17272942? ago

Good discussion. A couple of things came to mind. First, you older folks might remember the old Twilight Zone episode "The Monsters on Main Street."


When stuff starts to happen, it may be much like that. People will panic. They'll be afraid. In urban areas, the DS will have plans to activate cells. Q has a handle on all that, I'm sure. If you live in an urban area, you'll need to be able to protect yourself and your property. Otherwise, keeping a low profile is essential.

I used to teach school in in a city with a huge population of illegal immigrants, most of them from Mexico. In their English textbook, they had the screenplay of that Twilight Zone episode, which we read as a class. After getting through the lesson, I asked the kids to write a one-page essay about what they would do if the lights went out and never came back on again. Would it be like the show or would it be different where they live. I was shocked to find out that most of these middle-school age kids said they would simply go to Walmart or some other store and steal what they needed. None of them had any hesitancy about it. None of them get taught religion by their parents. Their parents are too busy screwing somebody they're not married to and the kids fend for themselves. They don't get any moral teaching at all. Therefore, in their minds, it's perfectly OK to steal if you think you need it. Even in the upscale neighborhood where we live, there are middle-class black and Hispanic families whose kids sneak out at night looking for cars that were left unlocked "where they can steal loose change, GPS devices, or other valuables. The fact that they do that in my neighborhood tells me they need to feel some danger here from the homeowners. I have NRA stickers on my door and security systems.

Thus, in some areas, I would be concerned about roving bands of teens stealing, breaking in, etc. That's what you're going to need to defend against. It won't be Antifa or Black Lives Matter in any organized fashion. It'll be the people in the nearby neighborhood or the trailer park down the road a ways who come looking for an opportunity to catch you undefended by the police.

17270949? ago

Could be prudence to be prepared for that scenario

Probably mostly a matter of whether one lives in a blue commie city or a basically red Americana city

17270397? ago

We should disavow any violence. But as individuals we do what we must.

17270082? ago

All those thing you mention and more. Your just scratching the surface. I cant see that with out s full disclosure, the darkness will prevail. With out the truth setting us free and the hole truth we will be stuck in darkness. Look at it like this once the cat gets its paw out of the bag then the nose, people start asking more questions when the neck gets out the awakening has begun. Reveling the torso, stopping at this point is futile. The rest will come wether we like it or not. You cant stop it at the torso point its like a 20 ton truck rolling down hill with no brakes and no blockage. (Glatic superwave inc.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zcyrt4CUJbA

17269639? ago

STORM in a TEACUP is about it tbh. Now stop concernfagging simpleton

17269372? ago

They are replacing us in our homeland while we sit idly by. If the information war fails, it will go kinetic.

European & American Immigration History and Policy

Immigration into the US was exclusively European until 1965 when the Immigration and Nationalization Act was passed. http://magaimg.net/img/7gbu.jpg

Jewish congressmen played an outsized role in the Act becoming law.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gbv.jpg

Current European immigration policy is very clearly and blatantly anti-white.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gbw.jpg

The very first immigration act by US congress only allowed whites to enter.  http://magaimg.net/img/7egt.jpg

Kalgeri, Rothschild, U.N. connection/plan for the genocide of whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gck.jpg

Kalgeri plan impact on the UK.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gco.jpg

Prominent Jews openly admit to advocating and enacting white genocide through mass migration

Jews freely admit to their central role in the mass migration of military age African and middle eastern men.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gbx.png

Prominent Jews state that the goal is to create a global race of brown people with lower IQ and easier to control.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gby.jpg

Rabbi Haviv at the World Jewish Conference reiterating that the goal of mass immigration is the end of the white race.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcb.jpg

Again, Jews openly admit they are behind the immigration of Africans and South Americans into Western nations with the purpose of genociding whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcc.jpg

More pervasive proof Jews are behind the immigration push and genocide of whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcd.jpg

Itemized list of Jewish pro immigration organizations advocating for mass migration into the West.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gce.jpg

Compilation of Jews advocating and implementing migration policies to genocide whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcg.jpg

US Jews demand Israel export unwanted African migrants to white nations.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcq.jpg

Jews advocating and enacting mass migration into white nations to genocide whites. Mega compilation.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcr.jpg

More extremely prominent Jewish figureheads openly advocating for genociding whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gct.jpg

Subtle Anti-white Propaganda

Climate change propaganda always portrays white children and how detrimental they are to the environment.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gci.jpg

Israel can protect their borders but not the U.S.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcj.jpg

Multiculturalism is bad for Israel but good for everyone else.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcn.png

U.S. Immigration Impact

More than $50 billion annually leaves the U.S. due to economic migrants sending money home.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcp.jpg

17269064? ago

No, not at all. The left would crap their pants if civil unrest happened. There are way to many of us and were the ones with the guns. Everyone should read SenateAnons thread. He talks about this and mentioned the military and brass would back POTUS 5 to 1. That would be us with military backing. Dont think Soros could be able to fish out enough money to coerce people to go against that.

