15908034? ago

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15904344? ago

When I originally saw the "movie" posters it didn't click for me where they are. I think it's likely they're in the hall outside the White House Theater room, in the east wing.

15900429? ago

Trump Grand Troll Master Extraordinaire

15900152? ago

Holy crap, Batman. Now some omni-awol, promise breaking LARP, will re-post that picture on 8chan, and set off another wild set of posts, claiming to be a Q proof. Please, PLEASE, Pelosi/Schumer..... remove Trump/Pence, and save us from LARP-ism. Surely, socialism and marxism can't be as wierds-ville as qtard-ism???

15900519? ago

Copy/paste Shill can copy and paste

15900545? ago

What? Like this? Holy crap, Batman. Now some omni-awol, promise breaking LARP, will re-post that picture on 8chan, and set off another wild set of posts, claiming to be a Q proof. Please, PLEASE, Pelosi/Schumer..... remove Trump/Pence, and save us from global LARP-ism. Surely, socialism, kweerz-ville, tranny-landia, puzzy hat world, and marxism can't be as wierds-ville as qtard-ism???

15900120? ago

Theaters 4 - 5 - 6. What's showing in theaters 1 - 2 - 3?

15903226? ago

Those pornos your mom made where she does DP and bukkake.

15906555? ago

You said you weren't going to make those public.

15902332? ago

My guess was that Movies 1,2,and 3 were the first 2 years of Trump presidency where Sessions cleaned out DOJ,/FBI, grand juries impaneled and indictments sealed, Improved balance of SCOTUS, increased Senate majority, etc, all the things needed to be done to set the stage to show 4, 5, and 6.

15900094? ago



Sanctions, in law and legal definition, are penalties or other means of enforcement used to provide incentives for obedience with the law, or with rules and regulations.[1] Criminal sanctions can take the form of serious punishment, such as corporal or capital punishment, incarceration, or severe fines. Within the civil law context, sanctions are usually monetary fines, levied against a party to a lawsuit or his/her attorney, for violating rules of procedure, or for abusing the judicial process. The most severe sanction in a civil lawsuit is the involuntary dismissal, with prejudice, of a complaining party's cause of action, or of the responding party's answer. This has the effect of deciding the entire action against the sanctioned party without recourse, except to the degree that an appeal or trial de novo may be allowed because of reversible error.

As a noun, the term is usually used in the plural form, even if it only refers to a single event: if a judge fines a party, it is not said that he or she imposed a sanction, but that he or she imposed sanctions.

A judge may sanction a party during a legal proceeding, by which it is implied that he or she imposes penalties. In the United States federal court system, certain types of conduct are sanctionable under Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

Conversely and sometimes confusingly, the word may be used to imply "approve of," especially in an official sense. "The law sanctions such behavior" would imply that the behavior spoken of enjoys the specific approval of law.

To sanction implies make a legal agreement. The word is derived from sanctus, to make holy. A legal agreement or sanction imposes approvals, rules, guidelines and penalties on conduct.

The Sanction is defined as an element associated with an accountability and which corresponds to the consequence resulting from the justification of the realisation (or not) of this accountability..[2]

15900087? ago

Poster was dated Nov. 4th. Q posted the 3 movies NOW playing. Looks like the last movie is about to start!

15900068? ago

Fox & Friends talking about the poster. Presenter does Merkel style hand pose as KellyAnne mentioned sanctions..

Sanctions (and the rest!) for Deep State?

15900066? ago

It said nov.5th is that last year or this year?

15899982? ago


15899876? ago

It's well known in the Q research community that Daily Crusader is a disinfo site. A quick search will confirm it is so. that image might be a fake PS.

15899926? ago

It's not, just checked. It's in the official WH video and the Q drop is real. You're starting to sound a little shilly yourself there, bud

15899993? ago

oh sorry just looked up those sites you are right

15899630? ago

I love our President!

