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16208367? ago

I was shocked at how many times this came up in this thread I made here.

Seems people think it's very common.

16208409? ago

780 comments . that thread is wild

16227012? ago

Then you find out everyone and their grandmother is buying up graphics cards to mine bitcoin and other crypto thinking it's gravy baby. They don't know that all those graphics cards and ASIC mining machines are solving problems in the block chain to form the brain of the AI. It started out as "folding at home" using spare GPU cycles to solves protein folding issues for curing diseases like ALS but in secret is being used to find cures for prion diseases that affect cannibals. Stay away from crypto, it's what feeds the AI.

16208748? ago

Ya, I'd agree with that. I think they were trying to open a portal with CERN to let the nephilim's souls back in to take over AI. They were definitely doing some very nefarious shit. Probably still are.

16208871? ago

care to share ur voat id so we can chat. u seem to be pretty woke