisoning us and they have lost their loved ones because of evil poisoning which also caused financial ruin - they would instantly change everything and end up harming themselves in the process.

15839417? ago

Maybe finding out that religion is all made up would do it.

15840135? ago

how would that put people in a hospital? My guess is that if the truth came out they would start bombing people or try to trigger a human genocide or something like that.

15839448? ago

Or that the Jews are actually a Saturn-worshipping cult being directed by non-human entities in a cosmic battle of which the Earth is only one part, and we are basically a prison/slave population kept in the dark since "Atlantis" was destroyed in a massive global catastrophe caused by an impact event?

15865541? ago

Even that wouldn't put folks in the hospital, would it? Idk, seems it would have to be something way worse.

15866220? ago

Or maybe me and you are just unusual for being relatively callous to seriously entertaining those kinds of ideas.

15839655? ago


15839628? ago

So close....keep digging. Atlantis is about the nepheliem, who is Dagon? Who is Nimrod? Does outerspace even exist? Who is Nebo? Who is Marduk? Who is modern day Babylon?

15839691? ago

link pls i live in babylon

15839725? ago

15839410? ago

earth is flat

15840955? ago

concave ... Elon even tweeted his support for this theory claiming he was just covering his bases

15840802? ago

And by flat you mean HOLLOW.

15839711? ago

Toroidal Fields prove otherwise my dude.

15839457? ago

Eric Dubay

15839472? ago

You should not lough about flat earth you should fear that is eventually true. =)

15839517? ago

One day they'll see, better they research it now and find out than later when forced to acknowledge.

15839401? ago

I've talked to my mom about this stuff in the past and she said that nothing would affect her. I start dropping little red pills here and there and she eventually says "okay stop." lol

15842242? ago

I talked to a friend who is ex religious. Red shoes, Pope, came up. Challenged. A tactful but honest reply was enough to hear 'enough!!' 'OK, cannot cope with so much dark stuff!' 'Be careful not to get contaminated!' They now know WHAT they might be praying for.

15844281? ago

"Lord, deliver us from Evil!" Short and to the point!

15840028? ago

Bless you for trying!

15839360? ago

They know that you right wing idiots are easily manipulated and frightened. They also know you're among the least able to think critically.

You're such an easy mark to con - all of you.

15839647? ago


15839524? ago

Shouldn't make it political.

There are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don’t know.

Including yourself.

One does not have to be right, left or center to have the ability to critically think. Ones political leanings has no bearing whatsoever on whether they have developed critical thinking skills.

But many other times, we’re tricked by false truths–things we think are true but aren’t.

Including yourself and global warming for instance. Anyone with any sort of reasoning knows the climate changes and has been changing since the earths inception.

15839469? ago

Liberalism is a mental illness, as demonstrated by the above comment.

15839419? ago

yeah, like the leftards who believe in man-made climate change, and open borders, and the govt wouldn't do that stuff to us would they...... kek

15839654? ago

Trump is going g down. Why? Because there is do much evidence he is a crook.

Is Hillary going down? No, despite the many investigations you haven't been able to pin anything on her. Trumps lawyers are terrified of him being interviewed because he is a lying sack of shit who wouldn't last 5 minutes under oath - hahahaha, you hitched your wagon to a loser, bigly!

The right wing is full of projection. Blind fuckwits, every one of you.

15858639? ago

if you actually believe that shit.......... declas is gonna fuck you up bigly. .... your head gonna explode. ... you won't be able to cope......... rofl

15840852? ago

That collar feeling a little tight? They just legalized hemp. Maybe we make some rope to hang ya with what do you say?

15857671? ago

They hang traitors, traitor

15840257? ago


15839723? ago

Entire books can and will be written on the level of corruption found within the Governmental bodies that have controlled our planet for the last few centuries.

Sit down buttercup. It's going to be a bumpy ride for you in 2019.

15839323? ago

We know, but what about the normies? I'm sure 99% was a bit exaggerated, but..

15839705? ago

Exaggerated? Are you kidding me? This board does nothing but shit on the Truth because they think it can't possibly be fucking real. And they consider themselves (Woke) on the subjects. It's fucking incredible how close minded man can get my dude.