15899604? ago

DailyCrusader = Fake News

15899666? ago

is something wrong in the article?

15899688? ago


15899905? ago

And what is that exactly, that it's run by a jewish Muslim female male felon with all dismissed charges?

15899583? ago

Am I the only one wondering why legit Q confirmations are now coming from a known disinfo site? Red fucking flag.

15899668? ago

is there something wrong with the article?

15899788? ago

Yeah, it's from a disinfo site. The confirmation stands completely on it's own so maybe you can stop being a kike about it.

15900103? ago

So you've proven everything in the article to be fake news?

15899929? ago

Does it hurt you knowing you can only shill on this site by calling people a kike when you yourself are jewish?

15902175? ago

This guy does not deserve his paycheck. He's not even trying. Get rid of him and get someone who will put in some effort.

15902154? ago

Wow, copypasta reply insults. Not even trying are you Shlomo?

Oy vey! The Goyim, they know! Shut it down!!!

15900129? ago

Copy pasta doesn't hurt anyone.

15899485? ago

NOTHING but Cute SOYBOY posts here!--

Anyone do any quick research on what Sanctions and for whom really mean?


Wussy's expecting everyone else to do the work.

15899782? ago

I see you are adding to the research.

15900090? ago

look up soy boy!

15899185? ago

As well as Q drops on Nov 4th 2018, Nov 4th 2008 - Obama stole the election, Nov 4th 1998 - "Enemy of the State" was the most viewed movie.

15899154? ago

Eat shit shills.

15899112? ago

That's bizarre. Did you notice the symbology in the letter 'O' ?

15899882? ago

The "O" is written in the same way it is for Game of Thrones, Winter is Coming (get it, "sanctions are coming"). In the opening episode, the king replaces his chief administrator. I'm wondering if it was a hint about replacing Pence? Couldn't help but notice the poster was directly in front of and facing Pence.

15901651? ago

Very interesting. Thank you. I'll look into that.

15900171? ago

Also notable is the GOT reference to Winter is Coming. They said it and said it and said it the entire show until the very last when it finally did happen. So...it could be Trump telling us that they will eventually pay the price for their treason. Q and the Patriots have been saying it and saying it and saying it....but we don't see the high profile arrests yet. They are possibly telling us that indeed Winter IS Coming for them and nothing will stop it.

15899291? ago

Please elaborate.

15899512? ago

I need to so some further research but I've recently been reading up on occult symbology. I think I read something about the circle and vertical line in some theosophy texts. I'll get back to you if I find it.

15898977? ago

Detaching from the connection of the movie poster, the sanctions against who or what? This coming Nov 4th or past? What happened?

15901442? ago

USA sanctions on Iran’s Oil. 2018

15898855? ago

Daily crusader = news for the swine = Muslim Brotherhood. Twisted fucks.

15899056? ago

Is Daily Crusader jewish or Muslim? I can't seem to get a confirm on this

15900489? ago

Islamic pig = dialy crusader. Think of your mom if you have trouble remembering. Swine

15898880? ago

But that article is 100% true. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence though.....

15900509? ago

Your mom is 100% real. She is still a pig. Islamic swine.

15898842? ago

Dont upvoat Dailycrusader. Jew run disinfo out of Broward. 100% shill

15898875? ago

Don’t tell me how to voat, faggot.

15898943? ago

Fuck off back to reddit you niggerkike

15899065? ago

Does it hurt knowing you can only shill here effectively by calling people a "kike" when you yourself are jewish?

15898964? ago

No, we’re here to stay. Deal with it.

15899179? ago

They day of the rope draws near.

15900874? ago

Gonna need a really long rope to get all the way through the internet, right tough guy?

15901990? ago

You have got to be the weakest troll/shill I have ever encountered. Are you even trying?

15898849? ago

Sgt. Patten is from Broward...

