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17267939? ago

Q said things are going to come out which can put most people in the mental hospital. Rape orgies of children, murder parties, taxes that went to horrific crimes like Human Traffiking, poison in the food and water and air, wars that meant nothing that caused genocide

While terrible, I don't think that would put people in the hospital. I think the truth is much more fucked up than that. Like I think our reality is much different than we've been presented with. The elite hold all of the secrets of the universe from us.

I posed this question awhile ago and this thread blew up with great ideas :

17269872? ago

Nobody can keep truth from you if you are truly seeking it. You WILL find it. You are not as weak as you think you are, only used to feeling that way.

Please don't buy into the lie that other people are controlling your ability to know the truth. It's that belief that is keeping you in the dark.

Btw, I reposted your post a few days ago. The varied responses are worth reading and rereading. Thanks for that OG post!

17269178? ago

God once said this 'Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.' For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. That is, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations, but has now been manifested to His saints,

God created man just a little lower than angels. He made us in His own image. His desire was for man to rule the earth and all the creatures therein. We lost that ability when Adam and Eve was tricked by satan himself. Jesus Christ accomplished what we could not do when He conquered death and satan. He (Jesus Christ) is is the pathway for us to accomplish what God the Father had envisioned for us to be.

17268894? ago

I agree. HRC is just a needle in a haystack.

17269067? ago

Yep, she's a puppet. Truth is, she probably doesn't even know the truth about reality and the secrets of the universe either. Those things are reserved for Rothschilds and up.

17268496? ago

I don't think that kind of information is going to come out until much later

17269049? ago

I agree, and that's assuming we win. There's always that possibility the DS over powers but you never know.

17268067? ago

reply of the day!