15839864? ago

Why do you come here? Do you do the same thing in v/conspiracy? Yeah, I didn't think so. Why do you seem so worried? If nothing comes of this, there's WAY more people redpilled now to water the tree of liberty. You obviously have an agenda.

15841781? ago

to water the tree of liberty.

Have you considered you may be living a meme? There is zero liberty in this type of society and social structure. There are close to 7 billion excess people on the planet, and they all need to go.

15848514? ago

Go? Go where? Are you going to eat them?

15839309? ago

Reality, all of it and none of it. And sure would love to know all of it and none of it.

15839284? ago

The pedovore shit alone is pretty horrifying.

15843397? ago

That's a cop out and you know it.

If it were real, the truth would come out.

So far, NOTHING has come out of Q. Not one single shred of evidence or arrest. You'd think if people were child trafficking and raping kids, there would be interest in shutting it down. No action taken. You'd think voting fraud would have repercussions. Nope, demoncrats still do it all day every day with 0 response from anyone.

If any of this were real, something, anything, would have happened by now. Instead, it's always "optics", "expending ammunition", "4d chess playing", "wait until XXX date", etc.. continually moving the goalposts and never getting a field goal. You're never going to win a football game or even a "war" that way. Q is bullshit and you know it.

15845028? ago

What? There are trafficking arrests weekly.

15843244? ago

Senomyx hek 293

15842952? ago

Agreed, yet society glorifies and accepts the ripping apart of babies in the womb.

15842460? ago

The pedovore shit if true would make the Spanish inquiistion look like a picnic. People would lose their fucking minds, especially if the people who are said to be involved are. It woould send us back to the dark ages (relatively speaking).

I still cannot belive it simply because I don't want to, its just to horrendous and I hope its not true as it would rock me to my core.

15842865? ago

My question is how can it be revealed to adults without frightening kids to death?

15843457? ago

It can't really but how do you make sure it does not start again?

15842059? ago

The pedovore shit alone is pretty horrifying.

Agreed. We've had time to digest it, although it does take its toll.

15841638? ago

We already know they flavour some foods and drinks with aborted embryonic cells. I can imagine some unscrupulous corporations introducing human meat into their products, intentionally or otherwise, nothing would suprise meat this point.

15847400? ago

This is what would send 90 percent to the hospital. Having eaten another human without knowing! We can easily judge others for their despicable behavior,shock anger and justice! But how would we cope knowing we have been part of it?

15845601? ago

Part of Pepsi Cola's declared ingredients: Natural Flavor Natural flavors are obtained from essences or extracts of sources found in nature such as spice, fruit, vegetable, yeast, herb, plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products. Ingredient descriptions have been provided by Pepsi Product Information Can Change At Any Time. Please Refer To Your Product Label For The Most Accurate Nutrition, Ingredient, Allergen And Other Product Information. Information updated on 31-Jan-2018 by Pepsi

15842032? ago

Pretty sure that one is fake. No evidence.

15843216? ago

Senomyx were testing HEK-293 fetus cells in food products for use in the future, but companies cancelled contracts with them after the public became aware. Other products exist in the market which contain aborted fetal products, such as vaccines, cosmetics and medicines.

15840719? ago

The magnitude of it is what will put people in the hospital. Once you see the symbols, you see them everywhere. Trudeau Foundation has a giant symbol on their Annual Report for God's sake. For the first time today, I read some rap lyrics of Bizarre, Notorious B.I.G., and Eminem. Openly talking about raping and murdering and eating babies. About one month ago I ventured into the Nununu brand Celine Dion is so fond of. Their "Ho!" t-shirt for little girls right there on the website, along with a number of other disturbing clothing choices for youngsters. This underworld has gone mainstream and it is everywhere.

15847266? ago

Gods and monsters.. Lana del rey... Listen

15841160? ago

The overt display is meant to disarm the obvious as ludicrous.

15840503? ago

The faQeness of Q cannot be underestimated.

15841122? ago

The FAGness of you cannot be overestimated.

15840088? ago

Q is winding you up like his toys. So this is why he never delivers. It's so secret and scary, it would harm the normies. But we are the elite, the woke, the clear eyed, we are not sheep parroting whatever is told to us. We are the vanguard of the special, free thinkers, trusters of the plan, a plan that is always Two weeks from Execution. Two weeks from repaying our blind devotion to the plan. The Sun will come out tomorrow! Tomorrow, tomorrow, you're always a day away.