Also, is Daily Crusader a jew, or Muslim? Getting lots of mixed signals here on this one

15902544? ago

Get a new script, kike

15898857? ago

Jew. This has all been covered.

Actually fron broward myself but with all the left wing connections there it would leave me unsurprised that this guy is an operative of some type.

15899060? ago

hang on this guy said Muslim tho so are you sure it's jew? https://voat.co/v/QRV/2949459/15898855

15902552? ago

That was you, faggot

15899169? ago

Yes, sure. We did all the research a month ago including complete dox of site owner operator and criminal record. There is no question. Check dailycrusader posting history for full info.

15899394? ago

It seems questionable though. At first it was a jew felon, then it turned into a fat Arab Muslim girl. Just trying to get clarification on which it is

15900441? ago

The jew. Probably the muslim gil thing is just muddying the water.

15898824? ago

But it’s just a coincidence, right shills? Q can’t possibly be real, could he?

15898779? ago

Daily Crusader is not a reliable source for news and facts.

15900347? ago

No. But The White House is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXYX7imvbeQ

15921942? ago

Always interested in verifiable sources. Thanks.

15898862? ago

Doesn’t change the fact that that poster was on the desk and there was a Q drop on Nov 4 with the other posters. Just a coincidence though, right? Because Q is a LARP, right?

15921997? ago

You missed my point. Daily Crusader is not a reliable source of information. Everything after the poster was on his desk, has zero to do with my post and just your assumptions. Been a Q follower since early Nov 2017 and I trust the Plan. I do not trust Daily Crusader for legitimate news.

15899293? ago

We've said that Q and Trump are connected. What you are not understanding is that Trump is not on our side. It's a fucking limited hangout. Trump is an elite. Wtf are you expecting to happen? Elites to take down elites? Wake up

15899750? ago

What you are not understanding is that Trump is not on our side. It's a fucking limited hangout. Trump is an elite.

And Jewish. So ask -- why are genuine Q confirmations being sourced from a shill site owned by a jew? I am downvoting this domain forever. Every time it's posted I notice the people defending it being oddly persistent with the exact same questions to the critics: "is it wrong though?" and "is dailycrusader ran by a jew or a muslim?"

Something is not right.

15900384? ago

You're trying too fucking hard you fucking clown. Jesus. Would you be happy if OP used the exact same video but from another source? No, you wouldn't. Your tactics of trying to divert attention away from the actual substance is glaringly apparant. Kindly fuck off and come back when you have a better tactic. You're not earning your money shill.

15900041? ago

Remember after 9/11 how we were drilled by the media, Bush, etc about "terrorists" and "terrorism"? These words were said over and over and over again as a way to drill into us that ISIS were/are terrorists and 9/11 was terrorism. It was a programming technique.

Now I see the same thing happening here. Every other comment refers to "patriots" and how great Trump is. The posts saying to ignore the "concernfags" and "shills" are actual shills trying to keep the sheep from getting distracted. WWG1WGA is another herding technique - no one goes astray, we all go together. Then there's the vague riddles that Q speaks in, that people actually spend time making proofs on, when Q has said that disinformation (aka lying) is necessary. How can people put their trust in someone who has openly said they are lying? Why spend time doing proofs if they don't even know the information is true? It doesn't make any fucking sense. It's brainwashing, 100%. Targeting those who aren't awake enough to catch onto it, and the irony is these fuckers think they are more awake than others, and that Q is "waking people up". What a joke.

15900413? ago

I don't think Q holds benevolent power. It has woken people up though, myself included. But I absolutely cannot trust "the plan" when everyone keeps repeating catch phrases and generalising non-americans as cucks all while using "America" everywhere "world" should be written.

Q is evidently real in that it's a thing. We don't need jew-sponsored "confirmations" and "proof" requires actual evidence. Two dates being identical on two things is fucking weak.

15900504? ago

Oh Q is real, yes. A real psyop, playing to people's emotions. Dripping just enough to keep people entertained and wanting more.

