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15898779? ago

Daily Crusader is not a reliable source for news and facts.

15898862? ago

Doesn’t change the fact that that poster was on the desk and there was a Q drop on Nov 4 with the other posters. Just a coincidence though, right? Because Q is a LARP, right?

15899293? ago

We've said that Q and Trump are connected. What you are not understanding is that Trump is not on our side. It's a fucking limited hangout. Trump is an elite. Wtf are you expecting to happen? Elites to take down elites? Wake up

15899750? ago

What you are not understanding is that Trump is not on our side. It's a fucking limited hangout. Trump is an elite.

And Jewish. So ask -- why are genuine Q confirmations being sourced from a shill site owned by a jew? I am downvoting this domain forever. Every time it's posted I notice the people defending it being oddly persistent with the exact same questions to the critics: "is it wrong though?" and "is dailycrusader ran by a jew or a muslim?"

Something is not right.

15900041? ago

Remember after 9/11 how we were drilled by the media, Bush, etc about "terrorists" and "terrorism"? These words were said over and over and over again as a way to drill into us that ISIS were/are terrorists and 9/11 was terrorism. It was a programming technique.

Now I see the same thing happening here. Every other comment refers to "patriots" and how great Trump is. The posts saying to ignore the "concernfags" and "shills" are actual shills trying to keep the sheep from getting distracted. WWG1WGA is another herding technique - no one goes astray, we all go together. Then there's the vague riddles that Q speaks in, that people actually spend time making proofs on, when Q has said that disinformation (aka lying) is necessary. How can people put their trust in someone who has openly said they are lying? Why spend time doing proofs if they don't even know the information is true? It doesn't make any fucking sense. It's brainwashing, 100%. Targeting those who aren't awake enough to catch onto it, and the irony is these fuckers think they are more awake than others, and that Q is "waking people up". What a joke.

15900413? ago

I don't think Q holds benevolent power. It has woken people up though, myself included. But I absolutely cannot trust "the plan" when everyone keeps repeating catch phrases and generalising non-americans as cucks all while using "America" everywhere "world" should be written.

Q is evidently real in that it's a thing. We don't need jew-sponsored "confirmations" and "proof" requires actual evidence. Two dates being identical on two things is fucking weak.

15900504? ago

Oh Q is real, yes. A real psyop, playing to people's emotions. Dripping just enough to keep people entertained and wanting more.

15901153? ago

They haven't even dropped anything worth a damn either. These insanely speculative threads have provided more useful information than Q ever has. All politics are theatre and they've provided nothing but politics. It keeps the normies in a loop while the juicy but vague quotes seemingly herd those leftover who aren't complete morons.

15901197? ago

Yes. Vague enough that they don't actually say anything of substance, with some disinfo thrown in. All to keep the political tell-a-vision programming going. But to question it makes one a shill or a "leftie", like left vs right even matters. And they think they are the awake ones. LOL.