15841131? ago

You sound very scared. You should be.

15866258? ago

What should I be scared of?

15841112? ago

The scary news is that 99% of humans are essentially cattle for the elite. As witnessed right here in Q-savior land. Q practically throws it right in their faces.

15840016? ago

Disease X, the Chinese fentanyl opioid revenge, and other biological sabotage would be a literal interpretation

15839898? ago

I agree its horrifying, however it won't out most people in the hospital.

15843837? ago

I agree - "horrifying" is actually processed fairly quickly by the human mind and accepted as the norm. It's exactly this reason why the cabal is safe with their already overt use of symbols for their grotesque acts.

For Q's statement to be true the damage must reference something physical that would cause hospitalization.

The non-deniable "Truth" getting out would force the cabal's hand. They would have to respond by causing mass hysteria/disruption to continue their takeover. Think about retribution via germ warfare delivered in swarms of tiny weaponized drones, mass opiate poisoning of water supplies, and atmospheric distribution of both non-lethal and lethal human toxins. This weaponry is all available today and is in the hands of globalists.

If Q meant "clutch the pearls and have the vapors" then for certain he's full of shit.

15841395? ago

Maybe when the truth is revealed we will turn on each other and we'll send each other to the hospital.

15849572? ago

That is exactly where 'we are all one', 'love thy neighbour', 'forgiveness, of oneself, and others' - these simple basic messages - it is where these become relevant.

15851393? ago

You're so right. That's why it's important to have at least a decent degree of mastery over our emotions right now, so it won't be as chaotic and difficult of a struggle when times really get hard. Thank you for a fresh perspective on those!

15848342? ago

Agreed. I always fear how others will react.

15842895? ago

Completely valid theory. Yikes though.

15840189? ago

Been following Q for 11 months. When I read about MK Ultra I thought "nope, that's a bridge too far". When the pedovore/adrenochrome started in, I couldn't take it in. Now I believe both without batting an eye. So yes, I think the normies would absolutely freak out if they knew what HRC and Mad Max's favorite snack is.

15860777? ago

I was diagnosed with some mental health issues a few years ago. I was over time heavily medicated with 6 prescriptions. I was now having serious crazy thoughts and desires. I was going crazy and did not know why. I read the Q Notebook yesterday on MK Ultra. I had most of the symptoms listed including the formation of wrinkles in my toe nails. I found that one very interesting. Three months ago, I walked away from my doctor and went off all of the meds and detoxed. Very rough and difficult to convince myself to do. I now feel fantastic. Better than I have felt in years, and I no longer desire to ..... I fully believe I was a subject in the MK Ultra program. There is no way I would ever act out like I wanted to, and it all started when I started the meds. I had no idea. I will spend much of the rest of my life fighting this horrible industry.

15841677? ago

I had a similar evolution. Ever since stumbling upon Q 6 months ago, I’m a completely different man. Everyday gets a little weirder, if that makes sense. I’m So indescribably happy that I have been sober for 2.5 years. If it wasn’t for that miracle, I would be totally blocked off from the truth.

And that’s the thing. In recovery, it’s all about realizing the extent of how self-centered one is. While not everyone is an alcoholic or addict, the population at large are entitled snoozers, too wrapped up in the daily grind to to care about the occult, too busy being a victim (etc etc etc) to look past the bridge of their nose.

I digress WWG1WGA

15864953? ago

Stay strong and healthy - every one of us is needed for what is to come. Will be praying for you and your continued recovery.

15849794? ago

This might be what you are going through..?

“Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English).” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass

15840382? ago

they used a MODERN version of MK ulrta on Disabled Veterans in Medical Hold Units.... I was in the Unit at Madigan 2007-2008 they used it on me.. THankQ since Q came on the scene i learned what it was and found a Therapist who is q Army herself..Why do you think so may commit suicide.. IT WAS PROGRAMED INTO US...

15863608? ago

I am so sorry to hear this. It makes me so angry that they would treat our veterans in such a vile, inhumane way. I pray you are doing well.