15901153? ago

They haven't even dropped anything worth a damn either. These insanely speculative threads have provided more useful information than Q ever has. All politics are theatre and they've provided nothing but politics. It keeps the normies in a loop while the juicy but vague quotes seemingly herd those leftover who aren't complete morons.

15901197? ago

Yes. Vague enough that they don't actually say anything of substance, with some disinfo thrown in. All to keep the political tell-a-vision programming going. But to question it makes one a shill or a "leftie", like left vs right even matters. And they think they are the awake ones. LOL.

15899698? ago

What you are not understanding is that Trump is not on our side. It's a fucking limited hangout. Trump is an elite. Wtf are you expecting to happen? Elites to take down elites?

Everything is speculation at this point. If that's what your inner bullshit detector tells you, trust it. If mine doesn't agree, I'll trust that. People deserve the freedom to hone their inner bullshit detector and discern what rings true for them. Or not.

15899918? ago


15899753? ago

Can't argue with that

15900476? ago

expecting the house to clean itself is stupid.

Are you not doing your part and projecting same on to the rest of us?

What do you propose as far as direct action to take right now?

Also, do you really believe that ending the Fed and tying our economy to gold without bailing out any large banks wouldn't be taking down the elites?


15900606? ago

Are you not doing your part and projecting same on to the rest of us?

Explain please.

What do you propose as far as direct action to take right now?

Not expecting someone else to drip feed you info and do the work for you is a great start. I would suggest continuing to educate yourself and questioning everything. Assume everyone is lying and fact check everything. Get up to date on methods that the elites use to manipulate others. Continue helping people around you to learn. Whatever happens needs to be a coordinated mass effort, or else it will get snuffed out. But expecting an elite in DC to lead said effort will get you nowhere. It's time to break your dependence on people in power to do the work for you.

Also, do you really believe that ending the Fed and tying our economy to gold without bailing out any large banks wouldn't be taking down the elites?

First off, I will believe that shit when I see it. I really doubt anyone is going to successfully and truly end the Fed. But, lets say it happens. The elites don't just keep all of their money in cash, they keep it in assets and gold for if/when currency crashes. So, no, I don't think it would necessarily take down the elites. Put a dent in their pockets maybe, but not take them down. Also, you need to remember Trump IS an elite. He is not going to do anything to threaten his wallet.

15900940? ago

Not take down Fed. Restructure.

15901167? ago

Restructuring could go either way, good or bad. But either way, all of the elite's money AND assets will need to be seized. Like I said, Trump is an elite too. He's not going to risk losing his empire.

15900708? ago

In other words all projection. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Not sure how to be more clear:

You PROJECTED "But expecting the house to clean itself is stupid." so I asked if you're not doing your part and then projecting that on to the rest of us? Not hard to figure out when you're not feigning patriotism in order to regurgitate divisive bullshit to people you think can't see through you for a paycheck.

15900795? ago

Um, no, not quite. I'm saying you can't expect the house to clean itself, plain and simple. It won't happen. Common sense. Same reason you can't expect the CIA (just as an example) to investigate itself. The interests of the elites are different from yours.

15900909? ago

Apologies if you're not a shill, there's so much projection in your straw man argument comments that it's hard to believe you're not a leftie masquerading as a patriot to try to sow division and eventually incite violence to use as an excuse to blame the next FF on a "Qtard."

15901147? ago

How is anything that I've said projection? What are my straw man arguments? You're gonna have to be more specific than that. I'm not a shill, and the fact that you still think left vs right matters proves my point even more. You are still being fooled by political theater. There is no left vs right, democrats vs Republicans. That shit is all for show. It's all the same at the top.

Again with the "patriot" programming term. And where have I ever incited violence? Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

15902094? ago

Focusing on what the straw men on the boards are doing rather than your own self is projection. The below is not direct action to fix the problem we're discussing ("But expecting the house to clean itself is stupid.") it's just your absolute bullshit projections of false assumptions that you're somehow talking to people dumber than you who don't do these things so inherently that we don't need to talk about them — just because you can't stand the fact that Q subs get more traffic? Is all of this just a manifestation of envy and jealousy?