17272207? ago

Only problem with this is that the left, the street level people, really do believe the msm in that they outnumber us. If you only watched the msm and believed them, you would think the whole country was liberals with only a few crazy deplorable rednecks being conservative. If that's what they think they will be going nuts in the streets expecting everyone else to be there with them.

17268961? ago

Remember the Rodney King riots? That's a small sample of what will happen I believe. The MSM will spin their groupies into a frenzy. Hopefully they're shutdown at the same time as the rest of the cabal.

17272307? ago

There are going to be riots that make the LA riots look like a tea party. The authorities will do nothing, because they can do nothing. Think "rooftop Koreans". Schools, esp HS and above are going to burn. Think back anytime in the 19th-20th century where major upheavals has this not happened.

17268878? ago

Hard to imagine the nasty stuff happening in rural or suburban areas. Inner cities should be avoided if at all possible though.

17268860? ago

Nope. The communists need a victim to harass. They won't know how to protest the gubmint.

17268518? ago

I hope not

17268344? ago

I doubt people will get violent “en mass”. Perhaps a small few will take advantage of the opportunity to sow discord. I full expect agent provacetuers of the deep state to try and make messes for the cameras. I don’t expect the public to have a literal “pitchfork and torches” moment. I’ve been in much worse countries who had much to protest about and nobody did shit. The truth is most of us are fat and happy (relative to the world). I don’t forese a spontaneous outbreak of rioting.

17270277? ago

Antifa blm panters gang members and cia cells are the ones to look out for. Vets and old ladies will be the ones to catch these devils. Tc

17268254? ago

IMHO only a few major cities will experience anything - like Portland over the last few years or Occupy Wall Street.

Normies are too lazy and the paid thugs will be arrested quickly and the NPCs that followed them will quickly run and hide.

17270461? ago

Central and eastern Oregon don’t fuck around. Well armed MAGA throughout!

17272236? ago

Thanks for that info. I thought the whole state was screwed!

17268157? ago

Avoid violence at all cost, or our cause is lost. QAnons will help calm people around us, inform them what we already know, give love and help and hope. Pray to our heavenly Father for peace and truth and reconciliation.

17268124? ago

Certainly there will be some protest events, some of which may spawn rioting especially since we know they will send antifa. I would assume on some campuses and in large cities. But, in my little town we will also need stepped up police presents.........TO KEEP THE PARTY AND STREET DANCE UNDER CONTROL!!!!

17268057? ago

No. the left are huge pussies and the right...... We are prepared.

17268019? ago

hell yea, dipshits will hit the streets, threaten the wrong person and people will die.

yellow vests are dying

17267939? ago

Q said things are going to come out which can put most people in the mental hospital. Rape orgies of children, murder parties, taxes that went to horrific crimes like Human Traffiking, poison in the food and water and air, wars that meant nothing that caused genocide

While terrible, I don't think that would put people in the hospital. I think the truth is much more fucked up than that. Like I think our reality is much different than we've been presented with. The elite hold all of the secrets of the universe from us.

I posed this question awhile ago and this thread blew up with great ideas :


17269872? ago

Nobody can keep truth from you if you are truly seeking it. You WILL find it. You are not as weak as you think you are, only used to feeling that way.

Please don't buy into the lie that other people are controlling your ability to know the truth. It's that belief that is keeping you in the dark.

Btw, I reposted your post a few days ago. The varied responses are worth reading and rereading. Thanks for that OG post!

17269178? ago

God once said this 'Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.' For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. That is, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations, but has now been manifested to His saints,

God created man just a little lower than angels. He made us in His own image. His desire was for man to rule the earth and all the creatures therein. We lost that ability when Adam and Eve was tricked by satan himself. Jesus Christ accomplished what we could not do when He conquered death and satan. He (Jesus Christ) is is the pathway for us to accomplish what God the Father had envisioned for us to be.

17268894? ago

I agree. HRC is just a needle in a haystack.

17269067? ago

Yep, she's a puppet. Truth is, she probably doesn't even know the truth about reality and the secrets of the universe either. Those things are reserved for Rothschilds and up.

17268496? ago

I don't think that kind of information is going to come out until much later

17269049? ago

I agree, and that's assuming we win. There's always that possibility the DS over powers but you never know.

17268067? ago

reply of the day!

