16211903? ago

I’ve thought about this, and also wondered if it is connected to Q saying that if they released everything about the cabal and what they do millions would end up in the hospital... Would learning that we’ve all been eating human, and not just that but eating human for a mass occult ritual/practice, send millions to the hospital or looney bin? It might, I also thought maybe they are infecting our food with cancer causing substances and that millions would go to the hospital hoping for a cure...

16209345? ago

Why does this keep getting brought up? The claims keep getting more absurd each time. You really expect me to believe Trump just served those poor Clemson football players Soylent Green?

16209305? ago

Honestly? if it were true, as someone who loves meat, I'd have already eaten so much that I am far past the point for me to take it back. So I'd just shrug and continue on as is. Because ultimately, what difference does it make If you've already been eating it for years or decades.

Don't get me wrong. That's not to say we shouldn't stop it (as we should, obviously that goes without saying.) but I believe I am personally far past the point of the moral high ground on this issue.

16219562? ago

But don't you think that "fast food ground beef" tastes totally different than qaulity ground beef from a respected butcher shop?

Also I don't think this pertains to beef whole.musle.meat. chicken certainly has fuckery in some types of bone on and certainly with the boneless verities.

16209115? ago

Damn I just ate a big mac

16209021? ago

This is what I fear.. I try to not eat out but I am leery of store bought meat also

16208611? ago

Post or source or im finishing this Big Mac

16208598? ago

You win most retarded Voat of the day!

16208367? ago

I was shocked at how many times this came up in this thread I made here.

Seems people think it's very common.

16208409? ago

780 comments . that thread is wild

16227012? ago

Then you find out everyone and their grandmother is buying up graphics cards to mine bitcoin and other crypto thinking it's gravy baby. They don't know that all those graphics cards and ASIC mining machines are solving problems in the block chain to form the brain of the AI. It started out as "folding at home" using spare GPU cycles to solves protein folding issues for curing diseases like ALS but in secret is being used to find cures for prion diseases that affect cannibals. Stay away from crypto, it's what feeds the AI.

16208748? ago

Ya, I'd agree with that. I think they were trying to open a portal with CERN to let the nephilim's souls back in to take over AI. They were definitely doing some very nefarious shit. Probably still are.

16208871? ago

care to share ur voat id so we can chat. u seem to be pretty woke

16208329? ago

There is some exaggerated truths here. Although true to a certain extent. View long post below.

16207947? ago

People actually believe that Pink Slime is made of beef trimmings. LOL

16207787? ago


16208322? ago

Facts are crimethought.

16208899? ago

That's what I thought.

16207746? ago



Senomyx develops patented flavor enhancers by using "proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems", which have been previously expressed in human cell culture, in HEK293 cells.[2]

HEK293 cells are a cell line widely used in biological and medical research, immortalised through a genetic modification and many, many generations removed from the original human embryonic kidney cells taken from a healthy, electively aborted human fetus in the early 1970s.[3] The receptors in the assay are used to identify flavours; they are not used as flavours themselves. No human taste receptors are used as ingredients in any flavourings. Using information from the human genome sequence, Senomyx has identified hundreds of taste receptors and currently owns 113 patents on their discoveries. Senomyx collaborates with seven of the world's largest food companies to further their research and to fund development of their technology.


Labeling regulations classify Senomyx flavor ingredients, and many other ingredients, as artificial flavors. Accordingly, Senomyx flavor ingredients are listed as “artificial flavors” on ingredient statements. Flavor companies and food companies are protective of their flavor formulas, much like chefs are protective of their recipes. Since Senomyx flavor ingredients are part of a proprietary blended flavor mix, they are not individually listed on the ingredient statements of foods and beverages.

And while the exact recipes are protected by flavorists, the list of possible flavor ingredients that could be used to create flavors is available for everybody to see – the list of ingredients (the industry’s expansive “spice rack,” so to speak) is published by the U.S. flavor association, the FEMA. For additional information on flavors, visit FEMA’s website, www.flavorfacts.org.

16208625? ago

Thank you for this interesting information on Senomyx.

16207618? ago

Someone sounds a bit paranoid... besides how would you even put a different kind of meat on something like a steak?

16207601? ago

Wrong. Way too expensive. Your $0.99 hamburger is made from retired dairy cattle.

16208788? ago

yummy elderly bovines.

16207580? ago

This is why I eat bacon instead.

16207529? ago

Thanks for the morning laugh!

16207502? ago

It's delicious. Sometimes you just have to spit the pits out.