Your "direct action" includes nothing constructive to "clean the house" — most shills feign patriotism to try to sound reasonable and then call for violent action rather than paying attention and trusting the plan. If you aren't into Q and hate President Trump, go shit all over some other board because you're posting nothing but projection that everyone but the projector can see.

What do you propose as far as direct action to take right now?

Not expecting someone else to drip feed you info and do the work for you is a great start. I would suggest continuing to educate yourself and questioning everything. Assume everyone is lying and fact check everything. Get up to date on methods that the elites use to manipulate others. Continue helping people around you to learn. Whatever happens needs to be a coordinated mass effort, or else it will get snuffed out. But expecting an elite in DC to lead said effort will get you nowhere. It's time to break your dependence on people in power to do the work for you.

15902822? ago

Focusing on what the straw men on the boards are doing rather than your own self is projection.

Literally nothing in that statement makes sense. Do you even know what a strawman argument is, or do you just like using words that make you feel smart? Do you know what projection is?

The below is not direct action to fix the problem we're discussing

So I can't point out issues with Q or Trump without having an answer on how to save the world? What a logical argument that is.

your absolute bullshit projections of false assumptions that you're somehow talking to people dumber than you who don't do these things so inherently that we don't need to talk about them

You've shown that you have no grasp on the vocabulary that you use, and you are following an anon on the internet who has openly admitting to LYING to you. You're proving yourself to be the stupid one here, I don't need to do that for you.

just because you can't stand the fact that Q subs get more traffic? Is all of this just a manifestation of envy and jealousy?

THIS is a strawman argument. I have not made any statement regarding the amount of traffic the Q subs receive.

Your last paragraph can be answered in my statements above. You have no idea what projection even is. This shit is hilarious. Please, do continue. You are proving your own ignorance.

15903972? ago

just because you can't stand the fact that Q subs get more traffic? Is all of this just a manifestation of envy and jealousy?

THIS is a strawman argument. I have not made any statement regarding the amount of traffic the Q subs receive.

LOL, you're the one who can't differentiate between asking a question and attacking a straw man. ^^No questions in any of your ridiculous attacks on your own projection screen. Keep preaching from atop that delusional high ground, it's comedy gold.

15905101? ago

Nope, you went ahead and made the assumption that this was all because I can't stand how much traffic the Q subs get. You pulled that out of your ass, I never said anything about it. That's a straw man argument. Again, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. But yes, you're quite right, this is comedy gold.

15908663? ago

I was being as kind as possible faggot and asked a question. Instead of answering (why are you here?) you draw a false correlation. A good overeducated regurgitator. Bravo.

Admit it. Schadenfreude.

15903855? ago

The posts speak for themselves. Go drag some other anon into a time sinkhole over the false assumptions you weave into a dumb scarecrow and then proudly attack your own projection of its stupidity.

15903909? ago

The posts speak for themselves.

Yes, they do. We finally agree on something.

15904025? ago

What we don't agree on, apparently, is allowing people to discern for themselves. Why are you so triggered by people on the Q subs that you have to project that they're the stupid brainwashed ones who need to be saved from being led down the wrong path because you know better than everyone else?

Discern for yourself and live by it. Let others do the same.

15905201? ago

I never said I don't agree with people discerning for themselves. I have said that I don't agree with the complete foolery that is behind Q. I do think it's important to use logic in one's everyday life, something you're clearly not used to.

You want to know my motive for coming here? Here it is: we have no fucking chance at changing shit in DC much less anywhere in the world if this shit continues. You guys are getting sidetracked and further brainwashed by a psyop that will prevent things from actually happening. I want to see change. I want the elites gone and out of power. I want things to be set right. But getting fooled by this nonsense is going to prevent that from happening. I want you people to wake the fuck up so we can actually come together and do something. And, no, that is not a call for violence. It's just a call for change.

