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15833888? ago

Already noted they're lying about a lot of this site proven here /v/QRV/2893439 and below is Putt trying to bury any mention of it in other posts.

Just like on rebbit, it's burred because "they" don't want you to question voat or Putt.

Here's PuttItOut lying about it and giving a bullshit excuse. Anyone that knows how to code knows this is a lie but it's literally the lowest comment in the post.

We don't log IP, we generate a hash based on a few things and compare those. I'd have to look at the code but I think it's impossible for us to reverse an IP from what we store.

But even this is useless and we will be removing this code when we get around to it.

If you're worried about IP addresses please use a VPN. Actually, always use a VPN.

Also, nice assumptions there, but like usual, wrong.

We don't log IP, we generate a hash based on a few things and compare those. I'd have to look at the code but I think it's impossible for us to reverse an IP from what we store.

Sorry Put I see no way to believe this. Only thing in common is the IP. Different OS, browser, even LAN, only common thing was the public IP. The accounts were registered months apart and upvote attempts were hours apart. You might hash the IP so it's "cryptic" but still nothing else in common to let a remote system determine it was same user.

If you're worried about IP addresses please use a VPN. Actually, always use a VPN.

I'm not worried about the IP, you inferring this implies you didn't read /v/ideasforvoat/2887109 which suggested you retain the first 3 octets of users IP to identify vote/user farming. I'm more worried about the blatant lying.

Also, nice assumptions there, but like usual, wrong.

Nice of you to have "open source" > 1 year old that has none of the features questioned in the code. Assumptions don't come from verifying someone is lying. You're still just making excuses to cover it up