15864729? ago

Replacing the psychiatrist meds with THC and my Poodle , and replacing the opioids with CBD just before Q came on the scene.. Im doing awesome I have a MISSION MY COUNTRY needs ALL OF US..........

15864900? ago

Will be praying for you, warrior. People like you are what make this country strong. Blessings~

15872770? ago

prayers always welcome don't worry bout me I'm ok.. lets go kick some ass

15850370? ago

This is the most heneious of all. I read an account of a survivor who had multiple personality disorder. She said it was programmed into them to self-destruct if they even thought about defecting.

15860416? ago

i truly think split personalities are one of two things the mind creating an escape, or a demon possession.. interesting seeing this typed out.. what happens when you combine the two.... force the mind to "split then invoke a demon" Alice Bailey taught man cannot go to the next evolutionary step UNLESS he takes the LUCFERIAN Initiation

15842693? ago

This is what Q means when it says "this is bigger than you know".

15843574? ago

I am Christian I believe Revelation is happening now. I believe we are at the time of the restrainer....as for deep have you looked up the military units Q mentioned? the Guardians https://www.acuarmy.com/products/308th-military-intelligence-battalion-unit-crest-guardians-of-america the Wizards https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/navy/vaq-133.htm the Warlocks http://futureforce.navylive.dodlive.mil/2018/08/warlocks-help-turn-ground-based-ideas-into-airborne-reality/ with no border no Nation ...

15841354? ago

Yeah dude can you please expand on this, or even make a post. You could potentially prevent former vets from committing suicide.

15842295? ago

It didn't take long before I noticed anything i said to the Psychiatrist was being shared with all of the Units staff... ADD changing diagnosis at the 11th hour of ones claim, then when you go to the FORMAL board hearing you are told your faking if you walk into the room you will lose what rating we gave you and you will get a dishonorable discharge.... MY JAG OFFICER LET THIS HAPPEN.. I was a SSG .. THE ARMY DID THIS TO ALL THE LOWER RANKS.. We had a soldier come to Madigan Strait from Iraq. IED thrown from truck split Kevlar in half when heads hit a rock... NOTHING WRONG WITH HIM the helmet wasn't proof of a TBI HE NEEDED to contact UNIT CO !st SGT and Battalion SGM to have WITNESS STATEMENTS TAKEN for proof of a BRAIN INJURY.. We get home not trusting anyone not family no one OUR government DECLARE ALL OF US terrorists. ( Fact: Obama did put our names on that list) .. During all of this No Name was in charge of the VA ( he was head of Senate Committee) We were OVER DRUGGED Deliberate process put into place to push us to suicide.. you see first we are stripped of our reasoning skills via drugs.. and those really needing then couldn't have any ( they became Alcoholics) .. Overtime someone from your State or Unit is around The stalff never allows us to be alone with them.. they are always around during these times.. coming from combat zone i was given article 15 for not having my Class A Uniform.. yes i Demanded Courts Martial it was dropped fast .... the little things VA sending Denial letter for a claim.. NO SIGNATURE and NO ONE WILL GIVE you direct number to that very same place the letter came from.. so no one really knows and frustration gets higher higher and.... there are tons more.... I lost my family my identity .. i alsmot became one.. A POODLE saved my life ( 2011) I spent the first two years back praying every other night d asking demanding GOD end me ( wages of sin death right.. ) next day waking up.. i actually started to disbelieve. I almost lost my Faith over that.... yea I'm sorry this is choppy i hope i made some sense ....

15844940? ago

God bless you patriot! I am so sorry you had to endure such evil for fighting for your country. God brought you through it to tell your story and fight some more as a digital soldier. God bless you and WWG1WGA! I don't know you but I love you. Thank you for sharing.

15846214? ago

My HONOR to be ALLOWED to serve my fellow American and now stand side by side with you I am honored ..

15842804? ago

You survived and that is a testament to the fact that God has something He wants you to accomplish. And a testament to your will to survive. I am in awe of your inner strength. We hear you patriot and we salute you.

15843506? ago

AMEN and now I can stand by YOUR side and fight this with all of you that is the GREATEST HONOR one can have........ standing by your side.

15840985? ago

Go on...