15908544? ago

Except that when I asked what direct action you'd recommend to facilitate change, it was just mental bullshit and stuff we're already doing, no constructive action or plan to change anything. Bloviate all you want, you're not here for any constructive purpose. Schadenfreude at best.

15899344? ago

Why do you say that? What points you to that conclusion? If the elite wanted control,why elect Trump who speaks against them and their policies? Why do a psyop like Q? That would be the dumbest, most risky move they could make. Why wake up a populace that is largely asleep? Their discrediting of “conspiracy theorists” has been wildly successful. Why not continue with their plan and put Hillary in? This whole thing is a honeypot you say? They don’t need that - they already have that with Google, Facebook, the NSA etc.... that theory makes absolutely zero sense.

15899827? ago

Q isn't waking anyone up. It's designed to bring the sheep back into the herd. It's a limited hangout - meaning the real action will never be brought to light, just some smaller things to keep people satiated. Q would not still be posting if "they" weren't okay with it. Same with Trump - he would not be in the white house if "they" weren't okay with it. It's political theater, targeting the semi-educated who want change. I suggest you read Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power - there is a great chapter about how to create a cult, and Qanon follows along with this completely.

If you are herding sheep, and some on the edges start to wander away for whatever reason, you will do something to bring them back, no? That's what Q is. Something to keep the sheep herded in.

I never said honeypot. You are not familiar with your psyop terms - I expected as much from a Q follower (note my use of the term "semi-educated" above). I said limited hangout. Different concept. It means to distract people with something small while business continues in the back.

15903611? ago

Everyone was already in the herd. People were already herded in. This won’t make people more compliant- it’s the opposite.

Also, I know exactly what a honeypot- I was trying to cover some of the other reasons you people give to try to discredit .

15900581? ago

To think they can murder thousands in California with a DEW but can't remove one president is hilarious. JFK was actually killed because he wasn't a fraud. Trump would already be history if ((they)) really wanted it.

15900631? ago

Same with Q. If he was actually a threat, he wouldn't still be posting. They've hunted down and killed people for less.

15900440? ago

I see you are fully educated.

You're showing your stripes again.

And you're not earning your paycheck. Try harder. You've been here for way too long. Go try somewhere else maybe. You might find success outside of this board. With all your education, it shouldn't be hard to move out of the basement and get out there on your own.

15900471? ago

Um, what? Ad hominem attacks are great but why don't you try refuting what I've said instead of just assuming I'm a shill. Your brainwashing is showing.

15901317? ago

Try debating the substance of the post, not your opinion. Start there shill.

15901446? ago

I debated the substance of the comment I responded to. Fortunately I don't need your approval to do that.

Again, I'm still waiting on your argument to my comment as opposed to me personally. Can you even formulate one, or does your underdeveloped brain automatically go into a shill panic whenever someone says something against Q? And you guys wonder why you get called Qtards. Use your words, formulate an actual debate, or expect to be laughed at.

15904433? ago

Go back and read idiot. You want to debate the substance of this post then I'm all ears. You having to go to a forum to try and prove your superior intellect is just sad. Your inferiority complex is screaming through your shill tactics.

15905228? ago

I didn't respond to the post. I responded to a comment on the post. Therefore I don't need to debate the substance of the post, just of the comment I responded to, which I did. The substance of my comment doesn't depend on what your pretty little eyes want to read.


Yeah yeah yeah. They've programmed you pretty damn well. Kudos to them.

15899625? ago

Because it's all a big joke to the elites. They already have full and total control and have had it for all of recorded history, which they also wrote and continue to revise at will, btw.

Everything that happens in the broader news sphere outside your daily life is to fuck with you for their entertainment.