17267903? ago

We have been told to Prepare for a Storm, more specifically The Storm.

IF we are fighting, IF we are fixin' to issue some Declas and make progress on some high value arrests then yeah, you can rest assured the Enemy will protest, will increase aircraft accidents and plagues if they can, will riot and murder and maybe mass murder, as they can manage those things and more they will.

Be prepared to live in a self sustaining fashion for a while, maybe we lose services for short times. Have water filters and sources, have food, have ammo, avoid exposing yourself, be aware. The Enemy is not going to arrest itself or just morph into an honest Human, many of the Enemy don't even have any concept of honesty or morality. Much of Congress is still corrupt, much of government is still corrupt, the media still hates us/America/Freedom, criminals still own our streets in the sense that sanctuary mayors still refuse law, governors still refuse law, even if cops are legit their leadership isn't and courts are controlled.

So, yeah, IF we are actually gonna see any relief here the Enemy will protest it, youbetcha.

17272401? ago

The media will probably be the first to "go". Everyone should prepare like you explained, but 8 might add: fire extinguisher, a way to repair damage to your home, home security, check your neighbors.....

17270127? ago

Like a glatic storm perhaps? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zcyrt4CUJbA

17267833? ago

Q prepared us so we know the truth and remain strong. What causes panic, fear! Fear of the unknown!!! What do fearful people need? They need leaders, calm wise leaders who know all the things that caused the panic are being dealt with and law and order will be restored!

17267827? ago

It already has been in the streets since before the trump election you just werent aware of what was happening

17267783? ago

No, that will never happen. This is a spiritual war we are involved with.

17267776? ago

We have a Second A ... it's not difficult to obtain a concealed carry permit. I carry daily. Glock 26 (9mm). It's about more than self-defense, but defending others, too.

17270303? ago

That depends highly on where you live. In CA, 20yrs ago all you had to do was carry money to the bank for your job and you were eligible. Now, without proof of a hit on you, you don't get one.

17267734? ago

Part of the cabals plan is for us to fight one another while they place bets and hide in their high rises. They are the ones that need to be found and brought to justice.

17272323? ago

All the people posting the " no violence" pc stuff need to understand what you just wrote! We need to be ready, if it comes to it, to find and remove the higher ups in the cabal. It would be great if the job was done by the Q team, military, but if by chance they don't get the job done we had better be prepared to do it ourselves!

17283406? ago

Use the RICO Act to get every Mason. (Rape/Murder/kidnapping etc.)

And done.

17267722? ago

If it spills in the streets, local kops will turn into killing mobs. Their targets will be those who thought for themselves, those that refused to respect their authority/bootlick their overlords, and maybe, just maybe, the informants they used to strengthen their badgegang with.

The kops will protect their overlords, just as they always have.

17272492? ago

The cops will do nothing. Because they can't. A cop won't shoot the locals like ferals. Because the ferals all know where they live. What happened in LA, St Louis, Chiraq, Baltimore? Those are just small potatoes examples.

17267660? ago


17267427? ago

Remain non-violent at all cost. Only use violence in self defence. This means IF SHTF, prepare to stay inside. Get enough provisions to last. Defend your home and family. Do NOT fight in the streets. This is what they want us to do. It's best to remind them how conservatives are well Armed and well mannered.

17275213? ago

Safe at Last !

I took down my Confederate flag (which you can't buy on eBay any more), tossed my Don't Tread on Me flag and peeled the NRA sticker off the front door. I gave the pit bull to my mother-in-law and stored my gun. I then disconnected my home alarm system and quit the candy-ass Neighborhood Watch.

Instead of all that silly stuff, I bought two Pakistani flags and put one at each corner of the front yard. Then I purchased the black flag of ISIS (which you CAN buy on eBay) and ran it up the flag pole. Now, the local police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Secret Service and other agencies are all watching my house 24/7. I've NEVER felt safer and I'm saving $69.95 a month that ADT used to charge me. Plus, I bought burkas for my family. When we shop or travel everyone moves out of the way and security can't pat us down.

Is this a Great Country or what?

17276844? ago

That is a funny darn post.

17269834? ago

Totally agree! I didn't make it this far to get killed at the hands of a fucked up, mentally ill ds zombie! "Please do not try to break into my house...This has been a broadcast of the Q homeowner. Thank You for your cooperation! have a wonderful day!" lmao

17271154? ago


17269481? ago


17268604? ago

I personally have no plans to commit violence but will be making NPCs feel as conned as possible. If zuck gets baseball-batted in the street, that's not my problem.

17272721? ago

He won't be in the street. He'll be watching us goys get slaughtered on TV from the comfort of his bunker house.