15843802? ago

I was at Madigan in a Med hold unit 2007-2008 .. I watched them KILL 5 people.. Every you say to the physiatrist ALL of the Units staff know about it by the next day.. We go home from there NOT TRUSTING anyone then the President DECLARES US TERRORISTS and places a;; our names on the watch list....... that was 2009 by 2011 i had a plan and was going to be a statistic.. I believed i was garbage and overtime i tried to stand up i was kicked hard. I lost my family my identity i ALMOST lost my faith .... for 2 years i was begging pleading demanding God to end me ( wages of sin is death ) Afraid t i walked away from all my friends ( the few i have left ) i still notice all the procedures No Name installed into he vA when HE RAN IT ( he was senator chairing the VA Committee) are designed to frustrate to push away to rias ones level of anxiety so THEY LOSE filters the LOSE controls and that is were the MAJORITY of the 22 a day are happening from.... it is all the little things designed to be OVERLOOKED..

15842190? ago

I'm not the poster here but I am personal with the subject matter.

Everything they do is based on narcissisim!

Making people suicide is their favourite game. They achieve this by gangstalking, blacklisting, poisoning, electronic harassment, rape, slander, social isolation and gaslighting.

This four page PDF is a good primer in this! https://www.brainsyntax.com/Portal/Material/1/David_McDonough_Gov_abuse_brainsyntax.pdf

Narcissistic abuse is identical to satanic ritual abuse, MK ultra, government gangstalking and psychological warfare.

This is the whole basis of the cabals power. They know how to destroy and murder people without laying a finger on them.

They are in every position of power to prevent the victims stopping it nevermind getting justice.

Every schizophrenia sufferer is actually a victim of this. They just don't know what is happening to them.

The people we are taught to trust the most are those that are destroying the victims speaking up!

This is the core issue we are dealing with when we fight the cabal. They are narcissists, psychopaths and pedophiles. All they have is these pathological tactics and they are powerless when we know what they are doing.

This is the final awakening!

And the end of the pathocratic age!!!

15842725? ago

First thing to do is to LEAVE your NWO churches. Not difficult to identify them. Empty the pews.

15843480? ago


15842886? ago

Exactly. Just compare them to these pathological tactics and you can see them for what they are.

15840941? ago

Omg. I am so so sorry. That is absolutely horrible. God bless.

15839923? ago

I don't think it would put many of us on QRV in the hospital. But for the average joe schmoe it would completely blow their minds, even more so if there was video and picture evidence. Even I wouldn't want to see HRC cannibalizing a kid.

15851921? ago

It needs to be revealed! If not the video, the information about the video. She needs to be arrested, and it needs to be revealed!

15852160? ago

we want justice but just wanting to see snuff films is morbid curiosity.

15858353? ago

Until people know what has happened, they won't believe it. I, for one, don't want to see it! However, some of the idiots that give me hell for supporting Trump need to know! They need to be blindsided with the truth!

15850449? ago

The NYCPD cops reportedly threw up after viewing videos on Weiner’s laptop. I imagine a NY cop has seen a lot already so it must’ve been really bad.

15845796? ago

I agree. It's pretty vile.

15842827? ago

I choose to let stronger persons verify those crimes.

15839954? ago

LOL. "Even I wouldn't want to see HRC cannibalizing a kid." You make yourself sound like the worst kind of person. I believe you meant - "Even after all I've learned here..." But thank you for the laugh; they are needed nowadays.

15839771? ago

Been going on since time immortal.

15840340? ago


15840320? ago

Winner winner chicken dinner! This drama has played out more times than we know of. Why are there so many ancient ruins of civilizations we know nothing about? Why is it not so hard now to believe there may have been a time like in the lord of the rings? A woods can bury any signs of man in less than 100 years after all.

15841751? ago

Agreed. Interestingly, ancient archetecture is very similar in design all around the world, humanity is possibly on a second or third iteration of a global civilization. Everything went to pot when the moon appeared in orbit, great floods etc.

15871481? ago

Not too sure about your moon theory. The tides have been happening for many, many millions of years.