15898844? ago

so what IS reliable for you CNN? gtfo lmao

15922019? ago

No. But Daily Crusader is not reliable.
Nor is your assumption.

15899164? ago

It’s probably Stormfront....

15899305? ago

What's wrong with Stormfront? White men who wanna save their respective nations. This a problem for you, Moshe?

15898809? ago

ooooof lmao, let me guess, next you'll tell me all about how Daily Crusader is run by a jewish guy from Broward who is also a fat Arabic Muslim felon girl?

15922102? ago

BTW, you need to get back on your meds. You seem incoherent.

15898784? ago

Is the article wrong, or are you just a jew upset that Daily Crusader routinely names the jew?

15922062? ago

I didn't say the article was wrong. Frankly, at the time I didn't know one way or the other. But Daily Crusader is not a reliable source for news. Devout Christian here which proves that you are prone to jumping to wrong conclusions. Not a good trait for succeeding in life or for posting comments.

15899195? ago

Daily crusader is run by a jew. Please do your homework and stop giving this shill clicks.

15899310? ago

is Daily Crusader run by a jew or a Muslim?

15900448? ago

Jew. Broward. Felon. Get it straight.

15898756? ago

Was that real or a PS?

15898868? ago

Oh, it’s real. And the Q drop from Nov 4 is real, too

15898768? ago

the link to the official WH video is in the article, and you can see the poster from the first second of the video


15898711? ago

I noticed the poster but didn't make the connection. I did think it was kind of weird tbh insane

15903508? ago

I found it embarrassing.

15898718? ago

same, i thought it was just POTUS being cheeky but I guess not, should've figured there's always an angle with him. this ride never ends!!!

15898706? ago

Just more confirm for all you "Q is a kike operation" losers...

15899283? ago

This poster was originally created with a November 5th date and was changed to the 4th for this meeting, pointing directly to the three movie posters in the November 4th Q post. No coincidences. Definitely a message to anons.

15900524? ago

I agree. I do believe the movie is in full motion at this point. Darkness is being brought to light.

15899885? ago

"Trafficking", "Panic in DC" and "FISAgate"

15898931? ago

If I had a $10 dollars for every time you acted like a fag, how many dollars would I have?

15900044? ago


15899620? ago

^ ^ ^

Projecting anxiety over its lack of earnings power, tries to divert away from a TRUE statement.



15900988? ago

You really need to stop using those arrows and typing like that.

Just like the last time, and the time before that. "^ ^ ^" followed by accusing someone who disagrees a shill and caps raging some very forced insults. You are acting as controlled opposition while at the same time advancing the false narrative that the community calls anyone who disagrees with them "a shill."

You need a new persona and approach. Because this feels so forced; it's not organic at all. It feels like a focus group power point copypasta once you've seen it a few times. http://www.niemanlab.org/images/steve-buscemi-hello-fellow-kids-700x394.jpg You're going to have to try a lot harder than this if you're going to try to fake it.

Don't underestimate autism. We obsess over the smallest details and have nothing else better to do with our time.

15982804? ago

^ ^ ^


15899059? ago

six gorillion

15899051? ago

why are jew shills always thinking about gay stuff and money?

15899187? ago

Oy vey, the Goyim know! Shut it down!

15898832? ago

So now Q is a kike? You shills are desperate as hell, almost panicking it seems. Fuck off .

15898840? ago

Sorry what I meant was, it's confirm that Q is REAL, for all the loser faggots claiming Q is a kike... I could've worded it better lol

15898846? ago

Oh. Gotcha. Sorry I told you to fuck off. Lol

15899052? ago

no worries lmao, we on the same side fam

15898704? ago

Wow... Crazy connection!!!

15898707? ago

how will the blackpilled shills cope?

15899374? ago

They will call us niggerkikes and claim Trump is deepstate.

15899423? ago

Funny given that the shills are jews LOL

15898732? ago

inb4 "Q is a mossad psyop" faggots hop in