17267280? ago

Let's hope so! Use the opportunity to take out as many niggers, spics and Jews as you can. Time to clean house America!

17267238? ago

Nah, they will take our guns.

17267308? ago

Only if you willingly hand them over. When they come for your guns... give them one bullet at a time.

17275864? ago

Trump isn't president for life, they wont ever stop, 10 years, 20 years, China will create a new democrat party. If not China the British are still butt hurt about that whole revolution thing, that is why they control all our entire legal system, every attorney is a British agent. Trump isn't doing anything about that.

17267202? ago

Q said spill over into streets would be shut down quickly. Still be prepared to hunker down n defend. Baltimore was my tipping point to once again own guns. When I had my son we got rid of what we had. Thankfully state lottery smiles a bit on me and I was able to arm my son and me nicely . This house has a great high ground . A sniper's paradise. And I pray every day I wont need to defend from it. But I will if need be. Get stocked...get armed and know how to use it.. Prepare for the worst...and hope for the best. All for the greater good Anons. WWG1WGA

17270226? ago

Sand bags two deep. Iv tested all other methods please take note. Wood piles do not work.

17267339? ago

Q also said Hillary would be arrested. I don't have much faith in the shit that Q says. I hope we have blood running in the streets.

17267046? ago

Q did say it's about to happen...


17266964? ago

I would strongly urge you all to do your very damn best to SPEAK to them, appeal to them, remind them what YOU went through when you learned the truth...before you SHOOT them.

17270767? ago

You don't speak or appeal to Cluster B trash - that is the fastest way to get your throat slit.

17268411? ago

We aren't going to be the targets of their anger, anon.

17269260? ago

if we tease, taunt or otherwise get in the way of the initial melt down, we could very likely be a target of anger. Don't shoot the messenger?

17270088? ago

Only taunt while wearing a DS mask.

17267193? ago

There is no need to shoot anyone unless it's in defense. Anyone who would do otherwise isn't on the right side to begin with.

17267389? ago

Granting suffrage to illegal immigrants is grounds for revolution. If the plan falls through, prepare for war.

17270421? ago


Civil war is coming if we fail. We can’t afford to live in la la land any longer!

17266948? ago

That's what we're here for. We know who doesn't know...and we were all once there where they will be. We're gonna have to help them get outta bed in the morning. We're gonna have to pray with and for them. We'll be there to help them eat what they can cuz even that's hard when your whole foundation is rocked, I remember it. But we'll also be an example to them to what happens afterwards. At least they'll have the luxury of not living in a world where everyone around them is a denying zombie in the end.

17276986? ago

Exactly. It's hard waking up alone and then you tell your friend and they hear you, but think it's a conspiracy theory. Atleast my friend keeps it in his mind. How many blew it off like it was crazy talk. I guess we are a special group. We are truth seekers with a high enough IQ that we don't believe all the nonsense. Bush Jr. "Gas prices are so high, because of demand." 😱 NOBODY had a job, when he said that!!!

17267967? ago

IMO that is WHY Q said WE are the news.

IOW: when this all comes down, WE are the ones who will inform others what is happening, getting them up to speed immediately and outside the communist media.

You are the news = Q patriots will have to explain what is going on to our family, friends and neighbors.

17266911? ago

I think about the same thing OP. America has never had a civil war on it's own soil. Many Americans aren't prepared. If we have to we will form civilian militias and help out the National Guard.

17266956? ago

"America has never had a civil war on it's own soil"

I suggest you reconsider that line...

17266965? ago

In modern times I mean

17266862? ago

It will. The satanic globalist want to scare the normies into submission

17266793? ago

Antifa is a violent mob in EU. Just browse through the youtube videos and you can see that. Then you have the Portland Antifa. Very violent. The only thing that has kept this from being an all out armed conflict are the police who have been almost on the sidelines when it comes to these attacks. Loretta Lynch called for violence in the streets as did Maxine Waters.

Another reason that things haven't spilled into outright overt bloodshed completely is the fact that conservatives are against violence. So we are already down to blood in the streets violence, it's just that patriots have not joined into the violence beyond self defense.

17266778? ago

hope so. 30 k rounds fmj .223 arent going to fire themselves.

17266808? ago

AR-15 and a few months of MRE's for me although I live in the suburbs close to a big city. I worry about my family and friends, especially the ones in the dark.

17266838? ago

They are like zombies. You may have to bullet cure them if it comes to that. Im ready ti do what is necessary.

17266968? ago

Or just don't answer the door/calls when SHTF and they come to you for something...

17266757? ago

Maybe in the big blue cities. Not so much elsewhere.