15871703? ago

Not my theory, the great flood could be explained though. Thought i'd mention it, as many great philosophers have in the past. Article Link

15841069? ago

Plus, the whole earth crust displacement theory. Something like every 6.5k years or so, the earths poles switch around and the whole crust shifts dramatically. Only a few pockets of humans survive it. Look in the text below the video for links to the first three videos. Note that the first video should be started about halfway through, as the beginning is a reading from that book banned by the CIA, and only recently released in redacted form.


15841675? ago

aka "pole shifting", which explains how they found pre-historic animals frozen in the Siberian ice, food still undigested in their stomachs......and probably how ancient sea-farers had a map of what we now know to be the coastline of Antarctica.

15841228? ago

Fuck it, it's not like we can shoot a missile at it!

15841103? ago

This is coming, folks. Whether you believe it, the Earth cares not.

15840932? ago

Flowing water can do it in less than that. You are correct!

15839486? ago

Yep. That would just about do it for the majority of the population. That is to know that people that the public trusted, politicians, elites in business and banking, "philanthropists" of the highest order, powerful "religious" figures, beloved celebrities, etc. The cognitive dissonance would be so severe that the snowflakes and leftist a-holes, who literally worship such figures, would have emotional breakdowns.

15844682? ago

Try wearing a MAGA hat to an Atlanta Vape shop to see what triggered is. Based on some NPC’s I know personally I’ll be investing in earplugs when the real reeing starts.

15856663? ago

That is funny. I saw the article. Did not watch the vid. But that snowflake was fired, and justifiably so.

When the shite hits the fan, my family and I, as well as our neighbors are ready.

15850038? ago

ah yes, the REE-ification....

15844258? ago

If you took over the 4am talking points and controlled the narrative you could red pill the sheep in 3 weeks.

15856745? ago

I agree. The key is they control the narrative and mouthpieces from where the crap is spewed. I can envision a time when arrests occur. After all, JFK passed a law prohibiting the three letter agency's operatives from using journalism or credentials as a cover. Dig those campers out of MSM and charge them in a court of law. The narrative will change rather quickly and the red pills will become a nice breeze blowing in the wind converting those with eyes that see and ears that hear. There are others with hardened hearts and those that are double-minded. They are unstable in all their ways. They will never be converted. Sad but true.

15849507? ago

Invest in Depends companies first (Tena, #UK) ;-)

15842537? ago

I have a question. So if I were to create something (e.g., business, music, art, etc.) and become famous would that mean I automatically have to start eating babies? Or is it just some of the celebrities/ceo’s/philanthropists? To me it seems like a ridiculous theory that all these people suddenly are in to this crazy weird shit. I think it does a disservice to the actual legitimate parts of the Q movement that focus on the corruption and deep state operatives. Talking about eating babies and adrenochrome makes you sound like you are a fucking crazy person and We won’t be able to recruit people to this movement so stop fucking talking about it and focus on how we take down Clinton Foundation, Comey, Brennan, Hussein, et al.

17270885? ago

You only become famous due to their say-so. Notice that attention whores with a shit product become famous, and people who create masterpieces are forgotten?

15857573? ago

(I’ll try to edit with links shortly.) Watch on YouTube (with a stiff drink & an empty stomach): “Hivite, Luciferian, Pedophile, Pedovore, Cannibals In Govt”, By Deplorable McAllisterTV (Article Proofs Are In the video)

“Walnut Sauce” By Serene Christine (1st channel of Deplorable McAllister) https://youtu.be/5wAuk3bCHCM

There are many videos about this. This journalist (decades long successful career) is a thorough investigator/researcher & the memes she shows were unzipped from Q’s posts.

15856829? ago

I agree with your observation. Those who are not initiated or who are new have not yet grasped the depravity of the deep dark world in which many of the elites live. It takes time to introduce them to the truth or the cognitive dissonance will be so profound, it will protect those with weak minds and weak wills, and they will likely walk away. Care and caution should be the watch words for the newcomers and those not yet ready for the cold hard truth. Well said my Anon friend, well said.

15850333? ago

I think many of them, especially the child actors, are culled from the herd of abused children. They are mind-controlled. Think MKUltra. People who have been abused, abuse. Unfortunate truth.

15844562? ago

I think not all of them are into that shit, but some. I also know some peope who are in "the business" - and cannot imagine that they are involved (maybe I am wrong here?) -but they are not the most succesful ones.... But I also know pretty normal people who know some of the more famous - and when gossipinng with them I try to figure out if thee is something suspicious....

Of course we know these poeple are good in hiding their "bad habits" from public and also "friends". But till now I cannot say - as far as I know- anything bad about anyone.

So I tend to believe that "they" are maybe just a few on the top, but with power - and influence. And then they have followers + victims. And some of these will be picked to become the next superstar.

Many songs and lyrics are suspicious - but I know that artists sometimes use their fantasy.

So I try to look more, with whom they are friends.... and who helped them to get to the top.

15847229? ago

Lana del rey. GOD'S AND monsters says it all.. Amazing song about Hollywood..

15843596? ago

In the business today even if you are low level if you are not willing to become compromised then you will not make it.

15843303? ago

Yes. It’s a cyclical blackmail mechanism. First it may be just a hooker, or just your run of the mill hot girl. He gets taped with her cheating on his wife and that’s used to essentially coerce the person into doing more nafarious shit and the cycle continues. Realizing if he doesn’t play ca[bal]l, his career will effectively be over or he’ll be killed.

You’d think people would just walk away. I fear most of the time walking away is not an option.

15847207? ago

It's about money.. You have talent I'll make you rich.. You make me rich and don't stop. Or I'll release the playboy mansion peso tape of you.

15844371? ago

Yeah, look at what happened to Bernie Mac, and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Both died under suspicious circumstances.

15842799? ago

Yeah. WAKE UP. You are either a shill or naive.

15842795? ago

There is no “movement.” Q is a fraud and Q’s loyal cult followers are Qlowns. Hope I’ve helped. Do have a dandy day. :)

15845087? ago

Is that the best you have? Pathetic really. Try harder niggerfaggot.

15847947? ago

Gotta get your Qlown viewpoint in there.

15842667? ago

Ate you saying you are unaware of the very real daily occurence whereby children and babies are tortured to produce a certain chemical in their bloodstream and then their blood is consumed by human demons? The endgame for human trafficking. Wake up.

15843818? ago

Yes I am saying it is complete BULLSHIT.

15853945? ago

...aaaaaaand it's people like this that keep Trump from revealing everything.......^^^^^

15845416? ago

So you're an apologist. Got it.

15845050? ago

Cognitive dissonance is a bitch aye?

15842192? ago

We can only hope so...

15841258? ago

Where's George Michael when he's actually needed?

15856843? ago


15842826? ago

He was never needed. You see, he was a pole smoker. ‘Nuff said.

15845073? ago


15841632? ago

Dead, and most likely murdered like so many others in the music world....makes you wonder if they took a stand or refused to go along anymore...

15840150? ago

Even now...i still have celebrities that made an impact on me in my youth that I haven't disavowed yet. I know if one day all their heineous acts were made public, I'd have some adjusting to too. And I haven't watched TV in a decade. Never go to the movies. Dont give a shit about most media in general... I know I'd have to adjust. Plus it's not just contemporaries, but all of history. Whatever has been hidden from us would come to light. Itd be an overwhelming educational reform (hopefully) and a lot of new knowledge for people.

15856922? ago

Spot on. I too do not watch the regular media outlets. Have not for some decades. I saw their corruption during the Clinton years when they covered for his rapes and Hillary's crimes. It was particularly egregious when they would not even ask questions about how a close Hillary associate could commit suicide with two bullets in the back of the head. Didn't trust them back then, do not trust them now. There are excellent sources of the objective news and unvarnished information on the web. One just has to look for it and be on guard, ready at any moment to throw the Bull-Shit flag.

15841529? ago

Also the fact we are born into slavery.

15840951? ago

i still have celebrities that made an impact on me in my youth that I haven't disavowed yet.

Aside from anything else, they were attention whores of the highest order.

15840848? ago

Which kike puppets are you still worshipping?

15839282? ago

If you can imagine it, that's probably it.

15843991? ago

Actually, it's worse than that.

15839279? ago

Put me in the hospital. I want us all to know

15839921? ago

My thoughts exactly, however it could be one of those 'careful what you wish for' scenarios. We don't know what we don't know.

15839277? ago

An excuse to not reveal all?